Implementation of a simple Retina-LGN model
(a 'sequence of bitmaps to spikes converter')
The model for the LGN closely follows the standard design
(Ferster, 1990; Dong and Atick, 1995, Troyer et al., 1998)
and resembles a spatio-temporal filter bank with non-linearities.
The Retina converts time varying input signals into firing rates of LGN neurons.
Each visual input to the retina evokes four different types of
firing rate responses of the retina-LGN model corresponding to
the two diffeerent types of LGN cells, i.e. of non-lagged or lagged cells,
in combination with the two types of retinal cells,
i.e. on-center or off-center cells. Lagged and non-lagged LGN cells have been
observed experimentally
(Mastronarde, 1987; Humphrey and Weller, 1988a; Humphrey and Weller, 1988b).
From these firing rates spike trains are generated as LGN output.
This standard model was extended by two features.
Additional to the short transient high-frequency phasic discharge of LGN cells
(in response to a small light spot) a longer lasting tonic discharge
was implemented with temporal dynamics taken from CNRS (Gazeres et al., 1998).
Secondly, the difference in firing statistics for the initial phasic response
and the tonic response was accounted for by implementing a switching gamma renewal process
(Gazeres et al., 1998) for the spike generation mechanism.
Klaus Schuch schuch@igi.tugraz.at
March 2007
import gammaprocessrate as gammagen
import ephysrate
import scipy
import scipy.signal
import numpy
#import pylab
import types
import matplotlib.mlab
import os
import time
from utils.logger import logger
from utils import default
def concBitmap(s, ind):
emptycol = numpy.zeros([s.shape[0], 2])
V = emptycol
for t in ind:
V = numpy.hstack((V, s[:,:,t]))
V = numpy.hstack((V, emptycol))
return V
def DoG(dims, sig_inner, sig_outer, omega = 1.0, substractMean=True,separateKernels=False, horizon=3.5):
''' generates a Difference of Gaussians kernel with
dims ... dim[0] - x-size, dim[1] - y-size of the kernel
sig_inner ... std deviation of the inner gaussian
sig_outer ... std deviation of the outer gaussian
omega ... ratio of amplitudes A_outer/A_inner
substractmean ... whether to substract the mean (default: True)
dims = numpy.atleast_1d(dims)
# odd number of dim
r = (dims % 2)
dimo = dims + (r==0)
h = numpy.ceil(horizon*sig_outer)
dimo[dimo>h] = h
if sig_outer < sig_inner:
sig_outer, sig_inner = sig_inner, sig_outer
x = numpy.arange(numpy.ceil(-dimo[0]/2.0), numpy.ceil(dimo[0]/2.0))
y = numpy.arange(numpy.ceil(-dimo[1]/2.0), numpy.ceil(dimo[1]/2.0))
(X, Y) = numpy.meshgrid(x, y)
Zinner = matplotlib.mlab.bivariate_normal(X, Y, sig_inner, sig_inner, 0.0, 0.0)[:dims[1],:dims[0]]
Zouter = matplotlib.mlab.bivariate_normal(X, Y, sig_outer, sig_outer, 0.0, 0.0)[:dims[1],:dims[0]]
if not separateKernels:
out = Zinner - omega * Zouter
if substractMean:
out = out - out.mean()
return out
