Author: Ronald van Elburg  (RonaldAJ at vanElburg eu)

This software contains all the code used in the modelling and subsequent analysis 
of calcium dynamics as described in the paper:
   Cornelisse LN, van Elburg RAJ, Meredith RM, Yuste R, Mansvelder HD (2007) 
   High Speed Two-Photon Imaging of Calcium Dynamics in Dendritic Spines: 
   Consequences for Spine Calcium Kinetics and Buffer Capacity. 
   PLoS ONE 2(10): e1073 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001073

This software is released under the GNU GPL version 3:

 To show how the Calcium signal changes in time after an actionpotential and how
 these timecourses depend on the distance to the membrane and the membrane 
 morphology which can be spherical (spine) or cylindrical (dendrite).  

The model code organized in par-files is developed for CalC 5.0.3, available from:
Analysis was done using Matlab (The Mathworks,Natick, MA):

The model can be found in the main file CaSignal_Main.par which describes
the core model. The other *.par files specify the experiments carried out with the 
model and which model variables are exported to file for analysis. The files and CaSignal_Master.m describe which files are needed for which
paper figures, and can also be used for generating all model figures albeit in a
slightly different organization then found in the paper. The shell script was developed under windows using the bash from cygwin.

The recommendation for code reuse is to focus on the calc scripts specifying the model 
and write new matlab analysis code. The matlab code is merely provided to make it 
possible to check the results in our paper and is not ment for reuse. 

General organization of the code:
    For 2D parameter scans 
        Output\*_CombinedFigures.pdf  where * is KdEndo, SVREndo, SVREndoCalmod,
        DtGamma or  KOnKOff.
            1. Ensure the existence of the folder Exp* in the Output folder
            2.  Run CaSignal_*Sphere.par    (Simulations for the spine.)
                Run CaSignal_*Disc.par      (Simulations for the dendrite.)
            3.  Run CaSignal_*.m            (Process data and generate figures.)
            4.  Run *_MergedAtomics.m       (Gather main figures into one combined figure.)
    For individual traces
             1. Ensure the existence of the Exp3 ExpB8A, ExpB8B, ExpB8E, ExpB8F,
                ExpB8G, ExpB8H folders in the Output folder.                            
             2. Run CaSignal*Sphere.par                 (Simulations for the spine.)  
                Run CaSignal*Disc.par                   (Simulations for the dendrite.)
                where * corresponds to elements from the lsit in step 1.
             3. Run CaSignal_Exp3.m, CaSignal_Exp8.m    (Process data and generate figures.) 
             4. Adjust paths in and then run: Python\ 
                Run FreeCalcium4EndoBufs_MergedAtomics.m  
                (Gather main figures into one combined figure.)
    and also for individual traces                        
        For Output\Exp4DCSE4DBoundDyeAverageRisePhase_Time_Plot_Combi.pdf 
             1. Ensure the existence of the Exp4D  in the Output folder                  
             2. Run CaSignal*Sphere.par     (Simulations for the spine.) 
                Run CaSignal*Disc.par       (Simulations for the dendrite.)
                where * corresponds to elements from the list in step 1.
             3. Run CaSignal_Exp4D.m        (Process data and generate figures.)