% Pbmodel1.m
% 1D Linear Cochlear Model for the gerbil
% R. Naidu and D. Mountain
% Cochlear Biophysics Laboratory
% Boston University Hearing Research Center
% The model computes Pressure difference and the BM volume
% velocity by picking a number for the fluid volume velocity
% through the helicotrema and then working back towards
% the base. At each section the fluid volume velocity is computed
% by adding the fluid volume velocity from the previous section to
% the basilar membrane volume velocity. The pressure drop across the
% fluid due to this velocity is then computed and added to the pressure
% difference across the cochlear partition. Since the model is linear,
% the results above can then be scaled to the pressure difference at the
% stapes.
%The following are for gerbil, other frequency-place maps are available at:
% http://earlab.bu.edu/anatomy/cochlea/freq_place_maps/Greenwood.htm
L = 1.21; % length of cochlea (cm)
a = 398.; %Greenwood coefficient
b = 2.2; %Greenwood coefficient
k = 0.631; %Greenwood coefficient
N = 512; % No. of sections
T = L/N; % spatial step size
rho = 1.02; % Fluid density (gm/cm^3)
P = zeros(1,N); % Pressure difference array (dyne/cm)
Zp = zeros(1,N); % Cochlear Partition Impedance array (cgs Ohms)
Vbm= zeros(1,N); % Basilar membrane volume velocity array (cm^3/s)
% To get to mechanical velocity (cm/s), this needs to be mulitiplied
% by 1/(T*Wbm) where Wbm is the effective width of the BM
f = input('Frequency of tone ==>');
q = input('Quality factor (try 10) ==>');
w = 2*pi*f;
for i = 1:N % Compute model parameters
Wbm(i) = 0.0175; %Width of the BM (cm)
y(i) = 0.01; %Thickness of the organ of Corti (cm)
As(i) = .0002; %Cross-sectional area of scalae (cm^2)
Q(i) = q; %Quality factor of the RLC circuit
x(i) = i*T; %Distance from base (cm)
Ls(i) = rho*T/As(i); %Mass of scalae
CF(i) = a*(10^(((L-x(i))/L)*b) - k); %Frequency-place map
Cbm(i) = exp(-30.9 + 4.04*x(i)); %Volume compliance of cochlear partition
Lbm(i) = 1/(Cbm(i)*(2*pi*CF(i))^2); %Effective Mass of cochlear partition
Rbm(i) = (1/Q(i))*(Lbm(i)/Cbm(i))^0.5; %viscous resistance of cochlear partition
%Cochlear partition impedance
Zp(i) = (-w^2*Lbm(i)*Cbm(i) + 1 + Rbm(i)*j*w*Cbm(i))/(j*w*Cbm(i)); %j = sqrt(-1)
% define the conditions at the helicotrema modeling it as a resistance:
Rh = (Ls(N)/Cbm(N))^0.5; %Match the cochlear impedance
Vh = 1; %Pick a velocity at the helicotrema
Ph = Rh*Vh;
for i = N:-1:1 % Start from the apex and solve for P and vBM
if i == N
P(i) = Ph; % Boundary conditions at helicotrema
V(i) = Vh + P(i)/Zp(i);
P(i) = P(i+1) + V(i+1)*j*w*Ls(i+1);
V(i) = V(i+1) + P(i)/Zp(i);
Vbm(i)= P(i)/Zp(i);
norm_Vbm = abs(Vbm)/abs(P(1)); % Scale for input pressure of 1 dyne/cm^2 inside stapes
norm_P = abs(P)/abs(P(1)); % which corresponds to approximately 40 dB SPL
norm_Zp = abs(Zp);
MagFig=figure; %Start generating the magnitude figure (assume 1024x768 display
set(MagFig, 'Position',[5 200 500 500]) %Position it on the left side of screen
semilogy(x, norm_Vbm);
axis([0 1.4 1e-10 1e-6]);
ylabel('BM Volume Velocity');
title('Magnitude (cgs units)');
semilogy(x, norm_P);
axis([0 1.4 0.01 1]);
ylabel('Pressure Difference');
semilogy(x, norm_Zp);
axis([0 1.4 1e6 1e10]);
xlabel('Distance from Base (cm)');
ylabel('CP Impedance');
PhaseFig=figure; %Start generating the magnitude figure (assume 1024x768 display
set(PhaseFig, 'Position',[512 200 500 500]) %Position it on the left side of screen
plot(x, theta_Vbm);
%axis([0 1.4 -5 5]);
ylabel('BM Velocity');
title('Phase (radians)');
plot(x, theta_P);
%axis([0 1.4 -4 0 ]);
ylabel('Pressure Difference');
plot(x, theta_Zp);
axis([0 1.4 -2 2]);
xlabel('Distance from Base (cm)');
ylabel('CP Impedance');