A primitive error function class for multiple run fitter must have a
func efun(y_vec, x_vec)
which is the simulation result of the run. Also, it should register
itself with a call to parmfitness_efun_append("classname").
Finally it should supply rfile and wfile procedures for saving its
APtv_instFRFitness: modified from APFitness (M Hines)
Developed by Christina Weaver, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
christina.weaver@mssm.edu, Nov 2007
same as AP_instFR_Fitness, except it shifts the voltages so that the
AP troughs align, and then computes the shape error.
Also, if axonal/dendritic APs are being recorded, it penalizes models
that do not fire first in the axon, then soma, then dendrites.
fitness features useful for an action potential
we imagine that there is one point on the AP which is used to
locate the AP on the x-axis (eg the peak or some point on the rise)
and then there are a two sets of points
with relative-x values. In the first set the error is the relative
x-difference between fixed y values and in the second set the error
is the absolute y-difference between fixed relative x values.
y-values with absolute and a set of relative x-values
if the APCount objref apc and associated vector spiketimes has been
used to record the model's AP times, and if the experimental AP times
are available, the specified window is applied to all AP times,
comparing each model AP to the first experimental AP. The sum of these
errors comprise the error returned from efun().
if apc and/or spiketimes are not defined, the error is calculated for the
first model AP only.
Global data:
xdat, ydat: 'Experimental' data against which model output is compared
xdat_rel time, relative to first experimental peak, of chosen error points
ydat_rel y-data corresponding to xdat_rel
idx_rel indices in xdat, ydat of data listed in xdat_rel, ydat_rel
xyAPtimes indices indicating APs in experimental data,
e.g. xdat[xyAPtimes.x[i]] is time of AP i, with voltage
modelAPtimes indices indicating APs in model output
datFR, datCV FR, CV for experimental data
modFR, modCV FR. CV for model data
vec.nextpeak(ind) returns the index of the next peak of vector 'vec' after index
mod_APleft, mod_APright, exp_APleft, exp_APright, n_modAP, n_expAP
Also included in the objective function is a term that fits a curve to the
target and model instantaneous firing rates, and then calculates a firing rate
error as the model deviation from the target fit. This is precisely the same
as the FR_Fitness function found in e_frtime.hoc. It is included here with the
AP Shape error calculation so that the MulRunFitter doesn't try to execute the
model twice to evaluate the two separate errors.
/* error is independent of position of Action potential peak */
begintemplate APtv_instFR_Fitness
// PUBLIC declarations
public efun, g, set_data, set_modelx, xdat, ydat, idx_, peak, have_data
public unmap, map, vbox, rfile, wfile, use_x, peakscale, xscale, yscale, ntag, tag
public clone, build, before_run, mintstop
public save_context, restore_context
public find_APtimes, xyAPtimes, modelAPtimes, findFR, get_outname
public set_r
public efun_1AP, efun_withFRCV, efun_old, efun_yfit, efun_isiW
public efun_bowerW
public datFR, modFR // set of all instantaneous FR's
public datFRmean, datCVmean, modFRmean, modCVmean // mean values
public datFRsd, datCVsd, modFRsd, modCVsd // SD values
public boundary, apwin, outname
public t_hat, pow1, pow2, frscale, cvscale, ey, ey2
public frm_fac, frs_fac, cvm_fac, cvs_fac, frcv_int
public xdat_rel_list, ydat_rel_list, idx_rel_list
public time_scale, miss_scale, shape_scale, brst_thold, brst_pnlty
public set_apwin_noGUI, efun_mismatch_avgAP, efun_bower
public PASTE_DBG
public MS_AHP
public useAP, match_all // which APs should be used for shape error calculation?
public track_APtimes, allList, Forder_pnlty
// public variables for time-modulated FR error
public tot_frscale, nf_frscale, slope_scale, intcp_scale
public exp_intcpt, exp_slope, expsa, expsb, expchi
public mod_intcpt, mod_slope, modsa, modsb, modchi
public datFit, modFit, efr, FCNTYP
public ftime
public e_dly, delay_pnlty, ebrst, e_slope
//public variables for AHP measurement
public neg_p, trgh_sz, trgh_ps, thr_ac
public apA, apS, apD // AP count in Axon, Soma, distal Dendrite
public spktA, spktS, spktD // spike times in Axon, Soma, distal Dendrite
// general variables
objref xdat, ydat // authoritative data
objref g, vbox, tobj, this
strdef tstr, mserrlabel, modelabel, scalelabel, ntag, tmpstr, tag
objref boundary
// variables related to shape calculations
objref xdat_rel_list, ydat_rel_list, idx_rel_list // subset of data points to fit
objref xyAPtimes, modelAPtimes // AP times of (xdat, ydat) and of the model result
objref tgtAPtrough, modelAPtrough // troughs after APs of (xdat, ydat) and of the model result
objref tgtAPtrough_V, modelAPtrough_V // troughs after APs of (xdat, ydat) and of the model result
objref apwin
objref useAP, left_ptr, right_ptr, n_ptr
objref Png, Pts, Pps, Pac, nw_ptr
objref dvdt, allList
// variables for FR & CV calculations
objref datFR, modFR
objref frtmp, frptr, cvptr, frptrsd, cvptrsd // mean, stdev of FR & CV
objref frindx, frtmpsd, cvtmp
//variables for time-modulated FR calculations
objref ptra, ptrb, ptrsiga, ptrsigb, ptrchi
objref datFit, modFit
// variables to measure AHP
objref dV, iAHP, iAHPn, iAHPa, AHPchg
objref APth, APst, APnd, npts
objref trough_sz,trough_posn
objref AHPout
strdef AHPname
// variables to check AP firing order
objref apA, apS, apD // AP count in Axon, Soma, distal Dendrite
objref spktA, spktS, spktD // spike times in Axon, Soma, distal Dendrite
strdef dist_name
// output variables
strdef outname, outMname, tab, tmpname
objref xtmp, ytmp, tmp_idx
objref dbgfile, dbgfile2, ftime
datFRmean = datCVmean = modFRmean = modCVmean = 0
datFRsd = datCVsd = modFRsd = modCVsd = 0
exp_APleft = exp_APright = mod_APleft = mod_APright = 0
n_expAP = n_modAP = 0
n_expWin = n_modWin = 0
tab = " "
if( SAVE_DBG ) { print "Printing save debug messages" }
if( PASTE_DBG ) {
dbgfile = new File()
dbgfile.printf("%% trying to understand paste mechanism\n")
if( EFUN_DBG ) { print "Printing efun debug messages" }
external clipboard_set, clipboard_get
proc before_run() {}
func efun() Aug 04
Let Nt = number of APs in experiment
Nm = number of APs in model
YFit_i = result from efun_yfit(model spike i)
Then, the error function calculated here is the E(M) described in our paper (in
preparation). Namely, there are three components to this function:
1. for each spike which occurs in both exp & model (i.e. number is
min(Nt,Nm)), calculate the absolute difference in spike timing, and divide
by scale factor Ai. Tally the sum of these errors.
2. for each missing/extra spike, add P/Nt, where P=tstop
3. for each model spike, add Yfit_i, making sure that it is scaled
appropriately as a fraction of the window size (e.g. multiply scale factor
from 0 to 1)
Notes on YFit_i: we already truncate the window appropriately if it occurs at
the beginning or end of the simulation. But also, we do not want to include
the previous or next AP in the window. In such cases, set the cutoff to be the
recorded "spiketime", namely the time at which the voltage crosses -20 mV.
This will avoid any error due to the interfering AP.
If there are no model "APs", YFit_i is determined as the
YFit from the first model peak, even though it is not
actually an AP (then Nm in denominator is 1, but Nm in
numerator is 0).
See efun_yfit below for a description of its evaluation.
This describes the shape error. The error function also has the follwoing terms:
* Bursting penalty for ISIs smaller than a specified threshold
* Mean and standard deviation of instantaneous firing rate
* Mean and standard deviation of coefficient of variation
* Firing delay penalty
func efun() { local e, etm, i, A, mnind, mxind, exind
//printf("EFUN (%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g)\n",gnabar_fn,gkbar_fn,gbar_kca,Kp_cad,Rca_cad,gbar_ka,gbar_cahi,gbar_nap)
// $o1 y-values of model output (e.g soma.v(.5) )
// $o2 t-values of model output (time, ms)
sttime = startsw()
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
print "\nPrinting error function data to M-file ",outname
print "Scale factor = ", shape_scale
dbgfile = new File()
dbgfile.printf("%% finding FR for experiment, then model\n")
// NOTE AP times gives an index into the respective time vector,
// representing the time when the AP passes threshold, NOT the
// peak. Use nextpeak.
if( xyAPtimes.size == 0 ) {
left_ptr = new Pointer(&exp_APleft)
right_ptr = new Pointer(&exp_APright)
n_ptr = new Pointer(&n_expAP)
nw_ptr = new Pointer(&n_expWin)
find_APtimes(xdat,ydat,xyAPtimes,"Exp AP",1,left_ptr,right_ptr,n_ptr,nw_ptr)
} else {
if( xdat.x[xyAPtimes.x[exp_APleft]] < boundary.x[0] || xdat.x[xyAPtimes.x[exp_APright]] > boundary.x[1]) {
printf("Time boundary changed; repeat target AP search.\n")
left_ptr = new Pointer(&exp_APleft)
right_ptr = new Pointer(&exp_APright)
n_ptr = new Pointer(&n_expAP)
nw_ptr = new Pointer(&n_expWin)
find_APtimes(xdat,ydat,xyAPtimes,"Exp AP",1,left_ptr,right_ptr,n_ptr,nw_ptr)
tgtAPtrough = new Vector()
tgtAPtrough_V = new Vector()
if( VERBOSE ) printf("calling APtrough for TARGET\n")
if( xyAPtimes.size() > 0 ) {
//printf("Boundary is %g - %g and expAPtimes go from %g to %g\n",boundary.x[0],boundary.x[1],xdat.x[xyAPtimes.x[exp_APleft]],xdat.x[xyAPtimes.x[exp_APright]])
n_AP = 0
for i = 0, xyAPtimes.size-1 {
if( xdat.x[xyAPtimes.x[i]] < boundary.x[0] ) continue
if( xdat.x[xyAPtimes.x[i]] > boundary.x[1] ) { break }
if( xdat.x[xyAPtimes.x[i]] > $o2.x[$o2.size-1] ) { break }
n_AP += 1
//print "Found n_AP = ",n_AP
frptr = new Pointer(&datFRmean)
cvptr = new Pointer(&datCVmean)
frptrsd = new Pointer(&datFRsd)
cvptrsd = new Pointer(&datCVsd)
left_ptr = new Pointer(&mod_APleft)
right_ptr = new Pointer(&mod_APright)
n_ptr = new Pointer(&n_modAP)
nw_ptr = new Pointer(&n_modWin)
find_APtimes($o2,$o1,modelAPtimes,"Model AP",1,left_ptr,right_ptr,n_ptr,nw_ptr)
modelAPtrough = new Vector()
modelAPtrough_V = new Vector()
if( VERBOSE ) printf("calling APtrough for MODEL from %d to %d\n",mod_APright,mod_APleft)
if( mod_APright>=0 && mod_APleft>=0 && mod_APright-mod_APleft >= 0 ) {
} else {
if( VERBOSE ) printf("No model APs, so no troughs identified.\n")
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
dbgfile.printf("tgt_trough = [\n")
for i = 0,tgtAPtrough.size()-1 {
dbgfile.printf("mdl_trough = [\n")
for i = 0,modelAPtrough.size()-1 {
//printf("Looked again for model APs from %g - %g; ",boundary.x[0],boundary.x[1])
//printf("Found %g to %g; ", $o2.x[modelAPtimes.x[mod_APleft]],$o2.x[modelAPtimes.x[mod_APright]])
//printf("%g spikes, %g windows\n",n_modAP,n_modWin)
frptr = new Pointer(&modFRmean)
cvptr = new Pointer(&modCVmean)
frptrsd = new Pointer(&modFRsd)
cvptrsd = new Pointer(&modCVsd)
e = 0
nstr = 1
nstr2 = 1
nlbl = 1
if( EFUN_DBG ) { print_Mfile_header($o1,$o2,e) }
//printf("[1] e %g\t",e)
// Evaluate each component of the error function.
n_both = n_AP
if( n_modAP > n_AP ) {
n_both = n_AP
n_big = n_modAP
} else {
n_both = n_modAP
n_big = n_AP
if( n_modWin > n_expWin ) {
n_bigWin = n_modWin
n_bothWin = n_expWin
} else {
n_bothWin = n_modWin
n_bigWin = n_expWin
if( EFUN_DBG ) { dbgfile.printf("n_both = %d; n_big=%d;\n",n_both,n_big) }
// Penalize morphologic models that do not fire first in the axon, then soma,
// then dendrites.
eForder = 0
//printf("[2] e %g\t",e)
if( Forder_pnlty > 0 ) {
eForder = efun_Forder($o2)
//printf("eForder = %g\t",eForder)
e += eForder
} else {
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'firing order penalty (0 times) 0'};\n", nlbl)
nlbl += 1
printf("firing order penalty (0 times) 0\n")
//printf("[3] e %g\t",e)
// Penalize ISI's which are less than a user-specified threshold brst_thold,
// by a user specified amount brst_pnlty
// This will penalize doublets and bursting.
ebrst = 0
if( brst_pnlty > 0 ) {
ebrst = efun_penburst($o2)
//printf("ebrst = %g\t",ebrst)
e += ebrst
} else {
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
//dbgfile.printf("str(%d) = {'ISI burst penalty (0 times) 0'};\n", nstr)
//nstr += 1
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'ISI burst penalty (0 times) 0'};\n", nlbl)
nlbl += 1
printf("ISI burst penalty (0 times) 0\n")
//printf("[4] e %g\t",e)
// Penalize the difference between the target and model delay to first spike.
