Implemented a switching gamma renewal process according to (Gazere et al., 1998)
A phenomenological model of visual evoked spike trains in cat geniculate nonlagged X-cells.
Visual Neuroscience (1998) 15, 1157-1174
Klaus Schuch schuch@igi.tugraz.at
March 2007
from inputgenerator import *
import numpy
from pyV1.utils.logger import logger
import scipy.weave as wv
from time import time
def rate2spikes_sgp_old(u, dt, Tmax, reg, regsw):
''' Implemented a switching gamma renewal process according to (Gazere et al., 1998)
A phenomenological model of visual evoked spike trains in cat geniculate nonlagged X-cells.
Visual Neuroscience (1998) 15, 1157-1174
u = numpy.atleast_1d(u)
reg = numpy.atleast_1d(reg)
regsw = numpy.atleast_1d(regsw)
# stimulus time if every time segment of length dt is scaled by the frequency
TmaxUniform = sum(u*dt);
nbin = len(u)
# assign regularity values to each time segment dt
uu = numpy.tile(u,(len(reg),1)).transpose()
ridx = numpy.sum(uu >= regsw,1)-1
r = reg[ridx]
# generate stationary gamma processes for each r and constant frequency of 1 Hz
# pre calculate spike times and inter spike intervals for each regularity and constant rate 1 HZ
ISI = []
SPT = []
for i in range(len(reg)):
t0 = 0.0
lambd = 1.0/reg[i] # so that f = lambda*r = 1
# choose 1st ISI according to equ (8)
k = numpy.ceil(reg[i]*numpy.random.uniform(0,1))
ISI.append(numpy.random.gamma(k, lambd, 1))
# choose later ISI according to equ (4)
while t0 < TmaxUniform:
isi = numpy.random.gamma(reg[i], lambd, (1e3))
ISI[i]= numpy.r_[ISI[i], isi]
t0 += numpy.sum(isi) #sum(ISI[i]) MJR
tsum = numpy.cumsum(ISI[i])
ISI[i] = ISI[i].compress((tsum < TmaxUniform).flat)
SPT.append(tsum.compress((tsum < TmaxUniform).flat))
# project the spike train from each regularity r spike train to the output spike train (with appropriate scaling)
tiuniform = numpy.cumsum(dt*u)
tiuniform = numpy.r_[0, tiuniform[:-1]]
ti = numpy.arange(0, Tmax, dt)
spike_train = []
for i in range(len(reg)):
nSpikes = len(SPT[i])
# check in which time bin each spike is located
m = numpy.kron(numpy.ones((nbin, 1)), numpy.atleast_2d(SPT[i].T)).T
if nSpikes > 0:
b = numpy.kron(numpy.ones((nSpikes, 1)), numpy.atleast_2d(tiuniform))
m = m - b
tbinidx = numpy.sum(m > 0, 1) - 1
ri = numpy.array(ridx).take(tbinidx)
# keep only spikes that are located in time bins with correct regularity index
di = numpy.where(ri == i)[0]
SPT[i] = SPT[i][di]
tbinidx = tbinidx[di]
# rescale time axis
spt = (SPT[i] - tiuniform[tbinidx]) / u[tbinidx] + ti[tbinidx]
spike_train = numpy.r_[spike_train, spt]
return spike_train
def rate2spikes_sgp(u, dt, Tmax, reg, regsw):
''' Implemented a switching gamma renewal process according to (Gazere et al., 1998)
A phenomenological model of visual evoked spike trains in cat geniculate nonlagged X-cells.
Visual Neuroscience (1998) 15, 1157-1174
u = numpy.atleast_1d(u)
reg = numpy.atleast_1d(reg)
regsw = numpy.atleast_1d(regsw)
# stimulus time if every time segment of length dt is scaled by the frequency
TmaxUniform = sum(u*dt);
nbin = len(u)
# assign regularity values to each time segment dt
uu = numpy.tile(u,(len(reg),1)).transpose()
ridx = numpy.sum(uu >= regsw,1)-1
r = reg[ridx]
# generate stationary gamma processes for each r and constant frequency of 1 Hz
# pre calculate spike times and inter spike intervals for each regularity and constant rate 1 HZ
ISI = []
SPT = []
for i in range(len(reg)):
t0 = 0.0
lambd = 1.0/reg[i] # so that f = lambda*r = 1
# choose 1st ISI according to equ (8)
k = numpy.ceil(reg[i]*numpy.random.uniform(0,1))
ISI.append(numpy.random.gamma(k, lambd, 1))
# choose later ISI according to equ (4)
while t0 < TmaxUniform:
isi = numpy.random.gamma(reg[i], lambd, (1e3))
ISI[i]= numpy.r_[ISI[i], isi]
t0 += numpy.sum(isi) #sum(ISI[i]) MJR
tsum = numpy.cumsum(ISI[i])
ISI[i] = ISI[i].compress((tsum < TmaxUniform).flat)
SPT.append(tsum.compress((tsum < TmaxUniform).flat))
# project the spike train from each regularity r spike train to the output spike train (with appropriate scaling)
code ="""
int i, j;
for (i=0, j=0; i<nbin; i++) {
if (tiuniform[i]>spk[j]) {
tbinidx[j] = i-1;
if (j>=nSpikes) {break;}
