A primitive error function class for multiple run fitter must have a
func efun(y_vec, x_vec)
which is the simulation result of the run. Also, it should register
itself with a call to parmfitness_efun_append("classname").
Finally it should supply rfile and wfile procedures for saving its
Calculate the distance in phase plane between model and target. This
is an objective function based on the phase portrait of the trace, proposed
LeMasson, G and Maex, R. Introduction to equation solving and parameter
fitting. In: Computational Neuroscience: Realistic Modeling for
Experimentalists. E. de Schutter, ed. CRC Press, 2001.
This version based on the version used in
Hendrickson, E. B., Edgerton, J. R., and Jaeger, D. (2011) The use of
automated parameter searches to improve ion channel kinetics for neural
modeling. J Comput Neurosci, 31:329-346.
The phase plane error is calculated by taking a set of points (dV/dt and V)
at given time points in the experimental trace, and calculating the 2D
distance between each point with the dV/dt and V values for a point in the
model trace at the same time as that in the experimental trace. The final
error is the mean of these distances.
There are 2 approaches to finding the boundaries/list of temporal points to
take these measurements and calculate these distances at:
1) A set time window between 2 boundary values
2) A series of time windowsrelative to the spikes in the voltage trace.
This approach still takes 2 boundary values as inputs, but extracts
points in dV/dt and V for all times within these boundaries relative
to every spike that is shared by both traces.
Problem with method 2 at this stage:
The interpolation of the model voltage to the recording times is done
prior to finding the spike times in both model and experimental traces.
Therefore, when the peak of the model spike is found, this may be a
tenth of a ms or so from where the actual peak would have been. The
same is true for the experimental data. So there may be a small
discrepancy between these time indices hitting the actual peaks, meaning
that the points being compared within the AP window are actually
slightly different. Due to the fast changing V values, this could make
quite a difference to how far off V is, and in particular how far off
dV/dt is... No easy way to account for this yet...
Christina Weaver, Dec. 2005
Tim Rumbell, Oct. 2013
begintemplate PhasePlane_Fitness
// PUBLIC declarations
public efun, set_data, xdat, ydat, have_data, use_x
public dV_tgt, dV_mdl, tag
public unmap, map, vbox, rfile, wfile
public clone, build, mintstop, before_run
public save_context, restore_context
public get_outname, set_r
public boundary, outname
public scale
public clipboard_data
public spikes
public apwin
public inter
public g
public error
// VARIABLE declarations
// general variables
objref xdat, ydat // authoritative target data
objref dV_mdl, dV_tgt // first derivative of voltage data.
objref g, vbox, tobj, this
strdef tstr, spikelabel, interlabel, mserrlabel, modelabel, scalelabel, tag, tmpstr
objref boundary, prev_boundary
objref distances
// variables for time windows to be checked
objref exp_times, mod_times
objref exp_temp_times, mod_temp_times
// variables related to spike times
objref exp_APtimes, mod_APtimes // AP times of (xdat, ydat) and of the model
objref apwin, apsubwin
objref useAP, left_ptr, right_ptr, n_ptr
objref Png, Pts, Pps, Pac, nw_ptr
objref VmaxVec
// variables related to interpolation and data to use
objref exp_t , exp_v , mod_t , mod_v
objref Vinterp_mdl, Vinterp_exp
//variables related to derivatives
objref exp_v_deriv, mod_v_deriv
// output variables
strdef outname, outMname, tab, tmpname
objref xtmp, ytmp, tmp_idx
objref dbgfile, dbgfile2, trajmatfile, plotfile
// open file to store phase plane matrix
//trajmatfile = new File()
tab = " "
if( EFUN_DBG ) { print "Printing efun debug messages" }
// flags for efun() logic
spikes = inter = prev_inter = no_exp_APs = no_mod_APs = 0
mLidx = mRidx = 0
tLidx = tRidx = 0
nV = nDV = 0
exp_APleft = exp_APright = mod_APleft = mod_APright = 0
n_expAP = n_modAP = 0
n_expWin = n_modWin = 0
exp_t_size = 0
// Used in saving of time windows for analysis:
exp_temp_spike_time = mod_temp_spike_time = 0
// Used in difference calculation for each pair of points:
exp_point_V = exp_point_dV = mod_point_V = mod_point_dV = 0
external clipboard_set, clipboard_get
proc before_run() {}
efun() The main error function called by the Multiple Run Fitter.