// Scale factor on this term is delay_pnlty; for description of this term see
// the func description below
if( delay_pnlty > 0 ) {
e_dly = efun_pendelay($o1,$o2)
//printf("edly = %g\t",e_dly)
e += e_dly
} else {
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
//dbgfile.printf("str(%d) = {'Spike delay penalty (0 times) 0'};\n", nstr)
//nstr += 1
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'Spike delay penalty (0 times) 0'};\n", nlbl)
nlbl += 1
printf("Spike delay penalty (0 times) 0\n")
//printf("[5] e %g\t",e)
// 1. for each model spike, add Yfit_i, making sure that it is scaled
// appropriately as a fraction of the window size (e.g. multiply scale factor
// from 0 to 1)
// If there are no model APs, just calculate the error from
// the peak model voltage. Otherwise, calculate the average yfitness
// error.
ey = 0
mnind = $o2.indwhere(">=",boundary.x[0])
if( mnind < 0 ) {
//printf("First boundary never reached; therefore NO SHAPE ERROR.\n")
mxind = $o2.indwhere(">=",boundary.x[1])
if( mxind < 0 ) {
mxind = $o2.size-1
//printf("Boundary not reached; set end to %g\n",$o2.x[mxind])
//printf("mnind %g, mxind %g\n",mnind,mxind)
// if match_all == 1, Match each model AP sequentially to the
// corresponding experimental AP.
// else, match each model AP to the each of the experimental APs
// selected.
//printf("[6] e %g\t",e)
//printf("ey = %g\t",ey)
//printf("[7] e %g\t",e)
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
//dbgfile.printf("str(%d) = {'Shape Error (mV-ms) %g'};\n",nstr,ey )
//nstr += 1
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'Shape Error (mV-ms) %g'};\n",nlbl,ey )
nlbl += 1
if( shape_scale > 0 ) {
print "Shape Error (mV-ms)\t",ey/shape_scale," --> ",ey
} else { print "Shape Error (mV-ms)\t0 --> 0" }
e += ey
//printf("[8] e %g\t",e)
// For both the model & experimental data, fit a straight line to the
// instantaneous FR. Use the intercept & slope to calculate an
// appropriate error. Note: there must be at least three target APs
// (i.e. two FR points) to fit the line.
if( EFUN_DBG ) printf("&&&&&&&& APtv firing rate fit START &&&&&&\n")
if( n_AP > 3 ) {
if( FCNTYP == 0 ) {
efr = efun_linfit($o1,$o2)
printf("efr0 = %g\n",efr)
// error in FR fit slope is equal to the RMS of the difference between
// the two fit slopes. Note, since the sqrt of a squared quantity is
// just the absolute value of the quantity, it is implemented as such
// below.
e_slope = abs(exp_slope-mod_slope)
//print "found e_slope = ",e_slope, " * ",slope_scale
// both these quantities also scaled below.
//efr *= tot_frscale
//e_slope *= slope_scale
//printf("[9.5] e %g\t, efr*%g=%g, e_slope*%g=%g\t",e,tot_frscale,efr,slope_scale,e_slope)
if( FCNTYP == 1 ) {
efr = efun_expfit($o1,$o2)
//printf("efr1 = %g\n",efr)
//e_slope = 0
e_slope = abs(exp_slope-mod_slope)
if( FCNTYP == 2 ) {
efr = efun_sinefit($o1,$o2)
e_slope = 0
// Dec 1 '07: use these only for linear firing rate penalties?
if( VERBOSE ) {
printf("Total FR Fit Error: %g * %g = ",tot_frscale,efr)
efr *= tot_frscale
if( VERBOSE ) {
printf("%g\nTotal FR Slope Error: %g * %g = ",efr,slope_scale,e_slope)
e_slope *= slope_scale
if( VERBOSE ) {
//printf("[9] e %g\t",e)
e += efr
e += e_slope
//printf("[10] e %g\t",e)
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
//dbgfile.printf("str(%d) = {'Slope Error (Hz/ms) %g (scale %g)'};\n",nstr,e_slope,slope_scale )
//nstr += 1
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'Slope Error (Hz/ms) %g (scale %g)'};\n",nlbl,e_slope,slope_scale )
nlbl += 1
//print "\tTarget Slope ",exp_slope," - Model Slope ",mod_slope
print "Slope Error (Hz/ms)\t",e_slope/slope_scale," * ",slope_scale," --> ",e_slope
if( EFUN_DBG ) printf("&&&&&&&& APtv firing rate fit END &&&&&&\n")
//printf("[11] e %g\t",e)
if( MS_AHP ) {
Png = new Pointer(&neg_p)
Pts = new Pointer(&trgh_sz)
Pps = new Pointer(&trgh_ps)
Pac = new Pointer(&thr_ac)
//printf("[12] e %g\t",e)
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
//printf("[13] e %g\t",e)
if (use_gui) {
sprint(mserrlabel, "%g", e)
redraw($o2, $o1)
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
dbgfile.printf("%% now e=%g\n",e)
if( TIME_DBG ) {
ftime.printf("%g ",startsw()-sttime)
//if( VERBOSE) {
//printf("EFUN (%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g) [%g %g %g %g %g] %g %g %g %g: Returning e = %g\n",gnabar_fn,gkbar_fn,gbar_kca,Kp_cad,Rca_cad,gbar_ka,gbar_cahi,gbar_nap,shape_scale,tot_frscale,nf_frscale,delay_pnlty,slope_scale,e_dly,ey,efr,e_slope,e)
return e
proc calc_shape_error() { local mnind, mxind, i, exind, loc_ind, mtchall, iloop
// $o1, $o2 same as for efun()
// $3 match_all
mtchall = $3
// mnind : first index of model AP window
// mxind : last index of model AP window
mnind = $o2.indwhere(">=",boundary.x[0])
mxind = $o2.indwhere(">=",boundary.x[1])
//printf("In calc_shape_error, time indices are [%g, %g]\n",$o2.x[mnind],$o2.x[mxind])
if( n_modWin == 0 ) {
// there's no APs; just match the first model peak to the first (or
// each selected) AP peak
//printf("peak of subset = %g, values %g - %g - %g\n",$o1.c(mnind,mxind).firstmax,$o1.x[mnind+$o1.c(mnind,mxind).firstmax-1],$o1.x[mnind+$o1.c(mnind,mxind).firstmax],$o1.x[mnind+$o1.c(mnind,mxind).firstmax+1])
peak = $o2.x[mnind+$o1.c(mnind,mxind).firstmax]
//peak = $o2.x[$o1.firstpeak]
xpeak = xdat.x[ydat.firstpeak]
//printf("Time of first model peak is at %g, value %g\n",peak,$o1.x[mnind+$o1.c(mnind,mxind).firstmax])
if( (shape_scale > 0) && (apwin.x[1]-apwin.x[0] > 0) ) {
if( mtchall ) {
//printf("Model shape error from peak:\n")
//printf("No model win, but Match ALL: before efun_yfit, time indices are [%g, %g]\n",$o2.x[mnind],$o2.x[mxind])
ey += efun_yfit($o1,$o2,0,exp_APleft,0,$o2.size-1)
//printf("(4) Return from this AP.\n")
} else {
for i = exp_APleft, exp_APright {
if( useAP.x[i] ) {
//printf("Shape error from model peak against exp AP %d:\n",i)
//printf("No model win, match expAP %d: before efun_yfit, time indices are [%g, %g]\n",i,$o2.x[mnind],$o2.x[mxind])
ey += efun_yfit($o1,$o2,0,i,0,$o2.size-1)
//printf("(3) Return from this AP.\n")
dbgfile.printf("%% No model APs\n")
dbgfile.printf("ey(%d) = %g;\t",i,ey)
dbgfile.printf("\n%% No model APs\n")
dbgfile.printf("peak(1) = %g; xpeak(1) = %g;\n",peak,xpeak)
dbgfile.printf("ey(1) = %g;\n",ey)
} else {
// for each model AP, either match to each corresponding AP
// (if mtchall), or else match each model AP to each chosen
// experimental AP.
//printf("modelAPtimes, from %d to %d\n",mod_APleft,mod_APleft+n_modWin-1)
//for iloop = mod_APleft,mod_APright {
//printf("\t[%d] = %g\n",modelAPtimes.x[iloop],$o2.x[modelAPtimes.x[iloop]])
for iloop = 0, n_modWin-1 {
//for i = mod_APleft, mod_APright {
i = mod_APleft + iloop
//printf("i= %d = %d + %d\n",i,mod_APleft,iloop)
peak = $o2.x[$o1.nextpeak(modelAPtimes.x[i])]
//printf("Found peak %g which is the time of the %d th model AP, index %d\n",peak,i,modelAPtimes.x[i])
// If we don't want to limit the AP Win boundaries
// for neighboring APs, comment out this section
if( i == 0 ) {
mnind = $o2.indwhere(">=",boundary.x[0])
if( mnind <= 0 ) mnind = 0
//printf("Set mnind = %d\n",mnind)
} else {
// this is where the last peak was, plus twice the time
// diff b/w the last peak and its threshold crossing.
// if this occurs later than the prescribed AP window,
// use this cutoff instead. (distance wasn't doubled
// before; this was added 12/14/04).
//printf("Look for x >= %g = 3*%g - 2*%g\n",3*$o2.x[$o1.nextpeak(modelAPtimes.x[i-1])]-2*$o2.x[modelAPtimes.x[i-1]],$o2.x[$o1.nextpeak(modelAPtimes.x[i-1])],$o2.x[modelAPtimes.x[i-1]])
mnind = $o2.indwhere(">=",3*$o2.x[$o1.nextpeak(modelAPtimes.x[i-1])]-2*$o2.x[modelAPtimes.x[i-1]])
//printf("**Set mnind = %d\n",mnind)
if( i == mod_APright ) {
mxind = $o2.indwhere(">=",boundary.x[1])
if( mxind <= 0 ) mxind = $o2.size-1
//printf("Set mxind = %d\n",mxind)
} else {
// upper bound of window is the threshold crossing of
// the next spike, minus the distance from that
// next threshold crossing and its AP peak.
// (this was changed 12/14/04; was = to next AP thold)
//printf("Look for x >= %g = 2*%g -%g\n",2*$o2.x[modelAPtimes.x[i+1]]-$o2.x[$o1.nextpeak(modelAPtimes.x[i+1])],$o2.x[modelAPtimes.x[i+1]],$o2.x[$o1.nextpeak(modelAPtimes.x[i+1])])
mxind = $o2.indwhere(">=",2*$o2.x[modelAPtimes.x[i+1]]-$o2.x[$o1.nextpeak(modelAPtimes.x[i+1])])
if( mxind < 0 ) {
mxind = $o2.size-1
//printf("\tNot found; use mxind = %d instead\n",mxind)
//printf("**Set mxind = %d\n",mxind)
if( mtchall ) {
// match model spike i with experimental spike i;
// if there are more model spikes, compare the extras
// against the last experimental spike
if( i-mod_APleft > n_expWin-2 ) {
exind = exp_APleft+n_expWin-1
} else {
exind = exp_APleft + (i - mod_APleft)
xpeak = xdat.x[ydat.nextpeak(xyAPtimes.x[exind])]
loc_ind = exind - exp_APleft
dbgfile.printf("%% There are %d experimental APs\n",n_expAP)
dbgfile.printf("%% and %d experimental AP windows\n",n_expWin)
dbgfile.printf("%% Comparing target %d (peak %g) with model %d (peak %g)\n",exind,xpeak,i,peak)
dbgfile.printf("%% before efun_yfit\n")
dbgfile.printf("mnind(%d) = %d; mxind(%d) = %d;\n",i+1,mnind,i+1,mxind)
dbgfile.printf("exind(%d) = %d;\n",i+1,exind)
//print "Match model AP ",i," to experiment AP ",exind
if( i>0 ) {
dbgfile.printf("t_th(%d)=%g; t_pk(%d)=%g; t_apk(%d)=%g;\n",i+1,$o2.x[modelAPtimes.x[i-1]],i+1,$o2.x[$o1.nextpeak(modelAPtimes.x[i-1])],i+1,$o2.x[mnind])
dbgfile.printf("%% y direction: Y %d X %d\n",ydat_rel_list.object(loc_ind).size,\
dbgfile.printf("%% now y:\n ydat_rel%d = [",exind+1)
dbgfile.printf("%% now x:\nxdat_rel%d = [",exind+1)
dbgfile.printf("%% here xpeak = %g;\n",xpeak)
if( (shape_scale > 0) && (apwin.x[1]-apwin.x[0] > 0 )) {
//printf("MULT model win, Match ALL: before efun_yfit, time indices are [%g, %g]\n",$o2.x[mnind],$o2.x[mxind])
ey += efun_yfit($o1,$o2,i,exind,mnind,mxind,0)
//printf("(2) Return from this AP, ey now %g.\n",ey)
dbgfile.printf("%% first pass\n")
dbgfile.printf("peak(%d) = %g; xpeak(%d) = %g;\n",i+1,peak,i-mod_APleft+exp_APleft+1,xpeak)
dbgfile.printf("ey(%d) = %g;\n",i+1,ey)
} else {
// loop over all chosen experimental spikes
for exind = exp_APleft, exp_APright {
loc_ind = exind - exp_APleft
//printf("Chose specific APs. Compare model AP %d to exp AP %d",i,exind)
if( !useAP.x[exind] ) {
dbgfile.printf("ey(%d) = %g;\n",i+1,ey)
xpeak = xdat.x[ydat.nextpeak(xyAPtimes.x[exind])]
dbgfile.printf("%% before efun_yfit\n")
dbgfile.printf("mnind(%d) = %d; mxind(%d) = %d;\n",i+1,mnind,i+1,mxind)
dbgfile.printf("exind(%d) = %d;\n",i+1,exind)
print "Match model AP ",i," to experiment AP ",exind
if( i>0 ) {
dbgfile.printf("t_th(%d)=%g; t_pk(%d)=%g; t_apk(%d)=%g;\n",i+1,$o2.x[modelAPtimes.x[i-1]],i+1,$o2.x[$o1.nextpeak(modelAPtimes.x[i-1])],i+1,$o2.x[mnind])
dbgfile.printf("%% y direction: Y %d X %d\n",ydat_rel_list.object(loc_ind).size,\
dbgfile.printf("%% now y:\n ydat_rel%d = [",exind+1)
dbgfile.printf("%% now x:\nxdat_rel%d = [",exind+1)
if( (shape_scale > 0) && (apwin.x[1]-apwin.x[0] > 0 )) {
//printf("MULT model win, match AP %d: before efun_yfit, time indices are [%g, %g]\n",i,$o2.x[mind],$o2.x[mxind])
ey += efun_yfit($o1,$o2,i,exind,mnind,mxind,0)
//printf("(1) Return from this AP.\n")
dbgfile.printf("%% second pass\n")
dbgfile.printf("peak(%d) = %g; xpeak(%d) = %g;\n",i+1,peak,i-mod_APleft+exp_APleft+1,xpeak)
dbgfile.printf("ey(%d) = %g;\n",i+1,ey)
} // end of exp spike loop
} // end else
} // end of modelAP loop
if( shape_scale > 0 ) {
//printf("Now scaling the shape error %g by %g / %d\n",ey,shape_scale,n_modWin)
ey *= shape_scale / n_modWin
//ey *= shape_scale / n_modAP
} else { ey = 0 }
//if( shape_scale > 0 ) { ey *= shape_scale / n_modAP } else { ey = 0 }
dbgfile.printf("ey_mean = %g;\n",ey)
//printf("Returning from calc_shape_error()\n")
// Penalize morphologic models that do not fire first in the axon, then soma,
// then dendrites.
