# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Feb 25 17:01:25 2013
@author: chris
mpiexec -f ~/machinefile0 -enable-x -n 15 python Randomnet.py --noplot 2>&1 | tee logs/test.txt
from __future__ import with_statement
from __future__ import division
import os
import warnings
import sys
argv = sys.argv
if "-nompi" not in argv:
from mpi4py import MPI
except ImportError:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import random as rnd
import neuronpy.util.spiketrain
from sklearn import linear_model
except ImportError:
from Stimhelp import *
from units import *
import cPickle as pickle
import pickle
import gzip
import h5py
import math
import copy
import scipy
from scipy import io
from scipy.optimize import fmin, leastsq, anneal, brute, fmin_bfgs, fmin_l_bfgs_b, fmin_slsqp, fmin_tnc, basinhopping
def save_results(pickle_prefix, p = None, err = None, vaf = None, mstdx = None, ly = False, fstd = None, params = False, use_pc = False, use_h5 = True, run = 0, export = False, data_dir = "./data/"):
filepath = data_dir + pickle_prefix + "_fit_results"
if run > 0: filepath = filepath + "_run" + str(run)
if use_h5:
filepath = filepath + '.hdf5'
filepath = filepath + '.p'
if p is not None: # save
open(data_dir + pickle_prefix + "_fit_results.txt", 'w').write(str(p) + " " + str(err) + " " + str(vaf) + " " + str(ly) + "\n")
fit = {}
#fit['params'] = params.copy()
fit['p'] = p
fit['err'] = err
fit['vaf'] = vaf
fit['ly'] = ly
fit['mstdx'] = mstdx
fit['fstd'] = fstd
if use_h5:
rw_hdf5(filepath, fit)
pickle.dump( fit, gzip.GzipFile( filepath, "wb" ) )
#print filepath
if use_h5:
fit = rw_hdf5(filepath, export = export)
fit = pickle.load( gzip.GzipFile( filepath, "rb" ) )
p = fit['p']
err = fit['err']
vaf = fit['vaf']
ly = fit['ly']
mstdx = fit['mstdx']
if 'fstd' in fit: fstd = fit['fstd']
return p, err, vaf, ly, mstdx, fstd
def func(params, xdata, ydata):
return (ydata - np.dot(xdata,params))
def barrier(use_mpi = True, use_pc = False):
if use_mpi:
if use_pc:
def randomnet(params):
params2 = copy.deepcopy(params) #params.copy() # copy.deepcopy(params) # params.copy()
fitter = "ridge"
for key, value in params2.items():
exec(key + "= params2.get(\"" + key + "\")")
fs = 1/dt
if use_pc:
imgf = ".svg"
imgf = ".pdf"
if ("_poster_" in do):
color1 = '#00A0E3' # Cyan
color2 = '#E5097F' # Magenta
color3 = '#808080' # Gray
color4 = '#78317B' # Lila
color5 = '#EC671F' # Orange
color6 = '#009A47' # Dark Green
color7 = '#FFED00' # Yellow
color8 = '#393476' # Uni Blue
color9 = '#E42A24' # Red
linewidth = 1.5
output_dim_plot = 5
fig_size = [4.86,2.5] # 1.5-Column 6.83
params = {'backend': 'ps',
'axes.labelsize': 8,
'axes.linewidth' : 0.5,
'title.fontsize': 8,
'text.fontsize': 10,
'legend.fontsize': 6,
'xtick.labelsize': 8,
'ytick.labelsize': 8,
'legend.borderpad': 0.2,
'legend.linewidth': 0.1,
'legend.loc': 'best',
'legend.ncol': 4,
'text.usetex': False,
'figure.figsize': fig_size}
if ("_pca_" in do):
fig_size = [6.83, 6.83] # 2-Column
params['figure.figsize'] = fig_size
gs0 = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, width_ratios=[1], height_ratios=[0.4,0.6])
gs0.update(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.2, bottom=0.13, top=0.95, left=0.11, right=0.97)
gs00 = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(1, 1, subplot_spec=gs0[0])
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs00[0])
gs01 = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(output_dim_plot, 1, subplot_spec=gs0[1])
elif ("_cnoise_" in do):
fig_size = [4.86, 4]
params['figure.figsize'] = fig_size
gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(4, 1,
gs.update(bottom=0.11, top=0.94, left=0.11, right=0.92, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.175)
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0,0])
ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1,0])
ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[2,0])
ax4 = plt.subplot(gs[3,0])
fig_size = [4.86, 3]
params['figure.figsize'] = fig_size
gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(3, 2,
gs.update(bottom=0.12, top=0.94, left=0.09, right=0.97, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.2)
ax11 = plt.subplot(gs[0,0])
ax21 = plt.subplot(gs[1,0])
ax31 = plt.subplot(gs[2,0])
ax12 = plt.subplot(gs[0,1])
ax22 = plt.subplot(gs[1,1])
ax32 = plt.subplot(gs[2,1])
elif ("_step_" in do):
fig_size = [6.83, 6.83] # 2-Column
params['figure.figsize'] = fig_size
gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1,
gs.update(bottom=0.12, top=0.94, left=0.09, right=0.97, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.2)
ax11 = plt.subplot(gs[0,0])
simprop = pickle_prefix
filename = slugify(simprop)