INPUT: $o1 y-values of model output (e.g soma.v(.5) )
$o2 t-values of model output (time, ms)
The model data is always changing when this function is called. Target data,
on the other hand, is unchanged unless new target data is loaded (or if
parameters defining the Density Grid are changed). Therefore, the dV/dt and
V vectors of the target data do not need to be recalculated each time, but
the vectors for the model do. Then, the mean squared difference between the
elements of the two sets of Vectors are evaluated.
func efun() { local tot_err, one_err, i
//if( EFUN_DBG ) { print_Mfile_header($o1,$o2) }
// Order of tasks: 1) Interpolate voltages to consistent time steps
// 2) Calculate which time indices are to be used
// 3) Set up Vectors holding these indices
// 4) Calculate dV/dt for exp and mod traces
// 5) Get difference between experimental data point V,
// dV/dt and model data point V, dV/dt at same time
// 6) Save these differences in a Vector - same length as
// time indices
// 7) Error is mean of the difference Vector...
// 1a) Interpolate model trace to experimental times, with inter flag 0, OR
// 1b) Interpolate experimental trace to model times, with inter flag 1
exp_t = new Vector()
exp_v = new Vector()
mod_t = new Vector()
mod_v = new Vector()
if ( inter == 0 ) {
exp_t = xdat.c()
exp_v = ydat.c()
mod_t = xdat.c()
} else if ( inter == 1 ) {
exp_t = $o2.c()
mod_t = $o2.c()
mod_v = $o1.c()
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("exp_v.size = %d; mod_v.size = %d\n" , exp_v.size , mod_v.size )
// 2) Calculate which time indices are to be used
// a) Check "spikes":
// i) if 0, look at time points between boundary.x[0] and boundary.x[1]
// ii) if 1, get spike times, and add time points for each spike
// between spike time + boundary.x[0] and boundary.x[1], for each
// spike. This requires checking numbers of spikes in both the
// experimental and model data, choosing the lowest, setting up
// Vectors of spike times for that many spikes in each trace,
// adding time indices for the spike times +- the boundary window
// for each experimental spike time in the list to an experimental
// time index Vector, doing the same for a model time index Vector
exp_times = new Vector()
mod_times = new Vector()
// a) Check "spikes":
if ( spikes == 0 ) {
// i)
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("Phase plane error within a region:\n")
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf( "start = %d; end = %d\n" , boundary.x[ 0 ] , boundary.x[ 1 ] )
exp_times.indvwhere( exp_t , "[]" , boundary.x[ 0 ] , boundary.x[ 1 ] )
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf( "exp_times.size = %d\n" , exp_times.size )
mod_times = exp_times.c()
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("mod_times.size = %d\n" , mod_times.size )
} else if ( spikes == 1 ) {
// ii)
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("Phase plane error of spikes:\n")
// Check whether we already have experimental AP times, if not get them:
// NOTE AP times gives an index into the respective time vector,
// representing the time when the AP passes threshold, NOT the
// peak. Use nextpeak.
// First we check if there are any AP times saved in exp_APtimes - if
// there are none then it hasn't been done...
// If it has been done before, then we check if the resolution of
// exp_t has changed - indicating a different interpolation method -
// if it has changed then we need to get APtime indices again...
// Finally we check if the boundaries have been moved, like this:
// Check that boundary.x[0] is between exp_APleft and exp_APleft-1
// Check that boundary.x[1] is between exp_APright and exp_APright+1
if ( exp_APtimes.size == 0 && no_exp_APs == 0 ) {
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("New experimental trace:\n")
left_ptr = new Pointer( &exp_APleft )
right_ptr = new Pointer( &exp_APright )
n_ptr = new Pointer( &n_expAP )
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("Checking for experimental APs within region:\n")
printf( "start = %d; end = %d\n" , boundary.x[ 0 ] , boundary.x[ 1 ] )
find_APtimes( exp_t , exp_v , exp_APtimes , "Exp AP" , 1 \
, left_ptr , right_ptr , n_ptr )
// Test for no experimental action potentials - if exp_APtimes is
// still empty after running exp_APtimes, then there are no
// experimental action potentials at all in the trace, so skip
// everything...
