* FILE ana_passive.hoc
* This file generates current pulses to measure passive properties of cell
// set up per init_FRvar61B.hoc
objref vecP, vecB, ff, IclP
strdef fn
* PROC ana_passive() begin
* called with model file for argument
proc ana_passive() {
if (DEBUG) {printf("entered ana_passive, arg=%s\n", $s1)}
if (numarg() < 1) {
print "ana_passive(): call with FR cell for argument"
fn = $s1
if (! xopen(fn)) {
printf("ana_passive(): Fail to open requested cell file %s\n", fn)
sprint(myfile, "%s/passive.ses", codeloc)
if (! xopen(myfile)) {
printf("ana_passive(): Fail to open requested cell file %s\n", myfile)
vecP = new Vector()
vecB = new Vector()
IclP = new IClamp(0.5)
ff = new File()
access soma
IclP.del = 300
IclP.dur = 200
IclP.amp = 0
tstop = 600
// Make a baseline trace and subtract it from the pulse trace, and
// save the difference beginning at the start of the current step.
// The generated filename will incorporate the calculated Rin.
// Use excel to extract time constants
getRin(fn, -0.1) // curent step -0.1 nA
printf("Input resistance Rin = %.3f\n", Rin)
printf("Voltage response to current pulse is saved in file %s\n", fn)
printf("Determine time constants using Excel\n")
* PROC ana_passive() end
* PROC baseline()
* generates a long baseline trace with no current pulse: amp=0
* The raw trace is saved as baseline.dat. The compressed trace is saved as bas.dat
proc baseline() {
vecB = new Vector()
printf("Now running baseline, tstop=%d\n", tstop)
* end baseline()
* PROC Istep()
* Istep() generates a trace with specified current step amplitude.
* Data is recorded in vectore vecP
proc Istep () {
objref vecP, veccmprs
vecP = new Vector()
IclP.amp = $1
sprint(fn, "Istep")
printf("Now running Istep=%.2f, tstop=%d\n", IclP.amp, tstop)
printf("Collected %d values for current step %.5\n", vecP.size, IclP.amp)
printf("Duration %d\n", IclP.dur)
* end Istep()
* PROC capture_pulse()
* TWO arguments: msec long to record and filename for extract to save
* This routine begins recording with the IClamp pulse, at IclP.del
proc capture_pulse() {local i
if ($1 > IclP.dur) {
printf("duration %d is greater than IClamp dur %d\n", $1, IclP.dur)
first = 40*IclP.del // dt=25 mu-sec, convert from msec
last = $1 * 40 + first // pass in length in msec
fn = $s2
if (IclP.amp != 0) {
Rin = abs((vecP.x[last]-vecP.x[first])/IclP.amp)
sprint(fn,"%s%s%.3f.dat",fn,"_Rin-", Rin)
objref ff
ff = new File(fn)
fo = ff.wopen()
if (!fo) {
printf ("capture_pulse(): fail to open file %s\n", fn)
ff.printf("label:%s\n", fn)
ff.printf("%d\n", last-first+1)
for i=first, last {
ff.printf("%.3f\t%g\n", i/40-IclP.del, vecP.x[i])
objref vecD
vecD=new Vector()
strdef mystr, mystr2
// TWO args: string for start of filename and current for step.
// collect baseline data, then collect step data, then save file with
// subset of difference data beginning at start of step.
proc getRin() {local i
objref vecD
vecD=new Vector()
mystr = $s1
basV = vecB.x[40*IclP.del] // baseline V, just before step
printf("basV=%d\n", basV)
// save vecB in vecD, it will be overwritten during Istep()
for i=0, vecB.size-1 {
sprint(fn, "V=%4.1f%s_+%0.1f", basV, mystr, $2)
// for i=0,vecP.size-1 {
// vecP.append(vecP.x[i]-vecB.x[i])
// }
for i=0,vecD.size-1 {
vecP.x[i] = basV+ vecP.x[i] - vecD.x[i]
capture_pulse(200, fn)
proc Iseries() {local i
IClamp[0].dur = tstop
for (i=0; i<=50; i=i+5) {
IClamp[0].amp = I
sprint(mystr2, "shft=%d", I)
getRin(mystr2, 0.1)
getRin(mystr2, -0.1)
proc clr_gh() {
soma.ghbar_gh = 0