: Author: David Catherall; Grill Lab; Duke University
: Created: November 2016
: Intracellular calcium ion accumulation

: Neuron Block creates mechanism
	  SUFFIX caint						:Sets suffix of mechanism for insertion into models
	  USEION ca READ ica WRITE cai		:Lays out which NEURON variables will be used/modified by file
	  GLOBAL nb							:Allows nb to be modified in hoc
	  RANGE a, ku, kr, Bi, diffOc		:Allows variables to be modified in hoc and collected in vectors

: Defines Units different from NEURON base units
	  (mV)    = (millivolt)
	  (mA)    = (milliamp)
	  FARADAY = 96500 (coulombs)
	  (molar) = (1/liter)
	  (mM)    = (millimolar)

: Defines variables which will have a constant value throughout any given simulation 
	  a = 15e-4 (cm)  			: radius of cell
	  ku = 100 (/mM/ms) 		: rate constant for calcium buffer binding
	  kr = 0.238 (/ms)		 	: rate constant for calcium buffer release
	  nb = 4 					: number of binding sites on Calmodulin
	  Bi = 0.001 (mM) 			: Concentration of Calmodulin
	  SA = 2.82743E-05 (cm2) 	: Surface area of cell
	  Vol = 1.27e-8 (cm3) 		: vol of cell

: Defines variables which will be used or calculated throughout the simulation which may not be constant. Also included NEURON provided variables, like v, celsius, and ica
		:NEURON provided Variables
		ica  (mA/cm2)
		:Model Specific Variables
		diffOc (/ms)


: Defines state variables which will be calculated by numerical integration
	STATE { cai  (mM) Oc } :Oc is the fraction of Calmodulin binding sites that are occupied

: This block iterates the state variable calculations and uses those calculations to calculate currents	
	BREAKPOINT { SOLVE state METHOD derivimplicit }

: Intializes State Variables



:Defines Governing Equations for State Variables
	  LOCAL diffOc											:Variable created to avoid ' notation on right hand side
	  diffOc=ku*cai*(1-Oc)-kr*Oc 							:Differential equation governing Calmodulin binding
	  Oc'=diffOc											:See diffOc above
	  cai' = -ica*(SA)/Vol/(2*FARADAY) + -nb*Bi*diffOc		:Cai differential Equation