
	One compartment model and currents derived from:

   Pospischil, M., Toledo-Rodriguez, M., Monier, C., Piwkowska, Z., 
   Bal, T., Fregnac, Y., Markram, H. and Destexhe, A.
   Minimal Hodgkin-Huxley type models for different classes of
   cortical and thalamic neurons.
   Biological Cybernetics 99: 427-441, 2008.

	- one compartment model
	- passive
	- HH: Traub

	Alain Destexhe, CNRS, 2008


print " "
print " << defining template for one-compartment sIN cell >> "
print " "

begintemplate sIN		// create a new template object
public soma

create soma[1]

proc init() { local v_potassium, v_sodium

  v_potassium = -100		// potassium reversal potential 
  v_sodium = 50			// sodium reversal potential 

  soma {
	Ra = 100		// geometry 
	nseg = 1
	diam = 67
	L = 67			// so that area is about 14000 um2
	cm = 1

	insert pas		// leak current 
	e_pas = -70
	// g_pas = 5e-5
	g_pas = 0.00015		// Rin = 48Meg

	// conversion with McC units: 
	// g(S/cm2) = g(nS)*1e-9/29000e-8
	//	    = g(nS) * 3.45e-6

	insert hh2		// Hodgin-Huxley INa and IK 
	ek = v_potassium
	ena = v_sodium
	vtraub_hh2 = -55	// resting Vm, BJ was -55
	gnabar_hh2 = 0.05	// McCormick=15 muS, thal was 0.09
//	gkbar_hh2 = 0.007	// McCormick=2 muS, thal was 0.01
//	gkbar_hh2 = 0.004
	gkbar_hh2 = 0.01	// spike duration of interneurons


  print " "
  print "<< sIN: passive, INa, IK inserted >>"
  print " "

endtemplate sIN