#!/bin/sh # Deletion, and 'best' electrostimulation, with varying prosthesisstarts # Set save path datadir="rowanms-data/neurostim/5prosthesisstart" # Set job name jobname="5prosstart" # Set name of parameter to vary var="prosthesisstart" # Set list of values to try #vals="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10" vals="16000e3 24000e3 40000e3 64000e3 90000e3 120000e3 160000e3" # Set random seeds seeds="" # Set non-varying parameters with '-c' prefix # e.g. args="-c {activitybeta=10e-7} -c {activitytau=100e3}" args="-c {useprosthesis=1} -c {deleting=1}" ./batchcommon $datadir $var "$vals" "$args" "$jobname" "$seeds"