return (Zinner,omega * Zouter)
def LgnKernel(t, wc):
''' generates a temporal LGN -kernel
t ... array of times to evaluate the kernel
wc ... 'qian'
... 'dong'
... 'dongtonic'
... number
if type(wc) is types.StringType:
if wc=='qian':
return LgnQianKernel(t)
elif wc=='dong':
return LgnDongKernel(t)
elif wc=='dongtonic':
return LgnDongTonicKernel(t)
elif wc=='donglowtonic':
return LgnDongLowTonicKernel(t)
raise Exception('LGN temporal Kernel unspecified')
out = t*(1 - numpy.pi*wc*t) * exp(-2*numpy.pi*wc*t)
out = out/out.max()
out = out - out.mean()
return out
def LgnQianKernel(t):
''' generates a temporal LGN -kernel according to Qian
t ... array of times to evaluate the kernel
tau = 0.016
omega = 4*2*numpy.pi # 4 Hz
phi = 0.24
out = t/tau**2*exp(-t/tau) * cos(omega*tau + phi)
out = out/out.max()
return out
def LgnDongKernel(t):
''' generates a temporal LGN -kernel according to Dong
t ... array of times to evaluate the kernel
return LgnKernel(t, 5.5)
def LgnDongTonicKernel(t):
''' generates a tonic temporal LGN -kernel according to Dong
t ... array of times torem evaluate the kernel
wwc = 5.5
tonicA = 0.3
tonicTau = 0.015
out = t * (1 - numpy.pi*wwc*t) * numpy.exp(-2*numpy.pi*wwc*t)
out = out - out.mean()
outTonic = numpy.exp(-t/tonicTau)
cs1 = out/numpy.max(numpy.cumsum(out))
cs2 = tonicA*outTonic/numpy.max(numpy.cumsum(outTonic))
return cs1 + cs2
def LgnDongLowTonicKernel(t,wwc=5.5,tonicA=0.05,tonicTau=0.015):
''' generates a tonic temporal LGN -kernel according to Dong
t ... array of times torem evaluate the kernel
#wwc = 5.5
#tonicA = 0.05
#tonicTau = 0.015
out = t * (1 - numpy.pi*wwc*t) * numpy.exp(-2*numpy.pi*wwc*t)
out = out - out.mean()
outTonic = numpy.exp(-t/tonicTau)
cs1 = out/numpy.max(numpy.cumsum(out))
cs2 = tonicA*outTonic/numpy.max(numpy.cumsum(outTonic))
return cs1 + cs2
def filtertime(stim, Kt):
''' do the time filtering
stim ... stimulus [xdim x ydim x tdim]
kt ... temporal filter kernel
nTimeSteps = stim.shape[2]
#out = numpy.zeros(numpy.r_[stim.shape[0:2], nTimeSteps+len(Kt)-1])
#for x in range(stim.shape[0]):
# for y in range(stim.shape[1]):
# out[x,y,:] = scipy.signal.convolve(stim[x,y,:], Kt)
# half the time
Ktre = numpy.zeros((1, 1, len(Kt)))
Ktre[0,0,:] = Kt[:]
outre = scipy.signal.convolve(stim, Ktre)
# appearently only round off errors...
#return out
return outre
def filtertime_interp(stim, Kt, dt, Tstim):
''' do the time filtering
stim ... stimulus [xdim x ydim x tdim]
kt ... temporal filter kernel
if len(stim.shape)==2:
stim = stim[:,:,numpy.newaxis]
nstm = stim.shape[2]
dstm = Tstim/float(nstm)
nt = int(numpy.floor(Tstim/dt))
if nstm==1:
out = numpy.tile(stim,(1,1,nt))*numpy.sum(Kt)
return out
if not numpy.sum(stim.flatten()):
# only spont act no stim
out = numpy.zeros(numpy.r_[stim.shape[0:2], nt])
return out
#to exclude artefacts
nK = Kt.size
nartstm = int(numpy.ceil(nK*dt/dstm))
z = numpy.ones(nstm).astype(numpy.int);