pickle_prefix = filename
ifun = False
if "ifun" in celltype[0]:
ifun = True
if ifun:
myid = 0
elif do_run:
pop = None
pop = Population(cellimport = cellimport, celltype = celltype, cell_exe = cell_exe, N = N, temperature = temperature,
ihold = ihold, ihold_sigma = ihold_sigma, give_freq = give_freq, do_run = do_run, pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix,
istart = istart, istop = istop, di = di, dt = dt, use_mpi = use_mpi, use_pc = use_pc)
#pop.force_run = True
pop.method_interpol = np.array(["bin"])
pop.bin_width = bin_width
pop.factor_celltype = factor_celltype
myid = pop.id
pop.seed = seed0
cutf = 20
sexp = -1
signals = []
times2 = []
x = []
##### SETUP STIM #####
if nulltest is False:
rec_x = []
for ir in range(len(tau2_basis)):
rec_x = np.concatenate((rec_x))
if ("_lyap" in do):
if teacher_forcing:
filename_ly = slugify(pickle_prefix_ly)
filepath_recx = data_dir + str(filename_ly) + "_seed" + str(seed0) + '_recx.hdf5'
results_recx = rw_hdf5(filepath_recx)
rec_x = results_recx.get('rec_x')
print filepath_recx, max(rec_x), min(rec_x)
t_noise = arange(0, tstep[1]-tstep[0], dt)
seed = seed0
noise_data = create_colnoise(t_noise, sexp, cutf, seed)
ivec, t, t_startstop0 = construct_Stimulus(noise_data, fs, amp = 0, ihold = 0, tail_points = 0*s, delay_baseline = tstep[0])
tstop = t[-1]
stimulus0 = ivec
amod = [1]*len(N)
if "_lyap1_" in do:
if "_ifun" in do:
stimulus0[2*s/dt] = stimulus0[2*s/dt]+1e-14
stimulus0[2*s/dt] = stimulus0[2*s/dt]+1e1
elif ("_basis_" in do) or ("_pca_" in do):
t, ivec = construct_Pulsestim(dt = dt, latency = np.append(diff(tstep), 0), stim_start = tstep[0], stim_end = 1*s, len_pulse = tdur, amp_next = istep[0])
t_startstop0 = [tstep[0]-t_analysis_delay, tstep[-1]+t_analysis_stop]
if len(ttest) > 0:
t, stimulus = construct_Pulsestim(dt = dt, latency = np.append(diff(ttest), 0), stim_start = ttest[0], stim_end = 3*s, len_pulse = tdur, amp_next = itest[0])
t_startstop = [ttest[0]-t_analysis_delay, ttest[-1]+t_analysis_stop]
tstop = t[-1]
stimulus0 = concatenate(([ivec, np.zeros(len(stimulus)-len(ivec))])) + stimulus
tstop = t[-1]
stimulus0 = ivec
elif ("_noibas_" in do):
t_noise = arange(0, tstep[1]-tstep[0], dt)
seed = 1
noise_data = create_colnoise(t_noise, sexp, cutf, seed)
ivec, t, t_startstop0 = construct_Stimulus(noise_data, fs, istep[0], ihold = 0, tail_points = 1*s, delay_baseline = tstep[0])
t, stimulus = construct_Pulsestim(dt = dt, latency = np.append(diff(ttest), 0), stim_start = ttest[0], stim_end = 3*s, len_pulse = tdur, amp_next = itest[0])
t_startstop = [ttest[0]-t_analysis_delay, ttest[-1]+t_analysis_stop]
tstop = t[-1]
stimulus0 = concatenate(([ivec, np.zeros(len(stimulus)-len(ivec))])) + stimulus
elif ("_basnoi_" in do):
t, ivec = construct_Pulsestim(dt = dt, latency = np.append(diff(tstep), 0), stim_start = tstep[0], stim_end = 3*s, len_pulse = tdur, amp_next = istep[0])
t_startstop0 = [tstep[0]-t_analysis_delay, tstep[-1]+t_analysis_stop]
t_noise = arange(0, ttest[1]-ttest[0], dt)
seed = 2
noise_data = create_colnoise(t_noise, sexp, cutf, seed)
stimulus, t, t_startstop = construct_Stimulus(noise_data, fs, itest[0], ihold = 0, tail_points = 1*s, delay_baseline = t[-1])
tstop = t[-1]
stimulus0 = concatenate(([ivec, np.zeros(len(stimulus)-len(ivec))])) + stimulus
elif "_cnoise_" in do:
t_noise = arange(0, tstep[1]-tstep[0], dt)
seed = seed0
noise_data = create_colnoise(t_noise, sexp, cutf, seed)
noise_data[int(len(noise_data)*0.5):] = 0
#print "seed:", seed
ivec, t, t_startstop0 = construct_Stimulus(noise_data, fs, istep[0], ihold = 0, tail_points = 10*s, delay_baseline = tstep[0])
ts = len(ivec)-4*s/dt
te = ts + tdur/dt
ivec[ts:te] = 1
t_noise = arange(0, ttest[1]-ttest[0], dt)
seed = seed0+1000
#sexp = 5
noise_data = create_colnoise(t_noise, sexp, cutf, seed)
noise_data[int(len(noise_data)*0.5):] = 0
stimulus, t, t_startstop = construct_Stimulus(noise_data, fs, itest[0], ihold = 0, tail_points = 0.1*s, delay_baseline = t[-1])
tstop = t[-1]
stimulus0 = concatenate(([ivec, np.zeros(len(stimulus)-len(ivec))])) + stimulus
t = np.arange(0, len(stimulus0) * dt,dt)[0:len(stimulus0)]
#print "t:"+str(len(t))+str(len(stimulus0))
elif "_updown_" in do:
t = arange(0, 35, dt)
stimulus0 = zeros(len(t))
stimulus1 = zeros(len(t))
stimulus0[5*s/dt:10*s/dt]=-0.95 # 0.05
stimulus0[10*s/dt:15*s/dt]=-0.75 # 0.2
stimulus0[20*s/dt:25*s/dt]=1.5 # 2
stimulus0[25*s/dt:30*s/dt]=2.75 # 3
stimulus1[5*s/dt:10*s/dt]=2.75 # 3
stimulus1[10*s/dt:15*s/dt]=1.5 # 2
stimulus1[20*s/dt:25*s/dt]=-0.75 # 0.2
stimulus1[25*s/dt:30*s/dt]=-0.95 # 0.05
t_startstop0 = [0, 0]
t_startstop = [4,35]
amod = [1]*len(N)
elif "_step_" in do:
t = arange(0, tstep[0], dt)
