Interface StateGenerator

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface StateGenerator

Generates next (or observable) states.

Method Summary
 State[] getStates(State s, Action a)
          Returns the list of possibly resulting state or the resulting state.
 boolean isDeterministic()
          Indicates whether only the resulting state is returned or whether a list of possible next states is returned.

Method Detail


public State[] getStates(State s,
                         Action a)
Returns the list of possibly resulting state or the resulting state. Or, on null action, in an partially observable environment, the (list) of observable states for agent(s).

The (list) of (possibly) resulting/oberved state.


public boolean isDeterministic()
Indicates whether only the resulting state is returned or whether a list of possible next states is returned. (Does not necessarly tells whether the environment is really deterministic or not!)

true if their is only one resulting state, false otherwise.