z[0] = nartstm + 1
rstim = numpy.repeat(stim,z,axis=2)
tart = nartstm*dstm
ntart = int(numpy.ceil(nartstm*dstm/dt))
#array to note the stim changes
tarr = numpy.arange(0,Tstim+tart,dt)
stmmsk = numpy.zeros(nt+ntart)
for i in range(nstm+nartstm):
stmmsk += numpy.where(tarr>=dstm*i,1,0)
out = numpy.zeros(numpy.r_[rstim.shape[0:2], nt+ntart])
for t in range(nt+ntart):
# compose correct filter
K = Kt[0:min(t+1,len(Kt))]
msk = stmmsk[t::-1][:len(K)]
Kinterp = numpy.zeros(nstm+nartstm)
for i in range(nstm + nartstm):
Kinterp[i] = numpy.sum(K[msk==(i+1)])
#now convolution
out[:,:,t] = numpy.sum(rstim[:,:,Kinterp<>0] * Kinterp[Kinterp<>0],2)
return out[:,:,ntart:]
def convolve2dsame(v, k):
''' calls scipy.signal.convolve_2d, but the result has the same size as v
#avoid artifacts attach border
n2 = numpy.max(k.shape)/2
z = numpy.ones(v.shape[0]).astype(numpy.int)
z[0] = n2+1
z[-1] = n2+1
vrep = numpy.repeat(v,z.astype(numpy.int),axis=0)
z = numpy.ones(v.shape[1]).astype(numpy.int)
z[0] = n2+1
z[-1] = n2+1
vrep = numpy.repeat(vrep,z.astype(numpy.int),axis=1)
o = scipy.signal.convolve2d(vrep, k, 'same')
o = o[n2+1:-n2+1,n2+1:-n2+1].copy()
#diffx = abs(v.shape[0] - k.shape[0])
#diffy = abs(v.shape[1] - k.shape[1])
#if diffx or diffy:
# o = o[diffx/2+(diffx%2):o.shape[0]-diffx/2, diffy/2+(diffy%2):o.shape[1]-diffy/2]
return o
class RetinaException(Exception):
class Retina(object):
def __init__(self, dims=numpy.array([50, 50]), inner=0.11, outer=0.33,
dpl=0.145, scale=1.0, thres=0.0, omega= 0.85,
dims ... size of the retina
inner ... std of the inner gaussian (degree)
outer ... std of the outer gaussian (degree)
dpl ... degree per lattice spacing
scale ... kernel scaling
thres ... retina nonlinearity
inverse ... whether to enforce same OFF and ON cell response to inverse stimuli
Default parameters from:
GAZERAS, Borg-Graham, Y Fregnac, Visual Neuroscience (1998)
One other set of parameters (DOG model fitted to cat data):
EINEVOLL, 2000, Visual Neuroscience
g(r) = scale*(1/pi/inner^2 exp(-r^2/inner^2) - omega/pi/outer^2 exp(-r^2/outer^2))
scale = 129 spikes/sec (BUT: this will be scaled after LGN anyway)
inner = 0.59 or 0.62 deg
outer = 1.27 or 1.26 deg
omega = 0.88 or 0.85
NOTE: Tadmor & Tolhurst, Vision research (2000) suggest that
ganglion cells are CONTRAST sensitive. Therefore it should be
devided by the local constrast. This can be implemented as
the sum of center surround activity.
CAUTION: this normalization has a very high OFF activity at
borders I dont know if this is realistic!!
self.inner = inner
self.outer = outer
self.dpl = dpl
self.scale = scale # scale of kernel
self.thres = thres
self.dims = dims
self.omega = omega
self.cluster = None
self.k = None
self.substractMean = substractMean # for DOG Kernel
self.contrastNormalization = contrastNormalization
self.inverse = inverse
def generate(self):
""" sets kernel according to parameters"""