stimulus0 = zeros(len(t))
stimulus0[tstep[1]/dt:] = istep[0]
t_startstop0 = [2, tstep[1]]
t_startstop = [0,0]
if ((("_basis_" in do) or ("_cnoise_" in do) or ("_noibas_" in do) or ("_basnoi_" in do)) and ("_lyap" not in do)) and (do_run_constr is not 2) and ("_pca" not in do):
filepath = data_dir + str(filename) + "_basis"
if use_h5:
filepath = filepath + '.hdf5'
filepath = filepath + '.p'
if do_run_constr or (os.path.isfile(filepath) is False):
times2 = arange(0, tstop+1*ms, 1*ms)
dt2 = 1*ms
print "dt2:", dt2, "len(times2):", len(times2)
t_in = times2[int(t_startstop0[0]/dt2):int(t_startstop0[1]/dt2)]
t_test = times2[int(t_startstop[0]/dt2):int(t_startstop[1]/dt2)]
t_basis = times2[int((t_startstop0[1]+4)/dt2):int((t_startstop0[1]+10)/dt2)]
filtered_est_v = zeros((len(t_in), len(tau2_basis)))
filtered_test_v = zeros((len(t_test), len(tau2_basis)))
filtered_basis_v = zeros((len(t_basis), len(tau2_basis)))
filtered_v = zeros((len(times2), len(tau2_basis)))
stimulus1 = interp(times2,t,stimulus0)
est = stimulus1[int(t_startstop0[0]/dt2):int(t_startstop0[1]/dt2)]
test = stimulus1[int(t_startstop[0]/dt2):int(t_startstop[1]/dt2)]
basis = stimulus1[int((t_startstop0[1]+4)/dt2):int((t_startstop0[1]+10)/dt2)]
for i in range(len(tau2_basis)):
t_kernel = arange(0, abs(tau2_basis[i])*10, dt2)
kernel = np.sign(tau2_basis[i])*syn_kernel(t_kernel, tau1_basis[i], abs(tau2_basis[i]))
kernel = np.concatenate((zeros(len(kernel)-1),kernel))
print "- Basis convolution"
filtered = np.convolve(stimulus1, kernel, mode='same')
filtered_est = filtered[int(t_startstop0[0]/dt2):int(t_startstop0[1]/dt2)]
filtered_test = filtered[int(t_startstop[0]/dt2):int(t_startstop[1]/dt2)]
filtered_basis = filtered[int((t_startstop0[1]+4)/dt2):int((t_startstop0[1]+10)/dt2)]
filtered_est_v[:,i] = filtered_est
filtered_test_v[:,i] = filtered_test
filtered_basis_v[:,i] = filtered_basis
filtered_v[:,i] = filtered
#run_recurrent_filter0 = run_recurrent_filter
run_recurrent_filter = 1
teacher_forcing = False
teacher = np.zeros(len(stimulus0)*len(tau2_basis))
for ire in range(run_recurrent_filter):
if (ire == 0) and (teacher_forcing):
teacher = []
for ir in range(len(tau2_basis)):
if ir in recurrent_filter:
if delay_recurrent:
print "delay:", len(np.zeros(int(delay_recurrent/dt2)))
teacher[-1] = np.concatenate((np.zeros(int(delay_recurrent/dt2)), teacher[-1][int(delay_recurrent/dt2)::]))
teacher[-1] = teacher[-1] + np.random.normal(0, 1, np.shape(teacher[-1]) )
#teacher = teacher + 1*create_colnoise(times2, sexp=2, cutf=10, seed=123)
teacher[-1][0] = 0 # to set individual noise (not really working)
teacher = np.concatenate((np.array(teacher)))
print 'Setting up teacher with shape:', np.shape(teacher), 'for teacher forcing'
if ifun is False:
print 'Not implemented'
pca_var = None
pca_start = 0
pca_max = 0
mean_spike_freq = None
basis_error = None
basis_vaf = None
if celltype[0] == "ifun":
exec cellimport[0]
fdt = 1. / (dt/ms) # modify times for C code to adjust dt
N0 = int(N[0])
Pr = conntype[0]['conv']
tau = conntype[0]['tau1']/ms
kappa = conntype[0]['w']
T = len(t)
r = [seed0+1, anoise[0]]
ih = np.array([ihold[0], ihold_sigma[0], factor_celltype[0][2], conntype[0]['var']]) # ihold, ihold_sigma, propability for -1
I = amod[0] * stimulus0
print "- running ifun"
z = ifun.ifun(r, N0, T, Pr, tau, kappa, ih, I)
z = np.array(z).reshape((T,N0))
print tau
print T
print fdt
print np.shape(z)
print np.shape(t)
times2 = t
signals = []
if fdt > 1.:
times2 = arange(0, times2[-1], 1*ms)
for zi in z.T:
signals[0].append( np.interp(times2, t, np.convolve(zi, np.ones(fdt)/float(fdt), mode='same')) )
print np.shape(signals)
if plot_all > 0:
plt.plot(t, z[:,0:10])
plt.plot(t, I)
plt.title("Gsyn " + simprop)
plt.savefig('./figs/dump/' + filename + "_gsyn" + imgf, dpi = 300) # save it
elif celltype[0] == "ifun2":
exec cellimport[0]
N0 = np.array(N, dtype=int32)
C = np.array([ int(conntype[0]['conv']), int(conntype[1]['conv']) ], dtype=int32)
tau = np.array([ conntype[0]['tau1']/ms, conntype[1]['tau1']/ms, conntype[2]['tau1']/ms ])
kappa = np.array([ conntype[0]['w'], conntype[1]['w'], conntype[2]['w'] ])
T = len(t) #int(t[-1]/ms+1)
r = [seed0+1, anoise[0], anoise[1]]
ih = np.array([ihold[0], ihold_sigma[0], factor_celltype[0][2], ihold[1], ihold_sigma[1], factor_celltype[1][2], conntype[0]['var'], conntype[1]['var'], conntype[2]['var']]) # ihold, ihold_sigma, propability for -1
I = concatenate((amod[0] * stimulus0, amod[1] * stimulus0))
print "- running ifun2", amod
z = ifun2.ifun2(r, N0, T, C, tau, kappa, ih, I)
z = np.array(z).reshape((T,sum(N)))
zgr = z[:,0:N[0]]
zgo = z[:,N[0]:]
if plot_all > 0:
plt.plot(t, zgr[:,0:10])
plt.plot(t, zgo[:,0:10])