if ( n_expAP == 0 ) {
no_exp_APs = 1
} else if ( n_expAP > 0 ) {
no_exp_APs = 0
} else {
// if ( exp_t.size != exp_t_size ) {
if ( inter != prev_inter ) {
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("Interpolation changed; repeat target AP search.\n")
left_ptr = new Pointer(&exp_APleft)
right_ptr = new Pointer(&exp_APright)
n_ptr = new Pointer(&n_expAP)
nw_ptr = new Pointer(&n_expWin)
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("Checking for experimental APs within region:\n")
printf( "start = %d; end = %d\n" , boundary.x[ 0 ] , boundary.x[ 1 ] )
find_APtimes( exp_t , exp_v , exp_APtimes , "Exp AP" , 1 \
, left_ptr , right_ptr , n_ptr,nw_ptr )
if ( n_expAP == 0 ) {
no_exp_APs = 1
} else if ( n_expAP > 0 ) {
no_exp_APs = 0
} else if ( ( boundary.x[0] != prev_boundary.x[0] ) || \
( boundary.x[1] != prev_boundary.x[1] ) ) {
/*else if( exp_t.x[ exp_APtimes.x[ exp_APleft ] ] < boundary.x[ 0 ] \
|| exp_t.x[ exp_APtimes.x[ exp_APleft -1 ] ] < boundary.x[ 0 ] \
|| exp_t.x[ exp_APtimes.x[ exp_APright ] ] > boundary.x[ 1 ] ) {*/
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("Time boundary changed; repeat target AP search.\n")
left_ptr = new Pointer(&exp_APleft)
right_ptr = new Pointer(&exp_APright)
n_ptr = new Pointer(&n_expAP)
nw_ptr = new Pointer(&n_expWin)
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("Checking for experimental APs within region:\n")
printf( "start = %d; end = %d\n" , boundary.x[ 0 ] , boundary.x[ 1 ] )
find_APtimes( exp_t , exp_v , exp_APtimes , "Exp AP" , 1 \
, left_ptr , right_ptr , n_ptr , nw_ptr )
if ( n_expAP == 0 ) {
no_exp_APs = 1
} else if ( n_expAP > 0 ) {
no_exp_APs = 0
// Next, get model AP times:
left_ptr = new Pointer(&mod_APleft)
right_ptr = new Pointer(&mod_APright)
n_ptr = new Pointer(&n_modAP)
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("Checking for model APs within region:\n")
printf( "start = %d; end = %d\n" , boundary.x[ 0 ] , boundary.x[ 1 ] )
find_APtimes( mod_t , mod_v , mod_APtimes , "Model AP" , 1 , left_ptr \
, right_ptr , n_ptr )
if ( n_modAP == 0 ) {
no_mod_APs = 1
} else if ( n_modAP > 0 ) {
no_mod_APs = 0
if ( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("no_exp_APs = %d ; no_mod_APs = %d\n" , no_exp_APs \
, no_mod_APs )
// If there are no experimental action potentials, get a time
// coordinate for the peak of the trace and use this as the equivalent
// of an AP peak time in the following calculations. Hopefully this
// will produce a larger error than if there had been any APs, and will
// be proportional to how much of an AP the peak represents...
if ( no_mod_APs ) {
VmaxVec = new Vector()
VmaxVec.indvwhere( $o1 , ">=" , $o1.max() )
mod_APtimes.append( VmaxVec.x[ 0 ] )
n_modAP = 1
mod_APleft = 0
mod_APright = 0
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf( "Peak of trace detected at time %g\n" , \
mod_t.x[ mod_APtimes.x[ 0 ] ] )
// If there are both experimental spikes and model spikes within the
// time boundaries, then work out time indices for error calculation
if ( !no_exp_APs ) {
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("Spikes in exp:\n")
// Check which spike train has more spikes and set n_both to lowest
n_both = n_expAP
if( n_modAP > n_expAP ) {
n_both = n_expAP
n_big = n_modAP
} else {
n_both = n_modAP
n_big = n_expAP
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf( "n_expAP=%d; n_modAP=%d; n_both=%d\n" , n_expAP , n_modAP \
, n_both )
// 3) Set up Vectors holding these indices
// Loop through every spike (up to n_both), and add time indices of the
// AP window around the nextpeak after the spike time...