# one could make a spaceHorizon to speed it up...
if self.contrastNormalization:
sepkern = True
submean = False
sepkern = False
submean = self.substractMean
K = DoG(self.dims, self.inner/self.dpl, self.outer/self.dpl, self.omega,
if not sepkern:
K = [K]
self.k = []
for i in range(len(K)):
# maybe offset OFF and ON (0.63deg)?? see Conway & Livingstone, j. Neurosci (2006)
def __processStimulus(self,stim,K):
""" core routine for processing"""
nTimeSteps = stim.shape[2]
out = numpy.zeros((self.dims[1], self.dims[0], nTimeSteps))
if numpy.sum(stim.flatten()): # not only spont act no stim
if self.cluster is None:
for t in range(nTimeSteps):
s = stim[:,:,t]
if s.shape[0] <> self.dims[0] or s.shape[1] <> self.dims[1]:
im=scipy.misc.toimage(s, mode='F')
out[:,:,t]=convolve2dsame(s, K)
else: # use the cluster
# from cluster.cluster import Cluster, ClusterConfig
import ipython1.kernel.api as kernel
rc = self.cluster.getRemoteControllerClient()
tc = self.cluster.getTaskControllerClient()
nengines =len(rc.getIDs())
smallamount = self.dims[0]<40
if smallamount:
#do directly
rc.executeAll('import scipy\nimport inputs.lgn as l\n')
rc.pushAll(k=K, dims=self.dims)
cmd = '''
if s.shape[0] <> dims[0] or s.shape[1] <> dims[1]:
im=scipy.misc.toimage(s, mode='F')
o=l.convolve2dsame(s, k)
for t in range(nTimeSteps):
setupNS = dict(s = stim[:,:,t])
tids.append(tc.run(kernel.Task(cmd, resultNames=['o'], setupNS=setupNS)))
logger.info('%d tasks started' % len(tids))
for tid in range(len(tids)):
res = tc.getTaskResult(tids[tid])
out[:,:,tid] = res.results['o']
#large amount of data (exceeding cluster submit size)
tmpfname = os.environ['HOME'] + '/__tmp_retina_processing'
rc.executeAll('import scipy\nimport os\nimport inputs.lgn as l\nimport scipy.io')
cmd = '''
v= scipy.io.loadmat(fname)
s= v['s']
k= v['k']
if s.shape[0] <> dims[0] or s.shape[1] <> dims[1]:
im=scipy.misc.toimage(s, mode='F')
o=l.convolve2dsame(s, k)
for t in range(nTimeSteps):
fname = tmpfname + str(t)
setupNS = dict(fname=fname)
tids.append(tc.run(kernel.Task(cmd, resultNames=[], setupNS=setupNS)))
logger.info('%d tasks started' % len(tids))
os.system('ls -l >/dev/null')
for tid in range(len(tids)):
res = tc.getTaskResult(tids[tid])
if None<>res.failure.printDetailedTraceback():
fname = tmpfname + str(tid)
out[:,:,tid] = scipy.io.loadmat(fname)['o']
os.remove(fname + '.mat')
return out
def __calcContrast(self,Sc,Ssur):
#C = numpy.abs(Sc-Ssur)/(numpy.abs(Ssur) + 1e-16)
C = numpy.abs(Sc-Ssur)/(numpy.abs(Ssur) +numpy.abs(Sc)+ 1e-16)
return C
def processStimulus(self, stim):
''' do the spatial decorrelation
stim ... stimulus [xdim, ydim, tdim]
if self.k is None:
if stim.max() > 1.0 or stim.min() < 0.0:
raise Exception('the intensity of the bitmaps must be between 0.0 and 1.0')
pout = []
for i_k in range(len(self.k)):
if self.inverse:
if not self.contrastNormalization:
if not self.inverse:
Son = numpy.abs(pout[0] * (pout[0] > self.thres))
Soff = numpy.abs(-pout[0] * (pout[0] < self.thres))
#off explicit
Son = numpy.abs(pout[0] * (pout[0] > self.thres))
Soff = numpy.abs(pout[1] * (pout[1] > self.thres))
return (Son, Soff)
#local contrast
#contrast by difference in reposen of cewnter and surround
# we have in general: R(rho) = C*(int S(r-rho)(G_c(r) -
# G_s(r))) (where S is stim and C contrast). See
# e.g. Croner & Kaplan 1995, Enroth-Cugell & Robson 1966,
# Rodieck 1965
if not self.inverse:
