Author: Nikki Pelot, modified by David Catherall; Grill Lab; Duke University
Date created: February 5, 2016
- Binary search algorithm to find threshold.
Variables that must be defined in wrapper/params file:
- thresh_resoln
- stimamp_bottom_init
- stimamp_top_init
// Vector containing results to pass back to batch run
objref thresh_values
Nresults = 1
thresh_values = new Vector(Nresults,0)
// Find threshold with a binary search algorithm
proc FindThresh() {
// Check that the initial stimamp_top is large enough to elicit an AP
check_AP_top = check_AP
print "check_AP, checking top_init: ", check_AP
// Check that the initial stimamp_bottom is small enough to not elicit an AP
check_AP_bottom = check_AP
// Check if initial stimamp_top is sufficient. If yes, proceed to binary search algorithm.
if (check_AP_top == 0) {
print "ERROR: Initial stimamp_top value does not elicit an AP - need to increase its magnitude"
return 0
} else if (check_AP_bottom == 1) {
print "ERROR: Initial stimamp_bottom value elicits an AP - need to decrease its magnitude"
return 0
} else {
stimamp_top = stimamp_top_init
stimamp_bottom = stimamp_bottom_init
while(1) {
stimamp = (stimamp_bottom + stimamp_top) / 2
print "stimamp = ", stimamp, "nA"
if ((abs((stimamp_bottom - stimamp_top) / stimamp_top)) < thresh_resoln) { // resolution of search
// Use last amplitude that produced an action potential
if (check_AP == 0) {
stimamp = stimamp_prev
print "Done searching! stimamp: ", stimamp, "nA"
if (check_AP == 0) {
print "ERROR: Final stimamp value does not elicit an AP"
return 0
} else if (check_AP == 1) { // found an AP
stimamp_prev = stimamp
stimamp_top = stimamp
} else if (check_AP == 0) { // no AP
stimamp_bottom = stimamp
print "Threshold: ", stimamp, "mA"
thresh_values.x[0] = stimamp