{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "id": "0b85a598", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from brian2 import *\n", "\n", "from adex_sine import *\n", "\n", "defaultclock.dt = 10 * us\n", "\n", "\n", "class Model:\n", " # Model type flags\n", " SINE = 0\n", " EXP2SYN = 1\n", "\n", " # Noise flags\n", " HIGH = 0\n", " LOW = 1\n", " OFF = -1\n", "\n", " # Noise parameters\n", " EXCITATORY_NOISE_VARIANCE = {HIGH: 0.5 * nS, LOW: 0.25 * nS, OFF: 0 * nS}\n", " INHIBITORY_NOISE_VARIANCE = {HIGH: 1.25 * nS, LOW: 0.625 * nS, OFF: 0 * nS}\n", "\n", " # Noise mean conductance\n", " EXCITATORY_CONDUCTANCE = 1 * nS\n", " INHIBITORY_CONDUCTANCE = 4 * nS\n", "\n", " DEFAULT_PARAMETERS = {\n", " \"sigma_flux\" : 6.75*pA, \n", " \"c\": 85 * pF,\n", " \"tau_w\": 18 * ms,\n", " \"b\": 0.25 * nA,\n", " \"a\": 1.3 * nS,\n", " \"v_T\": -45 * mV,\n", " \"v_thresh\": 0 * mV,\n", " \"DeltaT\": 0.2 * mV,\n", " # EQUILIBRIUM POTENTIAL\n", " \"e_l\": -65 * mV,\n", " \"e_ex\": 0 * mV,\n", " \"e_in\": -70 * mV,\n", " # CONDUCTANCES\n", " \"g_l\": 3 * nS,\n", " \"mu_ex\": 0 * nS,\n", " \"mu_in\": 0 * nS,\n", " # EXCITATORY NOISE\n", " \"sigma_ex\": 0 * nS,\n", " \"tau_noise_ex\": 3 * ms,\n", " # INHIBITORY NOISE\n", " \"sigma_in\": 0 * nS,\n", " \"tau_noise_in\": 10 * ms,\n", " # SINE INPUT\n", " \"f\": 100 * Hz,\n", " \"A\": 0 * pA,\n", " \"i_injected\": 0 * pA,\n", " \"v_reset\": -70 * mV,\n", " # m current\n", " \"g_adapt\": 10 * nS,\n", " \"e_k\": -90*mV,\n", " \"beta_z\": -35*mV,\n", " \"gamma_z\": 4*mV, #5\n", " \"tau_z\": 100*ms,\n", " }\n", "\n", " def __init__(\n", " self, n, *, stim=None, noise=None, resistance=None, additional_vars=()\n", " ):\n", " if resistance is None:\n", " raise ValueError(\"Resistance must be specified\")\n", "\n", " if noise is None:\n", " raise ValueError(\"Noise must be specified\")\n", "\n", " self.stim_type = stim\n", " self._input_resistance = None\n", " self._noise_level = None\n", " self._duration = 0\n", " self.recorded_vars = (\"v\",) + additional_vars\n", "\n", " self.neurons = self.set_default(n_neuron=n)\n", " self.set_resistance(resistance)\n", " self.set_noise(noise)\n", "\n", " self.spikes = None\n", " self.spiker = None\n", " self.synapses = None\n", " self.inhib_synapses = None\n", " self.smon = None\n", " self.network = None\n", " self.build_network()\n", "\n", " def create_model(self):\n", " return ADEX_MODEL, self.DEFAULT_PARAMETERS\n", "\n", " def set_default(self, n_neuron):\n", " model, parameters = self.create_model()\n", "\n", " neurons = NeuronGroup(\n", " n_neuron,\n", " model=model,\n", " method=\"Euler\",\n", " name=\"neurons\",\n", " threshold=\"v > v_thresh\",\n", " reset=\"v = v_reset; w += b\",\n", " )\n", "\n", " for parameter, value in parameters.items():\n", " neurons.__setattr__(parameter, value)\n", "\n", " neurons.v = neurons.e_l # remove most of transient\n", "\n", " return neurons\n", "\n", " def set_resistance(self, level):\n", " if level == self.LOW:\n", " exc_conductance = self.EXCITATORY_CONDUCTANCE\n", " inhib_conductance = self.INHIBITORY_CONDUCTANCE\n", "\n", " else:\n", " exc_conductance = inhib_conductance = 0\n", "\n", " self._input_resistance = level\n", " self._set_variable(\"mu_ex\", exc_conductance)\n", " self._set_variable(\"mu_in\", inhib_conductance)\n", "\n", " def set_noise(self, level):\n", " if level == self.HIGH or level == self.LOW:\n", " exc_noise = self.EXCITATORY_NOISE_VARIANCE[level]\n", " inhib_noise = self.INHIBITORY_NOISE_VARIANCE[level]\n", "\n", " else:\n", " exc_noise = inhib_noise = 0\n", "\n", " self._noise_level = level\n", " self._set_variable(\"sigma_ex\", exc_noise)\n", " self._set_variable(\"sigma_in\", inhib_noise)\n", "\n", " def set_injected_current(self, amplitude):\n", " self._set_variable(\"i_injected\", amplitude)\n", " self._set_variable(\"A\", 0 * pA)\n", "\n", " def set_stimulus_current(self, amplitude):\n", " self._set_variable(\"A\", amplitude)\n", " self._set_variable(\"i_injected\", 0 * pA)\n", "\n", " @property\n", " def f(self):\n", " return self.neurons.f\n", "\n", " @f.setter\n", " def f(self, new_f):\n", " self._set_variable(\"f\", new_f) # this will reset smon\n", " if self.stim_type == self.EXP2SYN:\n", " self.spiker.T = 1 / new_f\n", "\n", " def run(self, duration, report=\"stdout\"):\n", " self._duration = duration\n", " self.network.run(duration, report=report)\n", "\n", " def build_network(self):\n", " self.smon = StateMonitor(\n", " self.neurons, self.recorded_vars, record=True, name=\"smon\"\n", " )\n", " self.spikes = SpikeMonitor(self.neurons, name=\"spikes\")\n", "\n", " self.network = Network(self.neurons, self.smon, self.spikes)\n", "\n", " def _set_variable(self, name, value):\n", " self.neurons.__setattr__(name, value)\n", " self.reset_recording()\n", "\n", " def reset_recording(self):\n", " try:\n", " self.network\n", " except AttributeError:\n", " return # network not yet initialized\n", "\n", " self.network.remove(self.smon, self.spikes)\n", "\n", " self.smon = StateMonitor(\n", " self.neurons, self.recorded_vars, record=True, name=\"smon\"\n", " )\n", " self.spikes = SpikeMonitor(self.neurons, name=\"spikes\")\n", "\n", " self.network.add(self.smon, self.spikes)\n", "\n", " @property\n", " def spike_train(self):\n", " return self.spikes.spike_trains()\n", "\n", " @property\n", " def firing_rate(self):\n", " return self.spikes.count / self.duration\n", "\n", " @property\n", " def duration(self):\n", " return self._duration\n", "\n", " @property\n", " def input_resistance(self):\n", " if self._input_resistance == self.HIGH:\n", " return \"HIGH\"\n", " else:\n", " return \"LOW\"\n", "\n", " @property\n", " def noise_level(self):\n", " if self._noise_level == self.HIGH:\n", " return \"HIGH\"\n", " elif self._noise_level == self.LOW:\n", " return \"LOW\"\n", " else:\n", " return \"NO\"\n", "\n", " def __repr__(self):\n", " return f\"{self.neurons.N} Neurons with {self.input_resistance} input resistance and {self.noise_level} noise\"\n", "\n", " def __str__(self):\n", " return self.__repr__()\n", "\n", " def store(self, name):\n", " self.network.store(name)\n", "\n", " def restore(self, name):\n", " self.network.restore(name)\n", "\n", " @property\n", " def v(self):\n", " return self.smon.v\n", "\n", " @property\n", " def t(self):\n", " return self.smon.t\n", "\n", " @property\n", " def injected_current(self):\n", " return self.neurons.i_injected\n", "\n", " @property\n", " def stimulus_amplitude(self):\n", " return self.neurons.A\n", "\n", "\n", "class CurrentModel(Model):\n", " def __init__(self, **kwargs):\n", " super().__init__(stim=self.SINE, **kwargs)\n", "\n", " def create_model(self):\n", " model, parameters = super().create_model()\n", " model += CURRENT_INPUT\n", "\n", " return model, parameters\n", "\n", "\n", "class SineModel(CurrentModel):\n", " def create_model(self):\n", " model, parameters = super().create_model()\n", " model += SINE_INPUT\n", "\n", " return model, parameters\n", "\n", "\n", "class SawModel(CurrentModel):\n", " def create_model(self):\n", " model, parameters = super().create_model()\n", " model += SAW_INPUT\n", "\n", " return model, parameters\n", "\n", "\n", "class SynapticModel(Model):\n", " def __init__(self, **kwargs):\n", " super().__init__(stim=self.EXP2SYN, **kwargs)\n", "\n", " SYNAPTIC_PARAMETERS = {\n", " \"tau_input_1\": 0.4 * ms,\n", " \"tau_input_2\": 4 * ms,\n", " \"offset_A\": 1.48793507e-11,\n", " \"offset_B\": -2.66359562e-08,\n", " \"offset_C\": 1.77538800e-05,\n", " \"offset_D\": -8.05925810e-04,\n", " \"offset_E\": -3.51463644e-02,\n", " \"offset_switch\": 0,\n", " }\n", "\n", " def create_model(self):\n", " model, parameters = super().create_model()\n", " model += EXP2SYN_WAVEFORM + SUMMATION_OFFSET\n", " parameters = {**parameters, **self.SYNAPTIC_PARAMETERS}\n", "\n", " return model, parameters\n", "\n", " def build_network(self):\n", " super().build_network()\n", " self.spiker = NeuronGroup(\n", " self.neurons.N,\n", " \"\"\"T : second (constant)\n", " lastspike : second\"\"\",\n", " threshold=\"timestep(t-lastspike, dt)>=timestep(T, dt)\",\n", " reset=\"lastspike=t\",\n", " )\n", " self.spiker.T = 1 / self.neurons.f\n", " self.synapses = Synapses(\n", " self.spiker, self.neurons, on_pre=\"input_aux += 1\"\n", " ) # connect input to neurons\n", " self.synapses.connect(\"i==j\") # one synapse goes to one neuron\n", "\n", " self.network.add(self.spiker, self.synapses)\n", "\n", "\n", "class SynapticCurrentModel(SynapticModel):\n", " def __init__(self, offset=True, **kwargs):\n", " self.offset = 1 if offset else 0\n", " super().