function [t_model, v_model,current] = runHHmodel_STEP(r, mytype, dt)
% The simulation used the STEP current protocol same as that of experimental data
% ====================================================
% >>> INPUTs
% r: [Bt, gSK, ksk, Iapp]
% uM, nS, uM, pA
% mytype: current stimulation protocol
% 'step': stable step current of value r(end)
% dt: time step (ms)
% ====================================================
% 't_model' (ms) timepoints
% 'v' (mV) voltage trace
% ====================================================
rtest = r(end); % -- test current
interval = [200 1000 300];
t_model = 0:dt:sum(interval);
opts = odeset('RelTol',1e-4,'AbsTol',1e-5);
% -- Initial conditions
y0 = [ -69.9853123603117 0.999439610028142 0.000453598845522021 0.000112234556488220 0.0295977873620370];
v_model = [];
holdI = -100; % hold voltage at -70 mV
% pre-holding: get the steady state
r(end) = 0 + holdI;
sol = ode45(@(t,y)PVIN_HH(t,y,r,'step'), 0:dt:500, y0, opts);
y0 = sol.y(:,end);
% Simulation
% I=0
r(end) = 0 + holdI;
sol = ode45(@(t,y)PVIN_HH(t,y,r,'step'), 0:dt:interval(1), y0, opts);
y0 = sol.y(:,end);
v_model = [v_model, interp1(sol.x, sol.y(1,:), 0:dt:interval(1))];
% test stimuli
if strcmp(mytype, 'step'), r(end) = rtest + holdI; else, r(end) = rtest; end
sol = ode45(@(t,y)PVIN_HH(t,y,r,mytype), 0:dt:interval(2), y0, opts);
y0 = sol.y(:,end);
v_model = [v_model(1:end-1), interp1(sol.x, sol.y(1,:), 0:dt:interval(2))];
% I=0
r(end) = 0 + holdI;
sol = ode45(@(t,y)PVIN_HH(t,y,r,'step'), 0:dt:interval(3), y0, opts);
v_model = [v_model(1:end-1), interp1(sol.x, sol.y(1,:), 0:dt:interval(3))];
% -- current
current = zeros(size(t_model));
current(t_model>=interval(1) & t_model<=interval(2)) = rtest;