//uses dpath of 700 from M1   alternative atten fact for ht (more atten)
//modified from hTA to make parameters for last MN same as previous MN_14
soma.diam = 22.589559584487535
soma.L = 3004.5445011911356
soma.g_pas = 0.00010287260387811634
soma.e_pas = -71.07369002770083
soma.gbar_na3rp = 0.010884307479224377
soma.gbar_naps = 2.5557829972299166e-05
soma.sh_na3rp = 1.0
soma.sh_naps = 5.0
soma.ar_na3rp = 1.0
soma.ar_naps = 1.0
soma.gMax_kdrRL = 0.01536847457063712
soma.gcamax_mAHP = 6.422266874847491e-06
soma.gkcamax_mAHP = 0.00046104875346260387
soma.taur_mAHP = 85.57830243767313
soma.ek = -80.0
soma.Ra = 0.001
soma.cm = 1.3940071191135734
soma.ghbar_gh = 4.473895567867036e-05
soma.half_gh = -77.0
forsec dend{
L = 1826.0237022991691
diam = 8.96467617728532
g_pas = 8.640043213296399e-05
e_pas = -71.07369002770083
gcabar_L_Ca_inact = 9.728440443213296e-05
Ra = 50.280194775623265
cm = 0.8687114570637119
ghbar_gh = 4.473895567867036e-05
half_gh = -77.0
d1.gcabar_L_Ca_inact = 8.743235457063712e-05
d2.gcabar_L_Ca_inact = 9.743235457063712e-05
d3.gcabar_L_Ca_inact = 0.00010280019390581718
d4.gcabar_L_Ca_inact = 0.00011780019390581717
qinf_na3rp = 8.0
thinf_na3rp = -50.0
vslope_naps = 5.0
asvh_naps = -90.0
bsvh_naps = -22.0
mvhalfca_mAHP = -20.0
mtauca_mAHP = 2.0
celsius = 37.0
theta_m_L_Ca_inact = -41.77891498614959
tau_m_L_Ca_inact = 40.0
theta_h_L_Ca_inact = 8.526104432132964
tau_h_L_Ca_inact = 2500.0
kappa_h_L_Ca_inact = 5.0
htau_gh = 30.0
mVh_kdrRL = -21.0
tmin_kdrRL = 0.8
taumax_kdrRL = 20.0
V0 = -12.593570637119115