// For both exp and mod...
exp_temp_times = new Vector()
mod_temp_times = new Vector()
for i=0,n_both-1 {
//peak = $o2.x[$o1.nextpeak(mod_APtimes.x[i])]
//xpeak = xdat.x[ydat.nextpeak(exp_APtimes.x[exind])]
// use next peak to get the next peak after the threshold crossing
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf( "exp_APtimes.x[%d]=%g\n" , i , exp_APtimes.x[ exp_APleft + i ] )
printf( "mod_APtimes.x[%d]=%g\n" , i , mod_APtimes.x[ mod_APleft + i ] )
// For experimental spike:
exp_temp_spike_time = exp_t.x[ exp_v.nextpeak( exp_APtimes.x[ exp_APleft + i ] ) ]
exp_temp_times.indvwhere( exp_t , "[]" , exp_temp_spike_time \
+ apwin.x[ 0 ] , exp_temp_spike_time + apwin.x[ 1 ] )
// Then for model spike:
// Use next peak if actual spikes were found:
if ( !no_mod_APs ) {
mod_temp_spike_time = mod_t.x[ mod_v.nextpeak( \
mod_APtimes.x[ mod_APleft + i ] ) ]
} else if ( no_mod_APs ) {
// Just use the found peak time if there aren't any mod APs
mod_temp_spike_time = mod_t.x[ mod_APtimes.x[ mod_APleft + i ] ]
mod_temp_times.indvwhere( mod_t , "[]" , mod_temp_spike_time \
+ apwin.x[ 0 ] , mod_temp_spike_time + apwin.x[ 1 ] )
// Need to check that these have the same number of points before
// appending the temp vectors to the main vectors of time indices...
// Check if either are 0, which means that although the threshold
// was within the trace, the apwin times relative to the peak were
// not (probably due to -ve apwin region and threshold crossing
// very close to 0 / start of recording )
if ( exp_temp_times.size() > 0 && mod_temp_times.size() > 0 ) {
size_diff = exp_temp_times.size() - mod_temp_times.size()
if ( size_diff == 0 ) {
exp_times.append( exp_temp_times )
mod_times.append( mod_temp_times )
} else if ( size_diff > 0 ) {
exp_times.append( exp_temp_times.c( 0 , mod_temp_times.size()-1 ) )
mod_times.append( mod_temp_times )
} else if ( size_diff < 0 ) {
exp_times.append( exp_temp_times )
mod_times.append( mod_temp_times.c( 0 , exp_temp_times.size()-1 ) )
} else {
if ( exp_temp_times.size() == 0 ) {
no_exp_APs = 1
if ( mod_temp_times.size() == 0 ) {
no_mod_APs = 1
// Calculate phase plane error:
// If we aren't using spikes, then get error for time indices within
// boundaries, if we are using spikes, check that there are spikes first
if ( !spikes || !no_exp_APs ) {
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("Able to calculate error:\n")
// Now we have lists of the time indices to be used in the error calculation
// for both model and experimental data, for either method spikes==0 or 1.
