function [SpikePos SpikeTime] = vcoModel(Time, PosGt, PosEst, opt)
% vcoModel -- Velocity Controlled Oscillator (VCO)
% Time - Time in sec.
% Pos - Postion as matrix with dimensions (sampleNum x 2) and values
% in cm.
% Vel - Linear velocity in cm/sec.
% opt - Structure with fields:
% * f - frequency in Hz.
% * beta - model paramter in sec/cm (inverse velocity).
% * Phi - Angles for basis vectors.
% * theta - Threshold value for spike.
% SpikePos - Position of spike.
% SpikeTime - Time of spike.
% Copyright (C) 2015 Florian Raudies, 04/29/2015, Palo Alto, CA.
% License, GNU GPL, free software, without any warranty.
if isfield(opt, 'f'), f = opt.f;
else f = 7.38; end % Hz
if isfield(opt, 'beta'), beta = opt.beta;
else beta = 0.00385; end % 1/(cm*Hz)
if isfield(opt, 'Phi'), Phi = opt.Phi;
else Phi = 2*pi*[0 1/3 2/3]';end
if isfield(opt, 'theta'), theta = opt.theta;
else theta = 1.8; end
if isfield(opt, 'phi0'), phi0 = opt.phi0;
else phi0 = 0; end
% Define basis system.
Base = [cos(Phi) sin(Phi)];
omega = 2*pi*f; % Angular frequency.
T = repmat(Time,[1 3]);
% Define phase relationship for arbitrary phase phi0.
Phi0 = (Base*[cos(phi0) sin(phi0)]')';
Phi0 = repmat(Phi0,[size(Time,1) 1]);
% Compute spike times using the velocity controlled oscillator model.
Spike = prod(cos(omega*T) ...
+ cos(omega*T + Phi0 + omega*beta*PosEst*Base'),2)>theta;
% Pick the corresponding position of a spike.
SpikePos = PosGt(Spike,:);
SpikeTime = Time(Spike);