% Title: 	Calcium Signals in Small Structures
% Filename:	CaSignal_KOnKOffDisc.par
% Author: 	Ronald van Elburg
% Associated Paper:
% Cornelisse LN, van Elburg RAJ, Meredith RM, Yuste R, Mansvelder HD (2007) 
% High Speed Two-Photon Imaging of Calcium Dynamics in Dendritic Spines: 
% Consequences for Spine Calcium Kinetics and Buffer Capacity. 
% PLoS ONE 2(10): e1073 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001073
Structure			= Disc_Structure
% Parameters for mimicking 1 compartmental model
%D_Dye		=20
%D_Calcium	=20
%D_EndogenousBuffer 			= 20

path = ".\"   		% If running under Windows, specify here the path to the
                           						% directory containing the script imported below
file = path "CaSignal_main.par"

include file               						% Import the simulation parameters from the main script

% Auxilary variables for monitoring concentrations at different distances from the membrane

	NoOfSteps = 6    % number of shells in the output (NOT IN THE SIMULATION, THERE THE GRIDSIZE DEFINES THE COMPARTMENTS)
	Ca1 := Ca[R1k] ; Dye1 := Dye[R1k] 
	Ca6 := Ca[R6k] ; Dye6 := Dye[R6k] 

	CaAverage:=Ca[] ; DyeAverage:=Dye[]

% Exporting the variables defined above to file, the first three variables need 
% adjustment defining new scripts, to prevent these scripts from overwriting old 
% results and using the wrong Loop variables, make sure that the LoopVars are 
% integer version of the real loopvars used in for loops.

	plot point.mute  Ca1 "Output\Exp""Exp""\CSE""Exp""Geom""_Ca1_""LoopVar""_""LoopVar2"
	plot point.mute  Ca6 "Output\Exp""Exp""\CSE""Exp""Geom""_Ca6_""LoopVar""_""LoopVar2"
	plot point.mute  CaAverage "Output\Exp""Exp""\CSE""Exp""Geom""_CaAverage_""LoopVar""_""LoopVar2"
	plot point.mute  Dye1 "Output\Exp""Exp""\CSE""Exp""Geom""_Dye1_""LoopVar""_""LoopVar2"
	plot point.mute  Dye6 "Output\Exp""Exp""\CSE""Exp""Geom""_Dye6_""LoopVar""_""LoopVar2"
	plot point.mute  DyeAverage "Output\Exp""Exp""\CSE""Exp""Geom""_DyeAverage_""LoopVar""_""LoopVar2"

% Parameter variation
	for KMinus_EndogenousBuffer = 0.25 to 10 step 0.25
	for KPlus_EndogenousBuffer  = 0.025  to 1 step 0.025

% The adaptive integration method fails for the fast calcium change
% to overcome this problem we run the first 20 ms with a fixed timestep 
% of 0.001 ms, then after the fast changes we switch to the adaptive method 
% for optimal performance.

Run  20.0  1.0e-3 ; current CalciumCurrent

Run  adaptive 480.0  1.0e-3 accuracy; current CalciumCurrent