plt.plot(t, I[0:len(t)])
plt.title("Gsyn " + simprop)
plt.savefig('./figs/dump/' + filename + "_gsyn" + imgf, dpi = 300) # save it
times2 = t
signals = []
elif celltype[0] == "ifun2re":
exec cellimport[0]
N0 = np.array(N, dtype=int32)
C = np.array([ int(conntype[0]['conv']), int(conntype[1]['conv']) ], dtype=int32)
tau = np.array([ conntype[0]['tau1']/ms, conntype[1]['tau1']/ms, conntype[2]['tau1']/ms ])
kappa = np.array([ conntype[0]['w'], conntype[1]['w'], conntype[2]['w'] ])
T = len(t) #int(t[-1]/ms+1)
r = [seed0+1, anoise[0], anoise[1]]
ih = np.array([ihold[0], ihold_sigma[0], factor_celltype[0][2], ihold[1], ihold_sigma[1], factor_celltype[1][2],
conntype[0]['var'], conntype[1]['var'], conntype[2]['var'],
factor_recurrent[0][0], factor_recurrent[1][0],
factor_recurrent[0][1], factor_recurrent[1][1],
factor_recurrent[0][2], factor_recurrent[1][2],
factor_recurrent[0][3], factor_recurrent[1][3]]) # ihold, ihold_sigma, propability for -1
I = concatenate((amod[0] * stimulus0, amod[1] * stimulus0))
print "len(t):", T
print "- running ifun2re", amod
nfilt = np.concatenate(([[len(tau2_basis)], tau2_basis*1e3])).astype(int32)
z = ifun2re.ifun2re(r, N0, T, C, tau, kappa, ih, I, rec_x, nfilt, teacher)
z = np.array(z).reshape((T,sum(N)))
zgr = z[:,0:N[0]]
zgo = z[:,N[0]:]
if plot_all > 0:
plt.plot(t, zgr[:,0:10])
plt.plot(t, zgo[:,0:10])
plt.plot(t, I[0:len(t)])
plt.title("Gsyn " + simprop)
plt.savefig('./figs/dump/' + filename + "_gsyn" + imgf, dpi = 300) # save it
times2 = t
signals = []
elif celltype[0] == "ifun2b":
exec cellimport[0]
N0 = np.array(N, dtype=int32)
C = np.array([ int(conntype[0]['conv']), int(conntype[1]['conv']) ], dtype=int32)
tau = np.array([ conntype[0]['tau1']/ms, conntype[1]['tau1']/ms, conntype[2]['tau1']/ms ])
kappa = np.array([ conntype[0]['w'], conntype[1]['w'], conntype[2]['w'] ])
T = len(t) #int(t[-1]/ms+1)
r = [seed0+1, anoise[0], anoise[1]]
ih = np.array([ihold[0], ihold_sigma[0], factor_celltype[0][2], ihold[1], ihold_sigma[1], factor_celltype[1][2], conntype[0]['var'], conntype[1]['var'], conntype[2]['var'], conntype[2]['prob'], factor_celltype[0][3]]) # ihold, ihold_sigma, propability for -1
if "_updown_" in do:
I = concatenate((amod[0] * stimulus0, amod[1] * stimulus0, amod[0] * stimulus1, amod[1] * stimulus1))
I = concatenate((amod[0] * stimulus0, amod[1] * stimulus0, -1 * amod[0] * stimulus0, -1 * amod[1] * stimulus0))
print "- running ifun2b", amod
z = ifun2b.ifun2b(r, N0, T, C, tau, kappa, ih, I)
z = np.array(z).reshape((T,sum(N)))
zgr = z[:,0:N[0]]
zgo = z[:,N[0]:]
if plot_all > 0:
plt.plot(t, zgr[:,0:10])
plt.plot(t, zgo[:,0:10])
plt.plot(t, I[0:len(t)])
plt.title("Gsyn " + simprop)
plt.savefig('./figs/dump/' + filename + "_gsyn" + imgf, dpi = 300) # save it
times2 = t
signals = []
if (myid == 0) or (do_run_constr==3):
##### PCA #####
if len(ttest) > 0:
rp = 2
rp = 1
color_vec2 = np.array(['Red', 'Blue'])
if ("_pca_" in do) or ("_ica_" in do):
filepath = data_dir + str(filename) + "_pca"
if use_h5:
filepath = filepath + '.hdf5'
filepath = filepath + '.p'
if do_run_constr or (os.path.isfile(filepath) is False):
if ("_ica_" in do):
do_ica = 1
do_ica = 0
pcas = []
for j in range(len(N)):
ax_pca = []
for i in range(0,output_dim):
ax_ica = []
for i in range(0,output_dim):
run = False
cname = "null"
if ("_grc_" in do) and j==0:
run = True
cname = "grc"
if ("_goc_" in do) and j==1:
run = True
cname = "goc"
if ("_stl_" in do) and j==2:
run = True
cname = "stl"
if run:
for k in range(rp):
if k == 1:
tstep0 = ttest[0]
tstep0 = tstep[0]
pop = Population(cellimport = None, do_run = 0, pickle_prefix = pickle_prefix, dt = dt, use_mpi = use_mpi, use_pc = use_pc)
results = pop.do_pca_ica(t_analysis_delay = tstep0-t_analysis_delay, t_analysis_stop = tstep0+t_analysis_stop, time=times2-tstep0, signals=signals, output_dim = output_dim, do_ica=do_ica, n_celltype = j)
t, pca, pca_var, pca_var_expl, ica = results.get('t'), results.get('pca'), results.get('pca_var'), results.get('pca_var_expl'), results.get('ica')
if ("_poster_" in do):
import matplotlib.patches as patches
rect = patches.Rectangle((0,-2725), 0.01, 3790, color=color2, alpha=0.10)
for i in range(0,output_dim_plot):
ax = plt.subplot(gs01[i])
if i == output_dim_plot-1:
adjust_spines(ax, ['bottom'])
ax.set_xlabel("Time (s)", labelpad=1)
elif i == 0:
ax.set_title("PCA components")
adjust_spines(ax, []) # 'left'
adjust_spines(ax, []) # 'left'
ax.text(-(t_analysis_delay+0.07), 0, str(round(pca_var[i],3)*100)+'%', ha="center", va="center", size=params['text.fontsize'])#, bbox=bbox_props)
if i == 2: ax.set_ylabel("Variance explained", labelpad=25)
plt.plot(t,pca[:,i],color1, linewidth=linewidth)