func efun_Forder() { local pnlty, i, nA, nS, nD, s0, s1, d0, d1
pnlty = 0
{ nA = 0 nS = 0 nD = 0 }
for i=0,apA.n-1 {
if( spktA.x[i] < boundary.x[0] || spktA.x[i] > boundary.x[1] ) {
nA += 1
for i=0,apD.n-1 {
if( spktD.x[i] < boundary.x[0] || spktD.x[i] > boundary.x[1] ) {
if( nD == 0 ) d0 = i
nD += 1
//d1 = i
for i=0,apS.n-1 {
if( spktS.x[i] < boundary.x[0] || spktS.x[i] > boundary.x[1] ) {
if( nS == 0 ) s0 = i
nS += 1
//s1 = i
if( EFUN_DBG && VERBOSE ) printf("Checking AP timing: Axon %d\tSoma %d\tDend %s %d\n",nA,nS,dist_name,nD)
if( nA != nS ) {
if( EFUN_DBG && VERBOSE ) printf("\tSoma and Axon counts DO NOT MATCH.\n")
pnlty += Forder_pnlty
if( nD != nS ) { if( EFUN_DBG && VERBOSE ) printf("\tSoma and Dendrite counts DO NOT MATCH.\n")
pnlty += Forder_pnlty
} else {
for i=0, nD-1 {
if( spktD.x[d0+i] < spktS.x[s0+i] ) {
if( EFUN_DBG && VERBOSE ) printf("\tBAD: Dend %g < Soma %g\n",spktD.x[i],spktS.x[i])
pnlty += Forder_pnlty/3
} else {
if( EFUN_DBG && VERBOSE ) printf("\tOK: Dend %g >= Soma %g\n",spktD.x[i],spktS.x[i])
dbgfile.printf("eAPorder = %g;\n",pnlty)
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'AP firing order penalty %g'};\n", nlbl,pnlty)
nlbl += 1
printf("AP firing order penalty %g\n", pnlty)
return pnlty
// Penalize ISI's which are less than a user-specified threshold brst_thold,
// by a user specified amount brst_pnlty
// This will penalize doublets and bursting.
func efun_penburst() { local etot, eisi, cnt
etot = 0
cnt = 0
for i = mod_APleft, mod_APright-1 {
eisi = $o1.x[modelAPtimes.x[i+1]] - $o1.x[modelAPtimes.x[i]]
if( eisi <= brst_thold ) {
etot += brst_pnlty
cnt += 1
if( i >= 0 ) {
} else {
dbgfile.printf("fprintf('Trouble! Found ISI index %d\\n');\n",i+1)
} else {
if( i >= 0 ) {
} else {
dbgfile.printf("fprintf('Trouble! Found ISI index %d\n');\n",i+1)
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
//dbgfile.printf("str(%d) = {'ISI burst penalty (%d times) %g'};\n", nstr,cnt,etot)
//nstr += 1
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'ISI burst penalty (%d times) %g'};\n", nlbl,cnt,etot)
nlbl += 1
printf("ISI burst penalty (%d times) %g\n", cnt,etot)
return etot
Penalize the difference between the target and model delay to first spike.
S0 = first target spike between the error bounds
s0 = first model spike between the error bounds
(this equals bounds.x[1]-bounds.x[0] if there is no model spike)
tISI = the mean target ISI during the error period,
i.e. reciprocal of mean FR (in ms).
Then the first spike penalty is given by
(S0 - s0)^2 / tISI^2,
that is, the mean squared difference between the first spike times,
normalized as a multiple of the mean target ISI.
This penalty is scaled by the factor DELAY_PNLTY.
INPUT $o1 y values of model output
$o2 t values of model output
func efun_pendelay() { local errval, mISI, tspk, mspk
if( n_expAP < 1 ) return 0
// determine first spike times for target and model
tspk = xdat.x[xyAPtimes.x[exp_APleft]]
if( n_modAP == 0 ) {
mspk = boundary.x[1]
} else {
mspk = $o2.x[modelAPtimes.x[mod_APleft]]
//printf("tspk %g - mspk %g = %g\n",tspk,mspk,tspk-mspk)
// determine the mean ISI (in ms) during the error bounds
if( n_expAP == 1 ) {
mISI = boundary.x[1] - tspk
} else {
printf("calculating the mean FR between spike %d to %d\n",exp_APleft,exp_APright)
printf("all target spike times : ")
printf("all of datFR = ")
printf("we care about indices from %d to %d: ",exp_APleft,exp_APright-1)
datFR.printf("%g ",exp_APleft,exp_APright-1)
if( exp_APright-exp_APleft > 2 ) {
mISI = 1000 / datFR.mean(exp_APleft,exp_APright-1)
} else {
mISI = 1000 / datFR.x[exp_APleft]
//printf("found mean ISI %g\n",mISI)
errval = ( (tspk - mspk) / mISI ) ^ 2
//printf("found error %g; tspk %g, mspk %g, mISI %g, times %g\n",errval,tspk,mspk,mISI,delay_pnlty)
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
//dbgfile.printf("str(%d) = {'First spike delay penalty (times %g) %g'};\n", nstr,delay_pnlty,errval)
//nstr += 1
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'First spike delay penalty (times %g) %g'};\n", nlbl,delay_pnlty,errval)
nlbl += 1
printf("First spike delay penalty (times %g) %g\n", delay_pnlty, errval)
if( VERBOSE ) {
dbgfile.printf("e_dly = %g;\n",errval)
return delay_pnlty * errval
// the least squares error function in y
func efun_yfit() { local e, xtmp_modind, tmp_expind, e_old, mnind, mxind, loc_ind, eval, loc_mdl,idx
// only use e_old for debug
// $o1 y-values of model output (e.g soma.v(.5) )
// $o2 t-values of model output (time, ms)
mod_ind = $3
exp_ind = $4
loc_ind = exp_ind - exp_APleft
loc_mdl = mod_ind - mod_APleft
mnind = $5
mxind = $6
objref xtmp, ytmp
// Shift voltage trace of target data to align target and model AP troughs along the V axis.
if( VERBOSE ) {
printf("loc_ind = %d; loc_mdl = %d; tgt size = %d %d; mod size = %d, %d\n",\
//printf("tgt troughs : ")
//printf("model troughs : ")
xtmp = xdat_rel_list.object(loc_ind).c
if( modelAPtrough.size() > 0 && modelAPtrough.size() > loc_mdl ) {
if( VERBOSE ) {
printf("\tTarget AP %d, add - %g + %g = %g\n",loc_ind,\
ytmp = ydat_rel_list.object(loc_ind).c.add(-1*tgtAPtrough_V.x[loc_ind]+modelAPtrough_V.x[loc_mdl])
} else {
if( VERBOSE ) {
printf("No model APs, so no V shift.\n")
ytmp = ydat_rel_list.object(loc_ind).c
//printf("In EFUN_YFIT(): the model data go from t = %g to %g\n",$o2.x[mnind],$o2.x[mxind])
e = 0
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
dbgfile.printf("%% e = %g; peak=%g; xpeak=%g;\n",e,peak,xpeak)
//printf("mod_ind = %d, n_mod %d; modsz %d\n",mod_ind,n_modAP,modelAPtimes.size())
if( n_modAP > 0 ) {
tmp_modind = $o1.nextpeak(modelAPtimes.x[mod_ind])
} else {
tmp_modind = $o1.firstmax
if( tmp_modind == 0 ) tmp_modind += 1
//printf("set tmp_modind to %g\n",tmp_modind)
if ( xdat_rel_list.object(loc_ind).size > 0 ) {
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
e_old = e
tmp_expind = ytmp.firstpeak
//printf("tmp_expind = %g\n",tmp_expind)
dbgfile.printf("%% Before yfitness, model peak = %g (%g, %g - %g - %g), ",\
dbgfile.printf("exp peak = %g (%g, %g - %g - %g )\n",tmp_expind,xtmp.x[tmp_expind],\
//printf("Calling ywnscl_fitness MDx.sz %d, MDy.sz %d; TGx.sz %d TGy.sz %d\n",$o1.size,$o2.size,ytmp.size,xtmp.size)
//printf("\tmodel pkind = %d [%g, %g], exp pk ind %d [%g, %g];",tmp_modind,$o2.x[tmp_modind],$o1.x[tmp_modind],ytmp.firstpeak,xtmp.x[ytmp.firstpeak],ytmp.x[ytmp.firstpeak])
//printf(" time indices [%g, %g]\n",$o2.x[mnind],$o2.x[mxind])
eval = $o1.ywnscl_fitness($o2, peak, ytmp, xtmp,ytmp.firstpeak,tmp_modind,mnind,mxind)
if( eval >= 0 ) {
if( EFUN_DBG ) printf("\tModel AP %d shape error = %g\n",loc_mdl,eval)
e += eval
} else {
printf("Error! No model window was found; shape error for this AP is -1.\n")
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
dbgfile.printf("%% yfitness %s Y %d X %d\n",$o2.label,peak,ytmp.size,xtmp.size)
dbgfile.printf("ey_scale(%d) = %g;\n",mod_ind+1,e-e_old)
dbgfile.printf("tgt_AP{%d} = [\n",loc_ind+1)
for idx = 0, ytmp.size()-1 {
if( EFUN_DBG ) { dbgfile.printf("e_1AP(%d)=%g;\n",mod_ind+1,e) }
return e
func efun_expfit() { local mnind, mxind, lastfr, err, i, tauerr, Aerr
// $1 start place
// $2 end place
ntag = ""
mnind = exp_APleft
mxind = exp_APright-1
// First, perform a linear fit to the target data.
//printf("Start of target fit: mnind = %d, mxind = %d.\n",mnind,mxind)
if( mxind < 0 || mnind < 0 || (mxind-mnind < 2) ) {
// Not enough experimental spikes to fit a line
pen_silent = 0
exp_intcpt = exp_slope = 0
expsa = expsb = expchi = 0
} else {
// do the linear fit
ptra = new Pointer(&exp_intcpt)
ptrb = new Pointer(&exp_slope)
ptrsiga = new Pointer(&expsa)
ptrsigb = new Pointer(&expsb)
ptrchi = new Pointer(&expchi)
ytmp = new Vector()
ytmp = datFR.c
for i = 0, ytmp.size-1 {
ytmp.x[i] = log(datFR.x[i])
printf("TARGET DATA: Exponential fit, Fitting times: \n")
printf("And firing rates: \n")
printf("Converted to log:\n")
printf("Done converting target data, now fit.\n")
//printf("Done the fit, now convert parameters.\n")
//printf("Lin fit complete, %g and %g\n",ptra.val,ptrb.val)
exp_intcpt = exp(ptra.val)
if( exp_slope == 0 || ptrb.val == 0 ) {
exp_slope = -999999.99
} else {
exp_slope = -1 / ptrb.val
expsa = ptrsiga.val
expsb = ptrsigb.val
expchi = ptrchi.val
// target data *is* firing APs; add extra penalty for non-firing models
pen_silent = 1
//printf("Finished doing the fit; now check it.\n")
// use the exponential fit to estimate firing rates at each of the TARGET AP times.
datFit = new Vector()
for i = mnind, mxind {
//printf("Done the lineup.\n")
// Now, perform a linear fit to the model data.
mmnind = mod_APleft
mmxind = mod_APright-1
//printf("Now for model data: Before starting fit.\n")
if( mmxind < 0 || mmnind < 0 || mmxind-mmnind < 2 ) {
modsa = modsb = modchi = 0
mod_slope = -999999.99 // as if they're already transformed
mod_intcpt = 1
} else {
// do the linear fit
ptra = new Pointer(&mod_intcpt)
ptrb = new Pointer(&mod_slope)
ptrsiga = new Pointer(&modsa)
ptrsigb = new Pointer(&modsb)
ptrchi = new Pointer(&modchi)
ytmp = new Vector()
ytmp = modFR.c
for i = 0, ytmp.size-1 {
ytmp.x[i] = log(modFR.x[i])
printf("MODEL DATA: Exponential fit, Fitting times: \n")
printf("And firing rates: \n")
printf("Converted to log:\n")
printf("Copied data, now do lin fit.\n")
//printf("Lin fit complete, %g and %g\n",ptra.val,ptrb.val)
mod_intcpt = exp(ptra.val)
if( mod_slope == 0 || ptrb.val == 0 ) {
mod_slope = -999999.99
} else {
mod_slope = -1 / ptrb.val
modsa = ptrsiga.val
modsb = ptrsigb.val
modchi = ptrchi.val
//printf("Done fitting model data.\n")
// use the exponential fit to estimate firing rates at each of the TARGET AP times.
