* FILE GUI_FR_analysis.hoc
* GUI for analyzing motoneuron properties
{xpanel("FR motoneuron control panel")}
{ strdef FRchoice, anaChoice}
// Use this menu to select one of the model cell parameter sets
{ xvarlabel(FRchoice)}
{ xbutton("pick a file", "chooseCell\(\)")}
{ xmenu()}
{ xvarlabel(anaChoice)}
{ xmenu("Choose analysis")}
{ xbutton("passive", "assign_ana\(\"passive\"\)")}
{ xbutton("AP/AHP", "assign_ana\(\"AP/AHP\"\)")}
{ xbutton("FI", "assign_ana\(\"FI\"\)")}
{ xbutton("IV", "assign_ana\(\"IV\"\)")}
//{ xbutton("G ramp", "assign_ana(\"G\")")}
{ xmenu()}
{ xbutton("GO", "run_ana\(ana\)")}
// PROC assign_model() begin
// user selected a cell file from the GUI
strdef model
proc assign_model() {
if (numarg() < 1) {
print "assign_model(): missing model cell argument"
model = $s1
printf("model = %s\n", model)
sprint(FRchoice, "Cell: %s", model)
// PROC assign_model() end
// PROC ramp_suggestions() begin
proc ramp_suggestions() {
print "Suggested parameters for current clamp ramp:"
print "Cell\tFRvar61\tFRv61lt\tFRv61ht\tFRv61B\tFRv61BltFRv61Bht"
print "V0\t-5\t-10\t5\t-5\t-10\t5"
print "SLOPE\t0.006\t0.006\t0.006\t0.006\t0.006\t0.006"
print "TR\t10000\t10000\t10000\t10000\t10000\t10000\n"
// PROC ramp_suggestions() end
// PROC assign_ana() begin
// called from menu selection on top level GUI
strdef ana
proc assign_ana() {
if (numarg() < 1) {
print "assign_ana(): missing analyze type argument"
// show user suggested values for the popup window
ana = $s1
printf("ana = %s\n", ana)
sprint(anaChoice, "Analyze: %s", ana)
if (strcmp(ana,"FI")==0) {
xpanel("FI current clamp parameters")
xvalue("Baseline current, I0", "V0", 1, "print \"V0=\",V0")
xvalue("Ramp rate, SLOPE", "SLOPE", 1, "print \"SLOPE=\",SLOPE")
xvalue("Time of ramp, TR", "TR", 1, "print \"TR=\",TR")
if (strcmp(ana,"IV")==0) {
xpanel("With or Without Synaptic Activity?")
xcheckbox("enable synaptic input", &mult_synss)
// PROC assign_ana() end
// initial assignments for ramp parameters
// NOTE that V0 is used for current, in cc mode
{SLOPE=.006} // low threshold cells may need lower SLOPE, like .004, to keep firing
// PROC run_ana() begin
// hit the go button to get this procedure to run
proc run_ana() {
if (numarg() < 1) {
print "run_ana(): missing analyze type argument"
ana = $s1
if (strcmp(ana,"passive") == 0) {
if (strcmp(ana,"AP/AHP") == 0) {
if (strcmp(ana,"FI") == 0) {
if (strcmp(ana,"IV") == 0) {
if (strcmp(ana,"G") == 0) {
// PROC run_ana() end
// Assign default values; these are countermanded by user setting via the GUI
* PROC chooseCell()
* pick a model using GUI
strdef chosenCell, bn, dir
objref myCell, strobj
proc chooseCell() {
objref myCell, strobj
myCell = new File()
myCell.chooser("r", "browse to cell", "*.hoc", "click to pick", "Exit", start_dir)
while (myCell.chooser()) {
printf("Chosen cell is %s\n", chosenCell)
printf("directory\n%s\n", getcwd())
// chosenCell now contains the relative path to the selected file
strobj = new StringFunctions()
bnloc = strobj.tail(chosenCell, ".*/", bn)
// bn now contains the basename of the chosen file
strobj.left(chosenCell, bnloc)
// chosenCell now contains the relative directory location of the file
printf("bn = %s, bnloc = %s\n", bn, chosenCell)
* END chooseCell()