/** Run a single agent environement for a given number of step or until success.
* <P>The reward given to the agent after each action can be either, based on
* the action cost (-), the resulting state value (+), or given values for
* normal and goal-leading (an action leading to a final state) action, or any
* addition of these options.</P>
* <P>The state should generate a single state in returns of an action (hence
* technically have isDeterministic = true), not multiple like in a search
* procedure. It should also return a single observable state on request
* (wich may be the state itself) and not many (since there is a single agent.
* </P>
* <P>Agents may requires the observable state to provide actions in a specific
* format. But the observable state does not need to implement getNextStates,
* or getObservableStates, nor does the State need to implement getActions or
* getActionsEnumerator.</P>
* <P> If there are obervers, a toDataSet description of each state is sent
* to them initially, and after the processing of every action (e.i. after
* {@link State#getNextStates}).</P>
* @author Francois Rivest
* @version 1.1
public class SingleAgentEnvironment extends AbstractObservableEnvironment {
//Private fields
/** Normal action reward. */
protected double m_Reward = 0.0;
/** Successful (goal-leading) action reward. */
protected double m_SuccessReward = 0.0;
/** Indicates to use action-cost as reward instead of other values. */
protected boolean m_ActionCostReward = false;
/** Indicates to use state-value as reward instead of other values. */
protected boolean m_StateValueReward = false;
/** Maximum number of steps. */
protected int m_MaxSteps = 100000;
/** Indicates whether or not to output dots every 1000 steps.
* Default is true.*/
public boolean showDots = true;
/** Constructs a server for a single agent with specific rewards.
* @param newReward Normal action reward.
* @param newSuccessReward Successful (goal-leading) action reward.
* @param newMaxSteps Maximum number of steps.
public SingleAgentEnvironment(double newReward,
double newSuccessReward,
int newMaxSteps)
m_Reward = newReward;
m_SuccessReward = newSuccessReward;
m_MaxSteps = newMaxSteps;
/** Constructs a server for a single agent with action or state based reward.
* @param costReward Reward -= Action.Cost (if true)
* @param valueReward Reward += ResultingState.Value (if true)
* @param newMaxSteps Maximum number of steps.
public SingleAgentEnvironment(boolean costReward,
boolean valueReward,
int newMaxSteps)
m_ActionCostReward = costReward;
m_StateValueReward = valueReward;
m_MaxSteps = newMaxSteps;
/** Constructs a server for a single agent specifying all reward details.
* @param costReward Reward -= Action.Cost (if true)
* @param valueReward Reward += ResultingState.Value (if true)
* @param newReward Normal action reward.
* @param newSuccessReward Successful (goal-leading) action reward.
* @param newMaxSteps Maximum number of steps.
public SingleAgentEnvironment(boolean costReward,
boolean valueReward,
double newReward,
double newSuccessReward,
int newMaxSteps)
m_ActionCostReward = costReward;
m_StateValueReward = valueReward;
m_Reward = newReward;
m_SuccessReward = newSuccessReward;
m_MaxSteps = newMaxSteps;
/** Run an agent on the task once.
* @param agent The agent to run on the task.
* @param initState Optional initial state.
* @return Number of step required, total action cost, total reward. */
public double[] go(Agent agent, State initState)
int actionCount = 0;
double actionCost = 0;
double totalReward = 0;
//initial state
State s = initState;
State os = s.getObservableStates()[0];
//until its done
while (!s.isFinal() & actionCount<m_MaxSteps)
//request action
Action a = agent.requestAction(os);
actionCost += a.getCost();
s = s.getNextStates(a)[0];
os = s.getObservableStates()[0];
//return reward
double r = 0;
if (m_ActionCostReward) {
r -= a.getCost();
if (m_StateValueReward) {
r += s.getValue();
if (!s.isFinal()) {
r += m_Reward;
} else {
r += m_SuccessReward;
agent.returnReward(os, r);
totalReward += r;
if (showDots && (actionCount % 1000 == 0)) {System.out.print(".");}
return new double[] {actionCount, actionCost, totalReward};