function net = BuildStriatumNetwork(net,physiology,sim)
% Option net.ConnectMethod = 'physical' uses the distance-dependent probability functions
% derived from the anatomical model of the striatum
% Option net.ConnectMethod = 'random' wires up the model so that there are
% the same expected number of inputs of each type to each neuron as there
% would be in the "true" network: i.e. distance is ignored, and only the
% number of connections matter. Note that this option is very memory intensive, and much slower
net.Cctms = int32(0:net.MS.N-1)';
net.Cctms_b = int32(0:net.MS.N)';
net.Cctms_d = int32(zeros(net.MS.N,1));
net.Cctms_w = ones(length(net.Cctms),1) .* 6.1;
net.Cctfs = int32(0:net.FS.N-1)';
net.Cctfs_b = int32(0:net.FS.N)';
net.Cctfs_d = int32(zeros(net.FS.N,1));
net.Cctfs_w = ones(length(net.Cctfs),1) .* 6.1;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
switch net.ConnectMethod
case 'physical'
% connect the MS collaterals
probfile = 'MSNMSN_interconnection_data_v3.mat';
[net.Cmsms net.Cmsms_b net.Cmsms_d net.Cmsms_w] = physical_connections(net.MS.Position, net.MS.Position, probfile, net.MS.N, net.MS.N, physiology.MS_MS.maxdelay, physiology.MS_MS.baseweight, physiology.MS_MS.baseweightSD, net.PhysicalDimensions, sim.dt);
% connect the FS -> MS collaterals
probfile = 'FSMSN_interconnection_data_v3.mat';
[net.Cfsms net.Cfsms_b net.Cfsms_d net.Cfsms_w] = physical_connections(net.FS.Position, net.MS.Position, probfile, net.FS.N, net.MS.N, physiology.FS_MS.maxdelay, physiology.FS_MS.baseweight, physiology.FS_MS.baseweightSD, net.PhysicalDimensions, sim.dt);
% connect the FS collaterals
probfile = 'FSFS_interconnection_data_v3.mat';
% probfile = 'FSgap_interconnection_data_v3.mat'; % swapped distributions...
[net.Cfsfs net.Cfsfs_b net.Cfsfs_d net.Cfsfs_w] = physical_connections(net.FS.Position, net.FS.Position, probfile, net.FS.N, net.FS.N, physiology.FS_FS.maxdelay, physiology.FS_FS.baseweight, physiology.FS_FS.baseweightSD, net.PhysicalDimensions, sim.dt);
% connect the FS gap junctions
probfile = 'FSgap_interconnection_data_v3.mat';
% probfile = 'FSFS_interconnection_data_v3.mat';
[net.Pgapfs net.Cgapfs net.Cgapfs_b net.Cgapfs_w] = GapJunctions(net, physiology, sim, probfile);
case 'random'
[net.Cmsms net.Cmsms_b net.Cmsms_d net.Cmsms_w] = fixedprob_connections(net.MS.N, net.MS.N, net.random.targetN_msms, sim.dt, physiology.MS_MS.maxdelay, physiology.MS_MS.baseweight);
[net.Cfsms net.Cfsms_b net.Cfsms_d net.Cfsms_w] = fixedprob_connections(net.FS.N, net.MS.N, net.random.targetN_fsms, sim.dt, physiology.FS_MS.maxdelay, physiology.FS_MS.baseweight);
[net.Cfsfs net.Cfsfs_b net.Cfsfs_d net.Cfsfs_w] = fixedprob_connections(net.FS.N, net.FS.N, net.random.targetN_fsfs, sim.dt, physiology.FS_FS.maxdelay, physiology.FS_FS.baseweight);
% connect the FS gap junctions - called without probability
% filename gives random wiring. Note that target number is in
% net.random.targetN_fsgap
[net.Pgapfs net.Cgapfs net.Cgapfs_b net.Cgapfs_w] = GapJunctions(net, physiology, sim);
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [C C_b C_d C_w] = fixedprob_connections(source_N, target_N, contacts_N, dt, maxdelay, weight);
% source_N = number of *source* cells
% target_N = number of *target* cells
% contacts_N = number of expected connections per *target* cell...
