function actvMap = plotActiveCells(data, mapType, plotType)
% actvMap = plotActiveCells(data, noPlot)
% Plots the number of activated cell at each position for the given data set from
% NEURON simulation. The input `data' should be a matrix with columns representing:
% x-cord, y-cord, threholds and spike latency. `mapType' determines if the tile is
% for On cells or Off cells. The last optional argument `plotType' determines the
% type of plot to display, 0 = no plot, 1 = number of active cells, 2 = active cell
% ID plot. Default is 1.
% Returns a r * c cell array, with each element being the ID of the cell(s)
% activated.
% position of cell somas. XXX: To update if .hoc file changes
offSomaPos = [
0 97.118143 -133.75122
1 178.98969 -277.07561
2 120.98395 53.738235
3 211.30423 -91.558108
4 301.03508 -231.20631
5 389.05741 -374.66452
6 243.99255 97.233144
7 323.30992 -37.163077
8 424.65008 -177.20494
9 506.49403 -315.99998
10 355.59918 151.07407
11 451.70593 14.821949
12 543.25002 -132.67279
13 632.9313 -270.1977
14 573.57673 61.75017
15 662.45944 -75.781875
16 742.06736 -218.78062
17 688.38652 101.2451
18 774.19966 -27.954462
onSomaPos = [
0 97.118143 -133.75122
1 178.98969 -277.07561
2 117.98395 56.738235
3 208.30423 -88.558108
4 298.03508 -228.20631
5 386.05741 -371.66452
6 237.99255 103.23314
7 317.30992 -31.163077
8 418.65008 -171.20494
9 500.49403 -309.99998
10 346.59918 160.07407
11 442.70593 23.821949
12 534.25002 -123.67279
13 623.9313 -261.1977
14 561.57673 73.75017
15 650.45944 -63.781875
16 730.06736 -206.78062
17 673.38652 116.2451
18 759.19966 -12.954462
% input argument handling
if nargin < 3
plotType = 1;
% allocate spaces
rows = length(unique( data(:,2) ));
cols = length(unique( data(:,1) ));
countMap = zeros(rows, cols);
actvMap = cell(rows, cols);
% build activity map
s = unique(sort(data(:,1)));
inc = s(2) - s(1);
xOffset = (-1 * min(data(:,1))) / inc;
yOffset = (-1 * min(data(:,2))) / inc;
for i = 1:length(data(:,1))
r = data(i,2)/inc + yOffset + 1;
c = data(i,1)/inc + xOffset + 1;
cellIds = activeCells(data(i, 4));
countMap(r, c) = length(cellIds);
actvMap{r, c} = cellIds;
% plot results
if plotType == 0
elseif plotType == 1
showActivityMap(data, countMap);
elseif plotType == 2
if mapType == 'of'
% off cells
showIdMap(data, actvMap, offSomaPos);
% on cells
showIdMap(data, actvMap, onSomaPos);
elseif plotType == 3
if mapType == 'of'
% off cells
showCoActivationWithThreshold(data, actvMap, offSomaPos);
% on cells
showCoActivationWithThreshold(data, actvMap, onSomaPos);
function cellList = activeCells(val)
% negative value designates overstim, ignore for now
val = abs(val);
% returns a list containing the ID of all activated cells
cellList = [];
val = uint32(val);
for i = 1:32
if (bitget(val, i) == 1)
cellList = [cellList i];
function [gHandle cbHandle] = showActivityMap(data, map)
xmin = min(data(:,1));
xmax = max(data(:,1));
ymin = min(data(:,2));
ymax = max(data(:,2));
gradients = max(max(map));
if gradients < 3
gradients = 3;
% plot results
gHandle = basicPlot(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, map, gradients);
cbHandle = colorbar;
set(cbHandle, 'Position', [0.78 0.21 0.036 0.2]);
set(cbHandle, 'YTick', [1 gradients]);
set(get(cbHandle,'xlabel'), 'String', 'Cells');
function [gHandle cbHandle] = showIdMap(data, actvMap, pos)
xmin = min(data(:,1));
xmax = max(data(:,1));
ymin = min(data(:,2));
ymax = max(data(:,2));
% build map of activated cell IDs, use minimum ID if there are more than one
minMap = zeros(size(actvMap));
for r = 1:length(actvMap(:,1))
for c = 1:length(actvMap(1,:))
minMap(r,c) = actvMap{r,c}(1);
% plot a default ID map
gHandle = basicPlot(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, minMap, max(max(minMap)));
cm = colormap(jet( max(max(minMap))+1 ));
% mark out all places with 1+ active cells specially
for r = 1:length(actvMap(:,1))
for c = 1:length(actvMap(1,:))
if length(actvMap{r,c}) > 1
patch([xmin+10*(c-1)-5 xmin+10*(c-1)-5 xmin+10*(c-1)+5], ...
