// Copyright 2010, The University Of Michigan
//   All rights reserved.
//   For research use only; commercial use prohibited.
//   No Distribution without permission of William Stacey
//   wstacey@umich.edu

begintemplate SynObj

public addSyn, printSyn, printLoc, connect2syn, printCon, getSyn, addNetCon, addSynStim, removeConnections, conList, synList

objref  synList, conList, loc, stimList, this
strdef cmd
// =================================================================================================
// init()
// =================================================================================================
proc init() {
    synList  = new List()
    conList  = new List()
    stimList = new List()

    loc = new SectionRef()

// =================================================================================================
// connect2syn
// =================================================================================================
proc connect2syn() {

    if (numarg()==5) {
        conList.prepend( new NetCon($o1,  synList.object($2), $3, $4, $5 ) )
    } else {
        print "USAGE: connect2syn(src obj, syn nr, threshold, delay, weight)"

// =================================================================================================
// removeConnections
// =================================================================================================
proc removeConnections() {


// =================================================================================================
// addNetCon(nc, threshold, delay, weight) - for MPI
// =================================================================================================
proc addNetCon() {

    if (numarg()==1 || numarg()==4 ) {
        if (numarg()==4) {
                $o1.threshold = $2
                $o1.delay     = $3
                $o1.weight    = $4
    } else {
        print "USAGE: connect(nc, [threshold, delay, weight])"

// =================================================================================================
// addSyn( tau1 (ms), tau2 (ms), Erev (mV), mode, synLoc )
// mode: 2 - NMDA
// =================================================================================================
func addSyn() {

    last = synList.count()
    if (numarg()==5) {
        sprint(cmd, "loc.sec synList.append(new %s(%g))", $s4, $5)
        execute1(cmd, this)
    	//if ($4==0) loc.sec synList.append(new Exp2Syn($5))
        //if ($4==1) loc.sec synList.append(new Exp2SynAMPA($5))
        //if ($4==2) loc.sec synList.append(new Exp2SynNMDA($5))
        //if ($4==3) loc.sec synList.append(new Exp2SynNMDAperm($5))
        synList.o(last).tau1 = $1
        synList.o(last).tau2 = $2
        synList.o(last).e    = $3
        //loc.sec printf("%s %s(%g) %g %g %g\n", secname(), $s4, $5, synList.o(last).tau1, synList.o(last).tau2, synList.o(last).e)
        return (last)

    } else {
        print "USAGE: addSyn(tau1 (ms), tau2 (ms), eRev (mV), modFileName, synLoc)"
        return -1

// =================================================================================================
// addSynStim
// =================================================================================================
func addSynStim() {
    if (numarg()==9 || numarg()==10) {

            tau1  = $1
            tau2  = $2
            eRev  = $3
            f     = $4
            nr_sp = $5
            start = $6
            noise = $7
            g     = $8
            gid   = $9

            if (numarg()==9){
                stim_syn_nr = addSyn(tau1, tau2, eRev)
                syn_mode = $10
                stim_syn_nr = addSyn(tau1, tau2, eRev, syn_mode)


            loc.sec stimList.append(new NetStim())
            last  = stimList.count()
            if (f>0) {

                stimList.o(last-1).interval = 1000/f
                stimList.o(last-1).number   = nr_sp


                stimList.o(last-1).interval = 1
                stimList.o(last-1).number   = 0


            stimList.o(last-1).start    = start
            stimList.o(last-1).noise    = noise

            connect2syn(stimList.o(last-1), stim_syn_nr, 0, 0, g)
            return stim_syn_nr

    } else {
        print "USAGE: addSynStim(tau1 (ms), tau2 (ms), eRev (mV), f (Hz), number spikes, start time (ms), noise <0-1>, g (nS), gid )"
        return -1


// =================================================================================================
// printLoc
// =================================================================================================
proc printLoc() {
    loc.sec print secname() 

// =================================================================================================
// getSyn(nr) - return reference to the synapse #nr
// =================================================================================================
obfunc getSyn() {
    return synList.object($1)

// =================================================================================================
// printSyn
// =================================================================================================
proc printSyn() {
    for i=0, synList.count()-1 {
        loc.sec printf("%d, %s, tau1= %g ms, tau2= %g ms, e= %g mV loc= %s\n", i, synList.object(i), synList.object(i).tau1, synList.object(i).tau2, synList.object(i).e, secname() )

strdef xs, ys
objref c, c1

// =================================================================================================
// printCon
// =================================================================================================
proc printCon() {

    for i=0, conList.count()-1 {
        c  = conList.object(i)
        x  = c.preloc
        xs = secname()
        y  = c.postloc()
        ys = secname()
        c1 = c.syn()
        loc.sec printf("%d, %s(%g) -> %s(%g) %s, tau1= %g (ms), tau2= %g (ms), eRev= %g (mV), loc= %s\n", i, xs, x, ys, y, c1, c1.tau1, c1.tau2, c1.e,  secname() )

endtemplate SynObj