NetPyNE version of Potjans and Diesmann thalamocortical network
netParams.py -- contains the network parameters (netParams object)
from netpyne import specs
import numpy as np
from cfg import cfg
# Reescaling function (move to separate module?)
def Reescale(ScaleFactor, C, N_Full, w_p, f_ext, tau_syn, Inp, InpDC):
if ScaleFactor<1.0:
# This is a good approximation of the F_out param for the Balanced option "True".
# Note for the Balanced=False option, it should be possible to calculate a better approximation.
F_out=np.array([0.860, 2.600, 4.306, 5.396, 8.142, 8.188, 0.941, 7.3])
Ncon=np.vstack(np.column_stack(0 for i in range(0,8)) for i in range(0,8))
for r in range(0,8):
for c in range(0,8):
Ncon[r][c]=(np.log(1.-C[r][c])/np.log(1. -1./(N_Full[r]*N_Full[c])) ) /N_Full[r]
w=w_p*np.column_stack(np.vstack( [1.0, -4.0] for i in range(0,8)) for i in range(0,4))
x1_all = w * Ncon * F_out
x1_sum = np.sum(x1_all, axis=1)
x1_ext = w_p * Inp * f_ext
I_ext=np.column_stack(0 for i in range(0,8))
I_ext = 0.001 * tau_syn * (
(1. - np.sqrt(ScaleFactor)) * x1_sum +
(1. - np.sqrt(ScaleFactor)) * x1_ext)
InpDC=np.sqrt(ScaleFactor)*InpDC*w_p*f_ext*tau_syn*0.001 #pA
w_p=w_p/np.sqrt(ScaleFactor) #pA
N_=[int(ScaleFactor*N) for N in N_Full]
return InpDC, N_, w_p
# Network Constants
# Frequency of external input
f_ext=8.0 # (Hz)
# Postsynaptic current time constant
tau_syn=0.5 # (ms)
# Membrane time constant
tau_m=10 # (ms)
# Other constants defined inside .mod
#Absolute refractory period
tauref =2 (ms)
#Reset potential
Vreset = -65 (mV) : -49 (mV) :
#Fixed firing threshold
Vteta = -50 (mV)'''
# Membrane capacity
C_m=250 #pF
# Mean amplitude of the postsynaptic potential (in mV).
# Mean amplitude of the postsynaptic potential (in pA).
w_p= (((C_m) ** (-1) * tau_m * tau_syn / (
tau_syn - tau_m) * ((tau_m / tau_syn) ** (
- tau_m / (tau_m - tau_syn)) - (tau_m / tau_syn) ** (
- tau_syn / (tau_m - tau_syn)))) ** (-1))
w_p=w_v*w_p #(pA)
#C probability of connection
C=np.array([[0.1009, 0.1689, 0.0437, 0.0818, 0.0323, 0., 0.0076, 0.],
[0.1346, 0.1371, 0.0316, 0.0515, 0.0755, 0., 0.0042, 0.],
[0.0077, 0.0059, 0.0497, 0.135, 0.0067, 0.0003, 0.0453, 0.],
[0.0691, 0.0029, 0.0794, 0.1597, 0.0033, 0., 0.1057, 0.],
[0.1004, 0.0622, 0.0505, 0.0057, 0.0831, 0.3726, 0.0204, 0.],
[0.0548, 0.0269, 0.0257, 0.0022, 0.06, 0.3158, 0.0086, 0.],
[0.0156, 0.0066, 0.0211, 0.0166, 0.0572, 0.0197, 0.0396, 0.2252],
[0.0364, 0.001, 0.0034, 0.0005, 0.0277, 0.008, 0.0658, 0.1443]])
#Population size N
L=['L2e', 'L2i', 'L4e', 'L4i', 'L5e', 'L5i', 'L6e', 'L6i']
N_Full=np.array([20683, 5834, 21915, 5479, 4850, 1065, 14395, 2948, 902])
# Number of Input per Layer
Inp=np.array([1600, 1500, 2100, 1900, 2000, 1900, 2900, 2100])
if cfg.Balanced == False:
InpUnb=np.array([2000, 1850, 2000, 1850, 2000, 1850, 2000, 1850])
# Reescaling calculation
if cfg.DC == True:
if cfg.Balanced== False:
if cfg.Balanced== False:
InpDC, N_, w_p = Reescale(cfg.ScaleFactor, C, N_Full, w_p, f_ext, tau_syn, Inp, InpDC)
# NetPyNE Network Parameters (netParams)
netParams = specs.NetParams() # object of class NetParams to store the network parameters
netParams.delayMin_e = 1.5
netParams.ddelay = 0.5
netParams.delayMin_i = 0.75
netParams.weightMin = w_p
netParams.dweight = 0.1
# Populations parameters
# population locations
# from Schmidt et al 2018, PLoS Comp Bio, Macaque V1
netParams.sizeX = 300 # x-dimension (horizontal length) size in um
netParams.sizeY = 1470 # y-dimension (vertical height or cortical depth) size in um
netParams.sizeZ = 300 # z-dimension (horizontal depth) size in um
netParams.shape = 'cylinder' # cylindrical (column-like) volume
popDepths = [[0.08, 0.27], [0.08, 0.27], [0.27, 0.58], [0.27, 0.58], [0.58, 0.73], [0.58, 0.73], [0.73, 1.0], [0.73, 1.0]]