ax.axis(xmin=-t_analysis_delay, xmax=t_analysis_stop)
plt.savefig("./figs/Pub/" + filename + "_pub.pdf", dpi = 300, transparent=True) # save it
plt.savefig("./figs/Pub/" + filename + "_pub.png", dpi = 300) # save it , transparent=True
elif plot_all > 1:
for i in range(0,output_dim):
ax = ax_pca[i]
if i == output_dim-1:
adjust_spines(ax, ['left','bottom'])
adjust_spines(ax, ['left'])
ax.plot(t,pca[:,i], color = color_vec2[k])
ax.set_ylabel(str(round(pca_var[i],4)), color = color_vec2[k])
pca_starti = sum(abs(pca[0:1/dt,i])) / (1/dt)
pca_start += pca_starti
pca_max += max(abs(pca[:,i]))
ax.axis(xmin=-t_analysis_delay, xmax=t_analysis_stop)
plt.suptitle('PCA, exp. var:' + str(pca_var_expl) + ' ' + simprop)
plt.savefig('./figs/dump/' + filename + '_' + cname + '_pca' + str(k) + '.png', dpi = 300) #, transparent=True
if ("_ica_" in do):
for i in range(0,output_dim):
ax = ax_ica[i]
if i == output_dim-1:
adjust_spines(ax, ['left','bottom'])
adjust_spines(ax, ['left'])
ax.plot(t,ica[:,i], color = color_vec2[k])
ax.axis(xmin=t_analysis_delay-step1, xmax=t_analysis_stop-step1)
plt.suptitle('ICA ' + simprop)
plt.savefig('./figs/dump/' + filename + '_' + cname + '_ica.png', dpi = 300) #, transparent=True
results = {'t':t, 'pca':pca, 'pca_var':pca_var}
if use_h5:
rw_hdf5(filepath, results)
pickle.dump( results, gzip.GzipFile( filepath, "wb" ) )
if use_h5:
results = rw_hdf5(filepath, export = export)
results = pickle.load( gzip.GzipFile( filepath, "rb" ) )
if ((("_basis_" in do) or ("_cnoise_" in do) or ("_noibas_" in do) or ("_basnoi_" in do)) and ("_lyap" not in do)) and (do_run_constr is not 2) and ("_pca" not in do):
filepath = data_dir + str(filename) + "_basis"
if use_h5:
filepath = filepath + '.hdf5'
filepath = filepath + '.p'
if do_run_constr or (os.path.isfile(filepath) is False):
#dt2 = times2[1]-times2[0]
#print "dt2:", dt2
# t_in = times2[int(t_startstop0[0]/dt2):int(t_startstop0[1]/dt2)]
# t_test = times2[int(t_startstop[0]/dt2):int(t_startstop[1]/dt2)]
# t_basis = times2[int((t_startstop0[1]+4)/dt2):int((t_startstop0[1]+10)/dt2)]
#t_basis = times2
c = 0
for j in range(len(N)):
if (("_grc_" in do) and j==0): use=True; fac=1
if (("_goc_" in do) and j==1): use=True; fac=1
if (("_stl_" in do) and j==2): use=True; fac=-1 # output is inhibitory
if (("_ubc_" in do) and j==2): use=True; fac=1
#if (("_mf_" in do) and j==2): use=True; fac=1
if use:
if mean_spike_freq is not None:
useonly = np.array(np.where((mean_spike_freq[j]>0) & (mean_spike_freq[j]<max_freq))[0], dtype=int).tolist()
sig = np.array(signals[j])
est_in0 = fac*np.array(sig[useonly]).T[int(t_startstop0[0]/dt2):int(t_startstop0[1]/dt2),::downsample]
test_in0 = fac*np.array(sig[useonly]).T[int(t_startstop[0]/dt2):int(t_startstop[1]/dt2),::downsample]
basis_in0 = fac*np.array(sig[useonly]).T[int((t_startstop0[1]+4)/dt2):int((t_startstop0[1]+10)/dt2),::downsample]
sig_in0 = fac*np.array(sig[useonly]).T[:,::downsample]
sig = np.array(signals[j])
est_in0 = fac*np.array(sig).T[int(t_startstop0[0]/dt2):int(t_startstop0[1]/dt2),::downsample]
test_in0 = fac*np.array(sig).T[int(t_startstop[0]/dt2):int(t_startstop[1]/dt2),::downsample]
basis_in0 = fac*np.array(sig).T[int((t_startstop0[1]+4)/dt2):int((t_startstop0[1]+10)/dt2),::downsample]
sig_in0 = fac*np.array(sig).T[:,::downsample]
print "- shape(est_in0):", shape(est_in0), ", shape(sig_in0):", shape(sig_in0)
if noise_out > 0:
est_in0 = est_in0 + np.random.normal(0, noise_out, np.shape(est_in0) )
test_in0 = test_in0 + np.random.normal(0, noise_out, np.shape(test_in0) )
basis_in0 = basis_in0 + np.random.normal(0, noise_out, np.shape(basis_in0) )
sig_in0 = sig_in0 + np.random.normal(0, noise_out, np.shape(sig_in0) )
c += 1
if c > 1:
est_in = np.append(est_in, est_in0, axis=1)
test_in = np.append(test_in, test_in0, axis=1)
basis_in = np.append(basis_in, basis_in0, axis=1)
sig_in = np.append(sig_in, sig_in0, axis=1)
est_in = est_in0
test_in = test_in0
basis_in = basis_in0
sig_in = sig_in0
dn = 0
# calculate mean rate instead, especially for ifun models
if mean_spike_freq is None:
mean_spike_freq = []
for n in range(len(N)):
sig = np.array(signals[n])
test_in0 = np.array(sig).T[int(t_startstop[0]/dt2):int(t_startstop[1]/dt2),::downsample]
for i in range(N[n]):
mean_spike_freq[n][i] = mean(test_in0[:,i])
print "- Training"
if fitter == "ridge":
print "Fitter: Ridge"
regr = linear_model.Ridge(alpha=ridge_alpha)
x = regr.coef_.T
elif fitter == "lasso":
if (ire != 1) and (ire != 3):
print "Fitter: Lasso"
regr = linear_model.Lasso(alpha=ridge_alpha) #, max_iter=1 , warm_start=True, max_iter=1) , normalize=True, , warm_start=True
#print est_in
x = regr.coef_.T
#print regr.n_iter_
elif fitter == "lassocv":