Scenter = pout[0]
Ssurround = pout[1]
C = self.__calcContrast(Scenter,Ssurround/self.omega)
Son = C*(Scenter - Ssurround)
Son = Son * (Son>0)
Soff = C*(Ssurround - Scenter)
Soff = Soff * (Soff>0)
#ON center
Scenter = pout[0]
Ssurround = pout[2]
C = self.__calcContrast(Scenter,Ssurround/self.omega)
Son = C*(Scenter-Ssurround)
Son = Son * (Son>0)
#OFF center
Scenter = pout[1]
Ssurround = pout[3]
C = self.__calcContrast(Scenter,Ssurround/self.omega)
Soff = C*(Scenter-Ssurround)
Soff = Soff * (Soff>0)
return (Son,Soff)
def plot(self):
""" plot kernel"""
import pylab
from utils.mscfuncs import imagesc
for i in range(len(self.k)):
class LGNException(Exception):
class LGN(object):
# default values:
# 1.61 x 1.61 mm2 retina
# 7.142 x 7.142 degree visual field
# (so that 5 x 5 degree letter size)
# 2500 retinal X-cells
# 10000 LGN cells
# 0.145 degree / retinal grid spacing
# see Troyer et al. 1998 G. (Orbans book)
def __init__(self, wc=None, thres=0, ret=Retina(),
fspot=160, fbackground=0.5,
gamma_freq_switch = numpy.array([0, 30]), gamma_r = numpy.array([1, 5]),
dt=0.001, cluster=None, lgnKernel=LgnDongTonicKernel,lgnKernelArgs={},
dims = None, lagged=True):
''' thres ... std of the inner gaussian (degree)
wc ... kernel cutoff !! DEPRECEATED use lgnKernel function instead
ret ... a Retina
fspot ... response to an optimal centered spot
fbackground ... spontaneous (poisson) activity of LGN cells [HZ]
gamma_freq_switch ... frequency switches for gamma_r
gamma_r ... Regularity parameter at different gamma_freq_switch
dims ... dimension of LGN (centered at retina dims)
None takes dims from retina
cluster ... cluster object to use cluster for processing
dt ... lgn time filter resolution (NEW as of 26.12.2007 MJR)
self.thres = thres
self.ret = ret
if wc is not None:
print "WARNING: 'wc' argument for Lgn is depreciated!\nuse 'lgnKernel=MyLGNKernelFun' (and lgnKernelArgs={} for optional args) instead"
self.wc = wc
self.lgnKernel = lgnKernel
self.lgnKernelArgs = lgnKernelArgs
self.lgnKernelHorizon = 0.5 # when the contribution of kernel is negligible
self.fspot = fspot
self.fbackground = fbackground
self.gamma_freq_switch = gamma_freq_switch
self.gamma_r = gamma_r
#self.Tstim = Tstim #!!!!!!!set in processStimulus
self.dt = dt
self.k = None
self.analogLGNoutput = None
self.shape = None
self.dims = dims
self.cluster = cluster
self.lagged = lagged
if self.lagged:
# 4 types of LGN cells (on_nonlagged, on_lagged, off_nonlagged, off_lagged)
self.nLgnLayers = 4 #fixed
self.nLgnLayers = 2
def processStimulus(self, stim, Tstim=None,dt=None):
''' processes the stimulus (calculates the firing frequencies)
stim ... stimulus [xdim, ydim, tdim]
Tstim ... simulatioan time
dt ... lgn time filter resolution (NEW as of 26.12.2007 MJR)
if Tstim:
self.Tstim = Tstim
raise LGNException(' provide Tstim!')
if self.cluster!=None:
self.ret.cluster = self.cluster
#Note: stim is given in dim_t samples in time. These will be
# stretched to cover the whole Tstim. Retina does not depend on time,
# so stretching will be done ofter retina processing
if dt:
self.dt = dt;
logger.debug('LGN.processStimulus(): start LGN process stim')
tti = time.time()
logger.info('start LGN.processStimulus')
self.nTimeSteps = numpy.floor(float(self.Tstim)/self.dt)
if self.dt > 10e-3:
print ' WARNING: dt is rather big! (', self.dt,'sec) Think of decreasing it..'
