%use this file not the other one
clear all
close all
tilted = 1;
if tilted
neurons_tl = [5,6,7,10,14,18,25,26,33,36,39,41,46];
neurons = neurons_tl;
thresh_std = 1.5;
neurons_al = [2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 16, 18, 24, 26, 30, 33, 34, 41] + 1;
neurons = neurons_al;
thresh_std = 1.7;
%table_data=csvread(traj_file); %stores traj data in table
table_data = table2array(traj_file);
spike_file=table2array(spike_file);%%loads spike data
% % %rotation matrix
% rotm = [[1 0 0]; # for testing only
% [0 1 0];
% [0 0 1]];
%x_ang = 0; y_ang = 0;
%tilted = 1;
if tilted
% x_ang = 45; y_ang = 55;
rotm = [[ 0.57357644, 0., 0.81915204],
[ 0.57922797, 0.70710678, -0.40557979],
[-0.57922797, 0.70710678, 0.40557979]];
table_data = rotm * table_data';
table_data = table_data';
for neuron = neurons_tl
%for neuron = 8
%thresh_spike = 0.5;
% for neuron=setdiff(neuron_start:neuron_end,avoid_neurons)
% neuron
% for neuron = 1:2
spike_data = spike_file(:,neuron);
ot_mean = mean(spike_data);
ot_std = std(spike_data);
thresh = ot_mean + thresh_std*ot_std;
firr = spike_data > thresh;
firposgrid = table_data(firr,:);
plot3(table_data(1:50000,1),table_data(1:50000,2),table_data(1:50000,3),'color',[0 0 1 0.1], 'linewidth', 0.001);
hold on
% alpha(tt, 0);
scatter3(firposgrid(:,1), firposgrid(:,2), firposgrid(:,3),'filled');
% xlabel('x');
% ylabel('y');
% zlabel('z');
% set(gca, 'YDir','reverse')
% V1 = [1 1 1];
% V2 = [6 1 1];
% V3 = [6 1 6];
% V4 = [1 1 6];
% V5 = [1 6 6];
% V6 = [1 6 1];
% V7 = [1 6 6];
% V8 = [6 6 6];
% V9 = [6 6 1];
% V10 = [1 6 1];
% V11 = [1 1 1];
% V12 = [1 1 6];
% V13 = [6 1 6];
% V14 = [6 6 6];
% V15 = [6 6 1];
% V16 = [6 1 1];
% C = [V1;V2;V3;V4;V5;V6;V7;V8;V9;V10;V11;V12;V13;V14;V15;V16];
% % E = rotm*C';
% % E = E';
% E = C;
% pp = plot3(E(:,1),E(:,2),E(:,3),'black');
% % pp = gca;
% rotate(pp, [1 0 0], x_ang);
% rotate(pp, [0 1 0], y_ang);
% % xlabel('X');
% % ylabel('Y');
% % zlabel('Z');
% hold on
% scale=-6:1:6; %scale of reference axes (tilted)
% %axis A
% i=1;
% j=0;
% k=0;
% or_sh = repmat(3.5, length(scale),1);
% i=i*scale;
% j=j*scale;
% k=k*scale;
% x_axis = [i; j; k];
% x_axis = rotm * x_axis;
% x_axis(1,:) = x_axis(1,:) + 0.9720;
% x_axis(2,:) = x_axis(2,:) + 0.8595;
% x_axis(3,:) = x_axis(3,:) - 5.9217;
% i = x_axis(1,:);
% j = x_axis(2,:);
% k = x_axis(3,:);
% aa = plot3(i,j,k, 'LineWidth', 1.5,'Color', 'r');
% legend('A')
% rotate(aa, [1 0 0], x_ang);
% rotate(aa, [0 1 0], y_ang);
hold on
legend('trajectory', 'firing')
set(gca, 'FontSize', 15);
