clc; clear all; close all;
% *************************************************************************
% Test script for triangulation using the regularization constraint.
% Copyright (C) 2015 Florian Raudies, 05/02/2015, Palo Alto, CA.
% License, GNU GPL, free software, without any warranty.
% *************************************************************************
rng(3); % Set seed for random number generator.
P0 = [-49 40]'; % Initial position of the rat.
nPoints = 10; % Number of points on walls.
w = 150; % Width of the box.
l = 150; % Height of the box.
% Define the points on the walls.
P = [linspace(-w/2,w/2,nPoints) linspace(-w/2,w/2,nPoints) ...
repmat(-w/2,[1 nPoints]) repmat(w/2,[1 nPoints]); ...
repmat(-l/2,[1 nPoints]), repmat(l/2,[1 nPoints]), ...
linspace(-l/2,l/2,nPoints), linspace(-l/2,l/2,nPoints)];
% To alter the configuration to length l2 we define several indices.
l2 = 100;
Invisible = ( (P(2,:) >= +l2/2) | (P(2,:) <= -l2/2)) ...
& ( abs(P(1,:)-w/2) < eps('single') ...
| abs(P(1,:)+w/2) < eps('single') );
Top = abs(P(2,:)-l/2) < eps('single');
Bottom = abs(P(2,:)+l/2) < eps('single');
% Make the change to define configuration B.
P2 = P;
P2(2,Top) = P2(2,Top) - 25;
P2(2,Bottom) = P2(2,Bottom) + 25;
P2(:,Invisible) = [];
% Ovserve the visual angles based on the altered configuration.
Th = wrapTo2Pi(atan2(P2(2,:)-P0(2), P2(1,:)-P0(1)));
% Adjust the memorized locations from the prior configuration.
P(:,Invisible) = [];
opt.w = w;
opt.l = l;
opt.alpha = 10^-2;
S = estimatePosition(Th, P(1,:),P(2,:), opt);
figure('Position',[50 50 800 400]);
axis equal; axis([-80 80 -80 80]);
xlabel('X Position (cm)','FontSize',LABEL_SIZE);
ylabel('Y Position (cm)','FontSize',LABEL_SIZE);
legend('Configuration A', 'Configuration B', 'Ground-truth', 'Estimate',...