
// normal distribution jitter for somatic location
objref rand
rand = new Random()
rand.normal(0, 25)

// deterministic grid positions
// DX = 70
// DY = -140
// CX = 120
// CY = 50
DX = 90
DY = -140
CX = 120
CY = 50
offCells = 0

// construct tile of cells
objref off[24]
proc placeCell() { local col, row
    col = $1
    row = $2
    xjit = rand.repick()
    yjit = rand.repick()
    off[offCells] = new RGC121203(CX*col + DX*row + xjit, CY*col + DY*row + yjit, 0)
    // print offCells, CX*col + DX*row + xjit, CY*col + DY*row + yjit
    offCells += 1

proc createOffTile() {
    for col = 0,5 {
        for row = 0,3 {
            if (col == 0 && row == 0) {
                // drop 1st of col 0
            } else if (col == 0 && row == 3) {
                // drop last of col 0
            } else if ((col == 4 || col == 5) && row == 0) {
                // drop 1st of col 4, 5 and 6
            } else if (col == 5 && row == 3) {
                // drop last of col 6
            } else {
                placeCell(col, row)