#RETINA PROCESSING: do spatial decorrelation
tt = time.time()
logger.debug('LGN.processStimulus(): start Retina.processStimulus()')
(Son_short, Soff_short) = self.ret.processStimulus(stim)
logger.debug('LGN.processStimulus(): finished Retina.processStimulus() (t=%1.4f sec)' % (time.time()-tt))
if self.dims==None:
self.dims = self.ret.dims
elif not numpy.all(self.dims==self.ret.dims):
#get dimensions right
b = (numpy.array(self.ret.dims) - self.dims)
if numpy.any(b<0):
raise LGNException(" LGN size must be smaller or equal the visual field!")
b = b / 2
Son_short = Son_short[b[0]:b[0]+self.dims[0],b[1]:b[1]+self.dims[1],:]
Soff_short = Soff_short[b[0]:b[0]+self.dims[0],b[1]:b[1]+self.dims[1],:]
#LGN PROCESSING: do temporal decorrelation
t=numpy.arange(0, self.lgnKernelHorizon+self.dt/2.0, self.dt)
if self.wc != None:
self.k = LgnKernel(t,self.wc)
self.k = self.lgnKernel(t,**self.lgnKernelArgs) #kernel fun defined
logger.debug('LGN.processStimulus(): start LGN.filtertime')
tt = time.time()
#new version MJR 26.12.2007
# NOTE: this will be MUCH faster if stimulus does not change fast (i.e. still images)
# otherwise one could consider taking the old version again (i.e. for movies)
# but also in the latter case this version seems to be OK
# THEREFORE: stmframes should really only have an index for changes in stimuli.
# i.e. [1,0] and Tstim=1 will show the first stim for 500ms and the second stim for the rest
# (see also v1test for an example)
S_lgn_on = filtertime_interp(Son_short, self.k,self.dt,self.Tstim)
S_lgn_off = filtertime_interp(Soff_short, self.k,self.dt,self.Tstim)
logger.debug('LGN.processStimulus(): finished LGN.filtertime (t=%1.4f sec)' % (time.time()-tt))
logger.debug('LGN.processStimulus(): post-process')
if self.lagged:
S_on_nlag = S_lgn_on * (S_lgn_on > self.thres)
S_off_nlag = S_lgn_off * (S_lgn_off > self.thres)
S_on_lag = -S_lgn_on * (S_lgn_on < self.thres)
S_off_lag = -S_lgn_off * (S_lgn_off < self.thres)
# S_lst = [S_on_nlag, S_on_lag, S_off_nlag, S_off_lag]
S_lst = [S_on_nlag, S_off_nlag, S_on_lag, S_off_lag]
# think about this!!!
S_on_nlag = S_lgn_on * (S_lgn_on > self.thres)
S_off_nlag = S_lgn_off * (S_lgn_off > self.thres)
S_lst = [S_on_nlag, S_off_nlag]
analogLGNoutput = numpy.zeros(numpy.r_[self.nLgnLayers, S_on_nlag.shape])
for i in range(len(S_lst)):
j = min(i, self.nLgnLayers-1)
analogLGNoutput[j,:,:,:] = S_lst[i]
nTimeSteps = analogLGNoutput.shape[3]
# info
self.shape = numpy.r_[analogLGNoutput.shape[:3],self.nTimeSteps]
analogLGNoutput = numpy.reshape(analogLGNoutput, numpy.r_[self.nLgnLayers*numpy.prod(analogLGNoutput.shape[1:3]), nTimeSteps])
analogLGNoutput = analogLGNoutput[:,:self.nTimeSteps]
# set input rate normalization factor so that optimal
# stimulation frequency of an ON nonlagged cell is fspot
if self.ret.k is None: # should never occur!!!
raise RetinaException('Retina kernel not yet generated!\nrun retinaProcess stimulus first')
self.analogLGNoutput_unscaled = analogLGNoutput.copy()
if not self.ret.contrastNormalization:
K = self.ret.k[0]
max_space_response = K[K > 0.0].sum()
CK = self.ret.k[0] - self.ret.k[1]
mxkern = CK[CK>0.0].sum()
h1 = self.ret.k[0][CK>0.0].sum()
h2 = self.ret.k[1][CK>0.0].sum()/self.ret.omega
#cmax = (h1/h2-1)
cmax = numpy.abs(h1-h2)/(h2+h1)
max_space_response = cmax*mxkern
max_time_response = max(numpy.cumsum(self.k))
fspotmax = max_space_response * max_time_response;
# scale input rates to fspot for optimal spot stimulation
analogLGNoutput /= fspotmax
analogLGNoutput *= (self.fspot - self.fbackground)
analogLGNoutput += self.fbackground
self.analogLGNoutput = analogLGNoutput.copy()
logger.info('maximal output %1.3f Hz (fspot=%1.3f Hz)' % (analogLGNoutput.max(),self.fspot))
logger.info('LGN.processStimulus() finished (t=%1.2f sec)' % (time.time()-tti))
def generate(self):
''' generates the output spike trains of the LGN '''
logger.info('start LGN generate')
tt = time.time()
if self.k is None:
raise LGNException('call method processStimulus() first!')