// Next we have to calculated the derivatives of the voltage:
// 4) Calculate dV/dt for exp and mod traces
exp_v_deriv = new Vector()
mod_v_deriv = new Vector()
// experimental Voltage derivative calculation
exp_v_deriv.deriv( exp_v , exp_t.x[1] - exp_t.x[0] , 2 )
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("exp_v_deriv.size = %d\n" , exp_v_deriv.size )
// model Voltage derivative calculation
mod_v_deriv.deriv( mod_v , mod_t.x[1] - mod_t.x[0] , 2 )
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("mod_v_deriv.size = %d\n" , mod_v_deriv.size )
// 5) Get difference between experimental data point V, dV/dt and model
// data point V, dV/dt at same time
// Set up a new Vector to hold these differences (6)
distances = new Vector(exp_times.size)
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("distances.size = %d\n" , distances.size )
for i = 0 , exp_times.size()-1 {
// get the four points involved in the calculation:
exp_point_V = exp_v.x[ exp_times.x[i] ]
exp_point_dV = exp_v_deriv.x[ exp_times.x[i] ]
mod_point_V = mod_v.x[ mod_times.x[i] ]
mod_point_dV = mod_v_deriv.x[ mod_times.x[i] ]
// Use these four points in Euclidean distance calculation:
distances.x[i] = sqrt( ( exp_point_V - mod_point_V )^2 + \
( exp_point_dV - mod_point_dV )^2 )
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf( "exp_time=%g; mod_time=%g; exp_point=(%g,%g); mod_point=(%g,%g); distance=%g\n" \
, exp_t.x[ exp_times.x[i] ] , mod_t.x[ mod_times.x[i] ] \
, exp_point_V , exp_point_dV , mod_point_V , mod_point_dV \
, distances.x[i] )
// 7) Error is mean of the difference Vector...
tot_err = 0
if ( distances.size() > 0 ) {
tot_err = distances.mean()
// If there are no experimental spikes...
if ( spikes && no_exp_APs ) {
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("ERROR in PhasePlane_Fitness: no experimental APs detected\n")
printf("Set spikes = 0 to get phase plane error value from region\n")
printf("between boundary values...\n")
tot_err = 0
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("tot_err = %g; scale = %g; error value = %g\n" , tot_err \
, scale , tot_err * scale )
// record inter and boundaries in previous holders so these can be checked
// next time
prev_boundary = boundary.c()
prev_inter = inter
error = tot_err * scale
// change 05 Jan 2015
// If there are experimental spikes but no model spikes, increase error
// by an order of magnitude
if ( !no_exp_APs && no_mod_APs ) {
error = error * 10
tot_err = tot_err * 10
if (use_gui) {
sprint(mserrlabel, "%g", tot_err*scale)
redraw($o2, $o1)
return tot_err * scale
Count APs which occur during the specified time boundary.
proc find_APtimes() { local i, firing, thresh, idx localobj dvdt, dtdt
// $o1 x component, $o2 y component of a voltage trace
// $o3 stores AP times
// $s4 stores descriptive string
// $5 1 or 0, print result to screen?
// $o6, points to AP after left boundary
// $o7, points to AP before right boundary
// $o8, points to count of APs within boundary
thresh = -30
dvdtthresh = 15
$o3 = new Vector()
//~ firing = 0
//~ check($o1,$o2,$o3,0,thresh,firing)
//~ for i = 0, $o1.size-1 {
//~ firing = check($o1,$o2,$o3,i,thresh,firing)
//~ }
// Changing from threshold crossing to stating that if dv/dt > +10 mV/ms
// then we have a spike
// First get dv/dt of voltage trace
dvdt = new Vector()
dvdt.deriv( $o2 )
// Second, convert dvdt into mV/ms - currently it is just the difference
// between points, rather than in the correct format... Scaling factor
// should be the end time of the trace (last value in $o1) / total points
// in the voltage vector (length of $02), giving average time diff per pair
// of points, and assuming that voltage vector is equally spaced in time...
dtdt = new Vector()
dtdt.deriv( $o1 )
dvdt.div( dtdt )
// Third, look for crossings of +10
firing = 0
for i = 0, $o1.size-1 {
firing = check($o1,dvdt,$o3,i,dvdtthresh,firing)
if ( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("number of spikes: %d\n" , $o3.size )
for i = 0 , $o3.size-1 {
printf("Spike time %g = %g\n" , i , $o3.x[i] )
// find first AP after, and last AP before, the time bounds
$o6.val = $o1.ind($o3).indwhere(">=", boundary.x[0])
// probably, keep left boundary less than zero.
