% run_phase_model.m
% written by Sungho Hong, Computational Neuroscience Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
% July 5, 2020
rate = [10, 40, 70, 93, 116];
amp = famp(rate);
n_ave = 30;
mu_pxx = [];
sd_pxx = [];
for i = 1:numel(rate)
fprintf('Started running r=%g Hz case...', rate(i));
spike_data = phase_model(rate(i), 12, amp(i), 20, 0.2, 3);
n = hist(spike_data(:,1), 0:10000); % make a spike time histogram
n = n(2001:end); % cut out the beginning part
[pxx, f] = pmtm(n-mean(n), [], 50:425, 1e3);
z = movmean(pxx, n_ave);
zc = movstd(pxx, n_ave);
mu_pxx = [mu_pxx; z];
sd_pxx = [sd_pxx; zc];
fprintf(' Finished. ', rate(i));
clear sem_pxx
sem_pxx(:,1,:) = sd_pxx'./sqrt(n_ave);