__init__(**kwargs)\n", "\n", " def create_model(self):\n", " model, parameters = super().create_model()\n", " model += CURRENT_INPUT + SYNAPTIC_INPUT_CURRENT\n", " parameters = {**parameters, **{\"offset_switch\": self.offset}}\n", "\n", " return model, parameters\n", "\n", "\n", "class SynapticConductanceModel(SynapticModel):\n", " FLAT = 0\n", " ACTIVE = 1\n", "\n", " CONDUCTANCE_PARAMETERS = {\n", " \"A\": 0 * nS, # overwrite A to be conductance\n", " \"g_i\": 1 * nS,\n", " }\n", "\n", " INHIBITION_PARAMETERS = {\n", " \"tau_inhibition_1\": 1 * ms,\n", " \"tau_inhibition_2\": 10 * ms,\n", " }\n", "\n", " def __init__(self, offset=ACTIVE, **kwargs):\n", " self.offset = offset\n", " super().__init__(**kwargs)\n", "\n", " def create_model(self):\n", " model, parameters = super().create_model()\n", " if self.offset == self.FLAT:\n", " model += CONDUCTANCE_INPUT + SYNAPTIC_CONDUCTANCE_FLAT\n", " parameters = {\n", " **parameters,\n", " **self.SYNAPTIC_PARAMETERS,\n", " **self.CONDUCTANCE_PARAMETERS,\n", " **{\"offset_switch\": 1},\n", " }\n", "\n", " elif self.offset == self.ACTIVE:\n", " model += CONDUCTANCE_INPUT + SYNAPTIC_CONDUCTANCE_STIM\n", " parameters = {\n", " **parameters,\n", " **self.SYNAPTIC_PARAMETERS,\n", " **self.CONDUCTANCE_PARAMETERS,\n", " **self.INHIBITION_PARAMETERS,\n", " }\n", "\n", " return model, parameters\n", "\n", " def build_network(self):\n", " super().build_network()\n", " if self.offset != self.ACTIVE:\n", " return\n", "\n", " self.inhib_synapses = Synapses(\n", " self.spiker, self.neurons, on_pre=\"input_inhib_aux += 1\", delay=2 * ms\n", " ) # connect input to neurons\n", " self.inhib_synapses.connect(\"i==j\") # one synapse goes to one neuron\n", "\n", " self.network.add(self.inhib_synapses)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "id": "c82769f2", "metadata": { "scrolled": false }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "WARNING Cannot use Cython, a test compilation failed: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with \"Microsoft C++ Build Tools\": https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/ (DistutilsPlatformError) [brian2.codegen.runtime.cython_rt.cython_rt.failed_compile_test]\n", "INFO Cannot use compiled code, falling back to the numpy code generation target. Note that this will likely be slower than using compiled code. Set the code generation to numpy manually to avoid this message:\n", "prefs.codegen.target = \"numpy\" [brian2.devices.device.codegen_fallback]\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Starting simulation at t=0. s for a duration of 12. s\n", "0.55571 s (4%) simulated in 10s, estimated 3m 26s remaining.\n", "1.08461 s (9%) simulated in 20s, estimated 3m 21s remaining.\n", "1.63734 s (13%) simulated in 30s, estimated 3m 10s remaining.\n", "2.16732 s (18%) simulated in 40s, estimated 3m 1s remaining.\n", "2.70551 s (22%) simulated in 50s, estimated 2m 52s remaining.\n", "3.19106 s (26%) simulated in 1m 0s, estimated 2m 46s remaining.\n", "3.70956 s (30%) simulated in 1m 10s, estimated 2m 36s remaining.\n", "4.20599 s (35%) simulated in 1m 20s, estimated 2m 28s remaining.\n", "4.70702 s (39%) simulated in 1m 30s, estimated 2m 19s remaining.\n", "5.21532 s (43%) simulated in 1m 40s, estimated 2m 10s remaining.\n", "5.7268 s (47%) simulated in 1m 50s, estimated 2m 1s remaining.\n", "6.21988 s (51%) simulated in 2m 0s, estimated 1m 52s remaining.\n", "6.73946 s (56%) simulated in 2m 10s, estimated 1m 41s remaining.\n", "7.25373 s (60%) simulated in 2m 20s, estimated 1m 32s remaining.\n", "7.76556 s (64%) simulated in 2m 30s, estimated 1m 22s remaining.\n", "8.28411 s (69%) simulated in 2m 40s, estimated 1m 12s remaining.\n", "8.79032 s (73%) simulated in 2m 50s, estimated 1m 2s remaining.\n", "9.29755 s (77%) simulated in 3m 0s, estimated 52s remaining.\n", "9.80043 s (81%) simulated in 3m 10s, estimated 43s remaining.\n", "10.30628 s (85%) simulated in 3m 20s, estimated 33s remaining.\n", "10.7739 s (89%) simulated in 3m 30s, estimated 24s remaining.\n", "11.11092 s (92%) simulated in 3m 40s, estimated 18s remaining.\n", "11.34473 s (94%) simulated in 3m 50s, estimated 13s remaining.\n", "11.57734 s (96%) simulated in 4m 0s, estimated 9s remaining.\n", "11.80994 s (98%) simulated in 4m 10s, estimated 4s remaining.\n", "12. s (100%) simulated in 4m 17s\n" ] }, { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[<matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb3afeeb0>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb41ad970>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb41c1430>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb41cff40>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb41e1850>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb41f3340>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb4202d90>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb4214a90>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb4227550>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb4237fa0>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb4248ac0>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb425a640>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb426f0d0>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb427cc10>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb428d6a0>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb42a01c0>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb42b0af0>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb42c2610>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb42d0fd0>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb42e39d0>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb42f54f0>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb4308070>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb4316b20>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb4329730>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb433c160>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb434aa90>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb435b490>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb436afd0>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb437da30>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb438f4c0>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb43a3100>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb43af8b0>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb43c33d0>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb43d2eb0>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb43e4970>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb43f63a0>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb4405d90>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb4416670>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb4429190>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb4437c70>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb444b640>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb4458fa0>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb446b9d0>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb447d5b0>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb4491070>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb449faf0>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb44b0520>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb44bffd0>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb44d2940>,\n", " <matplotlib.collections.EventCollection at 0x23bb44e4370>]" ] }, "execution_count": 2, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" }, { "data": { "image/png": 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"text/plain": [ "<Figure size 432x288 with 1 Axes>" ] }, "metadata": { "needs_background": "light" }, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "#from models import Model, SynapticConductanceModel\n", "from brian2 import *\n", "import numpy as np\n", "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n", "\n", "\n", "model = SynapticConductanceModel(resistance=Model.LOW, # Model.LOW, Model.HIGH\n", " noise=Model.HIGH, n=50, # Model.OFF, Model.LOW, Model,HIGH\n", " offset=SynapticConductanceModel.ACTIVE)\n", "\n", "\n", "# model = SineModel(resistance=Model.LOW, # Model.LOW, Model.HIGH\n", "# noise=Model.OFF, n=1, # Model.OFF, Model.LOW, Model,HIGH\n", "# )\n", "\n", "\n", "model.f = 100 * Hz\n", "model.set_stimulus_current(400 * nS) # current should be scaled by 100x for Active Offset so (500nS is actually 5nS)\n", "model._set_variable(\"i_injected\", 90 * pA)\n", "\n", "\n", "model.run(12*second)\n", "\n", "spike_times = [s/ms for s in model.spike_train.values()]\n", "\n", "plt.eventplot(spike_times)\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "id": "7f22e21e", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "[array([ 