modFit = new Vector()
for i = mnind, mxind {
//printf("Target fit estimated.\n")
printf("Fitting an exponential to the FR data\n")
printf("Experiment LSFIT tau %.8f +- %.8f\n",exp_slope,expsb)
printf("Experiment A0 %.8f +- %.8f\n",exp_intcpt,expsa)
printf("Experiment chi_sq %.8f\n\n",expchi)
//sprintf(title,"y = %.2f + %.2f * x\0",a,b)
printf("Model LSFIT tau %.8f +- %.8f\n",mod_slope,modsb)
printf("Model A0 %.8f +- %.8f\n",mod_intcpt,modsa)
printf("Model chi_sq %.8f\n\n",modchi)
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("Fitting an exponential to the FR data\n")
printf("Experiment LSFIT tau %.8f +- %.8f\n",exp_slope,expsb)
printf("Experiment A0 %.8f +- %.8f\n",exp_intcpt,expsa)
printf("Experiment chi_sq %.8f\n\n",expchi)
//sprintf(title,"y = %.2f + %.2f * x\0",a,b)
printf("Model LSFIT tau %.8f +- %.8f\n",mod_slope,modsb)
printf("Model A0 %.8f +- %.8f\n",mod_intcpt,modsa)
printf("Model chi_sq %.8f\n\n",modchi)
nstr2 = 1
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Exponential FR fit'};\n",nstr2)
nstr2 += 1
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Exper LSFIT tau %g +- %g'};\n",nstr2,exp_slope,expsb)
nstr2 += 1
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Exper A0 %.8f +- %.8f'};\n",nstr2,exp_intcpt,expsa)
nstr2 += 1
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Exper chi_sq %.8f'};\n\n",nstr2,expchi)
nstr2 += 1
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Model LSFIT tau %.8f +- %.8f'};\n",nstr2,mod_slope,modsb)
nstr2 += 1
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Model A0 %.8f +- %.8f'};\n",nstr2,mod_intcpt,modsa)
nstr2 += 1
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Model chi_sq %.8f'};\n\n",nstr2,modchi)
nstr2 += 1
// Calculate the RMS error between the model fit and the target fit,
// evaluated at each target AP time.
err = 0
for i = 0, modFit.size-1 {
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("Err was %f; Add SQR( E %f - M %f)\n",err,datFit.x[i],modFit.x[i])
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Exp AP %d, error %f'};\n",nstr2,i,SQR(datFit.x[i]-modFit.x[i]))
nstr2 += 1
err += SQR(datFit.x[i]-modFit.x[i])
if( modFit.size > 0 ) {
err = sqrt( err / modFit.size )
// Scale the error further as an extra penalty for models which do not
// fire. The scaling factor is defined by the user in scale_factors() below.
// This extra penalty is only applied when the target does exhibit APs.
if( pen_silent && (mmxind-mmnind < 2) ) {
err *= nf_frscale
sprint(ntag,"(silent - extra scaled by %f)",nf_frscale)
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Total exponential fit error = %.2f * %.2f %s'};\n\n",nstr2,err,tot_frscale,ntag)
print "Total exponential fit error = ",err," * ",tot_frscale, ntag
nstr2 += 1
//intcp_scale = 0.5
//slope_scale = 0.005
// Add the error between the two components of the fit: The initial offset, and the time constant.
err = 0
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
Aerr = intcp_scale * abs(exp_intcpt - mod_intcpt)
tauerr = slope_scale * abs(exp_slope-mod_slope)
err = Aerr + tauerr
//printf("err %g = Aerr %g + tauerr %g = %g * abs(%g - %g) + %g * abs(%g - %g) \n",err,Aerr,tauerr,intcp_scale,exp_intcpt,mod_intcpt,slope_scale,exp_slope,mod_slope)
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Error in initial FR = %.2f * %.2f = %2f'};\n\n",nstr2, intcp_scale,abs(exp_intcpt-mod_intcpt),Aerr)
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Error in time constants = %.2f * %.2f = %2f'};\n\n",nstr2, slope_scale,abs(exp_slope-mod_slope),tauerr)
print "Error in initial FR = ", intcp_scale, " * ", abs(exp_intcpt-mod_intcpt)," = ",Aerr
print "Error in time constants = ", slope_scale, " * ", abs(exp_slope-mod_slope)," = ",tauerr
print "Total exponential fit error = ",err
nstr2 += 1
return err
mnind = xyAPtimes.indwhere(">=",boundary.x[0])
mxind = xyAPtimes.indwhere(">=",boundary.x[1])
if( mxind == -1 ) { mxind = xyAPtimes.size-1 }
// recall, FR calculated *between* spikes, so there's one less value at
// the end than the spike times.
if( mxind == xyAPtimes.size-1 ) {
lastfr = mxind-1
} else {lastfr = mxind }
// fit straight line to log(exp FR) first
ptra = new Pointer(&exp_intcpt)
ptrb = new Pointer(&exp_slope)
ptrsiga = new Pointer(&expsa)
ptrsigb = new Pointer(&expsb)
ptrchi = new Pointer(&expchi)
ytmp = new Vector()
ytmp = datFR.c
for i = 0, ytmp.size-1 {
ytmp.x[i] = log(ytmp.x[i])
exp_intcpt = ptra.val
exp_slope = ptrb.val
expsa = ptrsiga.val
expsb = ptrsigb.val
expchi = ptrchi.val
datFit = new Vector()
datFit = xyAPtimes.c
//datFit = xdat.c
for i=0, datFit.size-1 {
datFit.x[i] = exp(datFit.x[i])
mnind = modelAPtimes.indwhere(">=",boundary.x[0])
mxind = modelAPtimes.indwhere(">=",boundary.x[1])
if( mxind == -1 ) { mxind = modelAPtimes.size-1 }
// recall, FR calculated *between* spikes, so there's one less value at
// the end than the spike times.
if( mxind == modelAPtimes.size-1 ) {
lastfr = mxind-1
} else {lastfr = mxind }
// now fit straight line to mod FR first
ptra = new Pointer(&mod_intcpt)
ptrb = new Pointer(&mod_slope)
ptrsiga = new Pointer(&modsa)
ptrsigb = new Pointer(&modsb)
ptrchi = new Pointer(&modchi)
ytmp = new Vector()
ytmp = modFR.c
for i = 0, ytmp.size-1 {
ytmp.x[i] = log(ytmp.x[i])
mod_intcpt = ptra.val
mod_slope = ptrb.val
modsa = ptrsiga.val
modsb = ptrsigb.val
modchi = ptrchi.val
modFit = new Vector()
modFit = xyAPtimes.c
//modFit = xdat.ind(xyAPtimes).c
//modFit = xdat.c
for i=0, modFit.size-1 {
modFit.x[i] = exp(modFit.x[i])
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("Fitting an exponential to the FR data\n")
printf("Experiment LSFIT decay rate %.8f +- %.8f\n",exp_slope,expsb)
printf("Experiment peak %.8f +- %.8f\n",exp(exp_intcpt),exp(expsa))
printf("Experiment chi_sq %.8f\n\n",expchi)
//sprintf(title,"y = %.2f + %.2f * x\0",a,b)
printf("Model LSFIT decay rate %.8f +- %.8f\n",mod_slope,modsb)
printf("Model peak %.8f +- %.8f\n",exp(mod_intcpt),exp(modsa))
printf("Model chi_sq %.8f\n\n",modchi)
nstr2 = 1
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Exponential FR fit'};\n",nstr2)
nstr2 += 1
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Exper LSFIT slope %g +- %g'};\n",nstr2,exp_slope,expsb)
nstr2 += 1
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Exper int %.8f +- %.8f'};\n",nstr2,exp_intcpt,expsa)
nstr2 += 1
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Exper chi_sq %.8f'};\n\n",nstr2,expchi)
nstr2 += 1
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Model LSFIT slope %.8f +- %.8f'};\n",nstr2,mod_slope,modsb)
nstr2 += 1
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Model int %.8f +- %.8f'};\n",nstr2,mod_intcpt,modsa)
nstr2 += 1
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Model chi_sq %.8f'};\n\n",nstr2,modchi)
nstr2 += 1
err = 0
for i = 0, modFit.size-1 {
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("Err was %f;\tAdd SQR(E %f - M %f)\n",err,datFit.x[i],modFit.x[i])
err += SQR(datFit.x[i]-modFit.x[i])
err = sqrt(err)
//printf("Total time-modulated FR errro is %f\n",err)
//if( modFit.size > 1 ) { err /= modFit.size } else { err = 0 }
return err
* Given a set of points x[strt ... end], y[strt ... end], with standard
* deviations sig[strt ... end], fit them to
* y = a + bx (!!!!!!!!!)
* by minimizing chi_sq.
* Returned are a,b, siga, sigb, chi_sq (chi2), and the goodness of fit
* probability q (that the fit would have chi_sq this large or larger).
* If mwt = 0 * on input, then the standard deviations are assumed
* unavailable, q is returned as 1.0, and the normalization of chi2
* is to unit standard deviation on all points.
func SQR() { return $1*$1 }
proc linfit() { local strt, endfit, a,b,siga,sigb,chi2, i,wt,tfit,sxoss,ss, sigdat, sx, sy, st2, ndata
// x = $o1
// y = $o2
strt = $3
endfit = $4
ndata = endfit-strt+1
//printf("start of linfit(): start at %d, end at %d\n",strt,endfit)
//printf("1st %d=(%g,%g), last %d=(%g,%g)\n",strt,$o1.x[strt],$o2.x[strt],endfit,$o1.x[endfit],$o2.x[endfit])
sx = 0.0
sy = 0.0
st2 = 0.0
b = 0.0
for i = strt, endfit {
sx += $o1.x[i] sy += $o2.x[i]
ss = endfit+1-strt
sxoss = sx/ss
//printf("sxoss = %g\n",sxoss)
for i = strt, endfit {
tfit = $o1.x[i] - sxoss
st2 += tfit*tfit
b += tfit*$o2.x[i]
b /= st2
a = (sy-sx*b)/ss
siga = sqrt((1.0 + sx*sx/(ss*st2))/ss)
sigb = sqrt(1.0/st2)
chi2 = 0.0
for i = strt, endfit { chi2 += SQR($o2.x[i]-a-b*$o1.x[i]) }
if( ndata > 2 ) { sigdat = sqrt(chi2/ndata)
} else { sigdat = 0 }
siga *= sigdat
sigb *= sigdat
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("LSFIT slope %.8f +- %.8f\n",b,sigb)
printf(" int %.8f +- %.8f\n",a,siga)
printf(" chi_sq %.8f\n\n",chi2)
//sprintf(title,"y = %.2f + %.2f * x\0",a,b)
$o5.val = a
$o6.val = b
$o7.val = siga
$o8.val = sigb
$o9.val = chi2
Return RMS residual between target instantaneous firing rates, and
firing rates at those same target times, as estimated by a linear fit
of the model instantaneous firing rates.
func efun_linfit() { local mnind, mxind, err, pen_silent, mmnind, mmxind
// $1 start place
// $2 end place
ntag = ""
mnind = exp_APleft
mxind = exp_APright - 1
// First, perform a linear fit to the target data.
if( mxind < 0 || mnind < 0 || (mxind-mnind < 2) ) {
// Not enough experimental spikes to fit a line
pen_silent = 0
exp_intcpt = exp_slope = 0
expsa = expsb = expchi = 0
} else {
// do the linear fit
ptra = new Pointer(&exp_intcpt)
ptrb = new Pointer(&exp_slope)
ptrsiga = new Pointer(&expsa)
ptrsigb = new Pointer(&expsb)
ptrchi = new Pointer(&expchi)
//printf("TARGET DATA: Linear fit, Fitting times: \n")
//printf("And firing rates: \n")
exp_intcpt = ptra.val
exp_slope = ptrb.val
expsa = ptrsiga.val
expsb = ptrsigb.val
expchi = ptrchi.val
// target data *is* firing APs; add extra penalty for non-firing models
pen_silent = 1
datFit = new Vector()
datFit = xdat.ind(xyAPtimes).c(mnind,mxind)
// datFit = xyAPtimes.c(mnind,mxind)
// Now, perform a linear fit to the model data.
mmnind = mod_APleft
mmxind = mod_APright - 1
if( mmxind < 0 || mmnind < 0 || mmxind-mmnind < 2 ) {
mod_intcpt = mod_slope = modsa = modsb = modchi = 0
} else {
// do the linear fit
ptra = new Pointer(&mod_intcpt)
ptrb = new Pointer(&mod_slope)
ptrsiga = new Pointer(&modsa)
ptrsigb = new Pointer(&modsb)
ptrchi = new Pointer(&modchi)
//printf("MODEL DATA: Linear fit, Fitting times: \n")
//printf("And firing rates: \n")
mod_intcpt = ptra.val
mod_slope = ptrb.val
modsa = ptrsiga.val
modsb = ptrsigb.val
modchi = ptrchi.val
// use the linear fit to estimate firing rates at each of the TARGET AP times.
modFit = new Vector()
modFit = xdat.ind(xyAPtimes).c(mnind,mxind)
//modFit = xyAPtimes.c(mnind,mxind)
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("Fitting a straight line to the FR data\n")
printf("Experiment LSFIT slope %.8f +- %.8f\n",exp_slope,expsb)
printf("Experiment int %.8f +- %.8f\n",exp_intcpt,expsa)
printf("Experiment chi_sq %.8f\n\n",expchi)
//sprintf(title,"y = %.2f + %.2f * x\0",a,b)
printf("Model LSFIT slope %.8f +- %.8f\n",mod_slope,modsb)
printf("Model int %.8f +- %.8f\n",mod_intcpt,modsa)
printf("Model chi_sq %.8f\n\n",modchi)
nstr2 = 1
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Straight line FR fit'};\n",nstr2)
nstr2 += 1
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Exper LSFIT slope %g +- %g'};\n",nstr2,exp_slope,expsb)
nstr2 += 1
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Exper int %.8f +- %.8f'};\n",nstr2,exp_intcpt,expsa)
nstr2 += 1
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Exper chi_sq %.8f'};\n\n",nstr2,expchi)
nstr2 += 1
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Model LSFIT slope %.8f +- %.8f'};\n",nstr2,mod_slope,modsb)
nstr2 += 1
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Model int %.8f +- %.8f'};\n",nstr2,mod_intcpt,modsa)
nstr2 += 1
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Model chi_sq %.8f'};\n\n",nstr2,modchi)
nstr2 += 1
// Calculate the RMS error between the model fit and the target fit,
// evaluated at each target AP time.
err = 0
for i = 0, modFit.size-1 {
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
printf("Err was %f; Add SQR( E %f - M %f)\n",err,datFit.x[i],modFit.x[i])
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Exp AP %d, error %f'};\n",nstr2,i,SQR(datFit.x[i]-modFit.x[i]))
nstr2 += 1
err += SQR(datFit.x[i]-modFit.x[i])
if( modFit.size > 0 ) {
err = sqrt( err / modFit.size )
// Scale the error further as an extra penalty for models which do not
// fire. The scaling factor is defined by the user in scale_factors() below.
