// $Id: matpmtmsubpopplug.hoc,v 1.3 2010/10/10 02:34:03 samn Exp $ 

// "plugin" (for batch.hoc) to do analysis on sim data

// want power of: subpop E, total E , total E - subpop . . . bring I along for the ride

binsz = 5 // bin size in ms
sampr = 1e3 / binsz // sampling rate
initAllMyNQs() // initialize counts per time, by type, column, etc.

objref nqf,nqtmp
objref vintraty[numcols][CTYPi] // HUB(SIMTYP) subpop within column
objref vintraE[numcols]         // total of all Es within column
objref vintraI[numcols]         // all Is within column
objref vintraEMINUS[numcols]    // total minus subpop, within column
objref vintraIMINUS[numcols]    // total minus subpop, within column


proc myrsz () { // util func to call matpmtm and add results to nqf
  {vec.resize(0) vec.copy($o1) vec.sub(vec.mean)}
  if(nqf.fi("f")==-1) {nqf.resize("f") nqf.v[nqf.m-1].copy(nqtmp.getcol("f"))}
  {nqf.resize($s2) nqf.v[nqf.m-1].copy(nqtmp.getcol("pow"))}

nqf=new NQS()

for i = 0 , numcols - 1 { // setup all the vectors that will have matpmtm run on them
  {vintraE[i]=new Vector(sz)  vintraI[i]=new Vector(sz)}
  {vintraIMINUS[i]=new Vector(sz) vintraEMINUS[i]=new Vector(sz)}
  for j = 0, CTYPi - 1 {
    if(nqCTY[i].v[j].size>0) {
      if(j==SIMTYP) {
        vintraty[i][j]=new Vector(sz)
        vintraty[i][j].copy(nqCTY[i].v[j]) // subpop
      if(ice(j)) {
        if(j!=SIMTYP) vintraIMINUS[i].add(nqCTY[i].v[j]) // total I minus I hub subpop
      } else {
        vintraE[i].add(nqCTY[i].v[j]) // total
        if(j!=SIMTYP) vintraEMINUS[i].add(nqCTY[i].v[j]) // total E minus E hub subpop

for i=0,numcols-1 {
  {sprint(tstr,"C%dintraE",i) myrsz(vintraE[i],tstr)}
  if(ice(SIMTYP)) {
    {sprint(tstr,"C%dintraIMINUS",i) myrsz(vintraIMINUS[i],tstr)}
  } else {
    {sprint(tstr,"C%dintraEMINUS",i) myrsz(vintraEMINUS[i],tstr)}
  {sprint(tstr,"C%dintraI",i) myrsz(vintraI[i],tstr)}
  for j=0,CTYPi-1 if(vintraty[i][j]!=nil) {
    if(vintraty[i][j].size>0) {sprint(tstr,"C%dintra%s",i,CTYP.o(j).s) myrsz(vintraty[i][j],tstr)}
