1. Download and install CellDesigner4.4.2 , if not already installed. 

2. Download and install Java 1.8 , if not installed already. 

3. Locate CellDesigner installed folder in the computer. (Default path will be  “C:\Program Files\CellDesigner4.4.2”).

4. Download CellDesigner 4.4 Google Summer of Code edition, celldesigner.jar from the following link and replace it with the default celldesigner.jar which is located in the CellDesigner installed folder. 
Link: http://www.celldesigner.org/~funa/GSoC/celldesigner.jar

5. Download and copy the file “SBMLsqueezer_v2.0.1_incl-libs” (7250KB) in the plugin folder, from the link:


6. Rename the old file name as “SBML-squeezer…_back” or something similar so that old file will have a different name from the new file.

7. Download “jsbml-1.1-a1-incl-libs.jar” from the following link and rename the downloaded file to “jsbml-1.0-incl-libs.jar”

Link: http:// www.cogsys.cs.uni-tuebingen.de/software/SBMLsqueezer/downloads/jsbml-1. 1-a1-incl-libs.jar 

8. Copy the renamed file “jsbml-1.0-incl-libs.jar” into the lib folder. 

9. Restart the CellDesigner.