12.74, 51.81, 101.27, 154.83, 183.71, 230.97,\n", " 284.38, 355.14, 442.38, 492.28, 576.97, 622.3 ,\n", " 690.99, 734.72, 783.22, 830.99, 895.25, 983.62,\n", " 1033.51, 1072.14, 1171.18, 1224.77, 1342. , 1402.15,\n", " 1462.08, 1494.01, 1542.22, 1593.38, 1673.56, 1722.57,\n", " 1772.36, 1815.87, 1865.1 , 1943.94, 2002.31, 2051.31,\n", " 2101.56, 2163.21, 2213.11, 2271. , 2332.34, 2414.01,\n", " 2472.01, 2523.92, 2601.6 , 2683.88, 2752.51, 2811.62,\n", " 2873.35, 2932.86, 2992.24, 3051.81, 3103.5 , 3183.61,\n", " 3225.14, 3291.03, 3332.46, 3393.17, 3433.02, 3474.16,\n", " 3511.8 , 3551.21, 3612.79, 3682.2 , 3732.1 , 3781.24,\n", " 3822.14, 3864.15, 3911.24, 3960.92, 4011.57, 4054.19,\n", " 4093.22, 4134.83, 4193.04, 4261.83, 4312.33, 4392.81,\n", " 4432.29, 4493.55, 4563.06, 4612.02, 4692.29, 4851.49,\n", " 4931.96, 4995.37, 5037.47, 5091.09, 5143.2 , 5181.89,\n", " 5261.88, 5313.53, 5352.79, 5402.01, 5451.42, 5493.64,\n", " 5541.99, 5592.12, 5634.55, 5724.72, 5765.14, 5813.07,\n", " 5894.15, 5933.73, 5984.25, 6052.57, 6103.81, 6163.7 ,\n", " 6211.82, 6262.97, 6312.04, 6353.11, 6400.72, 6452.66,\n", " 6494.39, 6534.29, 6583.55, 6633.68, 6745.5 , 6782.99,\n", " 6882.33, 6931.71, 6973.15, 7031.77, 7113.24, 7152.37,\n", " 7233.82, 7276.59, 7371.72, 7483.49, 7522.76, 7592.79,\n", " 7647.08, 7691.94, 7772.92, 7833.38, 7883.81, 7982.96,\n", " 8034.59, 8073.31, 8113.58, 8181.41, 8231.8 , 8273.07,\n", " 8343.89, 8392.33, 8453.19, 8503.93, 8552.67, 8592.06,\n", " 8663.09, 8725.39, 8781.51, 8842.45, 8894.87, 8934.69,\n", " 8992.46, 9061.85, 9121.19, 9202.63, 9252.71, 9310.72,\n", " 9362.47, 9402.11, 9464.03, 9530.64, 9601.76, 9661.3 ,\n", " 9722.31, 9781. , 9842.95, 9902.39, 9953.44, 10052.47,\n", " 10124.1 , 10163.3 , 10221.55, 10282.34, 10333.07, 10422.29,\n", " 10463.98, 10513.75, 10568.14, 10632.05, 10682.99, 10724.23,\n", " 10780.81, 10824.12, 10883.66, 10932.09, 10970.75, 11032.06,\n", " 11064.52, 11121.89, 11188.02, 11244.52, 11303.33, 11341.87,\n", " 11389.85, 11412.94, 11502.05, 11552.84, 11613.25, 11732.12,\n", " 11772.06, 11812.92, 11864.12, 11932.97]), array([ 20.52, 72.68, 104.06, 155.52, 202.74, 293.12,\n", " 334.98, 382.22, 421.11, 461.45, 531.87, 582.95,\n", " 652.67, 752.81, 812.28, 863.61, 902.13, 952.03,\n", " 1002.97, 1081.46, 1123.75, 1163.54, 1201.12, 1243.24,\n", " 1292.79, 1323.88, 1402.85, 1441.57, 1483.56, 1531.96,\n", " 1582.07, 1633.85, 1673.64, 1742.25, 1790.99, 1832.57,\n", " 1902.85, 1952.42, 2061.71, 2161.5 , 2202.08, 2241.59,\n", " 2284.77, 2335.38, 2394.52, 2444.66, 2492.36, 2543.44,\n", " 2601.97, 2662.91, 2712.36, 2761.79, 2851.21, 2903.96,\n", " 2971.29, 3023.18, 3073.42, 3114.34, 3153.06, 3191.7 ,\n", " 3264.61, 3310.99, 3361.76, 3445.18, 3503.39, 3552.68,\n", " 3642.12, 3694.9 , 3742.83, 3777.52, 3832.47, 3882.54,\n", " 3922.64, 3970.99, 4041.66, 4091. , 4143.44, 4181.59,\n", " 4223.24, 4273.23, 4332.94, 4383.3 , 4444.13, 4502.32,\n", " 4571.16, 4602.8 , 4666.45, 4752.53, 4813.06, 4872.97,\n", " 4923.83, 4973.34, 5032.75, 5102.27, 5182.67, 5232.33,\n", " 5291.09, 5332.46, 5411.79, 5481.69, 5516.48, 5552.71,\n", " 5602.26, 5643.94, 5682.49, 5712.07, 5812.82, 5862.43,\n", " 5922.29, 5982.42, 6024.56, 6072.23, 6182.3 , 6222.57,\n", " 6291.89, 6331.67, 6411.63, 6448.37, 6501.32, 6543.81,\n", " 6613.17, 6684.03, 6723.05, 6782.65, 6842.32, 6884.28,\n", " 6972.3 , 7013.5 , 7071.37, 7153.9 , 7191.47, 7281.97,\n", " 7325.43, 7392.35, 7442.75, 7522.48, 7606.68, 7643.66,\n", " 7723.52, 7763.66, 7804.59, 7892.99, 7943.68, 7983.77,\n", " 8031.45, 8123.35, 8181. , 8241.95, 8281.64, 8353.49,\n", " 8402.58, 8453.49, 8492.46, 8573.23, 8611.66, 8691.13,\n", " 8754.31, 8811.43, 8870.82, 8902.19, 8971.63, 9093.13,\n", " 9141.13, 9195.03, 9332.68, 9373.6 , 9462.66, 9502.96,\n", " 9542.5 , 9582.47, 9652.22, 9693.28, 9734.02, 9880.69,\n", " 9932.94, 9982.28, 10061.97, 10120.45, 10183.6 , 10283.59,\n", " 10331.95, 10371.88, 10423.95, 10474.23, 10525.51, 10561.67,\n", " 10651.14, 10702.95, 10803.25, 10854.52, 10952. , 11002.31,\n", " 11084.53, 11152.46, 11201.55, 11252.14, 11313.91, 11362.56,\n", " 11412.37, 11443.78, 11533.38, 11621.79, 11662.16, 11731.93,\n", " 11792.76, 11842.73, 11892.04, 11941.59, 11996.6 ]), array([ 20.95, 72.26, 134.24, 201.45, 271.48, 352.83,\n", " 443.08, 491.58, 543.7 , 593.09, 633.3 , 675.08,\n", " 721.63, 773.18, 811.91, 851.44, 902.76, 942.6 ,\n", " 983.34, 1021.99, 1102.32, 1171.54, 1233.53, 1302.72,\n", " 1384.29, 1431.5 , 1491.78, 1532.09, 1582.12, 1633.4 ,\n", " 1681.59, 1724.13, 1780.73, 1872. , 1921.2 , 1972.12,\n", " 2033.87, 2074.97, 2114.09, 2173.28, 2232.63, 2282.99,\n", " 2361.62, 2402.53, 2454.76, 2521.8 , 2563.49, 2603.56,\n", " 2654.17, 2688.64, 2751.94, 2814.76, 2891.81, 2942.42,\n", " 3003.9 , 3102.26, 3242.73, 3292.21, 3373.83, 3461.39,\n", " 3513.1 , 3594.14, 3631.9 , 3682.43, 3722.15, 3762.85,\n", " 3823.16, 3871.21, 3922. , 4003.56, 4055.56, 4152.97,\n", " 4202.39, 4276.06, 4323.56, 4402.49, 4476.59, 4532.51,\n", " 4583.22, 4643.24, 4674.22, 4734.37, 4811.84, 4852.37,\n", " 4914.05, 4952.49, 5002.96, 5042.82, 5122.5 , 5172.08,\n", " 5212.36, 5262.02, 5303.1 , 5384.11, 5483.8 , 5520.95,\n", " 5557.6 , 5601.41, 5651.92, 5712.99, 5775.03, 5833.39,\n", " 5883.74, 5945.18, 5982.66, 6032.2 , 6070.39, 6122.54,\n", " 6171.75, 6214.85, 6282.14, 6341.19, 6403.31, 6463.61,\n", " 6511.46, 6544. , 6595.04, 6672.44, 6721.62, 6801.48,\n", " 6843.19, 6873.41, 6913.71, 6964.32, 7034.01, 7070.87,\n", " 7113.08, 7180.44, 7231.38, 7292.21, 7350.82, 7402.73,\n", " 7453.05, 7521.2 , 7582.57, 7631.53, 7682.19, 7714.26,\n", " 7755.95, 7821.76, 7883.54, 7932.49, 7972.33, 8022.63,\n", " 8063.63, 8105.13, 8183.72, 8242.54, 8334.67, 8401.75,\n", " 8444.92, 8533.19, 8582.78, 8632.15, 8710.45, 8790.64,\n", " 8852.98, 8901.67, 9003.21, 9091.46, 9151.55, 9206.76,\n", " 9263.54, 9313.25, 9351.34, 9388.82, 9432.44, 9479.53,\n", " 9524.19, 9574.37, 9613.02, 9692.07, 9732.68, 9822.56,\n", " 9872.84, 9923.14, 9982.26, 10052.9 , 10141.8 , 10190.97,\n", " 10251.76, 10303.1 , 10361.29, 10407.03, 10462.54, 10522.22,\n", " 10571.88, 10634.62, 10702.57, 10764.65, 10852.95, 10893.11,\n", " 10962.44, 11012.23, 11054.06, 11112.45, 11161.66, 11212.79,\n", " 11293.43, 11342.57, 11385.26, 11433.49, 11502.67, 11533.28,\n", " 11581.55, 11662.64, 11701.92, 11752.6 , 11833.08, 11882.34,\n", " 11922.46, 11973.23]), array([ 17. , 62.57, 103. , 152.45, 203.94, 261.4 ,\n", " 303.07, 363.82, 451.39, 505.05, 552.85, 605.2 ,\n", " 663.2 , 711.83, 773.4 , 823.39, 863.33, 912.24,\n", " 952.23, 1053.32, 1112.18, 1174.16, 1221.22, 1262.42,\n", " 1331.59, 1392.55, 1491.96, 1572.08, 1666.23, 1724.17,\n", " 1782.6 , 1834.61, 1943.16, 2002.7 , 2073.12, 2192.03,\n", " 2271.89, 2321.53, 2362.1 , 2422.1 , 2472.6 , 2521.42,\n", " 2565.22, 2673.09, 2743.21, 2801.81, 2882.44, 2923.78,\n", " 2994.79, 3041.94, 3094.49, 3144.3 , 3194.6 , 3302.54,\n", " 3343.18, 3391.52, 3454.09, 3501.48, 3553.74, 3613.26,\n", " 3662.98, 3732.53, 3783.74, 3833.1 , 3892.8 , 3943.57,\n", " 4022.89, 4073.13, 4105.27, 4197.02, 4261.91, 4311.47,\n", " 4420.18, 4471.55, 4514.2 , 4570.64, 4631.6 , 4681.8 ,\n", " 4734.94, 4767.57, 4812.66, 4862.68, 4952.84, 4991.86,\n", " 5043.02, 5072.88, 5121.97, 5163.03, 5243.25, 5296.42,\n", " 5334.09, 5383.95, 5474.14, 5534.93, 5602.49, 5722.2 ,\n", " 5792.44, 5921.49, 5972.56, 6061.45, 6112.46, 6182.85,\n", " 6272.88, 6334.6 , 6425.3 , 6472.25, 6564.82, 6623.98,\n", " 6669.61, 6722.44, 6762.59, 6833.44, 6885.37, 6922.18,\n", " 6983.24, 7024.67, 7071.54, 7120.73, 7233.81, 7281.72,\n", " 7341.5 , 7401.93, 7461.48, 7541.59, 7606.42, 7672.54,\n", " 7721.79, 7822.04, 7902.28, 7951.24, 8015. , 8053.66,\n", " 8113.93, 8181.08, 8214.93, 8251.5 , 8351.92, 8384.46,\n", " 8431.69, 8505.58, 8552.38, 8613.98, 8662.37, 8752.26,\n", " 8808.78, 8894.38, 8951.34, 9003.59, 9053.56, 9102.68,\n", " 9141.25, 9182.13, 9242. , 9311.83, 9345. , 9392.06,\n", " 9432.06, 9482.81, 9542.74, 9582.18, 9640.76, 9681.75,\n", " 9732.89, 9782.3 , 9824.8 , 9873.02, 9911.42, 9963.18,\n", " 10013.65, 10071.67, 10124.97, 10192.12, 10232.93, 10301.97,\n", " 10371.05, 10452.33, 10494.28, 10551.63, 10603.83, 10664.27,\n", " 10704.49, 10821.89, 10871.25, 10932.19, 10982.25, 11031.72,\n", " 11092.04, 11152.46, 11230.92, 11312.71, 11392.27, 11434.17,\n", " 11493.3 , 11533.64, 11634.3 , 11702.7 , 11804.16, 11882.09,\n", " 11933.64, 11984.07]), array([ 25.28, 103.61, 153.24, 222.35, 352.34, 431.61,\n", " 493.11, 531.87, 581.83, 636.85, 712.23, 763.11,\n", " 823. , 874.74, 922.3 , 982.72, 1033.53, 1095.85,\n", " 1142.95, 1191.54, 1253.11, 1301.99, 1391.2 , 1443.05,\n", " 1490.42, 1542.05, 1593.17, 1664.76, 