// This extra penalty is only applied when the target does exhibit APs.
if( pen_silent && (mmxind-mmnind < 2) ) {
err *= nf_frscale
sprint(ntag,"(silent - extra scaled by %f)",nf_frscale)
if( EFUN_DBG ) {
dbgfile.printf("str2(%d) = {'Total linear fit error = %.2f * %.2f %s'};\n\n",nstr2,err,tot_frscale,ntag)
print "Total linear fit error = ",err," * ",tot_frscale, ntag
nstr2 += 1
return err
proc save_context() { local i
$o1.pack(ntag, FCNTYP, shape_scale, \
frscale, cvscale, frm_fac, frs_fac, cvm_fac, cvs_fac, \
brst_thold, brst_pnlty, delay_pnlty, Forder_pnlty, frcv_int, ydat, \
ydat.label, xdat, boundary)
proc restore_context() { local i
$o1.unpack(ntag, &FCNTYP, &shape_scale, &subshape_scale,\
$o1.unpack(tstr, xdat)
set_data(xdat, ydat)
//printf("restore_context: Forder_pnlty = %g\n",Forder_pnlty)
if( Forder_pnlty > 0 ) {
//printf("In restore_context(), initializing APCounts.\n")
proc init() {local i
print "initializing APtv_instFR_Fitness, last modified 7 Nov 07"
//ftime = new File()
sprint(tag, "%s", this)
sscanf(tag, "%[^[]", tag)
use_x = 0
use_gui = 0
have_data = 0
//mintstop_ = 0
xdat = new Vector(0)
ydat = new Vector(0)
idx_rel_list = new List()
xdat_rel_list = new List()
ydat_rel_list = new List()
boundary = new Vector(2)
apwin = new Vector(2)
apwin.x[0] = apwin.x[1] = 0
useAP = new Vector(0)
match_all = 1
outname = "err_data"
xyAPtimes = new Vector(0)
xpeak = 0
t_hat = 10
pow1 = 0.4
pow2 = 1
time_scale = miss_scale = 0.1
shape_scale = 5
frm_fac = 10
frs_fac = 5
cvm_fac = 100
cvs_fac = 1
frcv_int = 1000
sprint(scalelabel, "scale shape=%g FR=%g CV=%g",\
brst_pnlty = brst_thold = 0
Forder_pnlty = 0
delay_pnlty = 1
allList = new SectionList()
if (have_data) {
boundary.x[0] = xdat.x[0]
boundary.x[1] = xdat.x[xdat.size-1]
} else {
boundary.x[0] = boundary.x[1] = 0
// these are to measure AHP
MS_AHP = 0
neg_p = 0
trgh_sz = 0
trgh_ps = 0
thr_ac = 0
//print "\tdone initializing AP_instFR_Fitness"
proc clone() {
$o1 = new AP_instFR_Fitness()
$o1.have_data = have_data
if (have_data) {
$o1.set_data(xdat, ydat)
$o1.boundary = boundary.c
$o1.apwin = apwin.c
$o1.xyAPtimes = xyAPtimes.c
$o1.t_hat = t_hat
$o1.pow1 = pow1
$o1.pow2 = pow2
$o1.shape_scale = shape_scale
$o1.frscale = frscale
$o1.cvscale = cvscale
$o1.frm_fac = frm_fac
$o1.frs_fac = frs_fac
$o1.cvm_fac = cvm_fac
$o1.cvs_fac = cvs_fac
$o1.brst_thold = brst_thold
$o1.brst_pnlty = brst_pnlty
$o1.delay_pnlty = delay_pnlty
$o1.Forder_pnlty = Forder_pnlty
sprint(scalelabel, "scale shape=%g FR=%g CV=%g",\
//printf("clone: Forder_pnlty = %g\n",$o1.Forder_pnlty)
if( $o1.Forder_pnlty > 0 ) {
//printf("In clone(), initializing APCounts.\n")
proc redraw() { local i, xpsn
if (use_gui) {
if (have_data) {
g.label(.8, .95)
ydat.plot(g, xdat, 2, 1)
if( ydat_rel_list.count > 0 && n_expAP > 0 ) {
xpsn = \
xdat_rel_list.object(0).c.add(xpsn),"+",6, 3, 1)
for i=0, boundary.size() - 1 {
g.beginline(3, 1)
g.line(boundary.x[i], g.size(3))
g.line(boundary.x[i], g.size(4))
if( !match_all ) {
for i = 0, useAP.size-1 {
if( useAP.x[i] && i >= exp_APleft && i <= exp_APright ) {
} else {
if (numarg() == 2) {
$o2.line(g, $o1)
proc set_data() {local i
have_data = 0
i = $o1.indwhere(">=", 0)
if (i < 0 || $o1.size < 1) return
// copy $o1 into xdat without label;
// copy $o2 into ydat with its label string
xdat = $o1.c(i)
ydat = $o2.cl(i)
boundary.x[0] = xdat.x[0]
boundary.x[1] = xdat.x[xdat.size-1]
have_data = 1
xpeak = xdat.x[ydat.max_ind]
if (use_gui) {
g.size(xdat.min(), xdat.max(), ydat.min(), ydat.max())
proc set_modelx() {local i
objref idx_rel_list
idx_rel_list = new List()
for i = exp_APleft, exp_APright {
func mintstop() {
return boundary.x[1]
proc setxy() {local i, ap_ind, glob_ind
// $1 index of AP in the master list
// $2 index of AP, within the boundary.
if( PASTE_DBG ) {
print "SETXY START:"
for i = 0, ydat_rel_list.count-1 {
print "\ty[",i,"] peak ",ydat_rel_list.object(i).x[ydat_rel_list.object(i).firstpeak]
dbgfile = new File()
dbgfile.printf("%% in setxy() \n")
mintstop_ = 0
glob_ind = $1
ap_ind = $2
if( PASTE_DBG ) { printf("SETXY: appending AP %d global %d\n",ap_ind,glob_ind) }
xpeak = xdat.x[ydat.nextpeak(xyAPtimes.x[glob_ind])]
if( PASTE_DBG ) {
print "\t",ap_ind,".\tIn setxy, index size ",idx_rel_list.object(ap_ind).size
dbgfile.printf("idx(:,%d) = [",ap_ind+1)
print "xdat size ",xdat.size
xtmp.index(xdat, idx_rel_list.object(ap_ind))
if( PASTE_DBG ) {
print "xdat size ",xdat_rel_list.object(ap_ind).size
dbgfile.printf("%% xdat_rel\nxdat_rel_sub(:,%d) = [",ap_ind+1)
ytmp.index(ydat, idx_rel_list.object(ap_ind))
if( PASTE_DBG ) {
print "ydat size ",ydat_rel_list.object(ap_ind).size
dbgfile.printf("%% ydat_rel\nydat_rel_set(:,%d) = [",ap_ind+1)
if ( xtmp.x[xtmp.size-1] < boundary.x[1] && \
mintstop_ < xtmp.x[xtmp.size-1]) {
mintstop_ = xtmp.x[xtmp.size-1]
if( ap_ind == 0 ) { redraw() }
if( PASTE_DBG ) {
dbgfile.printf("mintstop = %g;\n",mintstop_)
print "SETXY END:"
for i = 0, ydat_rel_list.count-1 {
print "\ty[",i,"] peak ",ydat_rel_list.object(i).x[ydat_rel_list.object(i).firstpeak]
proc set_allxy() { local iloop
//print "Here in set_allxy()"
left_ptr = new Pointer(&exp_APleft)
right_ptr = new Pointer(&exp_APright)
n_ptr = new Pointer(&n_expAP)
nw_ptr = new Pointer(&n_expWin)
find_APtimes(xdat,ydat,xyAPtimes,"Exp AP",1,left_ptr,right_ptr,n_ptr,nw_ptr)
if( !have_data ) {
printf("set_allxy(): defined useAP of size %d\n",xyAPtimes.size)
useAP = new Vector(xyAPtimes.size,0)
for iloop = exp_APleft, exp_APright {
//print "\t",iloop,". setting xy"
//print "end of set_allxy(), mintstop = ",mintstop_
proc clipboard_data() {
sprint(tstr, "%s.set_data(hoc_obj_[1], hoc_obj_[0])", this)
if(execute1(tstr) == 0) {
continue_dialog("No data in the Vector clipboard. Select a Graph line first")
// find AP times, and define useAP vector
left_ptr = new Pointer(&exp_APleft)
right_ptr = new Pointer(&exp_APright)
n_ptr = new Pointer(&n_expAP)
nw_ptr = new Pointer(&n_expWin)
find_APtimes(xtmp,ytmp,xyAPtimes,"Exp AP",1,left_ptr,right_ptr,n_ptr,nw_ptr)
printf("clipboard_data(): defined useAP of size %d\n",xyAPtimes.size)
useAP = new Vector(xyAPtimes.size,0)
proc build() {
if (use_gui) return
use_gui = 1
vbox = new VBox(3)
sprint(tstr, "execute(\"%s.unmap()\")", this)
g = new Graph(0)
xpanel("", 1)
g.menu_tool("Adjust", "adjust_region")
xbutton("Paste data from Clipboard", "clipboard_data()")
xbutton("Select overall time window", "region_panel()")
xbutton("Shape Error: AP window and scale factor", "set_apwin()")
xcheckbox("Match all APs",&match_all,"match_allAP()")
xbutton("Firing Rate Error: Class of functions for FR fit","choose_function_panel()")
xbutton("Firing Rate Error: Scale factors for function fit", "scale_factors()")
xbutton("Firing Rate Error: Overall scale factors", "FR_GenScale_factors()")
xbutton("Error for Bursting","set_burstpen()")
xbutton("Error for Delay in Firing","set_delaypen()")
xbutton("Error in Firing Order (Axon/Soma/Dend)","set_Forderpen()")
xbutton("Set info for file output", "output_panel()")
g.menu_tool("Select APs to match","choose_matchAP")
mserrlabel="MeanSqErr xxxxxxxxxxx"
g.view(0, -80, 5, 40, 0,300,0,200)
if (have_data) {
g.size(xdat.min(), xdat.max(), ydat.min(), ydat.max())
proc match_allAP() { local apind
if( useAP.size == 0 ) { useAP.resize(xyAPtimes.size) }
for apind = 0, xyAPtimes.size-1 {
if( !match_all && useAP.x[apind] && \
apind >= exp_APleft && apind <= exp_APright) {
proc choose_matchAP() { local apind
// $1 type of mouse event (1=drag, 2=press, 3=release)
// $2 x coord of mouse event
// $3 y coord of mouse event
// $4 keystate (0=none, 1=ctrl, 2=shft, 3=meta)
if( match_all ) return
if( $1 == 3 ) {
apind = xdat.ind(xyAPtimes).c.sub($2).abs.min_ind
if( useAP.x[apind] ) {
useAP.x[apind] = 0
printf("AP shape %d at time %g WILL NOT be matched.\n",apind,xdat.x[xyAPtimes.x[apind]])
} else {
useAP.x[apind] = 1
printf("AP shape %d at time %g WILL be matched.\n",apind,xdat.x[xyAPtimes.x[apind]])
proc factors() {local th, pw, pw2
th = t_hat
pw = pow1
pw2 = pow2
sprint(tmpstr, "%g %g %g", t_hat,pow1,pow2)
while (1) {
if (string_dialog("Enter space separated t_hat, pow1, pow2 parameters",tmpstr)){
if (sscanf(tmpstr, "%g %g %g", &t_hat, &pow1, &pow2) == 3) {
//sprint(scalelabel, "t_hat=%g pow1=%g pow2=%g", t_hat,pow1,pow2)
t_hat = th
pow1 = pw
pow2 = pw2
proc FR_GenScale_factors() {local sls, ics
sls = tot_frscale
ics = nf_frscale
sprint(tmpstr, "%g %g", sls,ics)
while (1) {
if (string_dialog("Enter scale factors for (1) TOTAL WEIGHT of firing rate error and (2) EXTRA PENALTY FOR NON-FIRING MODELS",tmpstr)){
if (sscanf(tmpstr, "%g %g", &tot_frscale, &nf_frscale) == 2) {
sprint(scalelabel, "weight=%g silent weight=%g",\
tot_frscale = sls
nf_frscale = ics
proc lin_scale_factors() {local sls, ics, slp
//sls = tot_frscale
//ics = nf_frscale
slp = slope_scale
//sprint(tmpstr, "%g %g %g", sls,ics,slp)
sprint(tmpstr, "%g", slp)
while (1) {
if (string_dialog("Enter space separated (1) total weight (2) extra non-firing and (3) slope scale factor",tmpstr)){
if (sscanf(tmpstr, "%g %g %g", &tot_frscale, &nf_frscale, &slope_scale) == 3) {
sprint(scalelabel, "weight=%g silent weight=%g",\
if (string_dialog("Enter scale factor for the SLOPE of the linear fit of FR.",tmpstr)){
if (sscanf(tmpstr, "%g", &slope_scale) == 1) {
sprint(scalelabel, "weight=%g silent weight=%g",\
//tot_frscale = sls
//nf_frscale = ics
slope_scale = slp
proc exp_scale_factors() {local sls, ics
sls = slope_scale
ics = intcp_scale
sprint(tmpstr, "%g %g", sls,ics)
while (1) {