self.gamma = gammagen.GammaProcessRate(f=self.analogLGNoutput, Tstim=self.Tstim,
gamma_r=self.gamma_r, cluster=cl)
g = self.gamma.generate()
logger.debug('LGN.generate(): LGN generate finished (t=%1.4f sec)' % (time.time()-tt))
logger.info('LGN.generate finished (t=%1.2f sec)' % (time.time()-tt))
return g
def plot(self, gap=0):
""" Plots analog output as single imagescale"""
if self.k is None:
import pylab
from utils.mscfuncs import imagesc
X = self.analogLGNoutput.reshape(self.shape,order='C')
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
x =X[i,:,:,::(gap+1)]
x = x.transpose([2,1,0])
sz = x.shape
x = numpy.reshape(x,numpy.r_[sz[0]*sz[1],sz[2]]).transpose()
pylab.title('LGN layer %d' % (i+1));
def plotSeq(self, n=100, layer=0, cmap=None):
""" Plots analog output as sequence of pictures."""
import pylab
from utils.mscfuncs import imagesc
if self.k is None:
X = self.analogLGNoutput.reshape(self.shape,order='C')
if not type(layer)==list:
layer = [layer]
r = numpy.int(numpy.ceil(n/numpy.sqrt(n)))
indarr = numpy.linspace(0,X.shape[3]-1,n)
mx = numpy.max(X[:])
if layer[0]!=None:
for i in layer:
dt = self.dt
s = 0
for j in indarr:
jj = numpy.floor(j)
s = s+1
pylab.title('%1.2f sec' % (jj*self.dt),fontsize=6 )
#plot all layers
layername = ['ON','ON lagged','OFF','OFF lagged']
layer = [0,1,2,3]
s = 0
for i in layer:
for j in indarr:
s = s+1
jj = numpy.floor(j)
pylab.title('%1.2f sec' % (jj*self.dt),fontsize=6 )
if j==indarr[0]:
def plotTimeLine(self, idx=(0,0)):
""" Plots Time of analog output."""
import pylab
if self.k is None:
X = self.analogLGNoutput.reshape(self.shape,order='C')
x = X[:,idx[0],idx[1],:]
t = numpy.arange(0,self.Tstim,self.dt)
#pylab.legend(('On non-lagged cell','ON lagged cell','OFF non-lagged cell', 'OFF lagged cell'))
if self.lagged:
pylab.legend(('On non-lagged cell','OFF non-lagged cell','ON lagged cell', 'OFF lagged cell'))
pylab.legend(('On cell','OFF cell'))
pylab.xlabel('Time [s]')
pylab.ylabel('Analog Rate Output')
pylab.title('Time line of one pixel x=%d y=%d' % idx)
def plotFreqResponse(self, stim, ind=None, s=None, num_steps=10, colorbarif=True, retinaif=False):
'''plot the output'''
import pylab
if ind is None:
ind = range(0, stim.shape[2], numpy.ceil(float(stim.shape[2])/num_steps))
V = concBitmap(stim, ind)
if self.lagged:
tit = ['nonlagged on cells', 'nonlagged off cells', 'lagged on cells', 'lagged off cells']
tit = ['nonlagged on cells', 'nonlagged off cells']
pylab.imshow(V, cmap=pylab.cm.gray)
if colorbarif: pylab.colorbar()
pylab.xticks([]); pylab.yticks([])
data=self.analogLGNoutput.reshape(self.shape, order='C')
for k in range(len(tit)):
V = concBitmap(data[k,:,:,:], ind)
pylab.subplot(len(tit)+1,1, 2+k)
if colorbarif: pylab.colorbar()
pylab.xticks([]); pylab.yticks([])
def setStimulusPos(self, response):