1714.06, 1750.98,\n", " 1813.64, 1862.32, 1904.05, 1962.85, 2061.05, 2102.18,\n", " 2171.12, 2231.74, 2304.75, 2362.54, 2402.93, 2451.51,\n", " 2501.7 , 2590.99, 2632.79, 2673.51, 2742.3 , 2802.61,\n", " 2842.55, 2904.09, 2955.07, 3015.06, 3071.5 , 3121.19,\n", " 3170.55, 3236.42, 3273.67, 3321.45, 3356.56, 3395. ,\n", " 3440.57, 3502.24, 3545.24, 3593.26, 3651.83, 3693.4 ,\n", " 3743.47, 3831.32, 3892.32, 3921.99, 3979.3 , 4051.73,\n", " 4152.2 , 4253.68, 4312.88, 4391.51, 4441.51, 4512.16,\n", " 4575.05, 4661.62, 4714.15, 4752.88, 4802.37, 4871.45,\n", " 4916.45, 4951.31, 4993.64, 5040.82, 5083.48, 5131.3 ,\n", " 5172.28, 5227.57, 5274.34, 5312.19, 5354.65, 5422.03,\n", " 5511.96, 5586.33, 5642.32, 5692.72, 5741.08, 5791.48,\n", " 5922.54, 5971.4 , 6024.42, 6082.89, 6136.5 , 6191.86,\n", " 6233.39, 6341.6 , 6382.47, 6422.39, 6491.87, 6531.62,\n", " 6591.35, 6671.8 , 6714.75, 6773.18, 6832.21, 6884.49,\n", " 6932.9 , 6982.67, 7044.52, 7081.55, 7122.61, 7182.27,\n", " 7262.56, 7331.59, 7412.31, 7481.63, 7574.06, 7622.53,\n", " 7663.5 , 7712.71, 7772.4 , 7803.96, 7861.51, 7921.21,\n", " 7976.33, 8053.38, 8135.75, 8183.56, 8223.22, 8266.52,\n", " 8316.89, 8363.61, 8405.66, 8483.5 , 8522.93, 8572.55,\n", " 8627.81, 8702.64, 8742.57, 8792.43, 8841.78, 8895.02,\n", " 8941.67, 8981.54, 9033.4 , 9064.1 , 9112.51, 9161.37,\n", " 9202.22, 9253.12, 9293.05, 9341.83, 9402.87, 9473.91,\n", " 9523.47, 9584.58, 9623.92, 9672.64, 9752. , 9802.19,\n", " 9843.37, 9882.79, 9952.21, 10024.79, 10083.59, 10133.63,\n", " 10183.22, 10230.9 , 10312.08, 10360.81, 10405.37, 10442.61,\n", " 10492.9 , 10542.96, 10613.08, 10650.94, 10690.97, 10752.84,\n", " 10802.46, 10902.22, 10942.57, 11012.25, 11062. , 11122.34,\n", " 11183.76, 11241.78, 11314.65, 11371.38, 11442.42, 11521.91,\n", " 11611.39, 11663.47, 11733.54, 11843.12, 11942.96]), array([ 17.35, 100.91, 142.72, 192.76, 253.07, 305.25,\n", " 344.64, 402.14, 462.64, 511.89, 552.72, 614.01,\n", " 681.61, 731.29, 782.3 , 841.2 , 902.32, 950.94,\n", " 991.73, 1051.89, 1082.57, 1132.68, 1211.3 , 1254.05,\n", " 1303.35, 1361.38, 1412.47, 1483.51, 1532.78, 1581.35,\n", " 1633.43, 1693.37, 1752.63, 1812.18, 1890.83, 1953.85,\n", " 2022.26, 2071.22, 2142.03, 2201.35, 2292.12, 2353.15,\n", " 2453.16, 2524.65, 2575.46, 2641.88, 2753.39, 2822.86,\n", " 2873.71, 2943.17, 3002.31, 3055.09, 3134.74, 3204.77,\n", " 3252.61, 3321.79, 3392.72, 3461.85, 3521.3 , 3572.34,\n", " 3670.62, 3722.25, 3781.94, 3852.83, 3914.02, 3953.54,\n", " 4042.75, 4091.93, 4133.74, 4173.28, 4221.61, 4282.67,\n", " 4344.7 , 4392.01, 4452.08, 4500.7 , 4592.55, 4633.61,\n", " 4761.84, 4811.36, 4852.82, 4932.2 , 4983.2 , 5071.8 ,\n", " 5121.23, 5182.21, 5231.24, 5291.27, 5351.02, 5393.41,\n", " 5432.43, 5481.74, 5522.23, 5583.83, 5642.36, 5782.73,\n", " 5843.47, 5883.7 , 5962.54, 6022.21, 6092.52, 6161.92,\n", " 6202.57, 6271.86, 6314.7 , 6374.08, 6417.7 , 6502.15,\n", " 6553.64, 6624.67, 6662.01, 6702.78, 6751.24, 6792.88,\n", " 6852.96, 6911.76, 6962.32, 7042.02, 7083.15, 7121.62,\n", " 7162.27, 7212.35, 7250.95, 7292.86, 7382.52, 7432.98,\n", " 7481.44, 7522.48, 7564.52, 7662.96, 7701.95, 7761.56,\n", " 7802.24, 7880.98, 7931.63, 7964.5 , 8005.2 , 8075.07,\n", " 8171.01, 8221.25, 8271.24, 8305.64, 8362.2 , 8431.63,\n", " 8473.43, 8541.98, 8581.8 , 8633.18, 8675.2 , 8753.21,\n", " 8802.07, 8847.77, 8902.56, 8951.79, 9003.47, 9061.6 ,\n", " 9151.87, 9201.39, 9281.72, 9331.6 , 9411.5 , 9461.53,\n", " 9512.95, 9554.52, 9602.32, 9652.73, 9693.77, 9773.01,\n", " 9844.62, 9891.56, 9932.07, 9983.15, 10061.64, 10132.68,\n", " 10174.45, 10222.29, 10282.6 , 10315.66, 10372.17, 10413.07,\n", " 10492.86, 10542.03, 10592.9 , 10633.22, 10701.52, 10740.63,\n", " 10812.34, 10854.41, 10932.3 , 10985.57, 11043.19, 11102.95,\n", " 11144.35, 11213.03, 11252.64, 11294.72, 11331.78, 11395.27,\n", " 11441.38, 11546.36, 11612.43, 11693.38, 11772.17, 11812.8 ,\n", " 11854.49, 11893.75, 11953.33, 11994.05]), array([ 21.96, 82.26, 123.4 , 182.34, 274.19, 326.48,\n", " 381.82, 453.94, 513.01, 561.27, 604.31, 642.33,\n", " 691.2 , 732.1 , 832.79, 881.72, 920.61, 972.78,\n", " 1031.75, 1071.84, 1123.83, 1194.74, 1241.64, 1273.66,\n", " 1350.73, 1390.85, 1431.37, 1463.44, 1504.18, 1551.89,\n", " 1592.99, 1632.95, 1673.8 , 1751.37, 1810.74, 1861.83,\n", " 1923.14, 1973.01, 2062.06, 2105.34, 2154.09, 2241.71,\n", " 2293.93, 2332.39, 2381.33, 2432.05, 2501.6 , 2561.89,\n", " 2603.07, 2646.81, 2693.07, 2742.8 , 2791.54, 2834.41,\n", " 2883.4 , 2932.4 , 2982.41, 3062.08, 3102.43, 3162.36,\n", " 3212.88, 3253.5 , 3301.68, 3351.85, 3403.58, 3473.64,\n", " 3522.53, 3582.2 , 3633.5 , 3682.66, 3723.58, 3802.76,\n", " 3853.2 , 3941.9 , 3981.07, 4042.05, 4092.65, 4131.73,\n", " 4182.11, 4281.62, 4362.09, 4411.87, 4460.75, 4522.19,\n", " 4573.35, 4614.99, 4661.49, 4713.07, 4793.71, 4842.18,\n", " 4900.82, 4972.74, 5013.37, 5071.83, 5111.85, 5185.41,\n", " 5244.48, 5292.24, 5350.77, 5392.6 , 5445.1 , 5491.52,\n", " 5531.82, 5584.55, 5672.54, 5713.88, 5762.03, 5794.92,\n", " 5862.75, 5911.82, 5971.73, 6022.69, 6071.96, 6113.14,\n", " 6165.79, 6212.02, 6243.39, 6292.8 , 6391.56, 6462.95,\n", " 6511.66, 6553.37, 6621.67, 6671.92, 6724.32, 6763.87,\n", " 6801.38, 6871.51, 6922.16, 6972.12, 7023.03, 7082.7 ,\n", " 7131.99, 7242.18, 7312.39, 7362.89, 7412.59, 7455.7 ,\n", " 7528.89, 7614.98, 7681.77, 7713.54, 7781.23, 7824.21,\n", " 7872.95, 7911.42, 7983.77, 8026.98, 8082.1 , 8144.2 ,\n", " 8183.49, 8225.84, 8335.61, 8382.62, 8426.15, 8491.78,\n", " 8553.53, 8592.62, 8632.94, 8665.19, 8701.64, 8742.3 ,\n", " 8794.55, 8861.84, 8932.33, 8983.1 , 9021.11, 9081.52,\n", " 9193.23, 9292.5 , 9354.39, 9413.24, 9444.56, 9483.21,\n", " 9524.81, 9561.97, 9602.99, 9653.61, 9704.8 , 9760.96,\n", " 9812.02, 9882.81, 9932.36, 10003.5 , 10044.2 , 10111.22,\n", " 10161.85, 10201.6 , 10261.93, 10365. , 10423.44, 10482.16,\n", " 10523.43, 10601.44, 10642.53, 10683.81, 10723.37, 10771.12,\n", " 10812.19, 10883.71, 10931.72, 10980.91, 11027.03, 11152.97,\n", " 11186.66, 11253.84, 11302.54, 11354.53, 11401.1 , 11434.15,\n", " 11473.92, 11520.87, 11564.56, 11613.16, 11666.69, 11712.59,\n", " 11762.48, 11811.94, 11851.74, 11924.05, 11973.58]), array([ 22.26, 53.52, 112.89, 201.41, 241.63, 292.55,\n", " 332.38, 376.22, 423.74, 484.99, 522.34, 573.33,\n", " 633.37, 672.22, 743.77, 784.45, 842.62, 932.19,\n", " 985.8 , 1031.91, 1123.13, 1172.39, 1234.94, 1265.28,\n", " 1332.65, 1373.54, 1451.74, 1513.01, 1563.69, 1612.17,\n", " 1673.63, 1711.07, 1766.04, 1835.69, 1912.65, 1962.6 ,\n", " 2021.8 , 2113.58, 2161.22, 2203.63, 2242.65, 2301.31,\n", " 2360.95, 2425.2 , 2482.97, 2554. , 2653.73, 2700.76,\n", " 2781.96, 2834.4 , 2971.76, 3052.73, 3100.91, 3162.15,\n", " 3201.25, 3252.14, 3323.71, 3352.29, 3401.48, 3472.66,\n", " 3510.85, 3566.2 , 3643.99, 3693.74, 3746.65, 3792.56,\n", " 3842.4 , 3901.28, 3933.8 , 3992.36, 4054.78, 4093.19,\n", " 4151.76, 4204.34, 4255.98, 4312.97, 4372.5 , 4414.27,\n", " 4492.21, 4532.01, 4584.95, 4641.94, 4759.24, 4822.52,\n", " 4873.66, 4977.72, 5011.75, 5061.44, 5133.19, 5166.59,\n", " 5232.81, 5294.45, 5333.29, 5372.73, 5442.38, 5482.29,\n", " 5523.27, 5562.2 , 5613.29, 5693.55, 5750.65, 5797.62,\n", " 5844.04, 5893.31, 5942.89, 5984.47, 6072.57, 6133.54,\n", " 6193.81, 6263.76, 6315.08, 6351.47, 6431.56, 6481.62,\n", " 6531.62, 6572.47, 6654.27, 6711.51, 6782.35, 6862.91,\n", " 6911.47, 6963.84, 7032.94, 7081.78, 7144.51, 7181.86,\n", " 7232.25, 7273.49, 7323.11, 7363.11, 7401.57, 7454.98,\n", " 7502.55, 7592.82, 7631.76, 7722.28, 7791.93, 7842.44,\n", " 7943.22, 7992.38, 8053.06, 8171.87, 8246.52, 8323.84,\n", " 8391.32, 8442.37, 8505.75, 8562.04, 8604.24, 8724.61,\n", " 8771.69, 8822.37, 8861.6 , 8921.55, 8964.84, 9035.77,\n", " 9092.56, 9152.67, 9194.5 , 9242.41, 9282.22, 9332.43,\n", " 9374.3 , 9424.09, 9474.94, 9514.34, 9612.29, 9664.47,\n", " 9723.8 , 9762.61, 9806.86, 9861.86, 9925.25, 9972.32,\n", " 10022.23, 10081.94, 10133.9 , 10194.38, 10234.82, 10272.08,\n", " 10321.17, 10384. , 10422.96, 10476.92, 10581.22, 10623.01,\n", " 10691.76, 10733.26, 10781.95, 10823.09, 10874.54, 10951.63,\n", " 11043.11, 11122.09, 11162.63, 11252.21, 11302.45, 11361.58,\n", " 11431.37, 11465.5 , 11531.86, 11571.36, 11612.12, 11662.79,\n", " 11694.49, 11743.19, 11813.96, 11852.11, 11924.57]), array([ 20.95, 81.47, 152.17, 212.03, 272.36, 321.5 ,\n", " 424.36, 474.03, 524.47, 600.71, 642.3 , 701.86,\n", " 741.36, 790.93, 845.33, 902.4 , 936.68, 982.74,\n", " 1035.23, 1091.95, 1151.08, 1211.68, 1265.24, 1305.3 ,\n", " 1352.07, 1414.18, 1470.7 , 1524.07, 1572.6 , 1612.62,\n", " 1651.77, 1692.91, 1771.61, 1816.29, 1872.87, 1952.62,\n", " 2051.32, 2101.47, 2143.72, 2203.53, 2243.15, 