This port was made from the FORTRAN code into the NEURON enviroment based on
Traub RD, Buhl EH, Gloveli T, Whittington MA. Fast Rhythmic Bursting Can Be Induced in Layer 2/3 Cortical Neurons by Enhancing Persistent Na(+) Conductance or by Blocking BK Channels.J Neurophysiol. 2003 Feb;89(2):909-21
This port was made by Roger D Traub and Maciej Lazarewicz (mlazarew@seas.upenn.edu)
Thanks to Ashlen P Reid for help with porting a morphology of the cell.
// include this first in every cell template file for different models,
// adjusting values depending on what they are called in the model:
strdef somaname,stimname
somaname="pyr3_.comp[1].v( 0.5 )"
objref pyr3_
pyr3_ = new pyr3(MRFflag,CELL)
dt = 0.025 // Simulation are producion proper results even with time step 25 us
steps_per_ms = 40
tstop = 2015
v_init = -70