//params and set up for DE
pop_size=256 // size of the population.
Cross_prob=0.9 // probability to crossover
Num_Total_Gen = 1 // Total number of generations to run
Best=0 // curent best individual
Elapsed=0 // Total time of run
F=0.9 // scale factor for differential
rand_max_pop=16 // maximum number of parameter sets to run in random mode
max_time=144000 // 40 hours // maximum time to run for, in seconds
longest_gen=0 // hold longest generation so far, in s
DEBUG=0 //OUTPUT: 0 - no debugging msgs; 1 - all debugging msgs
objref pop,res,mut_pop,mut_res,pop_vec,mut_pop_vec,ffs,mut_ffs,pool,pool_ffs,errVec
objref pool_ind,transvec,paravec,changed
objref p_file,pc_file,param_file,g_file,fv_file,sa_file,randomData,scratch_file
objref iv_file,fi_file,ivout_file,fiout_file,nsde_ff_combs_file
strdef cmd,tstr,parstr
p_file = new File()
pc_file = new File()
param_file = new File()
g_file = new File()
fv_file = new File()
sa_file = new File()
randomData = new File()
scratch_file = new File()
iv_file = new File()
fi_file = new File()
ivout_file = new File()
fiout_file = new File()
nsde_ff_combs_file = new File()
//open main DE log file
//open fitnessVal log file
//open sensitivity analysis log file
//File containing random seeds to use
pop = new Matrix( pop_size , NP )
mut_pop = new Matrix( pop_size , NP )
res = new Vector( pop_size , 1e50 )
mut_res = new Vector( pop_size , 1e50 )
ffs = new Matrix( pop_size , totalFFs )
mut_ffs = new Matrix( pop_size , totalFFs )
pool = new Matrix( ( 2 * pop_size ) , NP )
pool_ffs = new Matrix( ( 2 * pop_size ) , totalFFs )
pool_ind = new Vector()
transvec = new Vector( NP )
changed = new Vector( pop_size , 1 )
errVec = new Vector( totalFFs )
// random numbers and initial boundaries for the population
objref r[NP],ru[pc.nhost()]
// initialise a random number generator for each parameter
for j=0,(NP-1){
r[j] = new Random(randomData.scanvar())
// initialise a random number generator for each parallel host
for j=0,(pc.nhost()-1){
ru[j] = new Random(randomData.scanvar())
// close the random number file
LOAD_GENERATION=0 // if zero generates random initial population, if one load generation from file
//=======================MAIN LOOP FOR DE================================
proc DE() { local i,j,k
// make file of DE parameters for producing output figures
param_file.wopen( "output/metaparams.dat" )
param_file.printf( "%s: %d\n" , "population" , pop_size )
param_file.printf( "%s: %d\n" , "parameters" , NP )
param_file.printf( "%s: %d\n" , "generators" , NGens )
param_file.printf( "%s: %d\n" , "totalFFs" , totalFFs )
param_file.printf( "%s: %d\n" , "totalT" , (Tend.max()/voltvecdt) )
param_file.printf( "%s: %d\n" , "MRF" , MRFflag )
param_file.printf( "%s: %g\n" , "dt" , voltvecdt)
begintime = startsw()
num_gen += 1
//while(num_gen<=Num_Total_Gen){ // termination criterion besed on fixed # Generations
//while(Best>10){ // termination criterion besed on target score
while ( ( Elapsed + ( 2 * longest_gen ) ) < max_time ) {
startgentime = startsw()
gen_time = startsw() - startgentime
if ( gen_time > longest_gen ) { longest_gen = gen_time }
num_gen += 1
Elapsed = startsw() - begintime
Num_Total_Gen = num_gen-1
param_file.printf( "%s: %d\n" , "generations" , Num_Total_Gen )
print "-------------------------------end of Differential Evolution----------------------------------"
for (j=0;j<=NP-1;j+=1) g_file.printf("%10.10f ",pop.x[Best][j])
g_file.printf("%10.10f ",res.x[Best])
//=======================MAIN LOOP FOR NSDE================================
proc NSDE() { local i,j,k
// make file of DE parameters for producing output figures
param_file.wopen( "output/metaparams.dat" )
param_file.printf( "%s: %d\n" , "population" , pop_size )
param_file.printf( "%s: %d\n" , "parameters" , NP )
param_file.printf( "%s: %d\n" , "generators" , NGens )
param_file.printf( "%s: %d\n" , "totalFFs" , totalFFs )
param_file.printf( "%s: %d\n" , "totalT" , (Tend.max()/voltvecdt) )
param_file.printf( "%s: %d\n" , "MRF" , MRFflag )
param_file.printf( "%s: %g\n" , "dt" , voltvecdt)
num_gen += 1
//while(num_gen<=Num_Total_Gen){ // termination criterion besed on fixed # Generations
//while(Best>10){ // termination criterion besed on target score
while ( ( Elapsed + ( 2 * longest_gen ) ) < max_time ) {
startgentime = startsw()
gen_time = startsw() - startgentime
if ( gen_time > longest_gen ) { longest_gen = gen_time }
num_gen += 1
Elapsed = startsw() - begintime
Num_Total_Gen = num_gen-1
param_file.printf( "%s: %d\n" , "generations" , Num_Total_Gen )
print "-------------------------------end of Differential Evolution----------------------------------"
for (j=0;j<=NP-1;j+=1) g_file.printf("%10.10f ",pop.x[Best][j])
g_file.printf("%10.10f ",res.x[Best])
* NSDE processes and functions
// Assign fitness values to individuals based on their level of non-domination
// within the pool of both population and mutants
proc non_dominated_sorting() { local i , j , pool_ind_size localobj curr_rank_ind
starttime = startsw()
printf("Non-dominated sorting: start\n")
// set up curr_rank_ind as an empty Vector
curr_rank_ind = new Vector()
// fill pool and pool_ffs with the values from pop, mut_pop, ffs, mut_ffs
for ( i = 0 ; i < ( 2 * pop_size ) ; i+=1 ) {
if ( i < pop_size ) {
pool.setrow( i , pop.getrow( i ) )
pool_ffs.setrow( i , ffs.getrow( i ) )
} else {
pool.setrow( i , mut_pop.getrow( i - pop_size ) )
pool_ffs.setrow( i , mut_ffs.getrow( i - pop_size ) )
if (DEBUG) pool.printf
if (DEBUG) pool_ffs.printf
// set pool_ind vector to every index in pool
pool_ind.indgen( 0 , ( ( pop_size * 2 ) - 1 ) , 1 )
if (DEBUG)pool_ind.printf
// initialise rank variable
rank = 1
// start while loop for having individuals left in the pool
while ( pool_ind.size > 0 ) {
// set the pool size for this iteration
pool_ind_size = pool_ind.size
// reset curr_rank_ind
if (DEBUG) printf( "NS rank = %d; pool size = %d\n" , rank , pool_ind_size )
// non-domination testing:
// for each member remaining in the pool:
for ( i = 0 ; i < pool_ind_size ; i+=1 ) {
// is this individual dominated by any others in the pool?