//if (string_dialog("Enter space separated rate_scale and peak_scale parameters",tmpstr)){
if (string_dialog("Enter scale factors for the (1) TIME CONSTANT and (2) AMPLITUDE of the exponential fit of FR.",tmpstr)){
if (sscanf(tmpstr, "%g %g", &slope_scale, &intcp_scale) == 2) {
sprint(scalelabel, "scale rate=%g peak=%g",\
slope_scale = sls
intcp_scale = ics
nf_frscale = intcp_scale
proc sine_scale_factors() {local sls, ics
// to avoid defining new variables for "amplitude" and "phase"
// rather than "slope" and "intercept",
// let slope_scale = intended amplitude scale factor, and
// intcp_scale = intended phase scale factor
sls = slope_scale
ics = intcp_scale
sprint(tmpstr, "%g %g", sls,ics)
while (1) {
if (string_dialog("Enter space separated amp_scale and phase_scale parameters",tmpstr)){
if (sscanf(tmpstr, "%g %g", &slope_scale, &intcp_scale) == 2) {
sprint(scalelabel, "scale amp=%g phase=%g",\
slope_scale = sls
intcp_scale = ics
proc scale_factors() {local shs, bs
if( FCNTYP == 0 ) { lin_scale_factors() }
if( FCNTYP == 1 ) { exp_scale_factors() }
if( FCNTYP == 2 ) { sine_scale_factors() }
proc set_Forderpen() {local th, pw
sprint(tmpname,"Timing: if dendAP < somaAP or somaAP < axonAP, add FORDER_PENALTY.\nEnter FORDER_PENALTY parameters")
pw = Forder_pnlty
sprint(tmpstr, "%g", Forder_pnlty)
while (1) {
if (string_dialog(tmpname,tmpstr)){
if (sscanf(tmpstr, "%g", &Forder_pnlty) == 1) {
Forder_pnlty = pw
//printf("Set Forder_pnlty = %g\n",Forder_pnlty)
if( Forder_pnlty > 0 ) { printf("set_Forderpen: now trackAP\n") track_APtimes() }
proc set_burstpen() {local th, pw
sprint(tmpname,"For each ISI < BURST_THOLD (ms), add BURST_PENALTY.\nEnter space separated BURST_THOLD and BURST_PENALTY parameters")
th = brst_thold
pw = brst_pnlty
sprint(tmpstr, "%g %g", brst_thold,brst_pnlty)
while (1) {
if (string_dialog(tmpname,tmpstr)){
if (sscanf(tmpstr, "%g %g", &brst_thold, &brst_pnlty) == 2) {
brst_thold = th
brst_pnlty = pw
proc set_delaypen() { local pn
sprint(tmpname,"Enter scale factor for First Spike Delay Penalty")
pn = delay_pnlty
sprint(tmpstr, "%g", delay_pnlty)
while (1) {
if (string_dialog(tmpname,tmpstr)){
if (sscanf(tmpstr, "%g", &delay_pnlty) == 1) {
} else {
delay_pnlty = pn
proc setmode() {
mode = $1
sprint(modelabel, " ")
proc map() {
if (!use_gui) build()
if (numarg() > 1) {
vbox.map($s1, $2, $3, $4, $5)
}else if (numarg() == 1){
proc unmap() {
proc save() {local i, j
vbox.save("load_file(\"e_apshp_frfit.hoc\", \"AP_instFR_Fitness\")}\n{")
vbox.save("ocbox_=new AP_instFR_Fitness(1)")
if (object_id(xdat)) {
sprint(tstr, "xdat = new Vector(%d)", xdat.size)
sprint(tstr, "ydat = new Vector(%d)", ydat.size)
sprint(tstr, "ydat.label(\"%s\")", ydat.label)
sprint(tstr, "for i=0,%d { xdat.x[i]=fscan() ydat.x[i]=fscan()}}",\
xdat.size - 1)
for i=0,xdat.size-1 {
sprint(tstr, "%g %g", xdat.x[i], ydat.x[i])
vbox.save("{set_data(xdat, ydat)}")
vbox.save("objref tmpvec")
for j = exp_APleft, exp_APright {
if (idx_rel_list.object(j).size > 0) {
sprint(tstr, "tmpvec = new Vector(%d)", j,idx_rel_list.object(j).size)
sprint(tstr, "for i=0,%d { tmpvec.x[i]=fscan()}", idx_rel_list.object(j).size - 1,j)
for i=0,idx_rel_list.object(j).size-1 {
sprint(tstr, "%g", idx_rel_list.object(j).x[i])
g.save_name("ocbox_.g", 1)
func pick_x() {local i
// NOTE 'indwhere' (or even manual search above)
// does NOT always find the correct index!
// often returns the first index greater than the sought value,
// even if there is an element that is exactly equal to the sought value.
i = xdat.indwhere(">=", $1)
if (i == -1) i = 0
return i
proc wfile() { local chooseAP
if( match_all ) chooseAP = 0 else chooseAP = 1
//printf("chooseAP = %d, add %d lines\n",chooseAP,chooseAP*useAP.size+2)
// Whenever adding more data, be sure to update the line count here!
// add 2 lines (to report vector size, plus one more), + vector size
// extra 6 lines are for boundary, ap window, ap subwindow
// extra lines for which APs will be used.
$o1.printf("AP_instFR_Fitness xdat ydat boundary apwin (lines=%d) ",\
4 + 2*xdat.size + 2 + chooseAP*useAP.size+2 )
$o1.printf(" %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",\
FCNTYP, shape_scale,tot_frscale, nf_frscale, slope_scale,\
brst_thold, brst_pnlty, delay_pnlty, Forder_pnlty, match_all)
$o1.printf("|%s|\n", ydat.label)
$o1.printf("%d\n", xdat.size)
$o1.printf("2\n%g\n%g\n", boundary.x[0],boundary.x[1])
$o1.printf("%d\n", apwin.size)
if( chooseAP ) {
printf("printing useAP to a file : ")
proc rfile() {local i, n
FCNTYP = $o1.scanvar
shape_scale = $o1.scanvar
tot_frscale = $o1.scanvar
nf_frscale = $o1.scanvar
intcp_scale = nf_frscale // for exponential fits - reuse this variable but give it a more meaningful name.
slope_scale = $o1.scanvar
printf("INIT intcp_scale %g, slope_scale %g\n",intcp_scale,slope_scale)
brst_thold = $o1.scanvar
brst_pnlty = $o1.scanvar
delay_pnlty = $o1.scanvar
Forder_pnlty = $o1.scanvar
match_all = $o1.scanvar
sprint(scalelabel, "shape=%g",shape_scale)
if (sscanf(tstr, "|%[^|]", tstr) == 1) {
n = $o1.scanvar
if (n > 0) {
xdat.resize(n) ydat.resize(n)
xdat.scanf($o1, n)
ydat.scanf($o1, n)
set_data(xdat, ydat)
n = $o1.scanvar
boundary.scanf($o1, n)
n = $o1.scanvar
apwin.scanf($o1, n)
//print "apwin = ",apwin.x[0],apwin.x[1]
if( !match_all ) {
n = $o1.scanvar
printf("resizing useAP to %d elements\n",n)
//print "here in rfile()"
//print "rfile done set_allxy() "
//printf("rfile(): Forder_pnlty %g\n",Forder_pnlty)
//print FCNTYP, shape_scale, tot_frscale, nf_frscale,slope_scale,brst_thold,brst_pnlty,delay_pnlty,Forder_pnlty,match_all
if( Forder_pnlty > 0 ) {
//printf("In rfile(), initializing APCounts.\n")
Count APs which occur during the specified time boundary.
proc find_APtimes() { local i, firing, thresh, idx
// $o1 x component, $o2 y component of a voltage trace
// $o3 stores AP times
// $s4 stores descriptive string
// $5 1 or 0, print result to screen?
// $o6, points to AP after left boundary
// $o7, points to AP before right boundary
// $o8, points to count of APs within boundary
// $o9, pointer to the number of AP shape windows within
// boundary (which may differ from the number of APs)
thresh = -20
$o3 = new Vector()
firing = 0
for i = 0, $o1.size-1 {
firing = check($o1,$o2,$o3,i,thresh,firing)
if( $5 ) {
print $s4, "Found ",$o3.size," APs:"
for i = 0, $o3.size-1 {
printf("%g.\t(x,y)[%d] = (%g,%g)\n",i,$o3.x[i],$o1.x[$o3.x[i]],$o2.x[$o3.x[i]])
// find first AP after, and last AP before, the time bounds
$o6.val = $o1.ind($o3).indwhere(">=", boundary.x[0])
// probably, keep left boundary less than zero.
// if( $o6.val < 0 ) $o6.val = $o3.size
$o7.val = $o1.ind($o3).indwhere(">", boundary.x[1]) - 1
if( $o7.val < 0 ) $o7.val = $o3.size-1
$o8.val = $o7.val-$o6.val+1
if( $o7.val < 0 || $o6.val < 0 ) {
$o8.val = 0
// if the AP window begins AFTER the AP peak, it is possible
// that the last AP will have no window associated with it.
if( ($o7.val >= 0) && ($o3.size > 0)) {
if ($o1.x[$o3.x[$o7.val]]+apwin.x[0] < boundary.x[1]) {
$o9.val = $o8.val
} else { $o9.val = $o8.val - 1 }
} else $o9.val = 0
if( VERBOSE ) {
//printf("left = %g, right = %g, count = %g\n",$o6.val,$o7.val,$o8.val)
if( $o6.val > 0 ) {
printf("first %s after bound %g has time %g\n",$s4,boundary.x[0],$o1.x[$o3.x[$o6.val]])
if( $o7.val > 0 ) {
printf("last %s before bound %g has time %g\n",$s4,boundary.x[1],$o1.x[$o3.x[$o7.val]])
printf("Total valid APs %d\n",$o8.val)
printf("Total valid AP windows %d\n",$o9.val)
//printf("Total valid APs %d\n",$o8.val)
//printf("Total valid AP windows %d\n",$o9.val)
func check() { local idx, thresh, firing, time
// $o1 x component, $o2 y component of a voltage trace
// $o3 stores AP times
idx = $4
thresh = $5
firing = $6
/** if( $o1.x[idx] >= boundary.x[0] && $o1.x[idx] <= boundary.x[1] &&
$o2.x[idx] >= thresh && !firing ) { **/
if( $o2.x[idx] >= thresh && !firing ) {
firing = 1
time = $o1.x[idx]
if(firing && $o2.x[idx] < thresh && $o1.x[idx] > time) { firing = 0 }
return firing
Find the mean & variance of FR. Report (mean) CV. For multiple model
runs, also report the variance of the CV.
The user has specified an interval, frcv_int, over which the mean and
std values of FR and CV will be calculated. For each non-overlapping
interval of this length contained within the matching bounds, values
of FR and CV will be calculated.
proc findFR() { local i, nint, cvmean
// $o1 AP times
// $o2 instantaneous FRs
// $o3 mean FR vector
// $o4 stdv FR vector
// $o5 mean CV vector
// $o6 stdv CV vector
$o2 = new Vector()
// vector $o1 has all of the APtimes throughout the simulation;
// calculate associated firing rates.
frwhere = $o1.indwhere(">=",boundary.x[1])
if( frwhere == -1 ) frwhere = $o1.size
if( EFUN_DBG && VERBOSE ) dbgfile.printf("%% last index should be %d\n",frwhere)
//for i = 0, $o1.size-2 {
for i = 0, frwhere-2 {
// how many intervals will be calculated?
// if match region is less than specified interval, use the entire match
// region to calculate FR & CV
nint = int( (boundary.x[1]-boundary.x[0]) / frcv_int )
if( nint <= 0 ) { nint = 1 }
dbgfile.printf("\n%% Looking at APs: ")
dbgfile.printf("%% FRs are : ")
// frindx stores the indices of the start/endpoints of each interval.
// not needed outside this procedure.
frindx = new Vector()
for( i = boundary.x[0]; i <= boundary.x[1]; i += frcv_int ) {
frwhere = $o1.indwhere(">=",i)
if( VERBOSE ) {
dbgfile.printf("%% %s > %g at index %d\n",$o1,i,frwhere)
if( frwhere == -1 || frwhere > $o2.size-1 ) {
// all firing occurs before this time boundary; the last FR
// value is the appropriate index.