// if( $o6.val < 0 ) $o6.val = $o3.size
$o7.val = $o1.ind($o3).indwhere(">", boundary.x[1]) - 1
if( $o7.val < 0 ) $o7.val = $o3.size-1
$o8.val = $o7.val-$o6.val+1
if( $o7.val < 0 || $o6.val < 0 ) $o8.val = 0
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("left = %g, right = %g, count = %g\n",$o6.val,$o7.val,$o8.val)
if( $o6.val > 0 ) {
printf("first %s after bound %g has time %g\n",$s4,boundary.x[0],$o1.x[$o3.x[$o6.val]])
if( $o7.val > 0 ) {
printf("last %s before bound %g has time %g\n",$s4,boundary.x[1],$o1.x[$o3.x[$o7.val]])
printf("Total valid APs %d\n",$o8.val)
func check() { local idx, thresh, firing, time
// $o1 x component, $o2 y component of a voltage trace
// $o3 stores AP times
idx = $4
thresh = $5
firing = $6
if( $o2.x[idx] >= thresh && !firing ) {
firing = 1
time = $o1.x[idx]
if(firing && $o2.x[idx] < thresh && $o1.x[idx] > time) { firing = 0 }
return firing
proc save_context() { local i
$o1.pack(tag, scale, ydat, \
ydat.label, xdat, boundary)
proc restore_context() { local i
$o1.unpack(tag, &scale, ydat)
$o1.unpack(tstr, xdat)
set_data(xdat, ydat)
proc init() {local i
print "initializing PhasePlane_Fitness, last modified 21 Oct 2013"
sprint(tag, "%s", this)
sscanf(tag, "%[^[]", tag)
use_x = 0
use_gui = 0
have_data = 0
spikes = 0
inter = 0
xdat = new Vector(0)
ydat = new Vector(0)
boundary = new Vector(2)
outname = "PhasePlane_data"
scale = 1//5e4
apwin = new Vector(2)
apwin.x[0] = apwin.x[1] = 0
exp_APtimes = new Vector(0)
mod_APtimes = new Vector(0)
if (have_data) {
boundary.x[0] = xdat.x[0]
boundary.x[1] = xdat.x[xdat.size()-1]
} else {
boundary.x[0] = boundary.x[1] = 0
//print "\tdone initializing PhasePlane_Fitness"
proc clone() {
$o1 = new PhasePlane_Fitness()
$o1.have_data = have_data
if (have_data) {
$o1.set_data(xdat, ydat)
$o1.boundary = boundary.c
$o1.apwin = apwin.c
$o1.scale = scale
proc redraw() { local i, xpsn
if (use_gui) {
if (have_data) {
g.label(.8, .95)
ydat.plot(g, xdat, 2, 1)
if (spikes==0){
for i=0, boundary.size() - 1 {
g.beginline(3, 1)
g.line(boundary.x[i], g.size(3))
g.line(boundary.x[i], g.size(4))
} else if (spikes==1) {
if (n_expAP > 0) {
if (numarg() == 2) {
$o2.line(g, $o1)
func mintstop() {
return boundary.x[1]
proc set_data() {local i
have_data = 0
i = $o1.indwhere(">=", 0)
if (i < 0 || $o1.size < 1) return
// copy $o1 into xdat without label;
// copy $o2 into ydat with its label string
xdat = $o1.c(i)
ydat = $o2.cl(i)
boundary.x[0] = xdat.x[0]
boundary.x[1] = xdat.x[xdat.size-1]
have_data = 1
if (use_gui) {
g.size(xdat.min(), xdat.max(), ydat.min(), ydat.max())
proc clipboard_data() {
sprint(tstr, "%s.set_data(hoc_obj_[1], hoc_obj_[0])", this)
if(execute1(tstr) == 0) {
continue_dialog("No data in the Vector clipboard. Select a Graph line first")
proc build() {
if (use_gui) return
use_gui = 1
vbox = new VBox(3)
sprint(tstr, "execute(\"%s.unmap()\")", this)
g = new Graph(0)
xpanel("", 1)
g.menu_tool("Adjust", "adjust_region")
xbutton("Data from Clipboard", "clipboard_data()")
xbutton("Set weight", "set_weight()")
xbutton("Set inter", "set_inter()")
xbutton("Set spike window", "set_spike_window()")
xbutton("Region panel", "region_panel()")