%axis image;
daspect([1 1 1]);
%view(30, 30);
savefig(['FF_TL', num2str(neuron)]);
saveas(gcf, ['FF_TL', num2str(neuron), '.png'])
% %axis B
% %
% i = 0;
% j = 1;
% k = 0;
% i=i*scale + or_sh';
% j=j*scale + or_sh';
% k=k*scale + or_sh';
% y_axis = [i; j; k];
% % y_axis = rotm * y_axis;
% i = y_axis(1,:);
% j = y_axis(2,:);
% k = y_axis(3,:);
% aa = plot3(i,j,k,'LineWidth', 1.5,'Color', 'g');
% rotate(aa, [1 0 0], x_ang);
% rotate(aa, [0 1 0], y_ang);
% % legend('B')
% hold on
% %
% %axis C
% i = 0;
% j = 0;
% k = 1;
% i=i*scale + or_sh';
% j=j*scale + or_sh';
% k=k*scale + or_sh';
% z_axis = [i; j; k];
% % z_axis = rotm * z_axis;
% i = z_axis(1,:);
% j = z_axis(2,:);
% k = z_axis(3,:);
% aa = plot3(i,j,k,'LineWidth', 1.5, 'Color', 'b');
% rotate(aa, [1 0 0], x_ang);
% rotate(aa, [0 1 0], y_ang);
% legend('A','B','C')
% hold on
% % lx2 = E(1:16,1);
% % ly2 = E(1:16,2);
% % lz2 = E(1:16,3);
% % plotOUTLINE;
% % figure
% % hax = axes('Parent', fig_);
% %
% % pp = plot3(E(:,1),E(:,2),E(:,3),'black');
% % pp = gca;
% % rotate(pp, [1 0 0], x_ang);
% % rotate(pp, [0 1 0], y_ang);
% hold on
% % pause();
% % hold on;
% % end
%axis off;
%set(gca, 'YDir','reverse')
%% Firing rate maps
if tilted
x_ang = 45;
y_ang = 55;
x_ang = 0;
y_ang = 0;
for neuron_firr = neurons_al
% tilted = 0;
col=vals2colormap(firr_arr,'jet',[0.2 1]);
if tilted == 0
plotcube_original([20 20 20],[0 0 0],0,[1 1 1])
pp = gca;
hold on
if tilted == 1
V1 = [0 0 0];
V2 = [20 0 0];
V3 = [20 0 20];
V4 = [0 0 20];
V5 = [0 20 20];
V6 = [0 20 0];
V7 = [0 20 20];
V8 = [20 20 20];
V9 = [20 20 0];
V10 = [0 20 0];
V11 = [0 0 0];
V12 = [0 0 20];
V13 = [20 0 20];
V14 = [20 20 20];
V15 = [20 20 0];
V16 = [20 0 0];
C = [V1;V2;V3;V4;V5;V6;V7;V8;V9;V10;V11;V12;V13;V14;V15;V16];
E = C;
pp = plot3(E(:,1),E(:,2),E(:,3),'black');
rotate(pp, [1 0 0], x_ang);
rotate(pp, [0 1 0], y_ang);
hold on
scale=-20:1:20; %scale of reference axes (tilted)
%axis A
or_sh = repmat(10, length(scale),1);
i=i*scale + or_sh';
j=j*scale + or_sh';
k=k*scale + or_sh';
x_axis = [i; j; k];
% x_axis = rotm * x_axis;
i = x_axis(1,:);
j = x_axis(2,:);
k = x_axis(3,:);
aa = plot3(i,j,k, 'LineWidth', 1.5,'Color', 'r');
% legend('A')
rotate(aa, [1 0 0], x_ang);
rotate(aa, [0 1 0], y_ang);
hold on
%axis B
i = 0;
j = 1;
k = 0;
i=i*scale + or_sh';
j=j*scale + or_sh';
k=k*scale + or_sh';
y_axis = [i; j; k];
% y_axis = rotm * y_axis;
i = y_axis(1,:);
j = y_axis(2,:);
k = y_axis(3,:);
aa = plot3(i,j,k,'LineWidth', 1.5,'Color', 'g');
rotate(aa, [1 0 0], x_ang);
rotate(aa, [0 1 0], y_ang);
