function dxdt = modelFunqVarInput(t,x,pars)
% Neural mass model of a neocortical microcircuit with one excitatory,x(1),
% population and two inhibitory populations.
% The first inhibitory population, x(2), represents the dendrite-targeting
% interneurons and it delivers subtractive inhibition to the excitatory 
% population.
% The other inhibitory population, x(3), represents the soma-targeting 
% interneurons and it can deliver a combination of 
% subtractive and divisive inhibition
% onto the excitatory population. The contribution of divisive inhibition
% is dictated by parameter q.
% The excitatory population receives external input (P) that can be time
% varying. The inhibitory populations can receive extenral input as well
% by setting the w_p parameter above 0.

% state variables

% external input, allowing time-varying
P=interp1(pars{1}, pars{2}, t);

% CAUTION to avoid confusion with the parameter subscripts:
% The subscript s refers to subtractive inhibition and, thus, to 
% dendrite-targeting population.
% The subscript d refers to divisive inhibition and, thus, to
% the soma-targeting population.

w_p=0;        % gating factor for external input P onto inhib. populations
w_ee=pars{3}; % self-excitation weight for the excitatory population
w_es=pars{4}; % weight of inhibition from dendrite-targeting to excitatory
w_ed=pars{5}; % weight of inhibition from soma-targeting to excitatory
w_se=pars{6}; % weight of excitation from excitatory to dendrite-targeting
w_ss=0;       % self-inhibition weight for dendrite-targeting, disabled
w_sd=0;       % weight of inh. from soma-targ. to dend-targ. , disabled
w_de=pars{7}; % weight of excitation from excitatory to soma-targeting
w_ds=pars{8}; % weight of inhibition from dend-targ. to soma-targeting
w_dd=pars{9}; % self-inhibition weight for soma-targeting
q=pars{10};   % parameter dictating the proportion of divisive inhibition
r_e=1;        % constant refractory parameter for excitatory population
r_s=1;        % constant refractory parameter for dendrite-targeting popul.
r_d=1;        % constant refractory parameter for soma-targeting population
a_e=1.3;      % max slope for the sigmoidal of excit. popul.
a_s=2;        % max slope for the sigmoidal of dend-target.
a_d=2;        % max slope for the sigmoidal of soma-target.
u_e=4;        % min displacement for the sigmoidal of excit. popul.
u_s=3.7;      % min displacement for the sigmoidal of dend-targ. popul.
u_d=3.7;      % min displacement for the sigmoidal of soma-targ. popul.
t_e=0.05;     % time constant for the sigmoidal of excit. popul.
t_s=0.05;     % time constant for the sigmoidal of dend-targ. popul.
t_d=0.05;     % time constant for the sigmoidal of soma-targ. popul.