2301.25,\n", " 2371.61, 2431.27, 2501.26, 2572.18, 2662.3 , 2711.62,\n", " 2822.16, 2871.82, 2922.46, 2953.14, 2992.81, 3042.02,\n", " 3074.97, 3115.22, 3162.41, 3242.26, 3281.68, 3341.87,\n", " 3383.06, 3432.17, 3491.98, 3552.23, 3602.23, 3641.83,\n", " 3691.72, 3731.19, 3782.53, 3862.74, 3930.71, 3982.29,\n", " 4032.7 , 4081.84, 4162.5 , 4193.28, 4242.87, 4312.16,\n", " 4352.2 , 4403.2 , 4450.85, 4511.39, 4551.31, 4603.01,\n", " 4663.37, 4724.19, 4821.27, 4891.95, 4951.75, 5042.78,\n", " 5113.04, 5172.98, 5211.96, 5262.03, 5313.41, 5363.23,\n", " 5415.15, 5452.81, 5503.5 , 5561.8 , 5603.1 , 5651.92,\n", " 5694.06, 5731.24, 5784.09, 5833.83, 5891.99, 5931.52,\n", " 5973.38, 6061.82, 6143.53, 6193.75, 6253.23, 6326.17,\n", " 6402.32, 6503.88, 6543.94, 6643.82, 6720.97, 6794.68,\n", " 6834.13, 6913.16, 6962.69, 7023.43, 7081.75, 7131.29,\n", " 7194.04, 7242.45, 7283.77, 7351.66, 7392.84, 7463.19,\n", " 7512.66, 7564.08, 7633.27, 7682. , 7741.88, 7803.54,\n", " 7863.03, 7914.52, 7993.24, 8093.58, 8162.23, 8200.75,\n", " 8252.53, 8371.96, 8435.56, 8493.97, 8531.68, 8602.92,\n", " 8651.92, 8722.76, 8902.1 , 8943.05, 9013.95, 9063.39,\n", " 9165.91, 9253.78, 9312.25, 9373.08, 9422.63, 9492.31,\n", " 9533.15, 9590.54, 9672.5 , 9741.8 , 9801.76, 9836.07,\n", " 9892.41, 9936.26, 9982.14, 10032.18, 10103.65, 10163.36,\n", " 10214.92, 10261.41, 10310.73, 10361.75, 10400.91, 10442.99,\n", " 10483.19, 10520.89, 10561.2 , 10603.15, 10653.42, 10692.67,\n", " 10733.9 , 10812.37, 10851.77, 10898.82, 10943.92, 10983.31,\n", " 11044.28, 11101.63, 11153.47, 11202.36, 11262.83, 11361.53,\n", " 11422.95, 11482.23, 11532.6 , 11631.74, 11705.39, 11783.35,\n", " 11832.62, 11884.49, 11932.03, 11975.22]), array([ 13.95, 45.59, 94.36, 162.71, 243.23, 314.62,\n", " 363.17, 402.45, 442.46, 500.7 , 581.3 , 643.02,\n", " 718.04, 772.01, 815.28, 871.69, 922.19, 964.51,\n", " 1004.85, 1052.63, 1101.42, 1143.41, 1181.94, 1263.54,\n", " 1313.92, 1361.79, 1401.22, 1442.57, 1490.13, 1534.73,\n", " 1582.02, 1644.1 , 1692.64, 1740.98, 1791.32, 1831.22,\n", " 1923.28, 1986.47, 2064.89, 2131.67, 2184.72, 2323.63,\n", " 2371.47, 2427.86, 2471.43, 2532.58, 2582.97, 2662.52,\n", " 2697.5 , 2784.46, 2867.9 , 2933.65, 2992.4 , 3040.71,\n", " 3113.1 , 3182.99, 3235.62, 3280.57, 3353.5 , 3422.65,\n", " 3478.01, 3525.32, 3562.23, 3634.52, 3682.62, 3711.33,\n", " 3814.38, 3873.31, 3920.76, 3971.17, 4041.75, 4091.26,\n", " 4171.6 , 4222.73, 4271.29, 4320.49, 4364.41, 4466.06,\n", " 4512.83, 4556.42, 4612.81, 4661.74, 4711.62, 4750.94,\n", " 4793.04, 4841.96, 4883.03, 4922.51, 4981.53, 5023.63,\n", " 5053.24, 5092.57, 5141.02, 5191.28, 5254.61, 5302.92,\n", " 5402.46, 5442.63, 5511.61, 5581.75, 5633.27, 5672.42,\n", " 5731.43, 5801.82, 5871.96, 5952.71, 6000.67, 6033.5 ,\n", " 6091.42, 6130.84, 6183.25, 6258.63, 6324.19, 6392.82,\n", " 6442.96, 6524.93, 6583.63, 6663.04, 6712.87, 6754.8 ,\n", " 6803.29, 6852.65, 6931.62, 7027.09, 7094.71, 7144.58,\n", " 7177.98, 7247.1 , 7284.68, 7354.77, 7414.47, 7482.48,\n", " 7523.7 , 7583.25, 7622.45, 7681.28, 7722.27, 7772.6 ,\n", " 7842.12, 7921.89, 7982.61, 8043.74, 8091.92, 8141.87,\n", " 8203.92, 8261.58, 8302.71, 8344.12, 8393.89, 8432.89,\n", " 8493.14, 8554.72, 8611.31, 8694.29, 8751.93, 8811.47,\n", " 8863.6 , 8931.47, 9033.26, 9091.48, 9161.8 , 9222.3 ,\n", " 9284.01, 9331.71, 9382.01, 9422.19, 9472.63, 9562.9 ,\n", " 9631.52, 9673.33, 9714.19, 9761.37, 9803.21, 9882.64,\n", " 9953.07, 10013.01, 10063.12, 10102.35, 10154.77, 10194.16,\n", " 10265.33, 10331.98, 10382.56, 10442.94, 10511.7 , 10602.74,\n", " 10685.18, 10771.39, 10832.06, 10873.31, 10913.22, 10952.92,\n", " 10995.87, 11052.64, 11133.57, 11182.37, 11245.3 , 11283.7 ,\n", " 11343.24, 11403.64, 11452.29, 11492.37, 11553.01, 11642.52,\n", " 11683.41, 11723.12, 11760.73, 11813.02, 11882.69, 11944.19,\n", " 11984.28]), array([ 14.92, 61.71, 101.33, 143.07, 191.2 , 247.03,\n", " 282.99, 332.99, 381.8 , 451.3 , 522. , 565.12,\n", " 610.88, 683.81, 751.92, 793.5 , 871.48, 912.34,\n", " 961.9 , 1017.46, 1082.23, 1125.87, 1163.71, 1211.47,\n", " 1271.9 , 1333.25, 1382.65, 1432.11, 1471.79, 1530.38,\n", " 1563.81, 1623.81, 1663.53, 1712.92, 1752.92, 1822.92,\n", " 1862.85, 1943.43, 2004.03, 2088.04, 2137.97, 2196.25,\n", " 2243.45, 2312.08, 2364.2 , 2435.25, 2490.79, 2620.92,\n", " 2660.58, 2721.13, 2784.05, 2832.27, 2887.7 , 2943.2 ,\n", " 3022.45, 3072.45, 3124.9 , 3162.16, 3231.72, 3302.02,\n", " 3343.05, 3392.2 , 3450.1 , 3512.8 , 3571.66, 3611.88,\n", " 3673.68, 3732.69, 3773.95, 3821.85, 3872.77, 3905.66,\n", " 3952.76, 3992.25, 4052.99, 4092.77, 4142.55, 4224.02,\n", " 4362.48, 4415.47, 4462.92, 4533.47, 4594.18, 4642.87,\n", " 4695.73, 4764.5 , 4801.33, 4847.61, 4921.85, 4963.35,\n", " 5014.37, 5062.73, 5125.15, 5155.17, 5206.98, 5261.11,\n", " 5305.49, 5343.29, 5413.33, 5462.98, 5542.44, 5602.25,\n", " 5652.76, 5702.9 , 5743.58, 5792.18, 5831.77, 5881.62,\n", " 5945.11, 6043.47, 6075.17, 6132.38, 6191.78, 6233.89,\n", " 6291.61, 6401.79, 6441.88, 6481.89, 6533.13, 6582.45,\n", " 6681.19, 6751.02, 6801.36, 6861.59, 6933.44, 6971.68,\n", " 7022.21, 7062.72, 7109.18, 7173.15, 7223.96, 7280.94,\n", " 7332.94, 7422.85, 7471.49, 7503.33, 7561.69, 7623.04,\n", " 7660.68, 7711.72, 7753.63, 7801.88, 7851.3 , 7903.24,\n", " 7961.17, 8012.45, 8053.58, 8101.22, 8160.61, 8211.62,\n", " 8271.77, 8332.35, 8383.93, 8441.41, 8493.6 , 8542.1 ,\n", " 8591.78, 8652.68, 8713.72, 8764.92, 8833.26, 8882.28,\n", " 8971.68, 9023.82, 9082.69, 9133.42, 9183.25, 9248.15,\n", " 9294.24, 9353. , 9402.68, 9463.22, 9511.27, 9561.78,\n", " 9613.4 , 9651.85, 9732.51, 9791.26, 9831.51, 9873.74,\n", " 9918.67, 9982. , 10031.31, 10121.23, 10232.51, 10312.98,\n", " 10373.58, 10451.44, 10487.21, 10542.94, 10584.29, 10621.1 ,\n", " 10685.1 , 10732.98, 10803.18, 10858.18, 10933.87, 10984.45,\n", " 11036.01, 11103.9 , 11141.06, 11191.23, 11255.49, 11331.73,\n", " 11403.24, 11472.09, 11542.01, 11622.67, 11683.96, 11743.71,\n", " 11792.48, 11862.83, 11921.65]), array([ 15.05, 113.42, 165.33, 223.39, 284.07, 403.49,\n", " 455.22, 501.54, 541.59, 603.33, 651.64, 722.8 ,\n", " 772.06, 811.25, 855.14, 914.15, 963.55, 1020.71,\n", " 1062.03, 1101.18, 1145.47, 1182.72, 1226.02, 1273.67,\n", " 1322.48, 1390.45, 1472.28, 1541.85, 1592.64, 1643.42,\n", " 1695.88, 1752.67, 1821.81, 1862.94, 1932.29, 2011.63,\n", " 2062.88, 2121. , 2175.11, 2222.25, 2292.6 , 2353.14,\n", " 2423.3 , 2472.97, 2511.31, 2571.27, 2633.72, 2721.95,\n", " 2761.74, 2822.06, 2852.83, 2901.65, 2964.73, 3015.01,\n", " 3073.79, 3113.35, 3191.7 , 3262.22, 3312.43, 3382.13,\n", " 3415.96, 3483.78, 3523.28, 3565.12, 3616.12, 3701.11,\n", " 3763.75, 3821.87, 3913.82, 3953.59, 3991.77, 4031.03,\n", " 4081.1 , 4122.7 , 4182.5 , 4273.03, 4321.81, 4383.16,\n", " 4502.77, 4573.04, 4611.72, 4672.12, 4702.99, 4771.81,\n", " 4811.74, 4852.47, 4905.41, 4952.67, 4992.05, 5062.39,\n", " 5103.8 , 5152.23, 5221.91, 5272.58, 5322.71, 5364.19,\n", " 5411.51, 5455.6 , 5511.39, 5554.1 , 5621.48, 5683.87,\n", " 5731.48, 5792.21, 5845.6 , 5933.24, 5983.43, 6025.53,\n", " 6072.26, 6122.43, 6173.79, 6223.2 , 6271.41, 6331.07,\n", " 6370.78, 6415.43, 6501.48, 6535.95, 6602.94, 6651.55,\n", " 6696.45, 6741.97, 6791.46, 6881.9 , 6935.93, 6992.25,\n", " 7048.56, 7103.51, 7163.99, 7212.13, 7255.21, 7295.99,\n", " 7353.32, 7421.3 , 7461.62, 7511.24, 7561.84, 7632.85,\n", " 7723.63, 7772.32, 7821.74, 7881.57, 7963.83, 8003.02,\n", " 8062.26, 8174.27, 8221.84, 8283.03, 8321.41, 8433.21,\n", " 8472.89, 8562.71, 8664.76, 8711.36, 8773.36, 8813.69,\n", " 8905.54, 8971.47, 9021.75, 9082.31, 9123.45, 9171.93,\n", " 9221.3 , 9286.02, 9343.81, 9393.91, 9450.88, 9512.56,\n", " 9563.45, 9632.21, 9704.57, 9823.67, 9895.57, 9943.36,\n", " 10002.41, 10053.43, 10143.84, 10201.99, 10233.98, 10335.62,\n", " 10391.11, 10451.67, 10491.05, 10543.5 , 10602.51, 10651.22,\n", " 10716.15, 10752.33, 10802.86, 10843.46, 10911.96, 10972.66,\n", " 11014.3 , 11072.58, 11143.1 , 11201.99, 11255.77, 11301.73,\n", " 11362.26, 11413.05, 11473.76, 11542.86, 11582.33, 11661.38,\n", " 11753.96, 11802.27, 11863.84, 11962.25]), array([ 21.4 , 64.46, 103.81, 145.53, 191.72, 232.04,\n", " 292.37, 335.27, 383.72, 452.33, 502.51, 542.76,\n", " 591.44, 661.57, 711.39, 774.63, 821.58, 872.35,\n", " 921.41, 1014.84, 1054.41, 1111.98, 1161.66, 1231.96,\n", " 1292.48, 1373.64, 1452.89, 1564.69, 1616.35, 1661.75,\n", " 1742.61, 1792.54, 1841.61, 1931.51, 1972.76, 2011.73,\n", " 2064.23, 2171.93, 2276.07, 2324.04, 2373.45, 2432.63,\n", " 2493.89, 2552.14, 2592.25, 2642.12, 2693.51, 2761.86,\n", " 2811.15, 2851.45, 2904.69, 2981.43, 3081.9 , 3122.79,\n", " 3181.5 , 3247.57, 3311.8 , 3362.62, 3433.68, 3467.11,\n", " 3511.49, 3571.5 , 3601.62, 3651.63, 3691.48, 3793.47,\n", " 3860.89, 3922.93, 3962.05, 4033.61, 4082.17, 4123.24,\n", " 4172.81, 4205.35, 4295.4 , 4372.39, 4421.87, 4465.05,\n", " 4505. , 4551.98, 4593.6 , 4646.65, 4722. , 4762.25,\n", " 4813.14, 4862.39, 4902.47, 4981.48, 5022.15, 5103.48,\n", " 5144.57, 5202.96, 5293.88, 5343.09, 5411.62, 5472.19,\n", " 5513.33, 5562.93, 5602.33, 5674.05, 5721.76, 5781.48,\n", " 5825.09, 5872.66, 5933.21, 5973.23, 6022.09, 6062.85,\n", " 6112.27, 6171.73, 6223.25, 6263.1 , 6311.95, 6362.44,\n", " 6405.08, 6452.43, 6491.79, 6545.14, 6584.59, 6661.81,\n", " 6712.91, 6744.46, 6792.61, 6853.15, 6902.39, 6934.47,\n", " 6991.12, 7031.18, 7075.11, 7113.96, 7162.81, 7201.28,\n", " 7240.94, 7291.83, 7372.08, 7418.57, 7472.08, 7543.57,\n", " 7593.41, 7672.02, 7716.19, 7764.43, 7803.05, 7863.23,\n", " 7963.04, 8031.84, 8071.82, 8111.49, 8155. , 8233.22,\n", " 8264.15, 8322.8 , 8421.87, 8463.42, 8521. , 8632.87,\n", " 8761.08, 8811.35, 8893.92, 8952.98, 9003.98, 9061.36,\n", " 9103.08, 9140.96, 9191.64, 9232.26, 9286.7 , 9323.69,\n", " 9414.89, 9461.2 , 9541.57, 9573.78, 9612.24, 9664.8 ,\n", " 9721.56, 9811.76, 9862.56, 9893.44, 9933.75, 9982.62,\n", " 10042.68, 10083.12, 10143.13, 10212.75, 10271.93, 10374.97,\n", " 10426.47, 10464.45, 10536.3 , 10573.28, 10611.51, 10652.01,\n", " 10691.89, 10754.31, 10803.14, 10854.05, 10912.54, 10951.83,\n", " 11001.4 , 11072.39, 11161.44, 11223.65, 11294.13, 11401.1 ,\n", " 11472.64, 11534.06, 11582.27, 11660.87, 11711.49, 11771.47,\n", " 11825.16, 11863.68, 11941.89]), array([ 15.06, 73.56, 133.64, 182.73, 221.56, 272.13,\n", " 342.59, 381.47, 412.16, 482.59, 542.4 , 641.41,\n", " 695.2 , 762.64, 804.59, 850.98, 945.76, 984.52,\n", " 1043.69, 1106.45, 1154.36, 1216.19, 1291.45, 1341.64,\n", " 1384.74, 1436.2 , 1492.11, 1566.6 , 1621.92, 1691.26,\n", " 1771.04, 1821.05, 1864.53, 1913.05, 1953.61, 2002.93,\n", " 2052.26, 2104.39, 2163.45, 2214.11, 2253.16, 2303.3 ,\n", " 2352. , 2391.64, 2454.08, 2522.02, 2572.71, 2632.41,\n", " 2693. , 2734.16, 2782.93, 2832.98, 2881.39, 2954.44,\n", " 2993.82, 3034.84, 3091.24, 3132.83, 3212.36, 3262.14,\n", " 3302.07, 3411.85, 3454.76, 3505.42, 3564.71, 3624.53,\n", " 3682.74, 3723.94, 3763.26, 3814.83, 3881.48, 3941.53,\n", " 3982.6 , 4033.3 , 4093.82, 4162.48, 4205.93, 4262.33,\n", " 4311.22, 4351.14, 4404.08, 4493.8 , 4561.72, 4603.27,\n", " 4662.84, 4714.73, 4803.86, 4854.79, 4952.82, 5035.95,\n", " 5072.28, 5114.1 , 5212.59, 5266.02, 5331.76, 5411.76,\n", " 5482.73, 5523.13, 5567.99, 5621.38, 5671.87, 5724.03,\n", " 5771.94, 5822.35, 5881.76, 5933.81, 5982.02, 6030.88,\n", " 6073.82, 6103.48, 6161.73, 6221.26, 6293.01, 6381.21,\n", " 6421.75, 6472.38, 6522.66, 6572.7 , 6622.11, 6681.6 ,\n", " 6722.29, 6781.54, 6822.36, 6882.41, 6926.23, 6972.12,\n", " 7064.09, 7153.46, 7203.11, 7253.42, 7312.62, 7371.49,\n", " 7427.5 , 7472.29, 7532.05, 7572.84, 7634.63, 7671.81,\n", " 7731.97, 7801.23, 7855.02, 7914.09, 7963.12, 8021.61,\n", " 8081.19, 8124.29, 8163.37, 8223.03, 8271.35, 8345.02,\n", " 8422.47, 8463.99, 8512.43, 8552.05, 8603.84, 8670.94,\n", " 8781.58, 8832.94, 8892.05, 8952.86, 9032.4 , 9091.42,\n", " 9152.86, 9194. , 9241.81, 9292.66, 9331.81, 9382.07,\n", " 9432.83, 9491.41, 9553.23, 9592.8 , 9664.41, 9753.57,\n", " 9811.79, 9854.35, 9896.1 , 9951.9 , 10023.28, 10094.45,\n", " 10161.55, 10222.32, 10263.13, 10353.03, 10421.86, 10501.59,\n", " 10550.67, 10593.53, 10724.32, 10853.44, 10941.39, 10992.38,\n", " 11072.12, 11171.91, 11242.62, 11292.34, 11361.69, 11404.22,\n", " 11443.02, 11491.95, 11561.95, 11614.03, 11662.47, 11701.67,\n", " 11771.84, 11811.74, 11863.24, 11910.25]), array([ 22.9 , 71.78, 121.68, 175.07, 223.15, 293.97,\n", " 352.66, 396.5 , 472.49, 520.89, 573.19, 612.41,\n", " 660.94, 732.38, 823.39, 881.08, 932.35, 981.44,\n", " 1041.79, 1083.42, 1161.32, 1214.88, 1264.21, 1321.44,\n", " 1382.6 , 1423.79, 1484.23, 1524.56, 1562.43, 1614.94,\n", " 1715.36, 1753.19, 1794.27, 1832.61, 1873.1 , 1944.17,\n", " 2005.92, 2103.47, 2152.72, 2203.37, 2243.91, 2302.02,\n", " 2364.33, 2410.84, 2452.23, 2503.5 , 2551.31, 2631.79,\n", " 2681.92, 2732.36, 2773.37, 2821.2 , 2872.4 , 2912.56,\n", " 3012.36, 3096.6 , 3142.18, 3190.73, 3262.49, 3332.55,\n", " 3383.62, 3415.51, 3472.88, 3541.75, 3591.45, 3660.82,\n", " 3732.95, 3766.76, 3854.81, 3922.58, 3972.31, 4023.56,\n", " 4100.8 , 4144.02, 4194.63, 4252.83, 4362.68, 4406.79,\n", " 4444.63, 4503.27, 4544.85, 4622.65, 4665.68, 4721.98,\n", " 4764.17, 4810.77, 4892.07, 4951.05, 5012.88, 5050.88,\n", " 5113.52, 5162.99, 5200.79, 5281.63, 5350.96, 5412.36,\n", " 5475.33, 5511.86, 5561.62, 5611.28, 5663.4 , 5702.85,\n", " 5752.77, 5803.2 , 5851.23, 5931.97, 5991.46, 6052.19,\n", " 6101.6 , 6156.97, 6211.54, 6252.47, 6293.76, 6373.57,\n", " 6433.82, 6472.7 , 6531.81, 6593.6 , 6633. , 6672.33,\n", " 6743.34, 6812. , 6853.83, 6893.8 , 6941.77, 7003.35,\n", " 7131.1 , 7183.84, 7242.14, 7292.89, 7350.72, 7422.96,\n", " 7482.39, 7544.82, 7581.84, 7621.9 , 7682.32, 7751.57,\n", " 7803.47, 7892.67, 7933.85, 8005.09, 8073.92, 8142.24,\n", " 8201.83, 8313.25, 8372.61, 8430.82, 8472.37, 8531.78,\n", " 8592.98, 8651.79, 8747.06, 8793.83, 8883.74, 8922. ,\n", " 9021.66, 9055.55, 9101.48, 9153.72, 9195.23, 9233.01,\n", " 9281.05, 9321.92, 9366.11, 9401.78, 9461.19, 9532.44,\n", " 9592.46, 9641.59, 9701.56, 9782.48, 9822.67, 9871.83,\n", " 9932.52, 9984.85, 10032.37, 10091.19, 10141.76, 10202.27,\n", " 10253.38, 10312.96, 10351.63, 10415.16, 10492.36, 10535.65,\n", " 10576.28, 10623.46, 10664.46, 10762.86, 10815.46, 10861.59,\n", " 10914.68, 10983.44, 11063.14, 11111.49, 11154.24, 11253.63,\n", " 11292.25, 11332.46, 11382.53, 11432.57, 11472.58, 11514.16,\n", " 11603.02, 11650.98, 11693.07, 11773.23, 11833.5 , 11893.96,\n", " 11971.68]), array([ 23. , 72.72, 114.83, 186.93, 311.81, 361.3 ,\n", " 401.52, 471.84, 513.1 , 562.75, 662.47, 781.97,\n", " 834.34, 885.69, 1002.8 , 1053.42, 1093.38, 1141.53,\n", " 1194.73, 1341.9 , 1411.92, 1462.63, 1541.45, 1611.81,\n", " 1652.39, 1692.24, 1743.59, 1794.42, 1853.32, 1913.17,\n", " 1962.09, 2011.97, 2062.33, 2103.72, 2172.48, 2242.7 ,\n", " 2282.15, 2372.97, 2440.98, 2521.9 , 2555.51, 2612.52,\n", " 2663.48, 2743.86, 2791.7 , 2822.48, 2882.77, 2922.43,\n", " 3014.51, 3061.94, 3115.24, 3162.91, 3242.82, 3292.42,\n", " 3351.86, 3442.53, 3491.51, 3533.25, 3572.15, 3622.18,\n", " 3671.08, 3792.22, 3861.69, 3933.51, 3981.7 , 4112.56,\n", " 4173.13, 4252.17, 4322.36, 4391.83, 4462.73, 4570.73,\n", " 4631. , 4722.82, 4793.41, 4851.38, 4912.24, 4972.1 ,\n", " 5022.92, 5064.31, 5123.63, 5175.82, 5301.47, 5345.15,\n", " 5382.7 , 5426.95, 5472.43, 5533.58, 5591.86, 5642.46,\n", " 5702.74, 5745.21, 5792.74, 5852.17, 5931.73, 5971.02,\n", " 6024.32, 6060.6 , 6093. , 6146.27, 6201.72, 6256.72,\n", " 6302.21, 6373.95, 6413.33, 6490.9 , 6551.73, 6641.62,\n", " 6691.82, 6742.15, 6783.78, 6832.02, 6871.86, 6932.54,\n", " 6971.45, 7011.64, 7073.39, 7121.96, 7158.37, 7199.63,\n", " 7252.72, 7292.78, 7384.79, 7435.2 , 7482.17, 7521.4 ,\n", " 7565. , 7612.49, 7661.91, 7714.43, 7794.13, 7862.62,\n", " 7933.38, 7992.03, 8062.2 , 8102.81, 8182.7 , 8222.39,\n", " 8271.37, 8341.28, 8411.93, 8474.14, 8523.62, 8591.59,\n", " 8633.33, 8673.1 , 8723.71, 8802.24, 8852.47, 8900.89,\n", " 8963.48, 9055.45, 9135.2 , 9194.62, 9242.18, 9282.35,\n", " 9353.36, 9406.26, 9482.26, 9532.85, 9572.54, 9624.12,\n", " 9682.31, 9732.08, 9792.54, 9854.43, 9923.03, 9962.07,\n", " 10004.87, 10104.04, 10151.3 , 10221.11, 10262.37, 10321.39,\n", " 10362.67, 10464.26, 10511.81, 10551.05, 10592.88, 10641.63,\n", " 10681.71, 10742.33, 10772.74, 10871.64, 10933.31, 11042.44,\n", " 11082.18, 11123.9 , 11185.53, 11282.82, 11331.67, 11381.09,\n", " 11421.26, 11463.61, 11533.94, 11582.02, 11632.69, 11691. ,\n", " 11752.04, 11812.41, 11892.76, 11965.56]), array([ 19.82, 64.07, 111.72, 184.36, 223.91, 304.9 ,\n", " 354.25, 412.4 , 464.19, 512.11, 602.42, 651.61,\n", " 692.36, 742.89, 792.1 , 832.62, 875.2 , 943.29,\n", " 982.25, 1032.9 , 1141.75, 1204.94, 1252.44, 1313.6 ,\n", " 1380.73, 1451.99, 1503.42, 1551.17, 1602.57, 1672.33,\n", " 1753.93, 1821.7 , 1861.04, 1901.46, 1953.99, 2013.39,\n", " 2060.82, 2111.75, 2193.96, 2252.83, 2293.75, 2332.29,\n", " 2392.59, 2433.7 , 2482.91, 2522.88, 2574.86, 2612.94,\n", " 2671.39, 2723.31, 2791.85, 2853.23, 2905.34, 2943.46,\n", " 3022.15, 3061.79, 3110.96, 3151.59, 3210.9 , 3312.33,\n", " 3371.89, 3462.41, 3503.9 , 3551.11, 3601.75, 3661.55,\n", " 3733.1 , 3791.83, 3844.79, 3953.56, 4011.15, 4055.98,\n", " 4113.01, 4164.52, 4225.34, 4265.81, 4303.75, 4371.9 ,\n", " 4412.3 , 4462.49, 4591.96, 4638.2 , 4691.04, 4734.75,\n", " 4801.44, 4836.11, 4882.33, 4924.42, 4972.76, 