if ( is_dominated( pool_ind.x[ i ] ) == 0 ) {
curr_rank_ind.append( pool_ind.x[ i ] )
// check if there are any currently non-dominated individuals...
if ( curr_rank_ind.size == 0 ) {
// if there are no dominant individuals, set all to current rank
curr_rank_ind = pool_ind.c
if (DEBUG) curr_rank_ind.printf
// for each currently non-dominated individual, set fitness to rank
for ( i = 0 ; i < ( pop_size * 2 ) ; i+=1 ) {
if ( curr_rank_ind.contains( i ) ) {
if ( i < pop_size ) {
res.x[ i ] = rank
} else {
mut_res.x[ i - pop_size ] = rank
// adjust ranks using a specified method for curr_rank_ind mini-pool
// Methods: 1 = crowdedness in fitness space
// 2 = total combined fitness (normalised per FF)
//adjust_res_for_mini_pool( curr_rank_ind , 1 )
// remove members of mini-pool from pool_ind
for ( i = 0 ; i < curr_rank_ind.size ; i+=1 ) {
if ( pool_ind.contains( curr_rank_ind.x[ i ] ) ) {
pool_ind.remove( pool_ind.indwhere( "==" , curr_rank_ind.x[ i ] ) )
// increment the rank variable
rank += 1
// actually we want to calculate rankings for e.g. crowdedness using the
// entire pool, not just the mini-pools. So here we submit the whole pool
// to the process:
pool_ind.indgen( 0 , ( ( pop_size * 2 ) - 1 ) , 1 )
adjust_res_for_mini_pool( pool_ind , 1)
if (DEBUG) res.printf
if (DEBUG) mut_res.printf
printf("Non-dominated sorting: time taken: %f\n", startsw() - starttime)
// Check is an individual is dominated by any other members of the pool - takes
// index i into 'pool' as input, and returns 1 if true and 0 if false
func is_dominated() { local i , j , output_is_dominated
i = $1
output_is_dominated = 0
if (DEBUG) printf( "Domination test %d:\n" , i )
for ( j = 0 ; j < pool_ind.size ; j+=1 ) {
if ( dominates( pool_ind.x[ j ] , i ) ) {
output_is_dominated = 1
if (DEBUG) printf( "%d is_dominated = %d\n" , i , output_is_dominated )
return output_is_dominated
// Check if an individual dominates another individual - takes indices to two
// individuals indexed into 'pool' as two input integers, and returns 1 if $1
// dominates $2 and 0 if not
// NSDE_COMB_FFS tells us whether we want to look up the file 'nsde_ff_combs.dat'
// to get sets of FFs that should be summed prior to determining dominance.
func dominates() { local i , j , better , worse , output_dominates , num_groups , \
groupsum1 , groupsum2 \
localobj groups_vec
better = 0
worse = 0
// better is if $1 < $2 - this direction is caused by use of 'error' func.
// i.e. error should be minimised
if ( NSDE_COMB_FFS == 0 ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < totalFFs ; i+=1 ) {
if ( pool_ffs.x[ $1 ][ i ] < pool_ffs.x[ $2 ][ i ] ) {
} else if ( pool_ffs.x[ $1 ][ i ] > pool_ffs.x[ $2][ i ] ) {
} else if ( NSDE_COMB_FFS == 1 ) {
if (DEBUG) printf( "Combining FFs into groups...\n" )
groups_vec = new Vector()
groups_vec.scanf( nsde_ff_combs_file )
num_groups = groups_vec.max
if (DEBUG) printf( "num_groups = %d\n" , num_groups )
for ( j = 1 ; j <= num_groups ; j+=1 ) {
if (DEBUG) printf( "group %d:\n" , j )
groupsum1 = 0
groupsum2 = 0
for ( i = 0 ; i < totalFFs ; i+=1 ) {
if ( groups_vec.x[ i ] == j ) {
if (DEBUG) printf( "FF %d in group %d: adding %f to group 1 and %f to group 2\n" , \
i , j , pool_ffs.x[ $1 ][ i ] , pool_ffs.x[ $2 ][ i ] )
groupsum1 += pool_ffs.x[ $1 ][ i ]
groupsum2 += pool_ffs.x[ $2 ][ i ]
if (DEBUG) printf( "groupsum1: %f : groupsum2 : %f\n" , groupsum1 , groupsum2 )
if ( groupsum1 < groupsum2 ) {
better += 1
} else if ( groupsum1 > groupsum2 ) {
worse += 1
if ( ( worse == 0 ) && ( better > 0 ) ) {
output_dominates = 1
} else {
output_dominates = 0
if (DEBUG) printf( "Dominates : %d vs %d : better = %d ; worse = %d : dominates = %d\n" , \
$1 , $2 , better , worse , output_dominates )
return output_dominates
// Calculate the crowdedness of each individual in a pool_ffs, with the indices
// into the 'pool_ffs' object provided as argument. Returns vector of crowdedness.
