# Computer simulation 2 of
# A Learning Theory for Reward-Modulated Spike-Timing-Dependent
# Plasticity with Application to Biofeedback
# Author: Dejan Pecevski, dejan@igi.tugraz.at
# Date: March 2008
import sys
import os
from pypcsim import *
import pypcsimplus as pcsim
from numpy import *
import getopt
import numpy
from datetime import datetime
from math import *
from tables import *
from mpi4py import MPI
from BiofeedModel import *
from PoissInputModel import *
class BiofeedExperiment(pcsim.Experiment):
def defaultExpParameters(self):
ep = self.expParams
# General simulation parameters
ep.Tsim = 7200
ep.DTsim = 1e-4
# Network distribution parameters
ep.netType = 'MT'
ep.nThreads = 2
ep.minDelay = 1e-3
ep.maxDelay = 2
# Seeds of the experiment
ep.numpyRandomSeed = 34234159
ep.pyRandomSeed = 124243
ep.constructionSeed = 32241476
ep.simulationSeed = 134212439
ep.runMode = "long"
ep.modelName = "PoissInput"
def setupModels(self):
p = self.modelParams
ep = self.expParams
ep.samplingTime = int(ep.Tsim / (200 * ep.DTsim))
self.models.input = eval(ep.modelName + '(self.net, self.expParams, p.get("input",{}))')
self.models.biofeed = Biofeed(self.net, self.expParams, p.get("biofeed",{}), depModels = self.models.input.elements)
# then synchronize (override) the value of n.nNeurons from the other parameters
input_p = self.models.input.params
biofeed_p = self.models.biofeed.params
def setupRecordings(self):
r = self.recordings
r.input = self.models.input.setupRecordings()
r.biofeed = self.models.biofeed.setupRecordings()
net = self.net
m = self.models
m.exc_ln = net.create(LinearNeuron(Rm = 1))
for s in m.biofeed.elements.learning_plastic_syn:
net.connect(s,m.exc_ln,StaticAnalogSynapse(delay = 1e-3))
m.inh_ln = net.create(LinearNeuron(Rm = 1))
for s in m.biofeed.elements.inhib_learn_syn:
net.connect(s, m.inh_ln, StaticAnalogSynapse(delay = 1e-3))
return r
def simulate(self):
ep = self.expParams
biofeed_m = self.models.biofeed.elements
ep.samplingTime = int(ep.Tsim / (200 * ep.DTsim))
# Run simulation
print 'Running simulation:';
self.net.add(SimProgressBar(Time.sec(ep.Tsim)), SimEngine.ID(0,0))
print "Simulation start : " , datetime.today().strftime('%x %X')
for s in biofeed_m.learning_plastic_syn:
if self.net.object(s):
self.net.object(s).activeDASTDP = False
self.net.advance(int(2 / ep.DTsim))
for s in biofeed_m.learning_plastic_syn:
if self.net.object(s):
self.net.object(s).activeDASTDP = True
self.net.advance(int((ep.Tsim - 2) / ep.DTsim))
print 'Done.', (t1-t0).seconds, 'sec CPU time for', ep.Tsim, 's simulation time';
self.expParams.simDuration = (t1 - t0).seconds
def scriptList(self):
return ["BiofeedExperiment.py"]
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
numpyRandomSeed = [13048, 5012835, 656545, 25092385, 24086498]
constructionSeed = [1650126, 5606836, 4509158, 63501348, 5023958]
simulationSeed = [1045235, 65709388, 221230, 52065069, 5230598 ]
pyRandomSeed = [10349, 643764370, 161374352, 16406098, 70605059]
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
run_idx = int(sys.argv[2])
run_idx = 3
runName = "final_" + str(run_idx) + "_"
if len(sys.argv) > 3:
directory = sys.argv[3]
directory = None
exper = BiofeedExperiment('biofeed',
experParams = { "numpyRandomSeed" : numpyRandomSeed[run_idx],
"constructionSeed" : constructionSeed[run_idx],
"simulationSeed" : simulationSeed[run_idx],
"pyRandomSeed" : pyRandomSeed[run_idx] },
modelParams = {},
directory = directory)
exper = BiofeedExperiment('biofeed', experParams = {"Tsim":400, "runMode" : "long"},
modelParams = {})