//uses dpath of 700 from M1 alternative atten fact for ht (more atten)
//modified from hTA to make parameters for last MN same as previous MN_14
soma.diam = 23.455851218836564
soma.L = 3081.7527478393354
soma.g_pas = 0.00013487969529085874
soma.e_pas = -71.18196925207756
soma.gbar_na3rp = 0.012183698060941828
soma.gbar_naps = 2.4908110747922436e-05
soma.sh_na3rp = 1.0
soma.sh_naps = 5.0
soma.ar_na3rp = 1.0
soma.ar_naps = 1.0
soma.gMax_kdrRL = 0.015909906592797785
soma.gcamax_mAHP = 6.5357806391679005e-06
soma.gkcamax_mAHP = 0.0004772836565096953
soma.taur_mAHP = 79.08111418282549
soma.ek = -80.0
soma.Ra = 0.001
soma.cm = 1.4506477839335181
soma.ghbar_gh = 6.639619667590028e-05
soma.half_gh = -77.0
forsec dend{
L = 1872.8879179224377
diam = 9.308463213296399
g_pas = 9.67683324099723e-05
e_pas = -71.18196925207756
gcabar_L_Ca_inact = 0.00010064108033240998
Ra = 49.166685058171744
cm = 0.8700786592797785
ghbar_gh = 6.639619667590028e-05
half_gh = -77.0
d1.gcabar_L_Ca_inact = 9.100642659279779e-05
d2.gcabar_L_Ca_inact = 0.00010100642659279779
d3.gcabar_L_Ca_inact = 0.0001069147645429363
d4.gcabar_L_Ca_inact = 0.0001219147645429363
qinf_na3rp = 8.0
thinf_na3rp = -50.0
vslope_naps = 5.0
asvh_naps = -90.0
bsvh_naps = -22.0
mvhalfca_mAHP = -20.0
mtauca_mAHP = 2.0
celsius = 37.0
theta_m_L_Ca_inact = -41.45405537396122
tau_m_L_Ca_inact = 40.0
theta_h_L_Ca_inact = 6.360380332409972
tau_h_L_Ca_inact = 2500.0
kappa_h_L_Ca_inact = 5.0
htau_gh = 30.0
mVh_kdrRL = -21.0
tmin_kdrRL = 0.8
taumax_kdrRL = 20.0
V0 = -9.057592797783933