obfunc simple_crowdedness() { local i , j , curr_val, above , above_ind , below , \
below_ind , distance localobj crowdedness_vec , \
ind_pool_ffs , ind_dest , pool_ffs_col , ind_pool_ffs_col , \
ind_pool_ffs = $o1
if (DEBUG) ind_pool_ffs.printf
ind_dest = new Vector( ind_pool_ffs.size )
if ( ind_dest.size == 1 ) {
ind_dest.x[ 0 ] = 0
} else {
ind_dest.indgen( 0 , ( ind_pool_ffs.size - 1 ) , 1 )
if (DEBUG) ind_dest.printf
crowdedness_vec = new Vector( ind_pool_ffs.size )
pool_ffs_col = new Vector( pop_size * 2 )
ind_pool_ffs_col = new Vector( ind_pool_ffs.size )
ind_pool_ffs_col_sorted_index = new Vector( ind_pool_ffs.size )
// simple crowdedness metric is calculated according to:
// for an individual, for an objective function:
// find the adjacent objective function values in the rest of the pool_ffs
// subtract the value one above from the value one below
// add this to the total crowdedness score
// lower is worse
// if there is no bigger or smaller value in the pool_ffs,
// crowdedness score gets an arbitrarily large value added to it
for ( i = 0 ; i < ind_pool_ffs.size ; i+=1 ) {
crowdedness_vec.x[ i ] = 0
for ( j = 0 ; j < totalFFs ; j+=1 ) {
// get a column from pool_ffs of the current ff values (j),
// according to the indices in ind
pool_ffs_col = pool_ffs.getcol( j )
if (DEBUG) pool_ffs_col.printf
// copy members of the ff col that are part of the source pool into
// the target pool at indices given by ind_dest,0:size of the vector-1
ind_pool_ffs_col.copy( pool_ffs_col , ind_pool_ffs , ind_dest )
if (DEBUG) ind_pool_ffs_col.printf
// scale so that all distances are normalised - so each ff is the same
ind_pool_ffs_col.scale( 0 , 1 )
if (DEBUG) ind_pool_ffs_col.printf
// current value for finding crowdedness
//curr_val = ind_pool_ffs_col.x[ i ]
// sort the pool_ffs so we can find one above and one below
// get the sorted indices so that we can find our original value
ind_pool_ffs_col_sorted_index = ind_pool_ffs_col.sortindex()
ind_of_orig = ind_pool_ffs_col_sorted_index.x[ i ]
if (DEBUG) ind_pool_ffs_col.printf
// check if we're at the bottom of the pile:
if ( ind_of_orig == 0 ) {
below_ind = -1
} else {
below_ind = ind_pool_ffs_col_sorted_index.x[ i - 1 ]
//printf("i=%d j=%d\n",i,j)
// also check if we're at the top of the pile:
if ( ind_of_orig == ( ind_pool_ffs.size - 1 ) ) {
above_ind = -1
} else {
//printf("made it \n")
above_ind = ind_pool_ffs_col_sorted_index.x[ i - 1 ]
// if ind_of_orig is at the top or bottom, add a big number
if ( ( above_ind == -1 ) || ( below_ind == -1 ) ) {
crowdedness_vec.x[ i ] += totalFFs
} else {
// else find how crowded it is
above = ind_pool_ffs_col.x[ above_ind ]
below = ind_pool_ffs_col.x[ below_ind ]
crowdedness_vec.x[ i ] += ( above - below )
if (DEBUG) crowdedness_vec.printf
// scale the crowdedness values so that they don't change rank by too much
if ( crowdedness_vec.min == crowdedness_vec.max ) {
crowdedness_vec.fill( 1 )
} else {
crowdedness_vec.scale( ( 1 - ( 1 / ( ( 2 * pop_size ) + 1 ) ) ) , \
( 1 + ( 1 / ( ( 2 * pop_size ) + 1 ) ) ) )
if (DEBUG) crowdedness_vec.printf
return crowdedness_vec
// Calculate the total fitness of each individual in a pool_ffs, with the
// indices into the 'pool_ffs_ffs' object provided as argument. Returns vector
// of total fitnesses
obfunc total_fitness() { local i , j , curr_val, above , above_ind , below , \
below_ind , distance localobj total_fitness_vec , \
ind_pool_ffs , ind_dest , pool_ffs_col , ind_pool_ffs_col
ind_pool_ffs = $o1
if (DEBUG) ind_pool_ffs.printf
ind_dest = new Vector( ind_pool_ffs.size )
if ( ind_dest.size == 1 ) {
ind_dest.x[ 0 ] = 0
} else {
ind_dest.indgen( 0 , ( ind_pool_ffs.size - 1 ) , 1 )
if (DEBUG) ind_dest.printf
total_fitness_vec = new Vector( ind_pool_ffs.size )
total_fitness_vec.fill( 0 )
pool_ffs_col = new Vector( pop_size * 2 )
ind_pool_ffs_col = new Vector( ind_pool_ffs.size )
// total fitness metric is calculated according to:
// for an FF:
// normalise the FF range to 0:1
// for an individual:
// add the current FF score to his total fitness score
for ( j = 0 ; j < totalFFs ; j+=1 ) {
// get a column from pool_ffs of the current FF values (j),
// according to the indices in ind
pool_ffs_col = pool_ffs.getcol( j )
if (DEBUG) pool_ffs_col.printf
ind_pool_ffs_col.copy( pool_ffs_col , ind_pool_ffs , ind_dest )
if (DEBUG) ind_pool_ffs_col.printf
// scale so that the FF is normalised, with better values as bigger numbers
ind_pool_ffs_col.scale( 1 , 0 )
// and set to 0 if the scale didn't work
if ( ind_pool_ffs_col.min == ind_pool_ffs_col.max ) {
ind_pool_ffs_col.fill( 0 )
if (DEBUG) ind_pool_ffs_col.printf
// for each individual:
for ( i = 0 ; i < ind_pool_ffs.size ; i+=1 ) {
total_fitness_vec.x[ i ] += ind_pool_ffs_col.x[ i ]
if (DEBUG) total_fitness_vec.printf
// check if all fitness values are identical, in which case, fine, set to 1
// scale fitness values in a range appropriate to the amount of potential
