This is the readme.txt for the models associated with the paper Huang CW, Huang CC, Wu SN. Activation by zonisamide, a newer anti-epileptic drug, of large-conductance calcium-activated potassium channel in differentiated hippocampal neuron-derived H19-7 cells. J Pharmacol Expt Ther 2006 [Epub ahead of print] (DOI:10.1124/jpet.106.116954). Abstract: Zonisamide (ZNS), a synthetic benzisoxazole derivative, has been used as an alternative choice in the treatment of epilepsy with a better efficacy and safety profile. However, little is known regarding the mechanism of ZNS actions on ion currents in neurons. We thus investigated its effect on ion currents in differentiated hippocampal 19-7 cells. The ZNS (30 uM) reversibly increased the amplitude of K+ outward currents and paxilline (1 uM) was effective in suppressing ZNS-induced increase of K+ outward currents. In inside-out configuration, ZNS (30 uM) applied to the intracellular face of the membrane did not alter single-channel conductance; however, it did enhance the activity of large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (BKCa) channels primarily by decreasing mean closed time. The EC50 value for ZNS-stimulated BKCa channels was 34 uM. This drug caused a left shift in the activation curve of BKCa channels with no change in the gating charge of these channels. ZNS at a concentration greater than 100 uM also reduced the amplitude of A-type K+ current in these cells. A simulation modeling based on hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons (Pinsky-Rinzel model) was also analyzed to investigate the inhibitory effect of ZNS on the firing of simulated action potentials. Taken together, this study suggests that in hippocampal neurons, during the exposure to ZNS, the ZNS-mediated effects on BKCa channels and IA could be one of the ionic mechanisms through which it affects neuronal excitability. --- To run the models: XPP: start with the command xpp ode\Neuron_ZNS.ode This simulation will make graph similar to figure 8:in the paper of Huang et al. From Xi vs t, type ina or ikca to check sodium or calcium-activated potassium currents. Bard Ermentrout's website describes how to get and use xpp. These model files were submitted by: Drs. Sheng-Nan Wu and Chin-Wei Huang National Cheng Kung University Medical Center Tainan 70101, Taiwan