# Adoped from Pinsky-Rinzel CA3 pyramidal cell model # # Pinsky and Rinzel, J Comput Neurosci 1994;1:39-60. # K(ATP) channel was inserted into the model. # Parameters for K(ATP) channels were from Koyto model # Matsuoka et al. Prog Biophys Mol Biol 2004;85:279-299. # # stochastic simulation of flunctuations in intracellular ATP # initial conditions init Vs=-60, Vd=-60, s=0.185 wiener w # Parameter values par ip0=0.75 par gLs=0.1 gLd=0.1 gNa=30 gKdr=15 gCa=9 gKahp=0.8 gKC=15 par VNa=60 VCa=80 VK=-75 VL=-60 Vsyn=0 par gc=2.1 pp=0.5 Cm=3 par alphac=2 betac=0.1 par tstim=4.0e3 n=500 par gkatp=0.0236*(4^0.24) par init_atp=0.1 final_atp=0.5 par natp=10 iatp=if(t<tstim)then(init_atp)else(final_atp) # Pyramidal cell functions ICad = gCa*sd*sd*(Vd-VCa) alphams(v) = 0.32*(-46.9-v)/(exp((-46.9-v)/4.0)-1.0) betams(v) = 0.28*(v+19.9)/(exp((v+19.9)/5.0)-1.0) Minfs(v) = alphams(v)/(alphams(v)+betams(v)) alphans(v) = 0.016*(-24.9-v)/(exp((-24.9-v)/5.0)-1.0) betans(v) = 0.25*exp(-1.0-0.025*v) alphahs(v) = 0.128*exp((-43.0-v)/18.0) betahs(v) = 4.0/(1.0+exp((-20.0-v)/5.0)) alphasd(v) = 1.6/(1.0+exp(-0.072*(v-5.0))) betasd(v) = 0.02*(v+8.9)/(exp((v+8.9)/5.0)-1.0) alphacd(v) = (1.0-heav(v+10.0))*exp((v+50.0)/11-(v+53.5)/27)/18.975+heav(v+10.0)*2.0*exp((-53.5-v)/27.0) betacd(v) = (1.0-heav(v+10.0))*(2.0*exp((-53.5-v)/27.0)-alphacd(v)) alphaqd = min(0.00002*Cad,0.01) betaqd = 0.001 chid = min(Cad/250.0,1.0) # Level of intracellular ATP concentration poatp = 0.8/(1+(iatp*s/0.023)^2) # Stochastics par alphas=1, taus=100, noise=1, s0=0.2 betas = alphas*(1/s0 - 1) varnoise=sqrt((alphas*(1 - s)+betas*s)/(taus*natp)) # Output cols are t, ODEs, AUXs in order, here: # t versus vd cad hs ns sd cd qd gqk gkc Vs'=(-gLs*(Vs-VL)-gNa*(Minfs(Vs)^2)*hs*(Vs-VNa)-gKdr*ns*(Vs-VK)-gkatp*natp*poatp*(Vs-VK)+(gc/pp)*(Vd-Vs)+Ip0/pp)/Cm Vd'=(-gLd*(Vd-VL)-ICad-gKahp*qd*(Vd-VK)-gKC*cd*chid*(Vd-VK)-gkatp*natp*poatp*(Vd-VK)+(gc*(Vs-Vd))/(1.0-pp))/Cm Cad'= -0.13*ICad-0.075*Cad hs'= alphahs(Vs)-(alphahs(Vs)+betahs(Vs))*hs ns'= alphans(Vs)-(alphans(Vs)+betans(Vs))*ns sd'= alphasd(Vd)-(alphasd(Vd)+betasd(Vd))*sd cd'= alphacd(Vd)-(alphacd(Vd)+betacd(Vd))*cd qd'= alphaqd-(alphaqd+betaqd)*qd s' = (alphas*(1-s)-betas*s)/taus + noise*w*varnoise # auxiliary equationns aux Ica=ICad aux gkq = gKahp*qd aux gkc = gKC*cd*chid aux ikatp = gkatp*natp*poatp*(Vs-VK) aux iatp=iatp*s # For stochastics, CVODE can not be used. @ maxstor=1000000, total=1.0e4, bounds=10000, xlo=0, xhi=1.0e4, ylo=-90, yhi=60 @ meth=Euler, atol=1e-10, toler=1e-10, dt=0.05 done