Introduction: ------------- This is the source code for the model which was used in the paper "Electrostimulation to reduce synaptic scaling driven progression of Alzheimer's disease" by Mark Rowan, Samuel Neymotin and Bill Lytton. Front Comput Neurosci (2014) 8:39 Abstract: --------- Cell death and synapse dysfunction are two likely causes of cognitive decline in AD. As cells die and synapses lose their drive, remaining cells suffer an initial decrease in activity. Neuronal homeostatic synaptic scaling then provides a feedback mechanism to restore activity. This homeostatic mechanism is believed to sense levels of activity-dependent cytosolic calcium within the cell and to adjust neuronal firing activity by increasing the density of AMPA synapses at remaining synapses to achieve balance. The scaling mechanism increases the firing rates of remaining cells in the network to compensate for decreases in network activity. However, this effect can itself become a pathology, as it produces increased imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory circuits, leading to greater susceptibility to further cell loss via calcium-mediated excitotoxicity. Here, we present a mechanistic explanation of how directed brain stimulation might be expected to slow AD progression based on computational simulations in a 470-neuron biomimetic model of a neocortical column. The simulations demonstrate that the addition of low-intensity electrostimulation (neuroprosthesis) to a network undergoing AD-like cell death can raise global activity and break this homeostatic-excitotoxic cascade. The increase in activity within the remaining cells in the column results in lower scaling-driven AMPAR upregulation, reduced imbalances in excitatory and inhibitory circuits, and lower susceptibility to ongoing damage. Usage: ------ To generate data for the figures in the paper, follow the instructions under 'compiling' (below) then run the relevant commands from the following list. Be aware that most of the experiments will take a couple of days to run and will produce large amounts of data (> 2GB) due to the very long amounts of time being simulated (~44 hours). Compiling: ---------- Linux: Change to the 'mod' directory and run the command 'mkmod' to build the necessary .mod files. Figures: -------- Figure 5 batchscripts/experiments/ batchscripts/experiments/ python rowanms-data/neurostim/0deletionNoscaling activity noinhib: scale noinhib python rowanms-data/neurostim/1AD/ activity noinhib: scale noinhib Figure 6/7 batchscripts/experiments/ batchscripts/experiments/ python rowanms-data/neurostim/3ADprosfreq python rowanms-data/neurostim/3ADproswt python rowanms-data/neurostim/3ADprosfreq/proswt0 activity noinhib: scale noinhib python rowanms-data/neurostim/3ADprosfreq/proswt2 activity noinhib: scale noinhib Figure 8/9 batchscripts/experiments/ batchscripts/experiments/ python data/4localADprosfreq python data/4localADproswt python rowanms-data/neurostim/4loclaADprosfreq/proswt0 activity noinhib: scale noinhib python rowanms-data/neurostim/4localADprosfreq/proswt2 activity noinhib: scale noinhib Figure 10 batchscripts/experiments/ python rowanms-data/neurostim/6testinfo/proswt2 1 python rowanms-data/neurostim/6testinfo/proswt2 2 python rowanms-data/neurostim/6testinfo/proswt2 3 Figure 11 batchscripts/experiments/ python rowanms-data/neurostim/7ADinfowt/proswt0 1 python rowanms-data/neurostim/7ADinfowt/proswt0 100 python rowanms-data/neurostim/7ADinfowt/proswt2 100 python rowanms-data/neurostim/7ADinfowt Running custom sims: -------------------- Execute the simulation directly using ./ [savepath] [optional args] where [optional args] is a list such as "{variable=value other_variable=value}" e.g. "{strdef simfilename simfilename="stdp_scaling.hoc"}" (which runs STDP sim) Batch runs: ----------- To run multiple experiments in a batch on a cluster (e.g. to get results over various different values of activitytau), create a basic script in batchscripts and fill in the variable name, values, and optional arguments. (See the scripts already inside batchscripts for examples). This is currently set up to use a GridEngine cluster, but you can edit to change cluster settings. To execute: batchscripts/<script> To run all scripts in a directory: run-parts batchscripts/<directory>/ Code hierarchy: --------------- batchscripts/<script> |_ batchcommon |_ |_ |_ sim.hoc | sim setup files | alz.hoc 20160921 This version incorporates fixes that allows the model to run on mac OS X.