% dt = simulation time step
% maxdelay = the maximum transmission delay in msec
C = []; % the final list of targtes
srcs = cell(source_N,1);
bounds = ones(source_N+1,1);
if contacts_N > source_N
error('there are less source cells than requested input connectuibs')
for i = 1:target_N
% calculate the number of connections
p = contacts_N / source_N;
r = rand(source_N,1);
N_connections = sum(r < p); % the actual number of connections received by this cell
% random permutation of possible connections
x = randperm(source_N);
if source_N == target_N % assum they are the same population
% check for that there are less connections than source cells
if N_connections > (source_N-1)
error('too many connections from source')
x = x(x~=i); % remove connection from self
c = sort(x(1:N_connections))'; % sort connections
% double check for a self connection
if sum(c==i) > 0
error('connected to self')
elseif source_N ~= target_N % assum they are differet cell populations
% check for that there are less connections than target cells
if N_connections > (source_N)
error('too many connections from source')
c = sort(x(1:N_connections))';
% get the bounds
for j = 1:numel(c)
srcs{c(j)} = [srcs{c(j)}; i]; % add target cell to all these source cells' list of targets
% keyboard
% now go around stored sources lists and create bounds arrays etc...
for loop=1:source_N
C = [C; srcs{loop}];
bounds(loop+1) = bounds(loop) + numel(srcs{loop});
min_delay = 1; % sets the smallest delay to 1 time step
max_delay = maxdelay/dt; % maximum delay in time steps
delay = (round(rand(length(C),1) .* max_delay + 0.5)); % assigns delays randomly
% check that the delays are within bounds
if delay < min_delay | delay > max_delay
error('delays outside of bounds')
% set the output variables
C = int32(C-1);
C_b = int32(bounds-1);
C_d = int32(delay);
C_w = ones(length(C),1) .* weight;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [C C_b C_d C_w] = physical_connections(sourcecoords, targetcoords, probfile, N_source, N_target, maxdelay, baseweight, baseweightSD, dims, dt)
% load the probability function and parameters
% get the total number of terminals for each cell, and the total number of
% synapses
bounds = ones(N_source+1,1);
targetcells = [];
weight = [];
distance = [];
for i = 1:N_source
% disp(N_source-i)
% get the distance between the source cell and all the target cells
d = get_distance(sourcecoords(i,:),targetcoords);
% get the target cells and set some random weights
[t w] = prob(d, i, N_target, exp_best_fun, exp_best_coeffs, baseweight ,baseweightSD, dims, sourcecoords(i,:));
% get the bounds
bounds(i+1) = bounds(i) + length(w);
% fill the target cell and weight vectors
targetcells = [targetcells; t];
weight = [weight; w];
% save the distance between the source and target cells. Needed to get
% the delays as a function of distance.
