clc; clear all; close all; clear classes
% *************************************************************************
% Simulation of the module model for Gaussian noise without bias, which 
% takes about 4.5 hours.
%   Copyright (C) 2015  Florian Raudies, 09/29/2015, Palo Alto, CA.
%   License, GNU GPL, free software, without any warranty.
% *************************************************************************

muNoiseForVel       = 1/180*pi; % Set the noise parameters.
sigmaNoiseForVel    = 1.75/180*pi;
muNoiseForAng       = 0.8/180*pi;
sigmaNoiseForAng    = 1/180*pi;

rng(4); % Set the seed value for the random number generator.
% Initialize the camera, cube box, and the module model.
nStep       = 5*10^4; % Number of steps to simulate.
nTrial      = 100;
camera      = SphericalCamera([0;0;1;0],[0;1;0;0],[0;0;0;0],...
cube        = Cube([-75 -2.5 -75 75 47.5 75],[3 3 3]);
Ground      = cube.getGroundSegment();
configA     = Scene(cube, camera);
opt.nStep   = nStep;
opt.Ground  = Ground; % Logical index for ground samples.
mm          = ModuleModel(configA, opt); % Instantiate the module model.
mm.setGaussianNoiseAng(muNoiseForAng, sigmaNoiseForAng);
mm.setGaussianNoiseVel(muNoiseForVel, sigmaNoiseForVel);

ErrAngPerTrial      = zeros(nTrial,nStep);
ErrVelPerTrial      = zeros(nTrial,nStep);
ErrVelZPerTrial     = zeros(nTrial,nStep);
ErrOmegaYPerTrial   = zeros(nTrial,nStep);
SNRAngPerTrial      = zeros(nTrial,1);
SNRVelPerTrial      = zeros(nTrial,1);
dt = mm.getDeltaTime();

for iTrial = 1:nTrial,
    fprintf('Working on %d-th trial of %d trials.\n',iTrial,nTrial);
    ErrAngPerTrial(iTrial,:)    = mm.getEuclideanErrorForAng();
    ErrVelPerTrial(iTrial,:)    = mm.getEuclideanErrorForVel();
    ErrVelZPerTrial(iTrial,:)   = (mm.getVelZGt() - mm.getVelZEst())*dt;
    ErrOmegaYPerTrial(iTrial,:) = (mm.getOmegaYGt() - mm.getOmegaYEst())*dt;
    SNRAngPerTrial(iTrial)      = mm.getMeanSNRForAng();
    SNRVelPerTrial(iTrial)      = mm.getMeanSNRForVel();


opt.NumPx = [41 41]; % Discretization for firing rate maps.
[gsVelVCO, SpikeRateVelVCO, gsAngVCO, SpikeRateAngVCO] ...
    = mm.calculateGridScores(opt);


[gsVelAtt, SpikeRateVelAtt, gsAngAtt, SpikeRateAngAtt] ...
    = mm.calculateGridScores(opt);

Time            = mm.getTime();
ErrAng          = mm.getEuclideanErrorForAng();
ErrVel          = mm.getEuclideanErrorForVel();
meanSNRForAng   = mm.getMeanSNRForAng();
meanSNRForVel   = mm.getMeanSNRForVel();
VelZGt          = mm.getVelZGt;
OmegaYGt        = mm.getOmegaYGt;
SpikePosForVel  = mm.getSpikePosForVel;
SpikePosForAng  = mm.getSpikePosForAng;


save('SimNoiseWithBias', 'Time', 'ErrAngPerTrial', 'ErrVelPerTrial', ...
    'ErrVelZPerTrial', 'ErrOmegaYPerTrial', 'SNRAngPerTrial', ...
    'SNRVelPerTrial', 'dt', 'ErrAng', 'ErrVel', ...
    'muNoiseForVel', 'sigmaNoiseForVel', 'muNoiseForAng', 'sigmaNoiseForAng',...
    'meanSNRForAng', 'meanSNRForVel',...
    'VelZGt', 'OmegaYGt', 'SpikePosForVel', 'SpikePosForAng',...
    'gsVelVCO', 'SpikeRateVelVCO', 'gsAngVCO', 'SpikeRateAngVCO',...
    'gsVelAtt', 'SpikeRateVelAtt', 'gsAngAtt', 'SpikeRateAngAtt');