5021.26,\n", " 5064.03, 5131.87, 5192.65, 5236.08, 5292.42, 5332.42,\n", " 5392.91, 5442.72, 5484.41, 5563.2 , 5631.79, 5663.27,\n", " 5721.86, 5761.65, 5802.82, 5843.93, 5921.33, 5973.18,\n", " 6027.35, 6072.68, 6165.37, 6213.84, 6317.12, 6353. ,\n", " 6423.73, 6456. , 6493.62, 6574.53, 6713.69, 6771.75,\n", " 6842.6 , 6892.16, 6942.34, 7001.57, 7084.43, 7144.08,\n", " 7183.2 , 7262.36, 7312.31, 7352.32, 7421.14, 7453.59,\n", " 7552.34, 7602.11, 7652.08, 7693.98, 7741.78, 7791.84,\n", " 7833.03, 7891.64, 7992.57, 8074.27, 8125.83, 8173.65,\n", " 8232.83, 8287.03, 8322.53, 8381.56, 8443.27, 8512.79,\n", " 8583.92, 8641.64, 8711.42, 8761.35, 8811.9 , 8854.99,\n", " 8901.93, 8950.79, 9003.15, 9052.08, 9093.7 , 9130.32,\n", " 9200.67, 9244.05, 9281.81, 9351.77, 9402.01, 9442.3 ,\n", " 9523.12, 9573.07, 9622.66, 9663.07, 9711.58, 9761.4 ,\n", " 9792.21, 9830.8 , 9901.23, 9972.33, 10033.73, 10082.52,\n", " 10122.65, 10202.54, 10291.62, 10331.04, 10421.95, 10484.82,\n", " 10522.98, 10582.39, 10653.31, 10712.76, 10792.74, 10852.71,\n", " 10901.24, 10943.39, 11006.1 , 11132.48, 11201.9 , 11271.24,\n", " 11311.75, 11351.59, 11422.03, 11453.81, 11511.73, 11549.59,\n", " 11613.93, 11671.6 , 11754. , 11813.12, 11861.47, 11933.16,\n", " 11973.61]), array([ 17.02, 102.68, 163.06, 212.59, 272.06, 317.9 ,\n", " 374.08, 441.18, 544.38, 692.67, 732.61, 825.08,\n", " 872.69, 921.55, 982.84, 1033.9 , 1072.62, 1133.09,\n", " 1180.57, 1302.55, 1356.79, 1402.75, 1442.45, 1502.03,\n", " 1563.63, 1643.06, 1683.74, 1732.63, 1767.25, 1820.86,\n", " 1863.98, 1903.77, 1981.72, 2052.45, 2104.87, 2151.31,\n", " 2195.25, 2234.72, 2281.65, 2333.4 , 2392.11, 2442.81,\n", " 2492.33, 2531.3 , 2583.28, 2633.05, 2683.42, 2742.01,\n", " 2884.56, 2953.19, 2994.17, 3071.25, 3112.88, 3163.73,\n", " 3221.87, 3282.73, 3332. , 3372.07, 3431.61, 3534.23,\n", " 3601.45, 3694.06, 3752.43, 3803.55, 3873.85, 3922.42,\n", " 3993.04, 4084.3 , 4175.52, 4212. , 4271.73, 4322.07,\n", " 4372.94, 4412.54, 4470.85, 4516.05, 4572.99, 4603.57,\n", " 4672.9 , 4721.87, 4760.97, 4804.84, 4841.79, 4912.19,\n", " 5005.9 , 5062.36, 5110.77, 5153.32, 5193.49, 5242.11,\n", " 5282.43, 5344.72, 5392.91, 5434.46, 5552.9 , 5603.77,\n", " 5634.82, 5681.21, 5731.57, 5793.01, 5833.38, 5883.08,\n", " 5962.06, 6011.56, 6063.4 , 6122.78, 6182.64, 6243. ,\n", " 6281.41, 6343.63, 6403.89, 6443.46, 6491.67, 6536.4 ,\n", " 6591.71, 6651.67, 6702.78, 6761.04, 6826.34, 6873.64,\n", " 6933.33, 6972.76, 7043.98, 7082.08, 7142.22, 7211.89,\n", " 7263.01, 7331.56, 7367.56, 7411.33, 7463.88, 7533.04,\n", " 7588.26, 7624.26, 7661.82, 7703.51, 7751.54, 7804.31,\n", " 7911.74, 7972.33, 8033.8 , 8082.32, 8123.08, 8171.68,\n", " 8231.51, 8283.68, 8390.77, 8423.89, 8490.8 , 8561.58,\n", " 8621.28, 8701.57, 8745.67, 8792.31, 8862.59, 8932.27,\n", " 8983.64, 9042.11, 9112.51, 9155.79, 9248.29, 9324.8 ,\n", " 9422.98, 9492.87, 9571.45, 9622.88, 9661.37, 9712.02,\n", " 9781.56, 9822.11, 9903.31, 9943.03, 9977.66, 10112.24,\n", " 10174.18, 10224.12, 10322.93, 10372.29, 10411.3 , 10471.81,\n", " 10521.69, 10552.93, 10691.7 , 10762.28, 10803.69, 10851.89,\n", " 10911.59, 10982.53, 11042.6 , 11084.58, 11142.17, 11184.37,\n", " 11262.37, 11312.63, 11383.5 , 11422.15, 11482.98, 11534.59,\n", " 11591.56, 11632.07, 11672.46, 11743.25, 11782.68, 11851.97,\n", " 11901.42, 11952.32]), array([ 14.81, 72.95, 113.12, 181.17, 232.06, 282.39,\n", " 331.69, 372.2 , 423.84, 511.02, 593.07, 641.73,\n", " 712.46, 792.97, 823.45, 904.59, 972.4 , 1042.41,\n", " 1111.34, 1184.58, 1233.28, 1296.07, 1364.47, 1422.64,\n", " 1481.7 , 1542.29, 1611.89, 1681.79, 1753.28, 1791.09,\n", " 1864.52, 1921.72, 2002.9 , 2043.53, 2101.88, 2162.17,\n", " 2203.91, 2263.27, 2321.3 , 2363.31, 2422.35, 2481.71,\n", " 2533.79, 2571.95, 2611.14, 2655.65, 2722.28, 2822.64,\n", " 2857.25, 2922.06, 2962.09, 3035.47, 3150.97, 3193.36,\n", " 3234.58, 3271.78, 3363.36, 3415.39, 3472.45, 3541.96,\n", " 3591.59, 3663.36, 3693.25, 3764.35, 3831.97, 3922.14,\n", " 3963.24, 4002.61, 4122.28, 4172.62, 4214.32, 4253.8 ,\n", " 4313.13, 4362.55, 4413.4 , 4462.56, 4497.9 , 4544.9 ,\n", " 4605.82, 4652.49, 4700.97, 4742.45, 4801.6 , 4852.44,\n", " 4893.73, 4942.05, 5003.63, 5081.88, 5122.35, 5221.85,\n", " 5273.48, 5352.57, 5412.88, 5461.27, 5532.06, 5592.55,\n", " 5644.32, 5741.71, 5783.12, 5853.8 , 5907.71, 5994.42,\n", " 6036.37, 6082.93, 6124.49, 6181.8 , 6241.03, 6274.71,\n", " 6332.88, 6405.5 , 6473.17, 6513.31, 6563.07, 6622.26,\n", " 6674.41, 6720.93, 6753.29, 6802.52, 6834.5 , 6884.65,\n", " 6951.78, 7011.66, 7056.95, 7100.72, 7142.24, 7190.05,\n", " 7240.75, 7282.81, 7352.44, 7393.14, 7433.01, 7502.99,\n", " 7603.26, 7652.82, 7690.71, 7731.01, 7796.89, 7872.67,\n", " 7942.73, 8001.64, 8072.02, 8121.53, 8192.22, 8241.33,\n", " 8322.23, 8396.88, 8462.26, 8522.59, 8611.82, 8721.71,\n", " 8764.93, 8823.22, 8872.67, 8914.15, 8962.33, 9012.4 ,\n", " 9062.08, 9101.18, 9151.59, 9283.71, 9360.73, 9411.86,\n", " 9483.64, 9531.8 , 9581.38, 9651.75, 9711.48, 9773.98,\n", " 9815.6 , 9852.36, 9942. , 10052.96, 10141.22, 10202.5 ,\n", " 10252.36, 10302.93, 10351.76, 10442.38, 10513.8 , 10560.93,\n", " 10592.28, 10641.26, 10694.44, 10753.01, 10825.55, 10863.23,\n", " 10953.52, 10992.52, 11083.12, 11163.39, 11223.03, 11272.32,\n", " 11333.79, 11373.84, 11433.54, 11490.91, 11532.43, 11572.15,\n", " 11653.54, 11703.5 , 11772.11, 11862.44, 11921.97, 11962.74]), array([ 17.24, 72.74, 131.13, 163.38, 212.25, 282.4 ,\n", " 334.25, 393.65, 472.46, 521.95, 581.3 , 654.22,\n", " 722.19, 781.11, 823.56, 862.35, 931.71, 992. ,\n", " 1071.46, 1113.16, 1164.68, 1213.5 , 1264.23, 1323.86,\n", " 1376.29, 1422.56, 1462.2 , 1521.5 , 1563.98, 1643.79,\n", " 1701.78, 1758.57, 1811.93, 1872.21, 1945.88, 1986.92,\n", " 2032.93, 2082.71, 2134.23, 2191.24, 2253.55, 2303.74,\n", " 2363.46, 2410.97, 2463.92, 2503.69, 2551.73, 2602.43,\n", " 2643.88, 2686.6 , 2732.72, 2849.73, 2903.66, 2952.21,\n", " 3043.22, 3113.96, 3151.74, 3224.54, 3261.88, 3304.5 ,\n", " 3353.85, 3423.97, 3494.48, 3532.29, 3582.19, 3636.27,\n", " 3682.35, 3751.35, 3812.51, 3892.86, 3943.41, 3984.11,\n", " 4052.23, 4091.58, 4143.68, 4192.51, 4233.11, 4284.59,\n", " 4344.64, 4394.43, 4443.18, 4502.16, 4583.49, 4624.27,\n", " 4672.37, 4712.01, 4765.1 , 4812.75, 4863.61, 4912.45,\n", " 4960.94, 5002.33, 5122.35, 5163.09, 5221.9 , 5262.97,\n", " 5331.96, 5376.33, 5422.62, 5471.65, 5515.98, 5574.93,\n", " 5682.08, 5743.44, 5823.55, 5872.33, 5963.68, 6081.67,\n", " 6142.41, 6182.02, 6292.47, 6372.87, 6421.38, 6461.4 ,\n", " 6492.52, 6534.72, 6585.45, 6641.82, 6741.92, 6817.24,\n", " 6882.21, 6922.98, 6974.57, 7020.72, 7073.1 , 7113.49,\n", " 7151.74, 7223.76, 7261.56, 7306. , 7363.84, 7432.99,\n", " 7476.82, 7532.42, 7633.87, 7723.09, 7791.74, 7845.2 ,\n", " 7903.9 , 7962.9 , 8022.8 , 8074.71, 8123.51, 8192.86,\n", " 8262.79, 8324.35, 8371.98, 8423.47, 8501.36, 8545.31,\n", " 8612.66, 8662.64, 8743.8 , 8793.41, 8881.18, 8932.74,\n", " 9003.08, 9062.13, 9102.77, 9141.72, 9234.05, 9345.17,\n", " 9411.47, 9483.96, 9552.24, 9593.84, 9653.59, 9691.23,\n", " 9732.32, 9781.82, 9813.26, 9871.75, 9951.94, 10012.13,\n", " 10071.95, 10132.69, 10192.93, 10242.56, 10302.46, 10351.54,\n", " 10401.49, 10442.45, 10492.25, 10552.29, 10612.58, 10661.02,\n", " 10704.06, 10745.26, 10792.3 , 10832.59, 10879.69, 10923.65,\n", " 11012.08, 11072.55, 11122.12, 11170.99, 11221.69, 11263.73,\n", " 11324.32, 11363.48, 11403.63, 11443.28, 11512.79, 11555.62,\n", " 11612.86, 11692.42, 11734.73, 11791.46, 11877.1 , 11932.13,\n", " 11963.7 ]), array([ 20.56, 67.38, 141.9 , 192.48, 242.1 , 281.4 ,\n", " 321.91, 364.2 , 404.98, 445.38, 502.88, 573.75,\n", " 661.88, 695.57, 743.06, 815.02, 853.78, 892.86,\n", " 944.4 , 1002.49, 1063.36, 1121.33, 1162.66, 1212.33,\n", " 1251.26, 1312.1 , 1361.53, 1434.35, 1493.14, 1524.66,\n", " 1631.59, 1683.04, 1741.27, 1843.11, 1922.11, 1974.63,\n", " 2004.27, 2052.42, 2121.25, 2181.98, 2221.93, 2262.95,\n", " 2343.09, 2382.17, 2412.94, 2474.99, 2551.56, 2621.97,\n", " 2671.84, 2750.66, 2808.54, 2862.75, 2941.72, 3023.6 ,\n", " 3073.03, 3122.54, 3171.86, 3231.28, 3274.12, 3322.03,\n", " 3391.9 , 3432.25, 3482.64, 3562.32, 3611.89, 3723.19,\n", " 3781.64, 3833.86, 3873.32, 3921.42, 3972.99, 4043.88,\n", " 4088.74, 4143.28, 4192.88, 4243.89, 4325.12, 4371.78,\n", " 4421.8 , 4462.99, 4531.56, 4562.69, 4616.43, 4672.82,\n", " 4744.86, 4783.59, 4823.59, 4892.46, 4965.05, 5083.93,\n", " 5131.72, 5184.91, 5273.12, 5342.25, 5425.09, 5541.59,\n", " 5593.84, 5663.77, 5721.83, 5762.84, 5825.12, 5883.29,\n", " 5924.2 , 5966.2 , 6013.74, 6064.89, 6151.37, 6202.41,\n", " 6262.88, 6302.5 , 6341.46, 6391.86, 6451.54, 6521.62,\n", " 6594.51, 6632.37, 6681.45, 