#ifndef __SHOLL__H_
#define __SHOLL__H_
#define STLENGTH 50.0 // Sholl TRACK width For hippocampal CA3 neurons
#define MAXTRACK 20 // Maximum possible Sholl tracks
//#define RESLN 0.04237288135593220338
#define RESLN 1
// How many um does each point in morphology correspond to
#define MAXPTS 4500
// How many points can a typical swc segment have with the above resolution
struct LineStruct{
int num; // Number of points in the line
double * x; // X coordinates of the points
double * y; // Y coordinates of the points
double * z; // Z coordinates of the points
struct ShollData {
int nb; // number of basal tracks
int na; // number of apical tracks
double * basalcount ; // Count in basal tracks
double * apicalcount ; // Count in apical tracks
class Sholl : public SWC
double somax; // CoG of Soma (x,y,z)
double somay;
double somaz;
double totlen; // Total dendritic length
ShollData sdata;
LineStruct * ls;
ShollData & ShollAnalysis ();
void WriteSholl(char * basefilename=NULL);
void createLine (SWCData, SWCData);
void isDone (); // To see if Sholl's analysis has been done.
void ComputeTotalLength();