# does not work, because channel.idx = -1
# for c in response.channel:
# response.pos_z.append(int(c.idx) / int(self.dims.prod()))
# idx = c.idx % self.dims.prod()
# response.pos_x.append(idx / self.dims[1])
# response.pos_y.append(idx % self.dims[1])
for i in range(len(response.channel)):
response.pos_z.append(int(i) / int(self.dims.prod()))
idx = i % self.dims.prod()
response.pos_x.append(idx / self.dims[1])
response.pos_y.append(idx % self.dims[1])
response.save_attrs += ['pos_x','pos_y','pos_z']
class LGNEphysGammaBackground(LGN):
""" overloads LGN. Loads LGN rate distribution from monkey data
and assigns fixed rates randomly for all cells (ON/OFF/LAGGED). No
filtering (therfore no correlation between ON/OFF), but
gammaprocessrate will be applied"""
def __init__(self, stmtype='spont', area='LGN', rorc=0., **kwds):
super(LGNEphysGammaBackground, self).__init__(lagged=False,**kwds)
self.rorc = rorc #constant if 0
self.loadpath = default.dirs['ephys']
self.k = 'dummy' # for plotting
self.stmtype = stmtype
self.area = area
def processStimulus(self, stim, Tstim=None, dt=None):
"""overloads processstim of LGN. STIM and DT have no function at all (just to make it compatible) """
logger.info('start LGNRealSpontanousBackground')
tt = time.time()
if Tstim:
self.Tstim = Tstim
raise LGNException(' provide Tstim!')
if dt:
self.dt = dt;
if self.dims==None:
self.dims = self.ret.dims
#get rates
L = int(self.nLgnLayers * numpy.prod(self.dims)) # only for non lagged
errate = ephysrate.EphysRandomRate(Tstim=self.Tstim, nChannels=L,dt=self.dt,area=self.area,stmtype=self.stmtype,rorc=self.rorc)
#calc the rates
Rmat = errate.calcRate()
self.nTimeSteps = Rmat.shape[1];
self.shape = numpy.r_[self.nLgnLayers, self.dims , self.nTimeSteps].tolist()
R = Rmat.reshape(numpy.r_[self.nLgnLayers, self.dims, self.nTimeSteps], order='f')
self.analogLGNoutput = numpy.reshape(R, numpy.r_[self.nLgnLayers*numpy.prod(R.shape[1:3]), self.nTimeSteps])
logger.info('LGNRealSpontanousBackground processStimulus finished (t=%1.2f sec)' % (time.time()-tt))
if __name__ == '__main__':
import pylab
import inputs.bitmapstim as bstm
import numpy
from utils.mscfuncs import imagesc
dim_lgn=numpy.array([50, 50])
#bmp = bstm.makeBitmap(dim_lgn, 'A')
#lgn = LGNEphysGammaBackground(dims=dim_lgn,rorc=0.5)
#input = lgn.generate()
if 1:
stmframes = numpy.r_[0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]
letters = ['B','A','E']
dims = numpy.r_[dim_lgn, len(stmframes)]
stim = bstm.generateLetterStim(dims, stmframes, letters)
s = stim.shape
#stim = stim + numpy.random.rand(s[0],s[1],s[2])>0.8
#stim[stim>1] = 1
#stim = 1 - stim
if 0:
t=numpy.arange(0, 0.3, 1e-3)
inv = False
sin = 0.05
sout = 0.3
om = 0.65
lgn = LGN(ret=Retina(dims=dim_lgn,inverse=inv,contrastNormalization=False,inner=sin, outer=sout,omega=om),dt=0.01)
lgn_contrast = LGN(ret=Retina(dims=dim_lgn,inverse=inv,contrastNormalization=True,inner=sin, outer=sout,omega=om),dt=0.005)
import paramsearch.experiments as e
pars = e.getStandardPars()
lgn_contrast = pars.getLGN()