#define ORG_MIL 1
#define SIN_MIL 2
#define SIN_DEV 3
#define ANAL 4
void printhelp(char exname[])
cerr << "\n\nUsage : \n\n"
<< "\t" << exname
<< " [-help] [-org] [-sin] [-dev] [-s] [filename]\n\n"
<< " -help \t\t displays this message\n"
<< " -org \t\t runs millers original algorithm\n"
<< " -sin \t\t runs millers algorithm with sinusoids\n"
<< " -dev \t\t runs develop with self--organizing scheme\n"
<< " -anal \t\t runs analysis with the status file\n"
<< " -s \t\t lets program run with status file\n"
<< " filename\t is the status or parameter file.\n\n";
main(int argc, char ** argv)
int count;
char * fila=new char[50];
int SET=0;
Orient orient ;
Develop develop ;
Analysis analysis ;
for(count=1;count<argc;count++) {
if (!strcmp(argv[count],"-s")) SET=1;
else if (!strcmp(argv[count],"-org")) PROC=ORG_MIL;
else if (!strcmp(argv[count],"-sin")) PROC=SIN_MIL;
else if (!strcmp(argv[count],"-dev")) PROC=SIN_DEV;
else if (!strcmp(argv[count],"-anal")) PROC=ANAL;
else if (!strcmp(argv[count],"-help")) printhelp(argv[0]);
else strcpy(fila, argv[count]);
if(fila[0] == '-'){
cerr <<"\nUnknown Option : " << fila << endl ;
// Filename is not there in the command line..
if(fila[0] == '\0') fila=NULL;
// Analysis of the RF's after simulation.
* Original Miller's simulation.
* If SET is set, then it means the filename has to be a status file
* Otherwise it means that it is a Parameters file only.
else if(PROC==ORG_MIL){
if(SET) orient.LoadStatus(fila);
else orient.LoadParams(fila);
* Handles two cases: Miller's algo with sinusoids and the self
* -organized development of RF's with status file or parameter file.
* If SET is set, then it means the filename has to be a status file
* Otherwise it means that it is a Parameters file only.
if(SET) develop.LoadStatus(fila);
else develop.LoadParams(fila);
if(PROC==SIN_MIL) develop.Start_Sin();
else develop.Start();