// non-domination ranks that might be present, according to population size
if ( total_fitness_vec.min == total_fitness_vec.max ) {
total_fitness_vec.fill( 1 )
} else {
total_fitness_vec.scale( ( 1 - ( 1 / ( ( 2 * pop_size ) + 1 ) ) ) , \
( 1 + ( 1 / ( ( 2 * pop_size ) + 1 ) ) ) )
if (DEBUG) total_fitness_vec.printf
return total_fitness_vec
// Adjust res and mut_res values based on the crowdedness of a mini-pool with
// the indices into 'pool' for the mini-pool supplied as an argument
proc adjust_res_for_mini_pool() { local i , j , method localobj ind , modifier
ind = $o1
method = $2
// call appropriate method here - modifier should be high for strong indivs
if ( method == 1 ) {
modifier = simple_crowdedness( ind )
} else if ( method == 2 ) {
modifier = total_fitness( ind )
j = 0
for ( i = 0 ; i < ( pop_size * 2 ) ; i+=1 ) {
if ( ind.contains( i ) ) {
// use divide by modifier because modifier of greater than 1
// indicates better result, and res.x[] values should be low
if ( i < pop_size ) {
res.x[ i ] = ( res.x[ i ] / modifier.x[ j ] )
} else {
mut_res.x[ i - pop_size ] = ( mut_res.x[ i - pop_size ] / \
modifier.x[ j ] )
* DE processes and functions
// Main DE function to generate a new mutant population using the
// standard DE algorithm
proc Mutants() {local i,j,inside,outside,starttime,x,y,z,num_muts_gend
starttime = startsw()
printf("Mutants: start\n")
//parallel version isn't faster unless > 1000 cpus are available...
//even then it is barely faster...
// serial version:
if (pc.nhost<1000) {
if (DEBUG) printf("Mutants: made it, serial\n")
for (i=0;i<pop_size;i+=1) {
if (DEBUG) printf("Population member: %d\n",i)
inside = 0
while ( inside == 0 ) {
mutate( i )
num_muts_gend += 1
if (DEBUG) printf(" Generated a mutant\n")
if (DEBUG) printf(" Generated %d mutants so far\n",num_muts_gend)
outside = 0
// loop through each parameter and check that none are outside boundaries
for ( j = 0; j < NP; j += 1 ) {
if (DEBUG) printf("param: %f; max: %f; min: %f\n",mut_pop.x[i][j],maxvec.x[j],minvec.x[j])
if ( mut_pop.x[i][j] < minvec.x[j] ) {
outside = 1
if (DEBUG) printf(" Parameter %d outside lower boundary\n",j)
} else if ( mut_pop.x[i][j] > maxvec.x[j] ) {
outside = 1
if (DEBUG) printf(" Parameter %d outside upper boundary\n",j)
if ( outside == 0 ) {
inside = 1
if (DEBUG) printf("All parameters inside boundaries!\n")
} // end of pop_size for loop (i)
} else { // bulletin board version:
for (i=0;i<pop_size;i+=1) {
pc.submit("mutPar", i)
while ((id = pc.working()) != 0) {
ind = pc.upkscalar()
transvec = pc.upkvec()
for (j=0;j<NP;j+=1) {
mut_pop.x[ind][j] = transvec.x[j]
printf("Mutants: mutants generated: %d\n", num_muts_gend)
printf("Mutants: time taken: %f\n", startsw() - starttime)
proc mutate() { local i, j, r0, r1, r2, jrand
r0 = $1
r1 = $1
r2 = $1
while ( r0 == $1 ) {
r0 = int( ru[0].repick() * pop_size )
while ( r1 == $1 ) {
r1 = int( ru[0].repick() * pop_size )
while ( r2 == $1 ) {
r2 = int( ru[0].repick() * pop_size )
// pick parameter to make sure at least one is mutated
jrand = int( ru[0].repick()*NP )
// loop through each parameter and generate the mutant vector
for ( j = 0; j < NP; j += 1 ) {
if ( ru[0].repick() <= Cross_prob || j == jrand ) {
mut_pop.x[$1][j] = ( pop.x[r0][j] + ( F * ( pop.x[r1][j] - pop.x[r2][j] ) ) )
} else {
mut_pop.x[$1][j] = pop.x[$1][j]
// pair of functions to transfer the pop matrix
// to the workers by encoding as a vector
func get_pop_from_master() { local i, j
for i=0, pop.nrow()-1 {
for j=0, pop.ncol()-1 {
pop.x[i][j] = $o1.x[i*pop.ncol() + j]
return 0
func send_pop_from_master() { local i, j
pop_vec = new Vector(pop.nrow()*pop.ncol())
for i=0, pop.nrow()-1 {
for j=0, pop.ncol()-1 {
pop_vec.x[i*pop.ncol() + j] = pop.x[i][j]
pc.context("get_pop_from_master", pop_vec)
return 0
// pair of functions to transfer the pop matrix
// to the workers by encoding as a vector
func get_mut_pop_from_master() { local i, j
for i=0, mut_pop.nrow()-1 {
for j=0, mut_pop.ncol()-1 {
mut_pop.x[i][j] = $o1.x[i*mut_pop.ncol() + j]
return 0
func send_mut_pop_from_master() { local i, j
mut_pop_vec = new Vector(mut_pop.nrow()*mut_pop.ncol())
for i=0, mut_pop.nrow()-1 {
for j=0, mut_pop.ncol()-1 {
mut_pop_vec.x[i*mut_pop.ncol() + j] = mut_pop.x[i][j]
pc.context("get_pop_from_master", mut_pop_vec)
return 0
func mutPar(){local ind,key,r0,r1,r2,i,j localobj mutvec
key = hoc_ac_
ind = $1
mutvec = new Vector(NP)
//pick base indices for the mutant to make the while loops work:
while (r0==ind) {
r0 = int(ru[pc.id].repick()*pop_size)
while (r1==ind || r1==r0) {
r1 = int(ru[pc.id].repick()*pop_size)
while (r2==ind || r2==r0 || r2==r1) {
r2 = int(ru[pc.id].repick()*pop_size)
//pick parameter to make sure at least one comes from mutant
// loop through each parameter and generate the mutant vector
for (j=0;j<NP;j+=1) {
if (ru[pc.id].repick()<=Cross_prob || j==jrand) {
if (mutvec.x[j]<=minvec.x[j]) {//if mut param is -ve...