[ymin+10*(r-1)-5 ymin+10*(r-1)+5 ymin+10*(r-1)+5], ...
cm(actvMap{r,c}(1), :)); % 1st cell
patch([xmin+10*(c-1)-5 xmin+10*(c-1)+5 xmin+10*(c-1)+5], ...
[ymin+10*(r-1)-5 ymin+10*(r-1)-5 ymin+10*(r-1)+5], ...
cm(actvMap{r,c}(2), :)); % 2nd cell
if length(actvMap{r,c}) > 2
patch([xmin+10*(c-1)-5 xmin+10*(c-1) xmin+10*(c-1)+5], ...
[ymin+10*(r-1)-5 ymin+10*(r-1) ymin+10*(r-1)-5], ...
cm(actvMap{r,c}(3), :)); % 3rd cell
% only annotate soma within boundary
for i = 1:length(pos(:,1))
if pos(i,2)>=xmin && pos(i,2)<=xmax && pos(i,3)>=ymin && pos(i,3)<=ymax
text(pos(i,2)-3, pos(i,3)+1, 'x', 'Color', 'k');
function [gHandle cbHandle] = showCoActivationWithThreshold(data, actvMap, pos)
xmin = min(data(:,1));
xmax = max(data(:,1));
ymin = min(data(:,2));
ymax = max(data(:,2));
% build map of activated cell IDs, use minimum ID if there are more than one
minMap = zeros(size(actvMap));
for r = 1:length(actvMap(:,1))
for c = 1:length(actvMap(1,:))
minMap(r,c) = actvMap{r,c}(1);
% plot threshold map
[tmap, lmap] = plotThresholdMap(data, 1);
% mark out all places with 1+ active cells
for r = 1:length(actvMap(:,1))
for c = 1:length(actvMap(1,:))
if length(actvMap{r,c}) ~= 1
line([xmin+10*(c-1)-5 xmin+10*(c-1)+5], ...
[ymin+10*(r-1)+5 ymin+10*(r-1)+5], 'color', 'k')
line([xmin+10*(c-1)+5 xmin+10*(c-1)+5], ...
[ymin+10*(r-1)+5 ymin+10*(r-1)-5], 'color', 'k')
line([xmin+10*(c-1)-5 xmin+10*(c-1)+5], ...
[ymin+10*(r-1)-5 ymin+10*(r-1)-5], 'color', 'k')
line([xmin+10*(c-1)-5 xmin+10*(c-1)-5], ...
[ymin+10*(r-1)+5 ymin+10*(r-1)-5], 'color', 'k')
function gHandle = basicPlot(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, map, gradients)
% window position handling
if xmax - xmin > 400
figure('Position', [450 100 540 320]);
figure('Position', [450 100 320 320]);
% plot specified map
subaxis(1, 1, 1, 'Margin', 0.14, 'PaddingRight', 0.14)
gHandle = imagesc([xmin xmax], [ymin ymax], map, [1 gradients]);
set(gca, 'XTick', [xmin:20:xmax]);
set(gca, 'YTick', [ymin:20:ymax]);
axis image;
axis xy;
set(gca, 'FontSize', 9);
% x-axis cosmetics
tk = get(gca, 'XTick');
lb = get(gca, 'XTickLabel');
set(gca, 'XTick', tk(1:4:end));
set(gca, 'XTickLabel', lb(1:4:end,:));
% y-axis cosmetics
tk = get(gca, 'YTick');
lb = get(gca, 'YTickLabel');
set(gca, 'YTick', tk(1:4:end));
set(gca, 'YTickLabel', lb(1:4:end,:));