## This file contains all Matlab codes needed to generate model comparison in the paper. 1. compare_ISI_all.m : script to calculate L1-Wasserstein distances after collecting sufficiently large number of ISI samples from each model 2. function for different models: - Dangerfield.m (Dangerfield et al 2012) - Fox97 (Fox 1997) - FoxandLu94 (Fox and Lu's matrix square root method in 1994, reflecting BCs) - Goldwyn (Goldwyn et al 2011) - FoxLu_StoHH (Fox and Lu 1994's method of using "skip that" method) - HH14D (deterministic 14D HH model) - HH14D_skip (stochastic 14D HH model using "skip that" method) - HHSS14D (stochastic 14D HH model) - HHSto15D (stochastic 14D HH model but save time vector as well) - MC (markov chain model, adapted from Golwyn et al, 2011) - OrioSoudry (Orio et all 2012) 3. run_models.m example code to run different models 4. Table 3, Figure 7, Figure 8, Figure 9 are generated by codes in this file. Repeated simulations with different random number generator seeds are used for different trails. For more details, please refer to the paper.