xbutton("Set output info", "output_panel()")
sprint(scalelabel, "scale=%g;", scale)
sprint(interlabel, "inter=%d;", inter)
sprint(spikelabel, "Spikes=%d: %g,%g;", spikes, apwin.x[0], apwin.x[1])
mserrlabel="Error xxxx"
g.view(0, -80, 5, 40, 0,300,0,200)
if (have_data) {
g.size(xdat.min(), xdat.max(), ydat.min(), ydat.max())
proc adjust_region() {local x
//print $1, $2, $3
if ($1 == 2) { // press
adjust = pick_region($2)
if (adjust == -1) {
if ($1 == 1) { // drag
boundary.x[adjust] = $2
if (adjust < boundary.size()-1) if ($2 > boundary.x[adjust+1]){
boundary.x[adjust] = boundary.x[adjust+1]
if ($1 == 3) { // release
x = g.view_info(g.view_info, 11, $2)
if (boundary.size() > 2) {
if (x < 0) {
}else if (x > 1) {
x = boundary.x[adjust]
tobj = boundary.c.indvwhere("==", x)
if (tobj.size() > 1) {
adjust = -1
func pick_region() {local vi, d, i, j, x, m
vi = g.view_info
x = g.view_info(vi, 13, $1)
for i=0, boundary.size() - 1 {
d = x - g.view_info(vi, 13, boundary.x[i])
if (d < 12) { // before or on i
if (i == boundary.size()) {
return i
if (d > -12) { // actual selection of line
return i
boundary.insrt(i, $1)
if (i == 0) {
weight.insrt(1, weight.x[1])
weight.insrt(i, weight.x[i])
return i
proc set_weight() {local wt
wt = scale
sprint(tmpstr, "%g", wt)
while (1) {
if (string_dialog("Enter function weight",tmpstr)){
if (sscanf(tmpstr, "%g", &scale) == 1) {
sprint(scalelabel, "scale=%g",scale)
scale = wt
proc set_inter() {local interpolation
interpolation = inter
sprint(tmpstr, "%g", interpolation)
while (1) {
if ( string_dialog ( \
"Enter interpolation method: 0 (mod to exp), 1 (exp to mod)" \
, tmpstr ) ) {
if (sscanf(tmpstr, "%g", &inter) == 1) {
sprint(interlabel, "inter=%g",inter)
inter = interpolation
proc set_spike_window() {local locspikes, winstart, winend
locspike = spikes
winstart = apwin.x[0]
winend = apwin.x[1]
sprint(tmpstr, "%d %g %g", locspike, winstart, winend)
while(1) {
if (string_dialog("Enter space seperated spikes (no=0,yes=1), window start, and window end",tmpstr)){
if (sscanf(tmpstr, "%d %g %g", &spikes, &apwin.x[0], &apwin.x[1]) == 3) {
sprint(spikelabel, "Spikes=%d: %g,%g", spikes, apwin.x[0], apwin.x[1])
} else {
spikes = locspike
apwin.x[0] = winstart
apwin.x[1] = winend
proc map() {
if (!use_gui) build()
if (numarg() > 1) {
vbox.map($s1, $2, $3, $4, $5)
}else if (numarg() == 1){
proc unmap() {
proc save() {local i
vbox.save("load_file(\"e_phaseplane.hoc\", \"PhasePlane_Fitness\")}\n{")
vbox.save("ocbox_=new PhasePlane_Fitness(1)")
if (object_id(xdat)) {
sprint(tstr, "xdat = new Vector(%d)", xdat.size)
sprint(tstr, "ydat = new Vector(%d)", ydat.size)
sprint(tstr, "ydat.label(\"%s\")", ydat.label)
sprint(tstr, "for i=0,%d { xdat.x[i]=fscan() ydat.x[i]=fscan()}}",\
xdat.size - 1)
for i=0,xdat.size-1 {
sprint(tstr, "%g %g", xdat.x[i], ydat.x[i])
vbox.save("{set_data(xdat, ydat)}")
g.save_name("ocbox_.g", 1)
proc wfile() { local chooseAP
// Whenever adding more data, be sure to update the line count here!
// add 2 lines (to report vector size, plus one more), + vector size
// extra 6 lines are for boundary, ap window, ap subwindow
// extra lines for which APs will be used.
