Class AbstractLSTMFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractLSTMFactory
extends java.lang.Object
implements FunctionalUnitFactory

Basis to write a Long Short-Term Memory (LSMT) network factory.

Basis for Gers, Schraudolph & Schmiduber 2002 (from Journal of Machine Learning Research 3:115-143) LSTM network. See also Gers, Schmidhuber, & Cummins 2000 (from Neural Computation, 12(10) 2451-2471) and Hochreiter & Schmidhuber 1997 (from Neural Computation 9(8):1735-1780).

This basic factory comes with some default value for every properties, connectivity, or activation function, that can be customized in the class FastLSTMNetwork and the FastLSTMMemoryblocks it contains. These properties are read from protected fields when it time to create a FastLSTMNetwork and than calls the abstract initializeWeights() method before returning the newly created network.

Derived factories simply have to provide their own constructors from which they saved their curtomized properties into the protected field of AbstractLSTMFactory, the initializeWeights() method, and their javadoc.

See Also:
FastLSTMNetwork, LSTMFactory

Method Summary
 FunctionalUnit createUnit()
          Creates a new functional unit.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public FunctionalUnit createUnit()
Description copied from interface: FunctionalUnitFactory
Creates a new functional unit.

Specified by:
createUnit in interface FunctionalUnitFactory