if ((i==nbin-1) && (tiuniform[i]<=spk[j])) {
tbinidx[j] = i;
if (j>=nSpikes) {break;}
tiuniform = numpy.cumsum(dt*u)
tiuniform = numpy.r_[0, tiuniform[:-1]]
ti = numpy.arange(0, Tmax, dt)
spike_train = []
OLD = False
for i in range(len(reg)):
nSpikes = len(SPT[i])
# check in which time bin each spike is located
if OLD:
m = numpy.kron(numpy.ones((nbin, 1)), numpy.atleast_2d(SPT[i].T)).T
if nSpikes > 0:
b = numpy.kron(numpy.ones((nSpikes, 1)), numpy.atleast_2d(tiuniform))
m = m - b
tbinidx2 = numpy.sum(m > 0, 1) - 1
tbinidx = numpy.zeros(nSpikes).astype(numpy.int);
spk = SPT[i]
if OLD:
print numpy.all(tbinidx2==tbinidx)
if not numpy.all(tbinidx2==tbinidx):
import pdb
ri = ridx.take(tbinidx)
# keep only spikes that are located in time bins with correct regularity index
di = numpy.where(ri == i)[0]
tbinidx_di = tbinidx[di]
# rescale time axis
spt = (SPT[i][di].copy() - tiuniform[tbinidx_di]) / u[tbinidx_di] + ti[tbinidx_di]
spike_train = numpy.r_[spike_train, spt]
return spike_train
class GammaProcessRate(InputGenerator):
generates gamma process spike trains for channel i with rate r_i(t) = f_i'''
def __init__(self, **kwds):
''' nChannels ... number of spike trains (channels)
Tstim ... length of stimulus (-1 ... specify the length in the call to generate)
f ... rates of each individual spiking channels
gamma_freq_switch ... Frequency switches for gamma_r
gamma_r ... Regularity parameter at different gamma_freq_switch
cluster ... if not None the spike generation is computed distributed
self.Tstim = float(kwds.get('Tstim', -1.0))
self.f = kwds.get('f', numpy.array([[20.0, 65.0, 30, 60], [30, 62, 40, 60]]))
self.gamma_freq_switch = kwds.get('gamma_freq_switch', numpy.array([0.0, 60.0]))
self.gamma_r = kwds.get('gamma_r', numpy.array([1, 5]))
self.cluster = kwds.get('cluster', None)
self.mincpe = 50 # minimum number of channels per engine (task)
def __str__(self):
Tstim : %s
f : %s
gamm_freq_switch : %s
gamm_r : %s
''' % (self.Tstim, self.f, self.gamma_freq_switch, self.gamma_r)
return desc
def generate(self, argTstim=-1):
'''generates a Stimulus object'''
if self.Tstim > -1:
if Tstim <= 0.0:
error('length of stimulus undefined!')
# channel number in first dim and time in second dim of f
if numpy.isscalar(self.f):
nTimeSlots = 1
nChannels = 1
elif self.f.ndim < 2:
nTimeSlots = 1
nChannels = self.f.shape[0]
(nChannels, nTimeSlots) = self.f.shape
dt = Tstim/nTimeSlots
reg = self.gamma_r
regsw = self.gamma_freq_switch
stimulus = Stimulus(self.Tstim)
# get Spikes for each channel seperately (different rate)
if self.cluster is None:
for i in range(nChannels):
r = self.f[i]
spikes = rate2spikes_sgp(r, dt, Tstim, numpy.atleast_1d(reg), numpy.atleast_1d(regsw))
import ipython1.kernel.api as kernel
rc = self.cluster.getRemoteControllerClient()
tc = self.cluster.getTaskControllerClient()
nEngines =len(rc.getIDs())
rc.executeAll('import inputs.gammaprocessrate as gpr\n')
#rc.pushAll(dt=dt, Tstim=Tstim, reg=reg, regsw=regsw)
cmd = '\nspikes=[]\nfor r in rlist:\n spikes.append(gpr.rate2spikes_sgp(r, dt, Tstim, reg, regsw))\n'
if cpe < self.mincpe:
for i in range(nTasks):
endidx = i*cpe+cpe
if endidx < nChannels:
r= self.f[i*cpe:endidx]
r= self.f[i*cpe:]
setupNS = dict(rlist=r,dt=dt, Tstim=Tstim, reg=reg, regsw=regsw)
tids.append(tc.run(kernel.Task(cmd, resultNames=['spikes'], setupNS=setupNS)))
logger.info(' gammaprocessrate(): %d tasks started' % len(tids))
for tid in range(len(tids)):
res = tc.getTaskResult(tids[tid])
for sp in res.results['spikes']:
stimulus.dt = dt
return stimulus
if __name__ == '__main__':
import pylab
f = numpy.array([49.9, 49.9, 49.9, 49.9])
f = numpy.kron(numpy.ones((30, 1)), numpy.atleast_2d(f))
gammaprocess=GammaProcessRate(Tstim=1.0, gamma_freq_switch=[0, 50], f=f, gamma_r=[1, 5])
f = numpy.array([50.0, 50.0, 50, 50])
f = numpy.kron(numpy.ones((30, 1)), numpy.atleast_2d(f))
gammaprocess=GammaProcessRate(Tstim=1.0, gamma_freq_switch=[0, 50], f=f, gamma_r=[1, 5])
f = numpy.array([49.9, 50.0, 49.9, 50])
f = numpy.kron(numpy.ones((30, 1)), numpy.atleast_2d(f))
gammaprocess=GammaProcessRate(Tstim=1.0, gamma_freq_switch=[0, 50], f=f, gamma_r=[1, 5])
pylab.xlabel('time (s)')