} else {
for i = frindx.size, nint+1 {
dbgfile.printf("%% interval bound indices are : ")
if( $o2.size == 0 ) {
$o3.val = $o4.val = $o5.val = $o6.val = 0
frtmp = new Vector(nint)
frtmpsd = new Vector(nint)
cvtmp = new Vector(nint)
for i = 0, nint-1 {
if( frindx.x[i] == frindx.x[i+1] ) {
frtmp.x[i] = 0
} else {
if( (frindx.x[i+1] - frindx.x[i]) < 2 ) {
// BUG! found 15 mar
// frtmp.x[i] = $o2.x[i]
frtmp.x[i] = $o2.x[frindx.x[i]]
} else {
frtmp.x[i] = $o2.mean(frindx.x[i],frindx.x[i+1]-1)
if( (frindx.x[i+1] - frindx.x[i]) < 2 ) {
frtmpsd.x[i] = 0
cvtmp.x[i] = 0
} else {
frtmpsd.x[i] = $o2.stdev(frindx.x[i],frindx.x[i+1]-1)
cvtmp.x[i] = frtmpsd.x[i] / frtmp.x[i]
dbgfile.printf("%% Interval %d firing rates: ",i)
if( frindx.x[i]==frindx.x[i+1] ) {
dbgfile.printf("None here.\n")
} else { $o2.printf(dbgfile,"%g\t",frindx.x[i],frindx.x[i+1]-1) }
dbgfile.printf("%% Mean FR = %g, FR SD = %g, CV = %g\n",frtmp.x[i],frtmpsd.x[i],cvtmp.x[i])
$o3.val = frtmp.mean
$o4.val = frtmpsd.mean
$o5.val = cvtmp.mean
if( cvtmp.size < 2 ) {
$o6.val = 0
} else {
$o6.val = cvtmp.stdev
dbgfile.printf("%% CV info: ")
dbgfile.printf("%% CV mean = %g, CV std = %g\n\n",$o5.val,$o6.val)
proc region_panel() {
xpanel("Region boundaries")
xpvalue("interval startpoint", &boundary.x[0], 1, "set_r()")
xpvalue("interval endpoint", &boundary.x[1], 1, "set_r()")
proc output_panel() {
xpanel("Output info")
xcheckbox("Write M-file", &EFUN_DBG)
xcheckbox("Write verbose M-file", &VERBOSE)
xcheckbox("Write conductance summary (Av-Ron model only)", &GBAR_SMRY)
//xcheckbox("Write M-file", &EFUN_DBG, "EFUN_DBG = !EFUN_DBG")
//xcheckbox("Write verbose M-file", &VERBOSE, "{ VERBOSE = !VERBOSE EFUN_DBG = 1}")
xbutton("Set output filename","get_outname(outname)")
if( VERBOSE ) { EFUN_DBG = 1 }
if( !ismembrane("fn") ) { GBAR_SMRY = 0 }
proc choose_function_panel() {
xpanel("Choose function type")
xradiobutton("Linear","FCNTYP = 0",FCNTYP==0)
xradiobutton("Exponential","FCNTYP = 1",FCNTYP==1)
xradiobutton("Sinusoid","FCNTYP = 2",FCNTYP==2)
proc set_r() {local i, t, tmin, tmax, n
if (have_data){
// make sure regions are within data boundaries
tmin = xdat.x[0]
tmax = xdat.x[xdat.size - 1]
n = boundary.size()
for i=0, n-1 {
t = boundary.x[i]
if (t < tmin) {
boundary.x[i] = tmin
if (t > tmax) {
boundary.x[i] = tmax
proc ask_apwin() { local ws, we, w_scl
ws = apwin.x[0]
we = apwin.x[1]
w_scl = shape_scale
sprint(tmpstr, "%g %g %g", ws,we,w_scl)
while (1) {
if (string_dialog("For AP shape error, enter (1) START and (2) END of time window, relative to AP peak, and (3) TOTAL WEIGHT for shape error",tmpstr)){
if (sscanf(tmpstr, "%g %g %g", &apwin.x[0], &apwin.x[1], &shape_scale) == 3) {
proc set_apwin() {
if( mintstop_ < boundary.x[1] ) { mintstop_ = boundary.x[1] }
//print "Set AP window to [",apwin.x[0],",",apwin.x[1],"] -- check [",xtmp.min,",",xtmp.max,"]"
//print "mintstop = ",mintstop_
proc set_apwin_noGUI() {
apwin.x[0] = $1
apwin.x[1] = $2
if( mintstop_ < boundary.x[1] ) { mintstop_ = boundary.x[1] }
//print "Set AP window to [",apwin.x[0],",",apwin.x[1],"] -- check [",xtmp.min,",",xtmp.max,"]"
proc set_relative_idx() { local tmin, tmax, i,j,k, ws, we
//print "Entering set_relative_idx() "
left_ptr = new Pointer(&exp_APleft)
right_ptr = new Pointer(&exp_APright)
n_ptr = new Pointer(&n_expAP)
nw_ptr = new Pointer(&n_expWin)
find_APtimes(xdat,ydat,xyAPtimes,"Exp AP",1,left_ptr,right_ptr,n_ptr,nw_ptr)
//objref tmp_idx
if( PASTE_DBG ) {
print "in set_relative_idx()"
dbgfile=new File()
dbgfile.printf("apwin = [")
idx_rel_list = new List()
xdat_rel_list = new List()
ydat_rel_list = new List()
for k = exp_APleft, exp_APright {
//for iloop = 0, n_expWin-1 {
//k = exp_APleft + iloop
ws = apwin.x[0]
we = apwin.x[1]
if( apwin.x[0] + xdat.x[ydat.nextpeak(xyAPtimes.x[k])] < boundary.x[0] ) {
ws = boundary.x[0] - xdat.x[ydat.nextpeak(xyAPtimes.x[k])]
printf("Reset ws = %g - %g = %g.\t",boundary.x[0],xdat.x[ydat.nextpeak(xyAPtimes.x[k])],ws)
//if( apwin.x[0] + xdat.x[ydat.nextpeak(xyAPtimes.x[k])] > boundary.x[1] ) {
// ws = boundary.x[1]
//printf("Reset ws = %g.\t",boundary.x[1])
if( apwin.x[1] + xdat.x[ydat.nextpeak(xyAPtimes.x[k])] > boundary.x[1] ) {
we = boundary.x[1] - xdat.x[ydat.nextpeak(xyAPtimes.x[k])] - dt
//printf("Reset we = %g - %g -%g = %g.\t",boundary.x[1],xdat.x[ydat.nextpeak(xyAPtimes.x[k])],dt,we)
//printf("Set APWin %d to [%d, %d]\n",k,ws,we)
tmin = xdat.indwhere(">=",ws+xdat.x[ydat.nextpeak(xyAPtimes.x[k])])
//if( tmin < 0 ) tmin = xdat.size-1
tmax = xdat.indwhere(">=",we+xdat.x[ydat.nextpeak(xyAPtimes.x[k])])
if( tmax < 0 ) tmax = xdat.size-1
if( tmin < 0 ) tmin = tmax
//printf("Setting window %d indices to [%d, %d]\n",k,tmin,tmax)
if( tmin > tmax ) tmin = tmax
//printf("Had tmin > tmax; reset them to [%d, %d]\n",tmin,tmax)
xtmp = xdat.c(tmin,tmax)
ytmp = ydat.c(tmin,tmax)
if( PASTE_DBG ) {
print "apwin[",k,"] = (",ws,", ",we,")"
tmp_idx = new Vector(0)
for i=0,xtmp.size-1 {
if( PASTE_DBG ) {
dbgfile.printf("%%adding %d (%g, %g)\n",i,xtmp.x[i],ytmp.x[i])
j = pick_x(xtmp.x[i])
if( PASTE_DBG ) { if(i%500 == 0) { print "...done" } }
if( PASTE_DBG ) {print "done the loop, now sort()" }
if( PASTE_DBG ) {
print "done set_relative_idx()"
print "Leaving set_relative_idx() "
print "SET_REL_IDX:"
if( ydat_rel_list.count > 0 ) {
for i = 0, ydat_rel_list.count-1 {
print "\ty[",i,"] peak ",ydat_rel_list.object(i).x[ydat_rel_list.object(i).firstpeak]
} else { print "\tydat not set yet" }
proc adjust_region() {local x
//print $1, $2, $3
if ($1 == 2) { // press
adjust = pick_region($2)
if (adjust == -1) {
if ($1 == 1) { // drag
boundary.x[adjust] = $2
if (adjust < boundary.size-1) if ($2 > boundary.x[adjust+1]){
boundary.x[adjust] = boundary.x[adjust+1]
if ($1 == 3) { // release
x = g.view_info(g.view_info, 11, $2)
if (boundary.size > 2) {
if (x < 0) {
}else if (x > 1) {
x = boundary.x[adjust]
tobj = boundary.c.indvwhere("==", x)
if (tobj.size > 1) {
adjust = -1
//print boundary.size, " boundaries"
//print "boundary" boundary.printf
//print "weight" weight.printf
func pick_region() {local vi, d, i, j, x, m
vi = g.view_info
x = g.view_info(vi, 13, $1)
for i=0, boundary.size() - 1 {
d = x - g.view_info(vi, 13, boundary.x[i])
if (d < 12) { // before or on i
if (i == boundary.size()) {
return i
if (d > -12) { // actual selection of line
return i
boundary.insrt(i, $1)
if (i == 0) {
weight.insrt(1, weight.x[1])
weight.insrt(i, weight.x[i])
return i
proc get_outname() {
string_dialog("Enter output filename",$s1)
proc print_Mfile_header() { local e
e = $3
dbgfile.printf("mod_APleft = %g; mod_APright = %g;\n",mod_APleft,mod_APright)
dbgfile.printf("exp_APleft = %g; exp_APright = %g;\n",exp_APleft,exp_APright)
if( GBAR_SMRY ) {
dbgfile.printf("gbar_na=%g; gbar_k=%g; gbar_kca=%g;\n",gnabar_fn,gkbar_fn,gbar_kca)
dbgfile.printf("gbar_ka=%g; gbar_ca=%g; gbar_nap=%g;\n",gbar_ka,gbar_cahi,gbar_nap)
dbgfile.printf("Kp_cad=%g; Rca_cad=%g; ca0=%g;\n",Kp_cad,Rca_cad,cainf_cad)
if( ismembrane("itGHK" )) {
if( ismembrane("cat" )) {
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'Target FR %.1f Hz, CV %g'};\n",nlbl,datFRmean,datCVmean)
nlbl += 1
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'Model FR %.1f Hz, CV %g'};\n",nlbl,modFRmean,modCVmean)
nlbl += 1
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'F_{shape} = %g, F_{SubShape} = %g'};\n",\
nlbl,shape_scale, subshape_scale)
nlbl += 1
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'F_{shape} = %g, F_{fr} = %g'};\n",nlbl,shape_scale,tot_frscale)
nlbl += 1
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'F_{slope} = %g'};\n",nlbl,slope_scale)
nlbl += 1
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'Firing order penalty %g;'};\n", nlbl,Forder_pnlty)
nlbl += 1
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'Burst ISI threshold = %g ms, penalty %g;'};\n", nlbl,brst_thold,brst_pnlty)
nlbl += 1
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'1st spike delay penalty = %g;'};\n", nlbl,delay_pnlty)
nlbl += 1
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'AP Window [%g, %g]'};\n",nlbl,apwin.x[0],apwin.x[1])
nlbl += 1
dbgfile.printf("apwin = [%g %g];\n",apwin.x[0],apwin.x[1])
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {' '};\n",nlbl)
nlbl += 1
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'Extra silent model FR penalty = %g;'};\n", nlbl,nf_frscale)
//dbgfile.printf("tgt_val = [0.01 0.004 0.001 0.05 0.0125 0 0.00025 5e-5];\n")
//dbgfile.printf("mdl_val = [%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g];\n",gnabar_fn,gkbar_fn,\
// gbar_kca,Kp_cad,Rca_cad,gbar_ka,gbar_cahi,gbar_nap)
//dbgfile.printf("lblstr = {' g_Na','g_KDR','g_KCa',' K_p',' R_Ca',' g_KA',' g_Ca','g_NaP'};\n")
if( GBAR_SMRY ) {
dbgfile.printf("tgt_val = [0.01 0.004 0.001 0.05 0.0125 0 0.00025 5e-5 3e-5 0];\n")
dbgfile.printf("mdl_val = [%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g ",gnabar_fn,gkbar_fn,\
if( ismembrane("itGHK") ) {
if( ismembrane("cat") ) {
dbgfile.printf(" ];\n")
dbgfile.printf("lblstr = {' g_Na','g_KDR','g_KCa',' K_p',' R_Ca',' g_KA',' g_Ca','g_NaP','g_L','g_CaT'};\n")
nlbl += 1
if( GBAR_SMRY ) {
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'g_{na} = %g g_{k-dr} = %g'};\n",nlbl,gnabar_fn,gkbar_fn)
nlbl += 1
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'g_{k-ca} = %g g_{k-a} = %g'};\n",nlbl,gbar_kca,gbar_ka)
nlbl += 1
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'g_{ca} = %g g_{nap} = %g'};\n",nlbl,gbar_cahi,gbar_nap)
nlbl += 1
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'Kp = %g Rca = %g'};\n",nlbl,Kp_cad,Rca_cad)
nlbl += 1
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'[Ca]_0 = %g'};\n",nlbl,cainf_cad)
nlbl += 1
if( ismembrane("itGHK" )) {
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'p_{CaT} = %g'};\n",nlbl,pcabar_itGHK)
nlbl += 1
if( ismembrane("cat" )) {
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'g_{CaT} = %g'};\n",nlbl,gbar_cat)
nlbl += 1
dbgfile.printf("boundary = [%g %g];\n",boundary.x[0],boundary.x[1])
if( VERBOSE ) {
dbgfile.printf("%% Exp APs during interval = %d\n",n_AP)
dbgfile.printf("xmodel = [")
dbgfile.printf("ymodel = [")
dbgfile.printf("xexpt = [")
dbgfile.printf("yexpt = [")
dbgfile.printf("expAPtimes = [")
dbgfile.printf("modAPtimes = [")
dbgfile.printf("datFRmean = %g; datCVmean = %g;\n",datFRmean, datCVmean)
dbgfile.printf("modFRmean = %g; modCVmean = %g;\n",modFRmean, modCVmean)
dbgfile.printf("datFRsd = %g; datCVsd = %g;\n",datFRsd, datCVsd)
dbgfile.printf("modFRsd = %g; modCVsd = %g;\n",modFRsd, modCVsd)
nstr = 1
proc print_Mfile_tail() { local e
e = $3
print "Total Error\t",e
dbgfile.printf("e_final = %g;\n",e)
//dbgfile.printf("str(%d) = {'Total Error %g'};\n",nstr,e)
//nstr += 1
dbgfile.printf("lbl(%d) = {'Total Error %g'};\n",nlbl,e)
nlbl += 1
print "Raw voltage trace"
dbgfile.printf("h = axes('Position',[0 0 1 1],'Visible','off');\n")
dbgfile.printf("ttl = '%s: Total Error %g';\n",outname,e)
if( VERBOSE ) {
dbgfile.printf("axes('Position',[.1 .5 .8 .4]);\n")
dbgfile.printf("x1=[boundary(1) boundary(1)];\n")
dbgfile.printf("x2=[boundary(2) boundary(2)];\n")
dbgfile.printf("y1=[min(yexpt) max(yexpt)];\n")
dbgfile.printf("pl = plot(xexpt,yexpt,'--',xmodel,ymodel,'-',x1,y1,'r',x2,y1,'r');\n")
dbgfile.printf("set(pl(1),'LineWidth',2); set(pl(2),'LineWidth',2); \n")
dbgfile.printf("xlim([boundary(1)-10 boundary(2)+10]);\n")
if( GBAR_SMRY ) {
if( VERBOSE ) { dbgfile.printf("orient(gcf,'tall');saveas(gcf,'%s_V.fig');\n\n",outname) }
// print out time-modulated FR fits
print "Now, time-modulated FR fits"
dbgfile.printf("h2 = axes('Position',[0 0 1 1],'Visible','off');\n")
dbgfile.printf("ttl2 = '%s: Total time-modulated FR Error %g';\n",outname,efr)
if( VERBOSE ) {
if( n_AP > 3 ) {
dbgfile.printf("datFit=[ ")
if( datFit.size > 0 ) { datFit.printf(dbgfile) }
dbgfile.printf("modFit=[ ")
if( modFit.size > 0 ) { modFit.printf(dbgfile) }
if( modFR.size > 0 ) {
dbgfile.printf("modFR=[ ")
} else { dbgfile.printf("modFR=[];\n") }
if( datFR.size > 0 ) {
dbgfile.printf("datFR=[ ")
} else { dbgfile.printf("datFR=[];\n") }
dbgfile.printf("axes('Position',[.1 .5 .8 .4]);\n")
dbgfile.printf("f1=[min([datFR ; modFR]) max([datFR ; modFR])];\n")
if( modFR.size < 1 ) {
// recall, Matlab starts their indices at 1, not 0
dbgfile.printf("frpl = plot(xexpt(expAPtimes(1:%d)),datFR,'b.',xexpt(expAPtimes(%d:%d)),datFit,'b-',[%f %f], [0 0],'g+',xexpt(expAPtimes(%d:%d)),modFit,'g--',x1,f1,'r',x2,f1,'r');\n",\
exp_APleft+1, exp_APright)
} else {
dbgfile.printf("frpl = plot(xexpt(expAPtimes(1:%d)),datFR,'b.',xexpt(expAPtimes(%d:%d)),datFit,'b-',xmodel(modAPtimes(1:%d)),modFR,'g+',xexpt(expAPtimes(%d:%d)),modFit,'g--',x1,f1,'r',x2,f1,'r');\n",\
exp_APright, exp_APleft+1, exp_APright, mod_APright, exp_APleft+1, exp_APright)
dbgfile.printf("set(frpl(2),'LineWidth',2); set(frpl(4),'LineWidth',2); \n")
dbgfile.printf("legend('target','target fit','model','model fit');\n")
if( VERBOSE ) { dbgfile.printf("orient(gcf,'tall');saveas(gcf,'%s_FR.fig');",outname) }
Taken from the Matlab function measure_AHP.m, this function will make
various measurements of the AHP. Modified from
~christina/svn/nrn_chris/shared/measure_AHP.hoc to apply to this objective
% Measures of the AHP & proximity to firing threshold:
% 1. First, de-spike the voltage trace. To do this, we propose finding
% all points where the voltage is negative, and dV/dt is between -5
% and 5 mV/ms.
