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<p># Entrainment2019
<p>Theoretical investigation of the effect of divisive inhibition on entrainment
<p>This is the readme for the paper:
<p>Papasavvas CA, Trevelyan AJ, Kaiser M, Wang Y (2020) Divisive gain
modulation enables flexible and rapid entrainment in a neocortical
microcircuit model. J Neurophysiol 123:1133-1143
<p>This model was contributed by C Papasavvas.
<p>Use the script entrainmentDemo to manipulate the parameters (initial phase diff., amplitude, frequency, and divisiveness parameter) and run the simulation.
<p>The script calls the function solverODEreduc which collects all the parameters and runs the enrtainment scenario/simulation.
<p>The solverODEreduc function calls the modelFunqVarInput which describes the model.
<p>The freq_analys function is called after the simulation for the spectral analysis of the generated signal.
<p>The entrainmentDemo in its default state produces the following graphs:
<p>![alt text](screenshot1.png "screenshot1")
![alt text](screenshot2.png "screenshot2")
<p>if the phase is changed to 0 in the entrainmentDemo.m file then a graph that corresponds to Fig3A is produced
<p>![alt text](screenshot1phase0.png "screenshot1phase0")</p>
