Package grsnc.binb

binb: Brain in a Box


Class Summary
Rivest06 Title: BG Math Model (Francois Rivest, 10 Mar 2006)
Description: Agent based a Mathematical Model of the Basal Ganglia
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004
Company: UdeM
Note: Eligibility traces are bounded between -1 and 1.

Package grsnc.binb Description

binb: Brain in a Box

Collection of brain parts model.

Documentation is provided 'as is' and may be incomplete or not totally up-to-date with the code.

The code of this library and the conceptual structure of this library are the intellectual property of Francois Rivest. This package was developed for research purpose and any commercial use, and non-educational use is strictly prohibited unless explicit written consent is given by the author Francois Rivest. Copyright 2003-2008.