# create populations
for i in range(0,8):
netParams.popParams[L[i]] = {'cellType': str(L[i]), 'numCells': int(N_[i]), 'cellModel': 'IntFire_PD', 'm':0, 'Iext':float(InpDC[i]), 'ynormRange': popDepths[i] }
# To atualization of Point Neurons
netParams.popParams['bkg_IF'] = {'numCells': 1, 'cellModel': 'NetStim','rate': 40000, 'start':0.0, 'noise': 0.0, 'delay':0}
# External input parameters
if cfg.DC == False: # External Input as Poisson
for r in range(0,8):
netParams.popParams['poiss'+str(L[r])] = {
'numCells': N_[r],
'cellModel': 'NetStim',
'rate': InpPoiss[r]*f_ext,
'start': 0.0,
'noise': 1.0,
'delay': 0}
netParams.connParams['poiss->'+str(L[r])] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'poiss'+str(L[r])},
'postConds': {'pop': L[r]},
'connList': auxConn.T,
'weight': 'max(0, weightMin+normal(0,dweight*weightMin))',
'delay': 0.5} # 1 delay
# Thalamus Input: increased of 15Hz that lasts 10 ms
# 0.15 fires in 10 ms each 902 cells -> number of spikes = T*f*N_ = 0.15*902 -> 1 spike each N_*0.15
if cfg.TH == True:
fth=15 #Hz
Tth=10 #ms
InTH=[0, 0, 93, 84, 0, 0, 47, 34]
for r in [2,3,6,7]:
netParams.popParams['bkg_TH'+str(L[r])] = {'numCells': N_[r], 'cellModel': 'NetStim','rate': 2*(1000*nTH)/Tth , 'start': 200.0, 'noise': 1.0, 'number': nTH, 'delay':0}
netParams.connParams['bkg_TH->'+str(L[r])] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'bkg_TH'+str(L[r])},
'postConds': {'pop': L[r]},
'connList': auxConn.T,
'weight':'max(0, weightMin +normal(0,dweight*weightMin))',
'delay': 0.5} # 1 delay
# Connectivity parameters
for r in range(0,8):
for c in range(0,8):
if (c % 2) == 0:
if c == 2 and r == 0:
netParams.connParams[str(L[c])+'->'+str(L[r])] = {
'preConds': {'pop': L[c]}, # conditions of presyn cells
'postConds': {'pop': L[r]}, # conditions of postsyn cells
'divergence': cfg.ScaleFactor*(np.log(1.-C[r][c])/np.log(1. -1./(N_Full[r]*N_Full[c])) ) /N_Full[c],
'weight':'2*max(0, weightMin +normal(0,dweight*weightMin))', # synaptic weight
'delay':'max(0.1, delayMin_e +normal(0,ddelay*delayMin_e))', # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams[str(L[c])+'->'+str(L[r])] = {
'preConds': {'pop': L[c]}, # conditions of presyn cells
'postConds': {'pop': L[r]}, # conditions of postsyn cells
'divergence': cfg.ScaleFactor*(np.log(1.-C[r][c])/np.log(1. -1./(N_Full[r]*N_Full[c])) ) /N_Full[c],
'weight':'max(0, weightMin +normal(0,dweight*weightMin))', # synaptic weight
'delay':'max(0.1, delayMin_e +normal(0,ddelay*delayMin_e))', # transmission delay (ms)
} # synaptic mechanism
netParams.connParams[str(L[c])+'->'+str(L[r])] = {
'preConds': {'pop': L[c]}, # conditions of presyn cells
'postConds': {'pop': L[r]}, # conditions of postsyn cells
'divergence': cfg.ScaleFactor*(np.log(1.-C[r][c])/np.log(1. -1./(N_Full[r]*N_Full[c])) ) /N_Full[c],
'weight':'-4*max(0, weightMin +normal(0,dweight*weightMin))', # synaptic weight
'delay':'max(0.1, delayMin_i +normal(0,ddelay*delayMin_i))', # transmission delay (ms)
} # synaptic mechanism
netParams.connParams['S2->M'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'bkg_IF'},
'postConds': {'cellModel': 'IntFire_PD'},
'probability': 1,
'weight': 0,
'delay': 0.5}
# Update cfg plotting options based on network rescaling
# raster 10% of cells
scale = 10 #max(1,int(41.444*cfg.ScaleFactor))
include = [(pop, list(range(0, netParams.popParams[pop]['numCells'], scale))) for pop in L]
cfg.analysis['plotRaster']['include'] = include
# plot statistics for 10% of cells
scale = 10 #max(1,int(sum(N_[:8])/1000))
include = [(pop, range(0, netParams.popParams[pop]['numCells'], scale)) for pop in L]
cfg.analysis['plotSpikeStats']['include'] = include