% 2. Identify the AP threshold as the point at which dV/dt is first > 5
% mV/ms.
% 3. Identify only full ISIs. When there are less than two spikes, use
% the entire de-spiked voltage trace.
% Then, we propose the following measures:
% A. For each ISI, calculate the percentage of points having negative
% dV/dt. Report the average of these values. This is an attempt to
% measure the existence and strength of the late component of a
% double AHP.
% B. Find the AHP trough, the minimum value of the despiked trace. Then
% calculate the difference between this and the AP threshold.
% C. The point during the ISI that the trough occurs, Trough Timing /
% ISI Width.
% D. Threshold accessibility, similar to that computed in Rudolph &
% Destexhe. The only difference is to use dV/dt = 5 to define the AP
% threshold, not V(t) = -50.
input $o1 time vector
$o2 voltage vector
output $p3 percentage of despiked trace with negative derivative
$p4 depth of AHP trough
$p5 time of AHP trough relative to ISI
$p6 threshold accessibility, similar to that computed by Rudolph & Destexhe.
$s7 output file basename
$8 dV/dt threshold for spikes
proc measure_AHP() { local ng_p, APth_master,i,tmp
// print "Measuring AHP..."
// Identify boundaries of the AHP regions.
dV = new Vector()
iAHP : the indices of points where -1*$8 < dV < $8, and V < 0
iAHPn : the indices of points where -1*$8 < dV < 0, and V < 0
APth : the indices of points where APs occur, i.e. breaks in consecutive indices for iAHP.
APst : starting indices of APth
APnd : ending indices of APth
iAHP = new Vector()
iAHPn = new Vector()
iAHPa = new Vector()
//printf("...got iAHP,iAHPn")
//Now we need to reexamine these lists to ensure the associated voltages are negative.
//printf("...got iAHPa indices.\n")
neg_p = iAHPn.size()/iAHP.size()
//printf("%%%% Found %d / %d = %g negative dV/dt percentage.\n",iAHPn.size(),iAHP.size(),neg_p)
//ng_p = iAHPn.size()/iAHP.size()
APth = new Vector()
APst = new Vector()
APnd = new Vector()
//printf("Defined APvectors.\n")
if( iAHP.size() > 0 ) {
AHPchg = iAHP.c(1,iAHP.size()-1).sub(iAHP.c(0,iAHP.size()-2))
} else {
AHPchg = new Vector()
//printf("\tAHPchg defined")
//printf("\tAPth defined")
if( APth.size() > 1 ) {
//printf("\tAPth.size = %d\n",APth.size())
APst = APth.c(0,APth.size()-2).add(1)
APnd = APth.c(1,APth.size()-1)
//printf("\tAPst=%d, APnd = %d\n",APst.size,APnd.size)
// print matlab file to plot these regions.
//printf("\tprinting matlab\n")
AHPout = new File()
AHPout.printf("tvec = [ ")
AHPout.printf("vvec = [ ")
AHPout.printf("dV = [ ")
AHPout.printf("iAHP = [")
if( iAHP.size() > 0 ) {
AHPout.printf("iAHPn = [")
if( iAHPn.size() > 0 ) {
AHPout.printf("APth = [")
if( APth.size() > 0 ) {
AHPout.printf("APst = [")
if( APst.size() > 0 ) {
AHPout.printf("APnd = [")
if( APnd.size() > 0 ) {
AHPout.printf("iAHPa = [")
if( iAHPa.size() > 0 ) {
AHPout.printf("AHPchg = [")
if( AHPchg.size() > 0 ) {
AHPout.printf("plot(tvec, vvec,'-',tvec(iAHP),vvec(iAHP),'.'")
if( APth.size() > 0 ) {
AHPout.printf("legend('raw trace','de-spiked data','AP thresholds','negative dV/dt');\n")
AHPout.printf("hold on;\n")
AHPout.printf("for i=1:length(APst)\n")
AHPout.printf("\tplot([tvec(iAHP(APst(i))) tvec(iAHP(APst(i)))],")
AHPout.printf("[-70 40],'-',[tvec(iAHP(APnd(i))) tvec(iAHP(APnd(i)))],[-70 40],'-'); ")
} else {
AHPout.printf("legend('raw trace','de-spiked data','negative dV/dt');\n")
AHPout.printf("hold on;\n")
AHPout.printf("plot([tvec(1) tvec(end)],[-70 40],'-');\n")
AHPout.printf("plot(tvec, dV,'-');\n")
// make sure there are still data available, if no APs are fired. Then,
// assume AP threshold = 50.
npts = new Vector()
trough_sz = new Vector()
trough_posn = new Vector()
if( APst.size() == 0 ) {
APth_master = -50
} else {
// old; APth is an index into iAHP.
//APth_master = $o2.ind(APth.c.add(1)).mean
APth_master = $o2.ind(iAHP.ind(APth).c.add(1)).mean
for i = 0, APst.size()-1 {
// Find the difference between the trough of each AHP and the AP
// threshold, and the relative position of this trough during the ISI.
// NOTE: The mnidx returned is ALREADY OFFSET from the start of
// the vector. i.e., we don't have to add the starting position
// iAHP.x[APst.x[i]]
mnidx = $o2.min_ind(iAHP.x[APst.x[i]],iAHP.x[APnd.x[i]])
//AHPout.printf("mnidx(%d)=%g; minval(%d)=%g;\n",i+1,mnidx-iAHP.x[APst.x[i]],i+1,$o2.x[mnidx])
//AHPout.printf("for i = 1 : size(APst,1)\n")
// Calculate how close this ISI sits to threshold.
if( npts.size() > 0 ) npts.printf(AHPout)
if( trough_sz.size() > 0 ) trough_sz.printf(AHPout)
if( trough_posn.size() > 0 ) trough_posn.printf(AHPout)
mnV = $o2.ind(iAHP.c.add(1)).mean
sdV = $o2.ind(iAHP.c.add(1)).stdev
thr_ac = sdV / (APth_master - mnV)
//AHPout.printf("mnV=%g; sdV=%g;\n",mnV,sdV)
//AHPout.printf("plot([tvec(1) tvec(end)],[mnV mnV],'k-');\n")
trgh_sz = npts.dot(trough_sz) / npts.sum()
trgh_ps = npts.dot(trough_posn) / npts.sum()
$o3.val = neg_p
$o4.val = trgh_sz
$o5.val = trgh_ps
$o6.val = thr_ac
func BParea() { local sum
sum = 0
forall {
ifsec "soma" continue
if( !ismembrane("max")) continue
print secname()
for(x) {
if( x==0 || x==1 ) continue
sum += L*val_max(x)/(nseg)
print "\t",x,nseg,L/(nseg),val_max(x),sum
return sum
proc print_BP() { local s_rad
print "Now printing BP"
if( !ismembrane("max") ) return
print "\tDidn't return yet."
// soma {
s_rad = diam/2
// }
dbgfile.printf("BP = [\n")
print "calculating BP"
forall {
print secname()
ifsec "soma" continue
if( !ismembrane("max")) continue
print "\thas max"
for(x) {
if( x==0 || x==1 ) continue
print "\t\tcomponent ",x," max = ",val_max(x)
sum += L*val_max(x)/(nseg)
dbgfile.printf("%g %g\n",distance(x)-s_rad,val_max(x))
dbgfile.printf("BParea = %g\n",BParea())
Determine whether there are 2 components to the
AHP of each action potential. Between 2 APs,
the sign changes in dV/dt will give how
many components there are to the AP.
Sign change 1 = AP peak
Sign change 2 = bottom of spike
if there are 2 more changes,
Sign change 3 = peak between quick & slow AHPs
Sign change 4 = trough of slower AHP
For each spike with 2 AHP components, record
the depths of the quick & slow AHP troughs, and
the ratio between them.
input $o1 time vector
$o2 voltage vector
$o3 AP times
$4 vector with start, end bounds
output $o5 time of each trough
$o6 voltage of each trough
proc find_APtrough() { local i, k, start_ind,end_ind, cnt
// Identify boundaries of the AHP regions.
dvdt = new Vector()
// calculate AHP data for each spike separately
for k=0,$o3.size-1 {
// set start & end points for AHP checks: start when this AP crosses threshold; stop at next AP's threshold, or end of the data trace.
start_ind = $o3.x[k]
if( k == $o3.size-1 ) {
end_ind = $o1.indwhere(">=",$o4.x[1])
} else { end_ind = $o3.x[k+1] - 1 }
//if( VERBOSE ) printf("Finding trough of AP %d, from %g to %g\n",k,$o1.x[start_ind],$o1.x[end_ind])
cnt = 0
for i=start_ind,end_ind-1 {
if( (dvdt.x[i] >= 0 && dvdt.x[i+1] <= 0) || (dvdt.x[i] <= 0 && dvdt.x[i+1] >= 0)){
cnt += 1
//printf("\tSign change %d at %d (%g,%g)",cnt,i,$o1.x[i],$o2.x[i])
if( cnt == 2 ) {
if( cnt == 2 ) break
//printf("cnt = %d; on to next AP\n\n",cnt)
if( VERBOSE ) {
printf("\tFound trough times: \t")
printf("\tFound trough voltages:\t")
To penalize models whose morphologic components fire in the wrong order.
proc track_APtimes() { local didDst, didAx, Ddist, segID
Ddist = find_longest_dend(dist_name,segID,VERBOSE)
forsec allList {
ifsec "soma" {
spktS = new Vector()
apS = new APCount(0.5)
if( VERBOSE ) printf("Counting somatic APs.\n")
ifsec "axon" {
spktA = new Vector()
apA = new APCount(0.5)
if( VERBOSE ) printf("Counting axonal APs in %s\n",secname())
ifsec dist_name {
spktD = new Vector()
apD = new APCount(0.5)
if( VERBOSE ) printf("Counting dendritic APs in %s\n",secname())
func find_longest_dend
output $s1 name of section with longest distance
$2 segment with longest distance
$3 1 or 0, print answer?
func find_longest_dend() { local lngdist, curdist, segID
forsec allList {
ifsec "soma" {
strdef lng_name
lngdist = 0
segID = -1
forsec allList {
ifsec "end" {
for(x) {
curdist = distance(x)
if( curdist > lngdist ) {
segID = x
lng_name = secname()
lngdist = curdist
$s1 = lng_name
$2 = segID
if( $3 ) printf("Longest dendrite was %s(%d), distance from soma %g um.\n",lng_name,segID,lngdist)
return lngdist
endtemplate APtv_instFR_Fitness