#!/usr/bin/env python
Frame classes for customizing frame borders that surround the plot axes.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.axes as maxes
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.artist as martist
import matplotlib.collections as col
import matplotlib.projections as projections
class Frame(martist.Artist):
"""Draw frame along the edges of the axes patch.
Frame position can be controlled upon initialization or by setting
`positions` property with a list of positions
['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom' | 'all']
_position_list = ('left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom')
def __init__(self, axes, positions=('left', 'bottom'), **kwargs):
`positions` is a list of strings of frame positions to plot.
['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom' | 'all']
super(Frame, self).__init__()
# TODO: allow more keyword configuration
self.axes = axes
rc = plt.rcParams
self.color = kwargs.pop('color', rc['axes.edgecolor'])
self.linewidth = kwargs.pop('linewidth', rc['axes.linewidth'])
self.linestyle = kwargs.pop('linestyle', 'solid')
self.positions = positions
def get_data(self):
"""Convenience method returns tuple of (x, y) data in `self.axes`"""
x, y = [], []
ax = self.axes
for artist in (ax.lines, ax.patches):
if not artist == []:
x.append(np.concatenate([a.get_xdata() for a in artist]))
y.append(np.concatenate([a.get_ydata() for a in artist]))
# TODO: get scatter data from ax.collections
return (np.concatenate(x), np.concatenate(y))
def _set_frame_position(self, positions):
"""Set positions where frame will be drawn.
`positions` is a list of strings of frame positions to plot.
['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom' | 'all']
self._frame_on = self._frame_dict_from(positions)
def _get_frame_position(self):
return [p for p in self._position_list if self._frame_on[p]]
# xposition tuples turn on frame for (bottom, top)
_xposition_pairs = {(True, False): 'bottom', (False, True): 'top',
(True, True): 'both', (False, False): 'none'}
def _get_xposition(self, frame_on=None):
"""Returns position that matches `XAxis.set_ticks_position` inputs.
`frame_on` is a dict that matches frame positions with bools.
if frame_on is None:
frame_on = self._frame_on
return self._xposition_pairs[(frame_on['bottom'], frame_on['top'])]
# yposition tuples turn on frame for (left, right)
_yposition_pairs = {(True, False): 'left', (False, True): 'right',
(True, True): 'both', (False, False): 'none'}
def _get_yposition(self, frame_on=None):
"""Returns position that matches `YAxis.set_ticks_position` inputs.
`frame_on` is a dict that matches frame positions with bools.
if frame_on is None:
frame_on = self._frame_on
return self._yposition_pairs[(frame_on['left'], frame_on['right'])]
def _frame_dict_from(self, positions):
"""Parse `positions` and return xposition, yposition tuple
`positions` is a list of strings of frame positions to plot.
['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom' | 'all']
frame_dict = dict.fromkeys(self._position_list, False)
if 'all' in positions:
frame_dict = dict.fromkeys(self._position_list, True)
for position in positions:
frame_dict[position] = True
return frame_dict
def _set_ticks(self):
"""Overide this method to customize tick positioning."""
# Draw ticks on axes only where a frame is drawn
_frame_lines = dict(bottom=[(0., 0.), (1., 0.)], top=[(0., 1.), (1., 1.)],
left=[(0., 0.), (0., 1.)], right=[(1., 0.), (1., 1.)])
def _make_frame(self):
"""Get axis frame specified by `self._frame_on`."""
lines = [self._frame_lines[p] for p in self._position_list
if self._frame_on[p]]
frame_lines = col.LineCollection(segments=lines,
return frame_lines
def draw(self, renderer):
if not self.get_visible():
frame = self._make_frame()
positions = property(_get_frame_position, _set_frame_position)
class FrameAxes(maxes.Axes):
"""Override Axes so that `frame` attribute is a custom FrameArtist
name = 'frameaxes'
def cla(self):
"""Override default Axes.frame and clear patch edgecolor"""
if not hasattr(self, '_frame'):
self._frame = Frame(self)
super(FrameAxes, self).cla()
# retrieve `_frame` because Axes.cla() overwrites `frame`
self.frame = self._frame
# self.frame.set_zorder(10)
def set_frame(self, frame_artist, **kwargs):
"""Set artist to draw axes frame.
`frame_artist` should be subclass of `FrameArtist`.
# save frame artist as `_frame` because Axes.cla() overwrites `frame`
self.frame = self._frame = frame_artist(self, **kwargs)
def get_frame(self):
return self.frame
if __name__ == '__main__':
# a quick example on different ways to draw the frame
from numpy.random import rand
positions_test = (None, ['all'], ['top', 'right'])
names = ('L frame (default)', 'normal frame', 'top, right')
sub_pos = (221, 223, 122)
x = rand(10)
y = rand(10)
for positions, name, sub in zip(positions_test, names, sub_pos):
ax = plt.subplot(sub, projection='frameaxes')
if positions is not None:
ax.frame.positions = positions
ax.plot(x, y, 'o')
fig = plt.gcf()
# remove background color to make the frames stand out
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5, wspace=0.5)