distance = [distance; d(targetcells(bounds(i):bounds(i+1)-1))];
% trim the vectors
% targetcells = targetcells(targetcells>0);
% weight = weight(weight>0);
% distance = distance(distance>0);
% get the transmission delay as a function of distance between the source
% and target cells
delay = round((distance ./ max(distance) .* maxdelay) / dt)+1;
% set the output variables
C = int32(targetcells-1);
C_b = int32(bounds-1);
C_d = int32(delay);
C_w = weight;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [t w] = prob(d, src, N_target, exp_best_fun, exp_best_coeffs, baseweight, baseweightSD, dims, sourcecoords)
% calculate the probability of making a connection, as a function of
% distance
p = exp_best_fun(exp_best_coeffs,d);
p(src) = 0; % no self-connection
t = find(rand(numel(p),1) < p);
w = (baseweight + randn(length(t),1) .* baseweightSD);
% make the connections
% count = 0;
% t_ = zeros(N_target,1);
% for i = 1:round(N_target) % go round extra time to account for edges
% targcell = round((rand*N_target)+0.5); % a random number between 1 and N (number of cells)
% if rand < p(targcell)
% count = count + 1;
% t_(targcell) = t_(targcell)+1;
% end
% end
% x = sum(t_);
% % calculate the weight, taking into account the number of synapses made
% T = [(1:N_target)' t_]; % gives the cell number and number of synapses
% t = T((T(:,2)>0),1); % get the cells that have recived synapses
% w = (baseweight + randn(length(t),1) .* baseweightSD) .* T(t,2);
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [Pgapfs Cgapfs Cgapfs_b Cgapfs_w] = GapJunctions(net, physiology, sim, varargin)
% if only 3 input arguments, then is assumed to be a random-wiring network;
% if 4 arguments are supplied, then the fourth should be the name of the
% MAT file with the probability function
% get all possible pairs of cells
[y d Nt] = posspermutations(net.FS.N, net.FS.Position);
if nargin == 4
% get the probabiity of a gap junction for each pair. Note, this is an
% inline function loaded from the probfile
p = exp_best_fun(exp_best_coeffs,d);
p = ones(numel(d),1);
p = p .* (net.random.targetN_fsgap / net.FS.N); % probability per pair
% keyboard
% now pick the pairs given the p values....
r = rand(length(p),1);
inds = find(r<(p.*1));
x = y(inds,:);
% find the number of gap juntions for each cell
numcon = zeros(net.FS.N,2);
for i = 1:net.FS.N
numcon(i,:) = [i length(find(x==i))];
[Ngaps,jnk] = size(x);
Pgapfs = x;
x = [];
weights = physiology.FS_gap.baseweight + randn(Ngaps,1) .* physiology.FS_gap.baseweightSD;
x = [Pgapfs(:,1) (1:Ngaps)' weights; Pgapfs(:,2) (1:Ngaps)' weights];
[jnk,i] = sort(x(:,1));
x = x(i,:);
Cgapfs = x(:,2);
Cgapfs_w = x(:,3);
% get the bounds
Cgapfs_b = zeros(net.FS.N,1);
for i = 1:net.FS.N
gind = find(x(:,1) == i, 1, 'first');
if isempty(gind)
if i == 1
Cgapfs_b(i) = 1;
Cgapfs_b(i) = Cgapfs_b(i-1);
Cgapfs_b(i) = find(x(:,1) == i, 1, 'first');
Pgapfs = int32(Pgapfs-1);
Cgapfs = int32(Cgapfs-1);
Cgapfs_b = int32([Cgapfs_b; length(x)+1])-1;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [y d Nt] = posspermutations(N, coords)
maxpercell = N-1; % Maximum number of connections per cell
Nt = ((N.* maxpercell) ./2); % total number of possiable gap junctions in the network
% y is the list of all possiable pairs
y = zeros(Nt,2);
count = 1;
for i = 1:N
for j = i+1:N
x = [i, j];
y(count,:) = [min(x) max(x)];
count = count + 1;
[jnk,i] = sort(y(:,1));
y = y(i,:);
% get the distance between the pairs
d = zeros(Nt,1);
for i = 1:Nt
a = coords(y(i,1),1) - coords(y(i,2),1);
b = coords(y(i,1),2) - coords(y(i,2),2);
c = coords(y(i,1),3) - coords(y(i,2),3);
d(i) = sqrt(a.^2 + b.^2 + c.^2);
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% get the distance between the source and target cells
function d = get_distance(sourcecoords,targetcoords)
[n,m] = size(targetcoords);
a = targetcoords(:,1) - sourcecoords(1);
b = targetcoords(:,2) - sourcecoords(2);
c = targetcoords(:,3) - sourcecoords(3);
d = sqrt(a.^2 + b.^2 + c.^2);