mutvec.x[j]=minvec.x[j] //...make it +ve again
} else if (mutvec.x[j]>maxvec.x[j]) {//if mut param is huge
mutvec.x[j]=maxvec.x[j] //reign it in
} else {
}//end of NP for loop (j)
return key
// For every index in the population, checks which is fitter out of
// the parent and the mutant - saves the fitter one in the pop matrix
proc Merge_pops() {local i
for ( i = 0 ; i < pop_size ; i += 1 ) {
//printf("Merging : %d : pop: %f vs %f mut\n",i,res.x[i],mut_res.x[i])
if ( mut_res.x[ i ] < res.x[ i ] ) {
res.x[ i ] = mut_res.x[ i ]
ffs.setrow( i , mut_ffs.getrow( i ) )
for ( j = 0 ; j <= NP - 1 ; j += 1 ) {
pop.x[ i ][ j ] = mut_pop.x[ i ][ j ]
changed.x[ i ] = 1
} else {
changed.x[ i ] = 0
// Combine the two pools, pop and mut, and then take top pop_size members of
// this combined pool to be the new pop
proc Merge_pops_NSDE() { local i , ind localobj combPops_res , combPops_sort_ind , tempPop , tempPop_res , tempPop_ffs
// temporary vectors for holding things while sorting
combPops_res = new Vector()
combPops_sort_ind = new Vector()
tempPop = new Matrix( pop_size , NP )
tempPop_res = new Vector()
tempPop_ffs = new Matrix( pop_size , totalFFs )
// combine the results lists into one big one and then sort them all
combPops_res.append( res )
combPops_res.append( mut_res )
combPops_res.sortindex( combPops_sort_ind )
// now we're taking the top pop_size members of the population, and putting
// them into one new population
for ( i = 0 ; i < pop_size ; i += 1 ) {
ind = combPops_sort_ind.x[ i ]
if ( ind < pop_size ) {
tempPop_res.append( res.x[ ind ] )
tempPop_ffs.setrow( i , ffs.getrow( ind ) )
tempPop.setrow( i , pop.getrow( ind ) )
} else {
tempPop_res.append( mut_res.x[ ( ind - pop_size ) ] )
tempPop_ffs.setrow( i , mut_ffs.getrow( ( ind - pop_size ) ) )
tempPop.setrow( i , mut_pop.getrow( ( ind - pop_size ) ) )
pop = tempPop
res = tempPop_res
ffs = tempPop_ffs
//---------------------------------initialpopulation, random or from file -----------------
proc init_pop(){local i,j
for (i=0;i<=pop_size-1;i+=1){
for (j=0;j<NP;j+=1) {
} else {
proc print_pop(){local i , j
for ( i = 0 ; i <= pop_size-1 ; i += 1 ) {
fv_file.printf( "%d %d " , num_gen , i )
for ( j = 0 ; j <= NP-1 ; j += 1 ) {
fv_file.printf( "%1.16f " , pop.x[ i ][ j ] )
errVec = ffs.getrow( i )
for ( j = 0 ; j <= totalFFs-1 ; j += 1 ) {
fv_file.printf( "%g " , ffs.x[ i ][ j ] )
if (MULOBJ) {
fv_file.printf( "%g\n" , errVec.sum() )
} else {
fv_file.printf( "%g\n" , res.x[ i] )
// population being evaluated is either the parent population or the
// population of mutants - input variable 0 is parents, 1 is mutants
proc Evaluate_pop(){local i,j,k,ind,fitVal,which_pop,starttime
starttime = startsw()
which_pop = $1
printf("Evaluating pop!: %d %d\n", which_pop, num_gen)
if (pc.nhost == 1) { // use the serial form
for (i=0;i<=pop_size-1;i+=1){
if (which_pop == 0) {
for(j=0;j<=NP-1;j+=1) {
} else {
for(j=0;j<=NP-1;j+=1) {
} else { // use the bulletin board form
for (i=0;i<=pop_size-1;i+=1){
if (which_pop == 0) {
for(j=0;j<=NP-1;j+=1) {
} else {
for(j=0;j<=NP-1;j+=1) {
pc.submit( "tfunkpar" , i , transvec )
while ((id = pc.working()) != 0) {
if (DEBUG) printf("made it into while\n")
ind = pc.upkscalar()
if (DEBUG) printf("ind=%d\n",ind)
fitVal = pc.upkscalar()
if (DEBUG) printf("made it past upkscalars\n")
errVec = pc.upkvec()
// normalise FFs if desired
if ( NORMFFS ) {
xopen( "setup/normffs.hoc" )
fitVal = errVec.sum
if ( DEBUG ) printf( "collected %d error values\n" , errVec.size() )
if (which_pop == 0) {
ffs.setrow( ind , errVec )
} else {
mut_ffs.setrow( ind , errVec )
if (DEBUG) printf("made it past set fitVal\n")
if (DEBUG) printf("made it out of evaluate pop...\n")
printf("Pop evaluated!: %d %d\n", which_pop, num_gen)
printf("EvaluatePop: time taken = %f\n", startsw() - starttime)
func tfunk(){local k,fitnessVal
//set parameters
sprint( xstr , "set_n_params(" )
for ( k = 0 ; k < NP ; k += 1 ) {
if ( k == 0 ) {
sprint( xstr , "%stransvec.x[%d]" , xstr , k )
} else {
sprint( xstr , "%s,transvec.x[%d]" , xstr , k )
sprint( xstr , "%s)" , xstr )
//adjust conductances
//adjust kinetics
errVec = get_error_values()
if ( NORMFFS ) {
xopen( "setup/normffs.hoc" )
fitnessVal = errVec.sum
fv_file.printf("%d %d ",1,1)
for ( j = 0 ; j <= NP-1 ; j += 1 ) {
fv_file.printf( "%1.16f " , transvec.x[ j ] )