$o1.printf("PhasePlane_Fitness xdat ydat boundary (lines=%d) ",\
4 + 2*xdat.size() + 2 + 2 + 2 )
$o1.printf(" %g\n",\
$o1.printf("|%s|\n", ydat.label)
$o1.printf("%d\n", xdat.size())
$o1.printf("2\n%g\n%g\n", boundary.x[0],boundary.x[1])
proc rfile() {local i, n
scale = $o1.scanvar
sprint(scalelabel, "scale=%g",scale)
if (sscanf(tstr, "|%[^|]", tstr) == 1) {
n = $o1.scanvar
if (n > 0) {
xdat.resize(n) ydat.resize(n)
xdat.scanf($o1, n)
ydat.scanf($o1, n)
set_data(xdat, ydat)
n = $o1.scanvar
boundary.scanf($o1, n)
proc region_panel() {
xpanel("Region boundaries")
xpvalue("interval startpoint", &boundary.x[0], 1, "set_r()")
xpvalue("interval endpoint", &boundary.x[1], 1, "set_r()")
proc output_panel() {
xpanel("Output info")
xcheckbox("Write M-file", &EFUN_DBG)
xcheckbox("Write verbose M-file", &VERBOSE)
xcheckbox("Write conductance summary (Av-Ron model only)", &GBAR_SMRY)
//xcheckbox("Write M-file", &EFUN_DBG, "EFUN_DBG = !EFUN_DBG")
//xcheckbox("Write verbose M-file", &VERBOSE, "{ VERBOSE = !VERBOSE EFUN_DBG = 1}")
xbutton("Set output filename","get_outname(outname)")
if( VERBOSE ) { EFUN_DBG = 1 }
if( !ismembrane("fn") ) { GBAR_SMRY = 0 }
proc set_r() {local i, t, tmin, tmax, n
if (have_data){
// make sure regions are within data boundaries
tmin = xdat.x[0]
tmax = xdat.x[xdat.size() - 1]
n = boundary.size()
for i=0, n-1 {
t = boundary.x[i]
if (t < tmin) {
boundary.x[i] = tmin
if (t > tmax) {
boundary.x[i] = tmax
proc get_outname() {
string_dialog("Enter output filename",$s1)
proc print_Mfile_header() {
print "\nPrinting error function data to M-file ",outname
print "Scale factor = ", scale
dbgfile = new File()
nlbl = 1
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'scale = %g'};\n",nlbl,scale)
nlbl += 1
dbgfile.printf("scale = %g;\n",scale)
dbgfile.printf("boundary = [%g %g];\n",boundary.x[0],boundary.x[1])
if( VERBOSE ) {
dbgfile.printf("xmodel = [")
$o2.printf(dbgfile,"%12.9f\n ")
dbgfile.printf("ymodel = [")
$o1.printf(dbgfile,"%12.9f\n ")
dbgfile.printf("xexpt = [")
xdat.printf(dbgfile,"%12.9f\n ")
dbgfile.printf("yexpt = [")
ydat.printf(dbgfile,"%12.9f\n ")
nstr = 1
proc print_Mfile_tail() { local e
e = $3
dbgfile.printf("e_final = %g;\n",e)
dbgfile.printf("str(%d) = {'Total Error %g'};\n",nstr,e)
nstr += 1
dbgfile.printf("h = axes('Position',[0 0 1 1],'Visible','off');\n")
dbgfile.printf("ttl = '%s: Total Error %g';\n",outname,e)
if( VERBOSE ) {
dbgfile.printf("axes('Position',[.1 .5 .8 .4]);\n")
dbgfile.printf("x1=[boundary(1) boundary(1)];\n")
dbgfile.printf("x2=[boundary(2) boundary(2)];\n")
dbgfile.printf("y1=[min(yexpt) max(yexpt)];\n")
dbgfile.printf("pl = plot(xexpt,yexpt,'--',xmodel,ymodel,'-',x1,y1,'r',x2,y1,'r');\n")
dbgfile.printf("set(pl(1),'LineWidth',2); set(pl(2),'LineWidth',2); \n")
endtemplate PhasePlane_Fitness