% legend('B')
hold on
%axis C
i = 0;
j = 0;
k = 1;
i=i*scale + or_sh';
j=j*scale + or_sh';
k=k*scale + or_sh';
z_axis = [i; j; k];
% z_axis = rotm * z_axis;
i = z_axis(1,:);
j = z_axis(2,:);
k = z_axis(3,:);
aa = plot3(i,j,k,'LineWidth', 1.5, 'Color', 'b');
rotate(aa, [1 0 0], x_ang);
rotate(aa, [0 1 0], y_ang);
hold on
% %uncomment from here
% firr_vox = [];
% % firr_vox = reshape(firr_arr, 20,20,20);
% % firr_vox = firr_vox';
% for i = 1:20
% kk = firr_arr(((i-1)*400)+1:(i)*400);
% temp = reshape(kk, 20, 20);
% firr_vox(:,:,i) = temp;
% end
% % gca = rotate(gca, [1 0 0], 45);
% % gca = rotate(gca, [0 1 0], 55);
% % gca = rotate(gca, [0 0 1], 0);
% if tilted == 1
% h = vol3d_tilted('Cdata', firr_vox,'texture','3D', 'parent', gca);
% end
% if tilted == 0
% h = vol3d_aligned('Cdata', firr_vox,'texture','3D', 'parent', gca);
% end
% % for i=1:length(h.handles)
% % rotate(h.handles(i), [1 0 0], 0, [-0.972, -0.8595, 5.9217]);
% % end
% hold on
% % scatter3(4.26424,24.1421,18.1915,20,'r','filled')
% % scatter3(4.15121,10,-6.30312,20,'r','filled')
% % scatter3(-7.32032,10,10.0793,20,'r','filled')
% % hold on
% colorbar;
axis image;
xlabel('x (voxels)','Fontsize',15);
ylabel('y (voxels)','Fontsize',15);
zlabel('z (voxels)','Fontsize',15);
% set(gca, 'FontSize', 15);
% axis equal;
% view(30,30)
% % rotate(gca, [1 0 0], -90);
% % rotate(gca, [0 1 0], 225);
% % rotate(gca, [0 0 1], 225);
% % set(gca, 'XDir','reverse')
% % set(gca, 'YDir','reverse')
% % set(gca, 'ZDir','reverse')
% % savefig(['FRM_TL', num2str(neuron_firr)]);
% % saveas(gcf, ['FRM_TL', num2str(neuron_firr), '.png'])
% pause();
% %close();
% % axis off;
%% Firing rate maps
if tilted
x_ang = 45;
y_ang = 55;
x_ang = 0;
y_ang = 0;
for neuron_firr = neurons_tl
% tilted = 0;
col=vals2colormap(firr_arr,'jet',[0.2 1]);
if tilted == 0
plotcube_original([20 20 20],[0 0 0],0,[1 1 1])
pp = gca;
hold on
if tilted == 1
V1 = [0 0 0];
V2 = [20 0 0];
V3 = [20 0 20];
V4 = [0 0 20];
V5 = [0 20 20];
V6 = [0 20 0];
V7 = [0 20 20];
V8 = [20 20 20];
V9 = [20 20 0];
V10 = [0 20 0];
V11 = [0 0 0];
V12 = [0 0 20];
V13 = [20 0 20];
V14 = [20 20 20];
V15 = [20 20 0];
V16 = [20 0 0];
C = [V1;V2;V3;V4;V5;V6;V7;V8;V9;V10;V11;V12;V13;V14;V15;V16];
E = C;
pp = plot3(E(:,1),E(:,2),E(:,3),'black');
rotate(pp, [1 0 0], x_ang);
rotate(pp, [0 1 0], y_ang);
hold on
scale=-20:1:20; %scale of reference axes (tilted)
%axis A
or_sh = repmat(10, length(scale),1);
i=i*scale + or_sh';
j=j*scale + or_sh';
k=k*scale + or_sh';
x_axis = [i; j; k];
% x_axis = rotm * x_axis;
i = x_axis(1,:);