for ( j = 0 ; j <= errVec.size()-1 ; j += 1 ) {
fv_file.printf( "%g " , errVec.x[ j ] )
return fitnessVal
func tfunkpar(){local i, k, fitnessVal, ind, key localobj locerrVec
key = hoc_ac_
ind = $1
transvec = $o2
if (DEBUG) printf("%d: ind=%d\n",pc.id,ind)
//set parameters
sprint( parstr , "set_n_params(" )
for ( k = 0 ; k < NP ; k += 1 ) {
if ( k == 0 ) {
sprint( parstr , "%stransvec.x[%d]" , parstr , k )
} else {
sprint( parstr , "%s,transvec.x[%d]" , parstr , k )
sprint( parstr , "%s)" , parstr )
execute( parstr )
//adjust conductances
//adjust kinetics
if (DEBUG) printf("made it...1\n")
if (DEBUG) printf("made it...2\n")
locerrVec = get_error_values()
return key
// output function
proc print_things() { local j
// Add best result of this generation to the list
//printf("[Generation # %g] ",num_gen)
g_file.printf( "%g\t " , num_gen )
for ( j = 0 ; j <= NP - 1 ; j+=1 ) {
//printf("%10.5f \t",best_indiv.x[j])
g_file.printf( "%1.16f \t" , pop.x[ Best ][ j ] )
g_file.printf( "%10.2f\n" , ffs.getrow( Best ).sum )
//pop.printf("%5.6f ")
// Overwrite the whole of the current population for resuming
// or for making vtraces.dat
p_file.wopen( "output/curr_population" )
pop.fprint( p_file , "%g\t" , "\n" )
res.printf( p_file , "%g\n" )
proc find_best(){local i,j
Best = 0
for ( i = 1 ; i < pop_size ; i+=1 ) {
if ( res.x[ i ] < res.x[ Best ] ) {
Best = i
* Output processes and functions
proc save_voltages() { local i, j, k , ind localobj paramcombs
// First entry in vtrace file is Best
printf("Saving vTrace %d\n",i)
for( j = 0 ; j <= ( NP - 1 ) ; j += 1 ) transvec.x[j] = pop.x[Best][j]
sprint( xstr , "outputVtrace(" )
for ( k = 0 ; k < NP ; k += 1 ) {
if ( k == 0 ) {
sprint( xstr , "%stransvec.x[%d]" , xstr , k )
} else {
sprint( xstr , "%s,transvec.x[%d]" , xstr , k )
sprint( xstr , "%s)" , xstr )
printf("Save took %f\n",startsw()-starttimevolt)
// Then open up parameter combination file and set paramcombs Vector
// to contain the parameter sets selected for saving vtraces of
sprint( xstr, "%soutput/paramcombs.dat", PARENTDIR )
pc_file.ropen( xstr )
paramcombs = new Vector()
for ( i = 0 ; i < ( paramcombs.size ) ; i += 1 ) {
ind = paramcombs.x[i]
printf("Saving vTrace %d\n",i)
for( j = 0 ; j <= ( NP - 1 ) ; j += 1 ) transvec.x[j] = pop.x[ind-1][j]
sprint( xstr , "outputVtrace(" )
for ( k = 0 ; k < NP ; k += 1 ) {
if ( k == 0 ) {
sprint( xstr , "%stransvec.x[%d]" , xstr , k )
} else {
sprint( xstr , "%s,transvec.x[%d]" , xstr , k )
sprint( xstr , "%s)" , xstr )
printf("Save took %f\n",startsw()-starttimevolt)
proc save_iv() { local i , j , k , l , stimlvl , numtowrite , ind localobj targetV , modelV , paramcombs
// load up the target voltage vector
sprint( xstr , "data/%s/iv.dat" , cellname )
iv_file.ropen( xstr )
targetV = new Vector()
targetV.scanf( iv_file )
// open up the output dat file
ivout_file.wopen( "output/iv.dat" )
// Use the best parameter set for testing IV relationship
printf( "Saving IV curve data \n" )
// save the best one (index 0... hopefully...) and then save every one in
// paramcombs.dat, then write the number of spikes to the ilfe...
// Open parameter combination file and set paramcombs vector to contain
// the parameter sets selected for saving data
sprint( xstr, "%soutput/paramcombs.dat", PARENTDIR )
pc_file.ropen( xstr )
paramcombs = new Vector()
// modelV matrix will be width of paramcombs.size + 1 and length 9...
modelV = new Matrix( 9 , ( paramcombs.size + 1 ) )
for ( i = -1 ; i < ( paramcombs.size ) ; i += 1 ) {
if( i==-1 ) {
ind = 1
} else {
ind = paramcombs.x[i]
// we save the best fit first, and assumption here is a sorted
// curr_population file with best fit as the first entry
printf("Saving IV %d\n",ind)
for( j = 0 ; j <= ( NP - 1 ) ; j += 1 ) transvec.x[j] = pop.x[ind][j]
sprint( xstr , "set_n_params(" )
for ( k = 0 ; k < NP ; k += 1 ) {
if ( k == 0 ) {
sprint( xstr, "%stransvec.x[%d]", xstr, k )
} else {
sprint( xstr, "%s,transvec.x[%d]", xstr, k )
sprint( xstr, "%s)", xstr )
execute( xstr )
//adjust conductances
//adjust kinetics
// 9 levels of current injection tested:
// -160, -120, -80, -40, 0, 40, 80, 120, 160
for( l = 0 ; l < 9 ; l += 1 ) {
stimlvl = ( ( l * 0.04 ) - 0.16 )
sprint( xstr , "%s=%g" , stimname , stimlvl )
execute( xstr )
// init and run, take the voltage at 150ms...
