function Pos = estimatePosition(Th, X,Y, opt)
% estimatePosition
% Th - Allo-centric azimuth angles for all visible points on walls.
% X - X-coordiante of memorized landmarks on walls.
% Y - Y-coordinate of memorized landmarks on walls.
% opt - Structure with fields:
% w - width of the cage, which references x-coordinates.
% l - length of the cage, which references y-coordinates.
% Pos - Estimated position with (x,y)-coordinates.
% This method works only in 2D, assuming all points are projected into a
% plane parallel to the ground.
% The method uses additional constraints about the width, length of the
% box to estimate the x,y compression factors and the position of self.
% Copyright (C) 2015 Florian Raudies, 04/29/2015, Palo Alto, CA.
% License, GNU GPL, free software, without any warranty.
X = X(:)';
Y = Y(:)';
% Get the width and length of the box, and the regularization parameter.
w = opt.w;
l = opt.l;
a = opt.alpha;
aC = 1 - a;
% Define the indices for the top, bottom, left, and right wall.
IndexTop = abs(Y-l/2) <= eps('single');
IndexBottom = abs(Y+l/2) <= eps('single');
IndexRight = abs(X-w/2) <= eps('single');
IndexLeft = abs(X+w/2) <= eps('single');
% Auxiliary variables for the top/bottom/left/right wall.
ThK = Th(IndexTop);
XK = X(IndexTop);
YK = Y(IndexTop);
CosK = cos(ThK);
SinK = sin(ThK);
TanK = tan(ThK);
ThL = Th(IndexBottom);
XL = X(IndexBottom);
YL = Y(IndexBottom);
CosL = cos(ThL);
SinL = sin(ThL);
TanL = tan(-ThL);
ThMu = Th(IndexLeft);
XMu = X(IndexLeft);
YMu = Y(IndexLeft);
CosMu = cos(ThMu);
SinMu = sin(ThMu);
TanMu = tan(ThMu-pi/2);
ThNu = Th(IndexRight);
XNu = X(IndexRight);
YNu = Y(IndexRight);
CosNu = cos(ThNu);
SinNu = sin(ThNu);
TanNu = tan(-ThNu-pi/2);
% Merge auxiliary variables from top/bottom wall and left/right wall.
XKL = [XK(:); XL(:)];
YKL = [YK(:); YL(:)];
XMuNu = [XMu(:); XNu(:)];
YMuNu = [YMu(:); YNu(:)];
SinKL = [SinK(:); SinL(:)];
SinMuNu = [SinMu(:); SinNu(:)];
CosKL = [CosK(:); CosL(:)];
CosMuNu = [CosMu(:); CosNu(:)];
% All combinations of top/bottom and left/rigth points on walls.
[TanK TanL] = ndgrid(TanK, TanL);
[XK XL] = ndgrid(XK, XL);
[TanMu TanNu] = ndgrid(TanMu, TanNu);
[YMu YNu] = ndgrid(YMu, YNu);
TanK = TanK(:);
TanL = TanL(:);
XK = XK(:);
XL = XL(:);
TanMu = TanMu(:);
TanNu = TanNu(:);
YMu = YMu(:);
YNu = YNu(:);
m11 = aC*mean(1-CosKL.^2) + a*mean((TanK+TanL).^2) + aC*mean(1-CosMuNu.^2);
m12 = - aC*mean(CosKL.*SinKL) - aC*mean(CosMuNu.*SinMuNu);
m13 = aC*mean(-XMuNu + XMuNu.*CosMuNu.^2);
m14 = aC*mean(YKL.*CosKL.*SinKL) + a*l*mean(TanK+TanL);
m22 = aC*mean(1-SinMuNu.^2) + a*mean((TanMu+TanNu).^2) + aC*mean(1-SinKL.^2);
m23 = aC*mean(XMuNu.*CosMuNu.*SinMuNu) + a*w*mean(TanMu+TanNu);
m24 = aC*mean(-YKL+YKL.*SinKL.^2);
m33 = aC*mean(XMuNu.^2 - XMuNu.^2.*CosMuNu.^2) + a*w^2;
m34 = 0;
m44 = aC*mean(YKL.^2 - YKL.^2.*SinKL.^2) + a*l^2;
M = [m11 m12 m13 m14; ...
m12 m22 m23 m24; ...
m13 m23 m33 m34; ...
m14 m24 m34 m44];
% Calculate the solution for the x,y coordinates and x,y compression
% factors.
X = M\[(aC*mean(XKL-XKL.*CosKL.^2) ...
+ a*mean((XK.*TanK+XL.*TanL).*(TanK+TanL)) ...
- aC*mean(YMuNu.*CosMuNu.*SinMuNu)); ...
(aC*mean(YMuNu-YMuNu.*SinMuNu.^2) ...
+ a*mean((YMu.*TanMu+YNu.*TanNu).*(TanMu+TanNu)) ...
- aC*mean(XKL.*CosKL.*SinKL)); ...
(aC*mean(XMuNu.*YMuNu.*CosMuNu.*SinMuNu) ...
+ a*w*mean(YMu.*TanMu + YNu.*TanNu)); ...
(aC*mean(XKL.*YKL.*CosKL.*SinKL) ...
+ a*l*mean(XK.*TanK+XL.*TanL))];
% Scale the position of self by the corresponding compresion factors.
Pos(1) = X(1)/X(3);
Pos(2) = X(2)/X(4);