Package lnsc

The LNSC (Laboratory for Natural and Simulated Cognition) package, contains the lab neural network simulator.


Interface Summary
FunctionalUnit Interface supported by every objects that can be used like a function.
FunctionalUnitFactory General interfaced shared by FunctionalUnit factories.

Class Summary
AbstractFunctionalUnit Abstract class containing the basic implementation for the FunctionalUnit interface.
AbstractFunctionalUnitFactory Basic internal functionalities for FunctionalUnit factories based on units prototypes.
AbstractSimpleUnit Abstract class containing the basic implementation for simple univariate single-real-valued FunctionalUnit.
DataNames This class contains constants for reserved keywords used by the package to store and retrieve data in a DataSet or in a DataSetCollection.
DataSet Container for input patterns set and all relevant information such as output patterns set, target patterns set, error patterns set, internal values and others.
DataSetCollection Zero-based ordered collection of data sets containing similar data.
FunctionalUnit.ProcessPatternResult Return type for the method FunctionalUnit.processPattern(double[], boolean, boolean).
LinearAlgebra Set of linear algebra functions for vectors and matrices.
LinearUnit A univariate single-valued linear function.
LogisticUnit A sigmoidal logistic unit.
Tools Set tool functions.

Exception Summary
DataSetException Exception raised when there are problems with a DataSet.
InvalidDataException Exception raised when data under DataName is not of the appropriate type in a DataSet.
MissingDataException Exception raised when a necessary DataName is missing from a DataSet.

Package lnsc Description

The LNSC (Laboratory for Natural and Simulated Cognition) package, contains the lab neural network simulator. This extremely flexible and extensible package includes numerous variations of Cascade-Correlation neural networks (including thh  Knowledge-Based version) and Backpropagation neural networks. It also contains an implementation of KBANN as well as Optimal Brain Damage algorithm for cascaded networks. It contains many type of nodes and can easily be extended to use user-defined type of nodes. Similarly it contains many optimization algorithms and can easily be extended to user defined-ones. It also uses user-defined stopping criteria and can compute at run-time any user-defined statistics about the network under training on training and testing data or undergo any other user-defined analysis operation. Finally, all these, including the networks themselves can be recorded and saved for further analysis.


The library spirit is to make every single piece of a learning system a block and to build learning algorithm from these blocks. The building blocks of the library stand in one class and few interfaces. 


This is actually only a subset of the LNSC package.

The code of this library is the property of Thomas R. Shultz and Francois Rivest. The conceptual structure of this library is the intellectual property of Francois Rivest. This package was developed for research purpose and any commercial use, and non-educational use is strictly prohibited unless explicit written consent is given by the author Francois Rivest. Copyright 1997-2008.