j = x_axis(2,:);
k = x_axis(3,:);
aa = plot3(i,j,k, 'LineWidth', 1.5,'Color', 'r');
% legend('A')
rotate(aa, [1 0 0], x_ang);
rotate(aa, [0 1 0], y_ang);
hold on
%axis B
i = 0;
j = 1;
k = 0;
i=i*scale + or_sh';
j=j*scale + or_sh';
k=k*scale + or_sh';
y_axis = [i; j; k];
% y_axis = rotm * y_axis;
i = y_axis(1,:);
j = y_axis(2,:);
k = y_axis(3,:);
aa = plot3(i,j,k,'LineWidth', 1.5,'Color', 'g');
rotate(aa, [1 0 0], x_ang);
rotate(aa, [0 1 0], y_ang);
% legend('B')
hold on
%axis C
i = 0;
j = 0;
k = 1;
i=i*scale + or_sh';
j=j*scale + or_sh';
k=k*scale + or_sh';
z_axis = [i; j; k];
% z_axis = rotm * z_axis;
i = z_axis(1,:);
j = z_axis(2,:);
k = z_axis(3,:);
aa = plot3(i,j,k,'LineWidth', 1.5, 'Color', 'b');
rotate(aa, [1 0 0], x_ang);
rotate(aa, [0 1 0], y_ang);
hold on
%uncomment from here
firr_vox = [];
% firr_vox = reshape(firr_arr, 20,20,20);
% firr_vox = firr_vox';
for i = 1:20
kk = firr_arr(((i-1)*400)+1:(i)*400);
temp = reshape(kk, 20, 20);
firr_vox(:,:,i) = temp';
% Rotation matrix around z-axis
% angle = -90; % Rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise
% Rz = [[cosd(angle), -sind(angle), 0],
% [sind(angle), cosd(angle), 0],
% [0, 0, 1]];
% % Rotate data
% XYZ = firr_vox * Rz.';
% Xnew = reshape(XYZ(:,1),size(X));
% Ynew = reshape(XYZ(:,2),size(Y));
% Znew = reshape(XYZ(:,3),size(Z));
% surf(Xnew,Ynew,Znew)
% gca = rotate(gca, [1 0 0], 45);
% gca = rotate(gca, [0 1 0], 55);
rotate(gca, [0 0 1], -90);
if tilted == 1
h = vol3d_tilted('Cdata', firr_vox,'texture','3D', 'parent', gca);
% h = vol3d_aligned('Cdata', firr_vox,'texture','3D', 'parent', gca);
if tilted == 0
h = vol3d_aligned('Cdata', firr_vox,'texture','3D', 'parent', gca);
% for i=1:length(h.handles)
% rotate(h.handles(i), [1 0 0], 0, [-0.972, -0.8595, 5.9217]);
% end
hold on
% scatter3(4.26424,24.1421,18.1915,20,'r','filled')
% scatter3(4.15121,10,-6.30312,20,'r','filled')
% scatter3(-7.32032,10,10.0793,20,'r','filled')
% hold on
axis image;
xlabel('x (voxels)','Fontsize',15);
ylabel('y (voxels)','Fontsize',15);
zlabel('z (voxels)','Fontsize',15);
set(gca, 'FontSize', 15);
axis equal;
% view(270, 270);
% rotate(gca, [1 0 0], -90);
% rotate(gca, [0 1 0], 180);
% rotate(gca, [0 0 1], 225);
% set(gca, 'XDir','reverse')
% set(gca, 'YDir','reverse')
% set(gca, 'ZDir','reverse')
savefig(['FRM_TL', num2str(neuron_firr)]);
% saveas(gcf, ['FRM_TL', num2str(neuron_firr), '.png'])
% pause();
% axis off;
rotm = [[ 0.70710678, -0.57922797, -0.40557979],
[ 0. , 0.57357644, -0.81915204],
[ 0.70710678, 0.57922797, 0.40557979]];