// take the voltage
modelV.x[l][i+1] = v( 0.5 )
// write to file: stimlvl , target , each model
// write all 9 if using cell Dec15, but only 6 if using Jun24
if ( CELL == 2 ) {
numtowrite = 9
} else if ( CELL == 3 ) {
numtowrite = 6
} else {
numtowrite = 6
for( l = 0 ; l < numtowrite ; l += 1 ) {
stimlvl = ( ( l * 0.04 ) - 0.16 ) * 1000
sprint( xstr , "%g\t%g\t" , stimlvl , targetV.x[ l ] )
ivout_file.printf( xstr )
for( i = 0 ; i < (paramcombs.size+1) ; i += 1 ) {
sprint( xstr , "%g\t" , modelV.x[l][i] )
ivout_file.printf( xstr )
sprint( xstr , "\n" )
ivout_file.printf( xstr )
proc save_fi() { local i , j , k , l , stimlvl ,ind localobj targetFR , voltVecSpikes , spikeHist , modelFR , paramcombs
// load vectors
voltVecSpikes = new Vector()
spikeHist = new Vector()
// load up the target voltage vector
sprint( xstr , "data/%s/fi.dat" , cellname )
fi_file.ropen( xstr )
targetFR = new Vector()
targetFR.scanf( fi_file )
// open up the output dat file
fiout_file.wopen( "output/fi.dat" )
printf( "Saving FI curve data \n" )
// save the best one (index 0... hopefully...) and then save every one in
// paramcombs.dat, then write the number of spikes to the ilfe...
// Open parameter combination file and set paramcombs vector to contain
// the parameter sets selected for saving data
sprint( xstr, "%soutput/paramcombs.dat", PARENTDIR )
pc_file.ropen( xstr )
paramcombs = new Vector()
// modelFR matrix will be width of paramcombs.size + 1 and length 8...
modelFR = new Matrix( 8 , ( paramcombs.size + 1 ) )
for ( i = -1 ; i < ( paramcombs.size ) ; i += 1 ) {
if( i==-1 ) {
ind = 0
} else {
ind = paramcombs.x[i]
// we save the best fit first, and assumption here is a sorted
// curr_population file with best fit as the first entry
printf("Saving FI %d\n",ind)
for( j = 0 ; j <= ( NP - 1 ) ; j += 1 ) transvec.x[j] = pop.x[ind-1][j]
sprint( xstr , "set_n_params(" )
for ( k = 0 ; k < NP ; k += 1 ) {
if ( k == 0 ) {
sprint( xstr, "%stransvec.x[%d]", xstr, k )
} else {
sprint( xstr, "%s,transvec.x[%d]", xstr, k )
sprint( xstr, "%s)", xstr )
printf( "i = %d ; ind = %d ; %f\n" , i , ind , transvec.x[1] )
execute( xstr )
//adjust conductances
//adjust kinetics
// 8 levels of current injection tested:
// 30, 80, 130, 180, 230, 280, 330, 380
for( l = 0 ; l < 8 ; l += 1 ) {
stimlvl = ( ( l * 0.05 ) + 0.03 )
sprint( xstr , "%s=%g" , stimname , stimlvl )
execute( xstr )
// init and run, take the voltage at 200ms...
// count the spikes
voltVecSpikes.spikebin( voltVec , -20 )
spikeHist = voltVecSpikes.histogram( 0 , 1 , 1 )
modelFR.x[l][i+1] = spikeHist.x[ 2 ]
// write to file: stimlvl , target , each model
for( l = 0 ; l < 8 ; l += 1 ) {
stimlvl = ( ( l * 0.05 ) + 0.03 )
sprint( xstr , "%g\t%g\t" , stimlvl , targetFR.x[ l ] )
fiout_file.printf( xstr )
for( i = 0 ; i < (paramcombs.size+1) ; i += 1 ) {
sprint( xstr , "%g\t" , modelFR.x[l][i] )
fiout_file.printf( xstr )
sprint( xstr , "\n" )
fiout_file.printf( xstr )
/* process sensitivity_analysis()
* Generates fitness values for all fitness functions in all currently loaded
* generators for a range of parameters centred around the curr_population.
* This means the process takes the current best fitting parameter values for
* the model, tests them with +- a % to each parameter in turn, and saves the
* associated parameter values and fitness value from every function in an
* output file.
* Runs in parallel using the same code the Evaluate_Pop() uses to distribute
* jobs.
* Currently unsure how exactly to generate the populations. Can use:
* N_processes == number of permutations of parameter values, then get
* all of the permutations for one parameter in the population at a time,
* OR
* N_processes == population size, and do one permutation of each
* parameter at a time, generating that permutation for every member of
* the population.
proc sensitivity_analysis(){local i,j,k,numPerms,fitnessVal,ind localobj permMat
/* Procesing order:
* 1) Generate populations to be submitted to workers one at a time,
* sending them off to run, waiting for the results, gathering results
* as they come back, and writing to the output file.
