
% Script for testing code associated with

'Effcts of Polarization Induced by Non-Weak Electric Fields on the Excitability of Elongated Neurons With Active Dendrites'

First define parameters for the model neuron:

Isinj=-0.5; % \muA/cm^{2}
Ek=-35; % mV


% Any of the PR model parameters can be changed at anytime as
% will overwrite default values.the order of varargin is
% {E_{Na},\rho,g_{c},g_{KAHP},g_{KC},Idinj}
aPR = 

             Cm: 3
             gL: 0.1000
            gNa: 30
           gKDR: 15
            gKC: 15
          gKAHP: 0.8000
            gCa: 10
            ENa: []
             Ek: -35
             EL: 0
            ECa: 140
              p: 0.5000
             gc: 2.1000
            WRT: -60
           Vsyn: 60
           MaxS: 125
          Isinj: -0.5000
          Idinj: 0
    TotMembArea: 6.0000e-06
          Units: [1x1 struct]
      RDSinOhms: 7.9365e+07
     RDSinMOhms: 79.3651

Run script for creating Fig. 3 TTFS as a function of polarization 4 Ek-M pairs with linear fit

ans =


ans =


Error using regress (line 62)
Y must be a vector and must have the same number of rows as X.

Error in Fig3_EffectsNonWeakFit_db (line 112)

Error in Test_Code (line 18)