print "Fitter: Lasso CV"
regr = linear_model.MultiTaskLassoCV(n_alphas=10, eps=0.0001)
x = regr.coef_.T
print regr.mse_path_
print regr.alphas_
print regr.alpha_
elif fitter == "lassolarscv":
print "Fitter: Lasso Lars CV"
regr = linear_model.LassoLarsCV()
x = regr.coef_.T
print regr.alphas_
print regr.alpha_
elif fitter == "lassopos":
print "Fitter: positive Lasso"
regr = linear_model.Lasso(alpha=ridge_alpha, positive=True)
x = regr.coef_.T
elif fitter == "elastic":
if (ire != 1) and (ire != 3):
print "Fitter: Elastic"
regr = linear_model.ElasticNet(alpha=ridge_alpha, l1_ratio=l1r, max_iter=1000)
x = regr.coef_.T
elif fitter == "elasticcv":
print "Fitter: Elastic CV"
regr = linear_model.MultiTaskElasticNetCV(l1_ratio=[0.1,0.5,0.7,0.9,0.95,0.99,1])
x = regr.coef_.T
print regr.mse_path_
print regr.alphas_
print regr.l1_ratio_
print regr.alpha_
elif fitter == "elasticpos":
print "Fitter: positive Elastic"
regr = linear_model.ElasticNet(alpha=ridge_alpha, l1_ratio=l1r, max_iter=1000, positive=True)
x = regr.coef_.T
uest = regr.predict(est_in) #dot(est_in,x)
utest = regr.predict(test_in) #dot(test_in,x)
ubasis = regr.predict(basis_in) #dot(basis_in,x)
usig = regr.predict(sig_in)
if shape(filtered_test_v)[1] == 1:
utest = np.array([utest]).T
uest = np.array([uest]).T
ubasis = np.array([ubasis]).T
usig = np.array([usig]).T
x = np.array([x]).T
print "- Finished"
results = {'t_in':t_in, 't_test':t_test, 't_basis':t_basis, 'x':x, 'filtered_est_v':filtered_est_v, 'filtered_test_v':filtered_test_v, 'filtered_basis_v':filtered_basis_v, 'uest':uest, 'utest':utest, 'ubasis':ubasis, 'est':est, 'test':test, 'basis':basis, 'basis_in':basis_in[:,0:100]}
if ire == run_recurrent_filter-1:
if use_h5:
rw_hdf5(filepath, results)
pickle.dump( results, gzip.GzipFile( filepath, "wb" ) )
if use_h5:
results = rw_hdf5(filepath, export = export)
results = pickle.load( gzip.GzipFile( filepath, "rb" ) )
t_in, t_test, t_basis, x = results.get('t_in'), results.get('t_test'), results.get('t_basis'), results.get('x')
est, test, basis = results.get('est'), results.get('test'), results.get('basis')
filtered_est_v, filtered_test_v, filtered_basis_v, uest, utest, ubasis = results.get('filtered_est_v'), results.get('filtered_test_v'), results.get('filtered_basis_v'), results.get('uest'), results.get('utest'), results.get('ubasis')
n = shape(filtered_test_v)[1]
basis_error = []
basis_vaf = []
for i in range(n):
vaf = 1 - ( var(filtered_test_v[:,i]-utest[:,i]) / var(filtered_test_v[:,i] ) ) # 1 - ( sum((filtered_test_v[:,i]-utest[:,i])**2) / sum(filtered_test_v[:,i]**2) )
if vaf < 0: vaf = 0
error = (scipy.stats.pearsonr(utest[:,i], filtered_test_v[:,i])[0])**2
print "Basis error:", basis_error[-1], "vaf:", basis_vaf[-1], "weight range:", max(x[:,i]), min(x[:,i]), "mean:", mean(abs(np.array([a for a in x[:,i] if a != 0]))), "zero weight percentage:", float(len(np.where(x[:,i]==0)[0]))/len(x[:,i])*100
print "Basis error all:", mean(basis_error), "vaf all:", mean(basis_vaf)
if (run_recurrent_filter > 1) or exprecx:
print '- Recurrent run: ', ire
rec_x = []
for ir in range(len(tau2_basis)):
if ir in recurrent_filter:
rec_x = np.concatenate((rec_x))
print '- Updating learned weights, shape:', np.shape(rec_x)
if exprecx:
filepath_recx = data_dir + str(slugify(pickle_prefix_ly)) + "_seed" + str(seed0) + '_recx.hdf5'
results_recx = {'rec_x':rec_x}
rw_hdf5(filepath_recx, results_recx)
print filepath_recx
if teacher_forcing and (ire == 0):
teacher = np.zeros(len(teacher))
print '- Removing teacher forcing, nullvec shape:', np.shape(teacher)
if ((("_basis_" in do) or ("_cnoise_" in do) or ("_noibas_" in do) or ("_basnoi_" in do)) and ("_lyap" not in do)) and (do_run_constr is not 2) and ("_pca" not in do):
if ("_poster_" in do):
for i, a in enumerate([ax2, ax3, ax4]):
basis = basis_v[i]
uest = uest_v[i]
utest = utest_v[i]
basis_test = basis_test_v[i]
stimulus2 = stimulus2_v[i]
stimulus3 = stimulus3_v[i]
ubasis = ubasis_v[i]
basis_test2 = basis_test2_v[i]
stimulus4 = stimulus4_v[i]
x = x_v[i]
print int((1-0.4)/dt2),int(3/dt2)
l1 = a.plot((t_basis-(t_startstop0[1]+5))[int((1-0.4)/dt2):int(3/dt2)], stimulus4[int((1-0.4)/dt2):int(3/dt2)], ':', color='black', linewidth=1, clip_on = False)
l2 = a.plot((t_basis-(t_startstop0[1]+5))[int((1-0.4)/dt2):int(3/dt2)], (basis_test2/max(basis_test2))[int((1-0.4)/dt2):int(3/dt2)], '-', color=color2, linewidth=linewidth, clip_on = False)
l3 = a.plot((t_basis-(t_startstop0[1]+5))[int((1-0.4)/dt2):int(3/dt2)], (ubasis/max(basis_test2))[int((1-0.4)/dt2):int(3/dt2)], color=color1, linewidth=linewidth, clip_on = False)
a.axis(xmin=-0.4, xmax=1, ymin=-0.7, ymax=1.5)
if i == 2:
adjust_spines(a, ['left','bottom'], d_out = 10, d_down = 10)
a.set_xlabel("s", labelpad=0)
a.set_ylabel("a.u.", labelpad=0)
adjust_spines(a, ['left'], d_out = 10, d_down = 10)
a.set_ylabel("a.u.", labelpad=0)
if i == 0:
a.text(-0.2, 0.9, r"$\tau$ = 10 ms", ha="center", va="center", size=params['title.fontsize'])
a.text(0.25, 1.6, r"Impulse responses of constructed basis functions", ha="center", va="center", size=params['title.fontsize'])
if i == 1:
a.text(-0.2, 0.9, r"$\tau$ = 100 ms", ha="center", va="center", size=params['title.fontsize'])
a.text(0, 1.5, r"signal", ha="center", va="center", size=params['title.fontsize'], color="black")
a.text(0.6, -0.5, r"filtered signal", ha="center", va="center", size=params['title.fontsize'], color=color2)
a.text(0.3, 1, r"constructed response", ha="center", va="center", size=params['title.fontsize'], color=color1)
if i == 2:
a.text(-0.2, 0.9, r"$\tau$ = 500 ms", ha="center", va="center", size=params['title.fontsize'])
#if use_pc is False:
plt.savefig("./figs/Pub/" + filename + "_basis.pdf", dpi = 300, transparent=True) # save it
plt.savefig("./figs/Pub/" + filename + "_basis" + imgf, dpi = 300) # save it , transparent=True
for i, a in enumerate([[ax11,ax12], [ax21,ax22], [ax31,ax32]]):
basis = basis_v[i]
uest = uest_v[i]
utest = utest_v[i]
basis_test = basis_test_v[i]
stimulus2 = stimulus2_v[i]
stimulus3 = stimulus3_v[i]
ubasis = ubasis_v[i]
basis_test2 = basis_test2_v[i]
stimulus4 = stimulus4_v[i]
x = x_v[i]
print "smaller than 0.1:", len(find(abs(x)<0.1))
bins = concatenate(( np.arange(-19.9,-0.1,0.2), [-0.1] ,np.arange(0.1,20,0.2) ))
#bins = np.arange(-20,20,0.1)
n, bins, patches = a[1].hist(x, bins, histtype='bar', facecolor='k') #normed=1
a[0].plot(t_test-(t_startstop[1]-2.5), stimulus3, ':', color='black', linewidth=1)
a[0].plot(t_test-(t_startstop[1]-2.5), basis_test/max(basis_test2), '-', color=color2, linewidth=linewidth)
a[0].plot(t_test-(t_startstop[1]-2.5), utest/max(basis_test2), color=color1, linewidth=linewidth)
a[0].axis(ymin=-1.5, ymax=1.5, xmin=0, xmax=1)
if i == 2:
adjust_spines(a[0], ['left','bottom'], d_out = 10, d_down = 10)
a[0].set_xlabel("s", labelpad=0)
a[0].set_ylabel("a.u.", labelpad=0)
adjust_spines(a[1], ['left','bottom'], d_out = 10, d_down = 10)
adjust_spines(a[0], ['left'], d_out = 10, d_down = 10)
a[0].set_ylabel("a.u.", labelpad=0)
adjust_spines(a[1], ['left'], d_out = 10, d_down = 10)
a[1].yaxis.set_ticks(array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50])*5)
a[1].set_yticklabels(('1%','','','','','','','','','10%','', '', '', '50%'))
if i == 0:
a[0].set_title(r"$\tau$ = 10 ms")
a[1].set_title(r"Weight distribution")
a[0].text(0.15, 1.2, r"signal", ha="center", va="center", size=params['title.fontsize'], color="black")
a[0].text(0.2, -1.1, r"filtered signal", ha="center", va="center", size=params['title.fontsize'], color=color2)
a[0].text(0.7, 1.2, r"constructed response", ha="center", va="center", size=params['title.fontsize'], color=color1)
if i == 1:
a[0].set_title(r"$\tau$ = 100 ms")
if i == 2:
a[0].set_title(r"$\tau$ = 500 ms")
#if use_pc is False:
plt.savefig("./figs/Pub/" + filename + "_cnoise.pdf", dpi = 300, transparent=True) # save it
plt.savefig("./figs/Pub/" + filename + "_cnoise" + imgf, dpi = 300) # save it , transparent=True
elif plot_all > 0:
gs1 = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(n, 1,
gs1.update(bottom=0.13, top=0.97, left=0.1, right=0.99, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.6)
gs2 = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(n, 3,
gs2.update(bottom=0.13, top=0.97, left=0.1, right=0.99, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.6)
t_in, t_test, t_basis, x = results.get('t_in'), results.get('t_test'), results.get('t_basis'), results.get('x')
filtered_est_v, filtered_test_v, filtered_basis_v, uest, utest, ubasis = results.get('filtered_est_v'), results.get('filtered_test_v'), results.get('filtered_basis_v'), results.get('uest'), results.get('utest'), results.get('ubasis')
est, test, basis = results.get('est'), results.get('test'), results.get('basis')
for i in range(n):
filtered_est = filtered_est_v[:,i]
filtered_test = filtered_test_v[:,i]
filtered_basis = filtered_basis_v[:,i]
uest1 = uest[:,i]
utest1 = utest[:,i]
ubasis1 = ubasis[:,i]
x1 = x[i]
if False:
if not isnan(sum(basis_error)):
ax = plt.subplot(gs1[i,0])
bins = np.arange(-80,80,0.1)
print shape(x)
print x
n, bins, patches = ax.hist(x, bins, histtype='bar')
plt.savefig('./figs/dump/' + filename + '_basis_weights' + imgf, dpi = 300) #, transparent=True
ax_construct = plt.subplot(gs2[i,0])
ax_construct.plot(t_in, filtered_est/max(abs(filtered_basis)), 'k--')
