% readme.txt for OlfactmodelBioSystems %%%

The archive OlfactmodelBioSystems.zip contains matlab files that
simulate the model for Antennal lobe model that we developed and
reported in the paper:

Oscillation and coding in a formal neural network considered as a
guide for plausible simulations of the insect olfactory system.
Horcholle-Bossavit G, Quenet B, Foucart O.
Biosystems. 2007;89(1-3):244-56. 

Please cite this paper if you publish any research results obtained
with this code or any modified versions of this code.

Copy all the m-files to a single directory

The Matlab scripts

   Fig2.m   Fig3.m   Fig4.m   Fig5.m   Fig6.m   Fig7.m

can be run to generate figures like those of Horcholle-Bossavit et

Note that the stochastic models will give slightly different results
every time they are run, so the figures generated with this code will
not match the published figures exactly.

A random simulation trial can be run with Progsim.m

A single simulation with results corresponding to a specific value of
NED can be run with Simulnum.m