printf( "Sensitivity Analysis commencing in 3...2...1... GO!\n" )
// 1) going to use first methoed where n_processes = number of permutations
// initialise vector holding permutations, and work out number of
// permutations based on number of parameters (NP)
numPerms = ( ( NP * 4 ) + 1 )
permMat = new Matrix( numPerms , NP )
// set up permutations for members of population one at a time
// Can set pop_size here to not run through lots of very similar parameters
pop_size = 1
for ( i = 0 ; i <= pop_size-1 ; i += 1 ) {
printf( "Population member: %d\n" , i )
printf( "Generating permutations...\n" )
// fill the permMat with identical vectors, the current pop member:
for ( j = 0 ; j <= numPerms-1 ; j += 1 ) {
for ( k = 0 ; k <= NP-1 ; k += 1 ) {
permMat.x[ j ][ k ] = pop.x[ i ][ k ]
// now modulate one parameter by -10, -5, +5 and +10 % in 4 adjacent
// rows, for each paramter, starting at row index 1 (base is 0)...
row = 1
for ( j = 0 ; j <= NP-1 ; j += 1 ) {
permMat.x[ row ][ j ] = ( pop.x[ i ][ j ] * 0.9 )
row += 1
permMat.x[ row ][ j ] = ( pop.x[ i ][ j ] * 0.95 )
row += 1
permMat.x[ row ][ j ] = ( pop.x[ i ][ j ] * 1.05 )
row += 1
permMat.x[ row ][ j ] = ( pop.x[ i ][ j ] * 1.1 )
row += 1
// now run simulations to get fitness values for each permutation, and
// save output to the sa_file()
if ( pc.nhost == 1 ) { // use the serial form
// can't just use tfunk(), as this is always set to save to fv_file,
// so the guts of it are copied here:
//for each permutation...
for ( j = 0 ; j <= numPerms-1 ; j += 1 ) {
printf( "...Simulating permutation %d...\n" , j )
//...retrieve parameters from permMat...
for ( k = 0 ; k <= NP-1 ; k += 1 ) {
transvec.x[ k ] = permMat.x[ j ][ k ]
//...set parameters...
sprint( xstr , "set_n_params(" )
for ( k = 0 ; k < NP ; k += 1 ) {
if ( k == 0 ) {
sprint( xstr , "%stransvec.x[%d]" , xstr , k )
} else {
sprint( xstr , "%s,transvec.x[%d]" , xstr , k )
sprint( xstr , "%s)" , xstr )
//...adjust conductances...
//...adjust kinetics...
//...run simulation...
//...retrieve total error...
//...retrieve individual error values...
errVec = get_error_values()
//...write this stuff to the output file...
sa_file.printf("%d %d ",1,1)
for ( k = 0 ; k <= NP-1 ; k += 1 ) {
sa_file.printf( "%1.16f " , transvec.x[ k ] )
for ( k = 0 ; k <= errVec.size()-1 ; k += 1 ) {
sa_file.printf( "%g " , errVec.x[ k ] )
//.. finally loop to next permutation
} else { // use the bulletin board form
// for each permutation...
for ( j = 0 ; j <= numPerms-1 ; j += 1 ) {
//...retrieve parameters from permMat...
for ( k = 0 ; k <= NP-1 ; k += 1 ) {
transvec.x[ k ] = permMat.x[ j ][ k ]
if ( DEBUG ) printf( "j=%d\n" , j )
//...submit a job for this permutation to the worker nodes...
pc.submit( "tfunkpar" , j , transvec )
//...loop back and set up a job for the next permutation...
// While results aren't in from every job yet...
while ((id = pc.working()) != 0) {
//...when something gets returned, retrieve the output values...
if (DEBUG) printf("made it into while\n")
ind = pc.upkscalar()
if (DEBUG) printf("ind=%d\n",ind)
fitVal = pc.upkscalar()
if (DEBUG) printf("made it past upkscalars\n")
errVec = pc.upkvec()
if ( DEBUG ) printf( "collected %d error values\n" , errVec.size() )
//...write the results to the output file...
//fv_file.printf("%d %d %1.16f %1.16f %1.16f %10.2f\n",id,ind,pop.x[ind][0],pop.x[ind][1],pop.x[ind][2],fitVal)
sa_file.printf("%d %d ",id,ind)
for ( j = 0 ; j <= NP-1 ; j += 1 ) {
sa_file.printf( "%1.16f " , pop.x[ ind ][ j ] )
for ( j = 0 ; j <= errVec.size()-1 ; j += 1 ) {
sa_file.printf( "%g " , errVec.x[ j ] )
if ( DEBUG ) printf( "made it out of sensitivity analysis...\n" )
printf( "Sensitivity analysed!\n" )
proc random_testing(){local i , j , k , fitVal localobj paramVec
// make file of randomTesting parameters for producing output figures
param_file.wopen( "output/metaparams.dat" )
param_file.printf( "%s: %d\n" , "population" , rand_max_pop )
param_file.printf( "%s: %d\n" , "parameters" , NP )
param_file.printf( "%s: %d\n" , "generators" , NGens )
param_file.printf( "%s: %d\n" , "totalFFs" , totalFFs )
param_file.printf( "%s: %d\n" , "totalT" , (Tend.max()/voltvecdt) )
param_file.printf( "%s: %d\n" , "MRF" , MRFflag )
param_file.printf( "%s: %g\n" , "dt" , voltvecdt)
param_file.printf( "%s: %d\n" , "generations" , 1 )
// submit a load of jobs for the parallel workers to attack...
for ( i = 0 ; i < rand_max_pop ; i += 1 ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < NP ; j += 1 ) {
transvec.x[ j ] = r[ j ].repick()
pc.submit( "tfunkpar" , i , transvec )
//... wait for results back from the workers, and print them to a file
while ((id = pc.working()) != 0) {
ind = pc.upkscalar()
fitVal = pc.upkscalar()
errVec = pc.upkvec()
paramVec = pc.upkvec()
fv_file.printf("%d %d ",id,ind)
for ( i = 0 ; i < paramVec.size() ; i += 1 ) {
fv_file.printf( "%1.16f " , paramVec.x[ i ] )
for ( i = 0 ; i < errVec.size() ; i += 1 ) {
fv_file.printf( "%g " , errVec.x[ i ] )
Elapsed = startsw() - begintime
print "-------------------------------end of Random Testing----------------------------------"
printf( "\nTime Taken = %d\n" , Elapsed )