ax_construct.plot(t_in, est, 'k:')
ax_construct.plot(t_in, uest1/max(abs(filtered_basis)), color = "b")
#ax_construct.axis(ymin=-1.2, ymax=1.2)
ax_test = plt.subplot(gs2[i,1])
ax_test.plot(t_test, filtered_test/max(abs(filtered_basis)), 'k--')
ax_test.plot(t_test, test, 'b:')
ax_test.plot(t_test, utest1/max(abs(filtered_basis)), color = "r")
#ax_test.axis(ymin=-1.2, ymax=1.2)
plt.title("Basis error: " + str(basis_error[i]) + "vaf: " + str(basis_vaf[i]) )
plt.savefig('./figs/dump/' + filename + '_basis' + imgf, dpi = 300) #, transparent=True
ax_test = plt.subplot(gs2[i,2])
ax_test.plot(t_basis, filtered_basis/max(abs(filtered_basis)), 'k--')
ax_test.plot(t_basis, basis, 'b:')
ax_test.plot(t_basis, ubasis1/max(abs(filtered_basis)), color = "r")
# ax_test.axis(ymin=-1.2, ymax=1.2)
plt.savefig('./figs/dump/' + filename + '_basis' + imgf, dpi = 300) #, transparent=True
elif ("_updown_" in do):
dt2 = times2[1]-times2[0]
t_basis = times2[int(t_startstop[0]/dt2):int(t_startstop[1]/dt2)]
sig = np.array(signals[1])
basis_in = np.array(sig).T[int((t_startstop[0])/dt2):int((t_startstop[1])/dt2),::downsample]
results = {'t_basis':t_basis, 'basis_in':basis_in[:,0:100]}
#basis_in = basis_in[:,0:100]
li = np.shape(basis_in)[1]
for i in range(li):
basis_in1 = basis_in[:,i]
basis_in2 = basis_in[:,i]-basis_in[0,i]
rate_vec1 = [basis_in1[(9-4)/dt2], basis_in1[(14-4)/dt2], basis_in1[(19-4)/dt2], basis_in1[(24-4)/dt2], basis_in1[(29-4)/dt2]]
rate_vec2 = [basis_in2[(9-4)/dt2], basis_in2[(14-4)/dt2], basis_in2[(19-4)/dt2], basis_in2[(24-4)/dt2], basis_in2[(29-4)/dt2]]
pos_vec = [-20, -10, 0, 10, 20]
ax1 = plt.subplot(4,2,1)
ax2 = plt.subplot(4,2,2)
if rate_vec2[0]>0 and rate_vec2[4]>0:
ax1 = plt.subplot(4,2,1)
ax2 = plt.subplot(4,2,2)
if rate_vec2[0]>0 and rate_vec2[4]<0:
ax1 = plt.subplot(4,2,3)
ax2 = plt.subplot(4,2,4)
if rate_vec2[0]<0 and rate_vec2[4]>0:
ax1 = plt.subplot(4,2,5)
ax2 = plt.subplot(4,2,6)
if rate_vec2[0]<0 and rate_vec2[4]<0:
ax1 = plt.subplot(4,2,7)
ax2 = plt.subplot(4,2,8)
ax1.plot(t_basis, basis_in2, color=cm.jet(1.*i/li))
ax2.plot(pos_vec, rate_vec1, '*-', color=cm.jet(1.*i/li))
#plt.plot(t_basis, basis_in1, color=cm.jet(1.*i/li))
plt.savefig('./figs/dump/' + filename + '_signals' + imgf, dpi = 300) #, transparent=True
if do_run: barrier(use_mpi, use_pc)
if ifun is False:
if do_run:
#del pop
pop = None
return pca_var, pca_start, pca_max, mean_spike_freq, basis_error, basis_vaf, signals, times2, x
def lyap(params0, runs = 1):
params = params0.copy() #copy.deepcopy(params0)
delta = 0
len_train = 5
len_test = 1
t_analysis_delay = 1
t_analysis_stop = 1
dt = params['dt']
use_mpi = params['use_mpi']
use_pc = params['use_pc']
myid = params['myid']
data_dir = params['data_dir']
if use_pc:
imgf = ".svg"
imgf = ".png"
params['t_analysis_delay'] = t_analysis_delay
params['t_analysis_stop'] = t_analysis_stop
# cnoise height
istep0 = np.array([1])
istep1 = np.zeros(len(istep0))
istep = [istep0,istep1]
istep_sigma = [0, 0]
itest0 = np.array([1])
itest1 = np.zeros(len(itest0))
itest = [itest0,itest1]
itest_sigma = [0, 0]
params['istep'] = istep
params['istep_sigma'] = istep_sigma
params['itest'] = itest
params['itest_sigma'] = itest_sigma
# cnoise time, start stop vectors!
tstep = np.array([0,len_train]) + delta
ttest = tstep[-1] + np.array([0,len_test])
tstop = ttest[-1]
params['tstep'] = tstep
params['ttest'] = ttest
params['tstop'] = tstop
t_plot_delay = 0.1
t_plot_stop = tstop
params['t_plot_delay'] = t_plot_delay
params['t_plot_stop'] = t_plot_stop
eucd_v = np.zeros((uselen,runs))
pickle_prefix = params['pickle_prefix']
do = params['do']
for i in range(runs):
#print do
#print pickle_prefix
params['seed0'] = i+1
params['do'] = do + "lyap0_"
params['pickle_prefix'] = pickle_prefix + "_lyap0"
pca_var, pca_start, pca_max, mean_spike_freq, basis_error, basis_vaf, signals0, t, _ = randomnet(params)
params['do'] = do + "lyap1_"
params['pickle_prefix'] = pickle_prefix + "_lyap1"
pca_var, pca_start, pca_max, mean_spike_freq, basis_error, basis_vaf, signals1, t, _ = randomnet(params)
if (use_mpi is False) or (myid == 0):
eucd = np.sqrt(np.sum((np.array(signals0[0])-np.array(signals1[0]))**2, axis=0))[0:uselen] # Euclidian difference
eucd_v[:,i] = eucd
ly = None
if (use_mpi is False) or (myid == 0):
eucd_m = np.mean(eucd_v, axis = 1)
dt2 = 1e-3
Dt = 2*s
h0 = mean(eucd_m[((2.01)/dt2):(2.11/dt2)])
ht = mean(eucd_m[((2.01+Dt)/dt2):((2.11+Dt)/dt2)])
ly = np.log(ht/h0)/Dt
print h0, ht, " Lyapunov = ", ly
filepath = data_dir + pickle_prefix + "_lyap.hdf5"
lyd = {}
lyd['ly'] = ly
rw_hdf5(filepath, lyd)
plt.plot(t[0:uselen], eucd_m)
plt.savefig("./figs/dump/" + pickle_prefix + "_eucd" + imgf, dpi = 300) # save it
return ly