6741.44, 6774.23, 6823.23,\n", " 6873.7 , 6921.63, 6971.69, 7010.64, 7074.4 , 7121.37,\n", " 7153.6 , 7195.1 , 7231.81, 7300.67, 7351.14, 7392.31,\n", " 7442.76, 7482.85, 7542.31, 7592.66, 7654.8 , 7711.69,\n", " 7772.64, 7812.78, 7863.82, 7902.91, 7991.27, 8054.25,\n", " 8102.8 , 8163.51, 8232.15, 8272.29, 8331.46, 8392.76,\n", " 8444.38, 8504.13, 8604.81, 8684.83, 8732.59, 8792.18,\n", " 8842.57, 8901.73, 8991.39, 9033.75, 9071.83, 9123.36,\n", " 9163.58, 9211.63, 9272.37, 9343.92, 9382.83, 9421.84,\n", " 9461.98, 9512.7 , 9561.15, 9653.63, 9723.04, 9773.68,\n", " 9841.58, 9911.62, 9972.69, 10032.58, 10095.18, 10134.06,\n", " 10181.9 , 10221.19, 10261.77, 10303.88, 10373.31, 10427.72,\n", " 10481.57, 10551.81, 10604.62, 10661.18, 10713.84, 10802.91,\n", " 10854.54, 10913.28, 10992.98, 11023.17, 11102.41, 11132.5 ,\n", " 11212.51, 11282.14, 11333.51, 11381.39, 11433.6 , 11493.38,\n", " 11543.29, 11624.99, 11663.9 , 11691.97, 11805.49, 11852. ,\n", " 11902.67, 11954.56, 11992.95]), array([ 21.7 , 82.21, 120.98, 170.77, 215.05, 323.12,\n", " 373.16, 422.74, 512.47, 573.73, 647.41, 691.27,\n", " 801.37, 865. , 923.37, 973.3 , 1012.72, 1093.82,\n", " 1144.33, 1203.14, 1243.54, 1304.15, 1371.69, 1412.81,\n", " 1451.94, 1495.41, 1551.27, 1602.79, 1635.25, 1673.99,\n", " 1743.42, 1781.78, 1841.48, 1882.11, 1931.53, 1992.6 ,\n", " 2063.93, 2102.99, 2156.12, 2202.05, 2233.67, 2302.26,\n", " 2384.89, 2432.21, 2543.24, 2582.65, 2624.47, 2683.94,\n", " 2747.15, 2783.43, 2832.2 , 2891.86, 2971.44, 3024.33,\n", " 3062.15, 3152.25, 3222.25, 3282.39, 3322.24, 3374.29,\n", " 3461.89, 3501.81, 3563.54, 3621.08, 3662.8 , 3750.91,\n", " 3852.22, 3971.3 , 4013.14, 4053.97, 4092.26, 4152.86,\n", " 4183.55, 4221.75, 4263.59, 4313.92, 4361.72, 4417. ,\n", " 4471.58, 4534.69, 4568.41, 4623.11, 4693.09, 4752.36,\n", " 4792.01, 4842.49, 4891.73, 4943.58, 4982.68, 5032.03,\n", " 5135.28, 5182.3 , 5244.06, 5303.98, 5363.29, 5404.58,\n", " 5462.52, 5515.28, 5582.82, 5653.93, 5693.09, 5741.26,\n", " 5822.15, 5872.33, 5923.69, 6001.33, 6104.01, 6153.84,\n", " 6204.64, 6295.42, 6373.04, 6432.91, 6492.75, 6543.47,\n", " 6622.05, 6654.88, 6712. , 6772.45, 6812.29, 6862.88,\n", " 6921.51, 6952.79, 7034.35, 7091.57, 7132.87, 7182.19,\n", " 7220.9 , 7282.2 , 7322.31, 7371.55, 7435.94, 7512.39,\n", " 7552.39, 7602.88, 7645.84, 7693.1 , 7737.24, 7811.5 ,\n", " 7881.96, 7922.22, 7955.22, 8001.77, 8052.9 , 8101.21,\n", " 8150.72, 8213.66, 8263.06, 8362.15, 8410.79, 8464.17,\n", " 8532.93, 8576.3 , 8632.76, 8682.63, 8742.44, 8793.67,\n", " 8842.68, 8882.12, 8922.69, 9012.27, 9081.57, 9192.31,\n", " 9241.53, 9291.61, 9382.28, 9441.55, 9493.09, 9552.3 ,\n", " 9601.8 , 9641.65, 9681.69, 9732.47, 9802.03, 9872.29,\n", " 9920.7 , 9972.3 , 10031.88, 10081.89, 10134.01, 10192. ,\n", " 10242.12, 10321.92, 10383.9 , 10434.03, 10471.73, 10519.93,\n", " 10562.2 , 10624.17, 10701.8 , 10752.2 , 10854.2 , 10894.79,\n", " 10943.39, 10991.81, 11033.83, 11082.62, 11162.4 , 11211.93,\n", " 11271.25, 11361.12, 11412.16, 11452.04, 11541.51, 11591.11,\n", " 11680.73, 11734.66, 11781.14, 11843.79, 11903.04, 11971.77]), array([ 52.01, 112.18, 173.06, 253.1 , 312.32, 372.91,\n", " 434.18, 481.01, 552.18, 612.4 , 663.84, 721.08,\n", " 783.12, 834.66, 876.31, 935.48, 963.24, 1031.59,\n", " 1092.41, 1134.55, 1192.81, 1270.99, 1351.5 , 1418.15,\n", " 1482.76, 1534.24, 1582.63, 1623.89, 1661.54, 1712.11,\n", " 1751.85, 1813.44, 1853.68, 1912.46, 1944.82, 2001.38,\n", " 2041.8 , 2122.2 , 2171.81, 2232.91, 2273.12, 2322.51,\n", " 2411.65, 2461.52, 2523.64, 2583.22, 2671.89, 2752.69,\n", " 2792.4 , 2852.41, 2898.17, 2944.2 , 2982.04, 3026.37,\n", " 3082.01, 3133.03, 3175.22, 3244.61, 3311.92, 3351.39,\n", " 3391.15, 3442.35, 3501.56, 3550.9 , 3602.78, 3643.27,\n", " 3688.97, 3742.06, 3795.37, 3843.31, 3883.33, 3913.36,\n", " 3982.13, 4031.37, 4072.04, 4113.83, 4191.58, 4234. ,\n", " 4282.38, 4352.32, 4402.16, 4481.46, 4524.75, 4584.31,\n", " 4635.5 , 4674.83, 4724.41, 4771.45, 4811.92, 4862.93,\n", " 4902.55, 4951.46, 5011.97, 5073.34, 5120.5 , 5172.25,\n", " 5242.58, 5301.9 , 5352.62, 5404.88, 5472.6 , 5533.49,\n", " 5592.96, 5642.39, 5673.8 , 5752.17, 5802.64, 5921.97,\n", " 5961.48, 6012.94, 6061.09, 6122.23, 6173.48, 6231.67,\n", " 6313.12, 6371.02, 6463.79, 6502.37, 6563.06, 6624.07,\n", " 6683.19, 6730.86, 6781.81, 6851.58, 6892.99, 6951.46,\n", " 7013.26, 7052.08, 7091.86, 7141.9 , 7181.81, 7231.55,\n", " 7302.55, 7361.56, 7412.97, 7453.1 , 7494.17, 7551.5 ,\n", " 7601.72, 7663.5 , 7732.04, 7772.43, 7861.98, 7921.62,\n", " 7952.75, 7991.27, 8042.58, 8083.13, 8152.92, 8186.69,\n", " 8255.63, 8314.92, 8363.31, 8413.54, 8461.48, 8511.33,\n", " 8561.67, 8622.14, 8664.11, 8713.1 , 8761.86, 8816.53,\n", " 8912.96, 8960.88, 9003.42, 9071.58, 9161.81, 9203.53,\n", " 9242.03, 9303.38, 9361.62, 9434.03, 9482.29, 9524.05,\n", " 9591.81, 9653.22, 9701.74, 9761.37, 9812.72, 9944.49,\n", " 9983.45, 10023.4 , 10082.47, 10121.5 , 10159.71, 10222.54,\n", " 10272.74, 10322.3 , 10373.8 , 10413.16, 10492.39, 10553.42,\n", " 10611.02, 10656.82, 10732.05, 10771.03, 10821.44, 10893.93,\n", " 10953.57, 10991.89, 11044.45, 11103.03, 11142.65, 11203.6 ,\n", " 11253.39, 11310.77, 11382.53, 11462.19, 11511.65, 11553.44,\n", " 11593.43, 11642.45, 11742.06, 11791.05, 11892.32, 11971.46]), array([ 15.22, 82.78, 135.42, 191.5 , 243.45, 301.98,\n", " 342.42, 431.36, 493.26, 592.23, 654.35, 701.25,\n", " 761.28, 811.7 , 861.88, 934.72, 983.35, 1042.91,\n", " 1103.16, 1202.03, 1263.8 , 1302.69, 1362.47, 1433.09,\n", " 1511.16, 1572.11, 1633.19, 1682.32, 1751.32, 1818.98,\n", " 1871.56, 1933.18, 1973.59, 2045.64, 2111.55, 2165.18,\n", " 2201.83, 2291.95, 2352.42, 2403.23, 2462.56, 2503.45,\n", " 2544.41, 2592.48, 2642.38, 2692. , 2743.93, 2863.17,\n", " 2921.81, 2973.87, 3041.2 , 3082.95, 3143.75, 3182.65,\n", " 3221.88, 3291.48, 3355.4 , 3413.01, 3490.87, 3552.09,\n", " 3594.82, 3632.29, 3684.26, 3736.62, 3803.06, 3861.16,\n", " 3913.23, 3952.78, 3994.99, 4055.89, 4112.13, 4154.53,\n", " 4192.48, 4273.22, 4331.88, 4410.87, 4446.4 , 4492.32,\n", " 4559.56, 4641.97, 4694.43, 4733.16, 4800.73, 4842.59,\n", " 4891.6 , 4973.16, 5021.53, 5091.88, 5142.06, 5253.76,\n", " 5294.92, 5342.23, 5393.89, 5453.49, 5604.3 , 5674.1 ,\n", " 5733.75, 5794.56, 5841.23, 5893.61, 5942.19, 6001.11,\n", " 6081.47, 6133.02, 6192.96, 6243.06, 6281.48, 6341.99,\n", " 6404.49, 6472.2 , 6522.02, 6591.4 , 6701.87, 6754.9 ,\n", " 6811.24, 6853.18, 6921.19, 7031.4 , 7112.11, 7181.38,\n", " 7272.42, 7353.3 , 7423.32, 7502.24, 7551.76, 7652.92,\n", " 7733.08, 7791.5 , 7832.58, 7873.96, 7946.65, 7987.14,\n", " 8032.28, 8073.6 , 8111.84, 8172.22, 8221.78, 8281.81,\n", " 8341.62, 8411.38, 8453.41, 8534.11, 8590.84, 8652.3 ,\n", " 8691.69, 8732.59, 8841.66, 8882.85, 8934.06, 8981.7 ,\n", " 9032.75, 9082.61, 9122.41, 9172.27, 9215.86, 9313.08,\n", " 9383.64, 9452.92, 9492.81, 9538.97, 9592.38, 9641.67,\n", " 9701.96, 9751.19, 9801.46, 9852.3 , 9952.47, 10012.31,\n", " 10053.3 , 10102.73, 10144.14, 10201.47, 10252.86, 10305.54,\n", " 10365.37, 10451.5 , 10509.35, 10570.25, 10612.66, 10655.21,\n", " 10721.09, 10762.89, 10812.03, 10852.87, 10902.02, 10940.7 ,\n", " 10992.23, 11052.78, 11152.62, 11212.4 , 11273.06, 11312.29,\n", " 11353.69, 11395.54, 11432.94, 11471.88, 11513.46, 11552.73,\n", " 11603.58, 11651.76, 11694.93, 11732.75, 11792.49, 11852.55,\n", " 11933.69, 11995.74]), array([ 17.92, 62.11, 104.46, 173.95, 213.48, 273.18,\n", " 331.52, 384.65, 441.33, 482.46, 534.4 , 573.06,\n", " 652.69, 682.45, 712.3 , 752.13, 821.56, 852.35,\n", " 911.8 , 971.25, 1013.22, 1081.59, 1182.2 , 1264.34,\n", " 1321.28, 1383.01, 1443.04, 1491.54, 1531.63, 1592.67,\n", " 1644.09, 1712.03, 1785.79, 1862.06, 1906.43, 1952.58,\n", " 1990.97, 2092.5 , 2174.97, 2213.15, 2331.21, 2374.36,\n", " 2471.63, 2531.76, 2592.75, 2632.33, 2671.66, 2726.36,\n", " 2790.04, 2834.79, 2912.96, 2963.51, 3021.58, 3071.83,\n", " 3171.67, 3242.4 , 3293.72, 3373.45, 3403.86, 3512.32,\n", " 3574.69, 3624.02, 3681.35, 3740.63, 3810.95, 3877.11,\n", " 3953.08, 4022.84, 4081.64, 4142.21, 4212.93, 4271.74,\n", " 4330.67, 4386.23, 4423.37, 4471.29, 4524.94, 4594.21,\n", " 4661.4 , 4712.48, 4761.37, 4795.41, 4841.97, 4912.65,\n", " 4962.82, 5022.15, 5083.21, 5163.8 , 5205.05, 5252.01,\n", " 5291.28, 5352.41, 5393.06, 5441.61, 5502.13, 5560.68,\n", " 5593.38, 5703.69, 5812.19, 5852.42, 6021.24, 6103.13,\n", " 6143.19, 6204.31, 6264.48, 6315.79, 6362.51, 6430.91,\n", " 6482.73, 6522.23, 6571.46, 6665.93, 6712.52, 6753.9 ,\n", " 6802.16, 6843.37, 6911.53, 6952.3 , 7041.22, 7084.57,\n", " 7160.94, 7232.75, 7312.31, 7383.66, 7427.54, 7481.21,\n", " 7541.32, 7585.46, 7642.9 , 7726.28, 7770.69, 7843.26,\n", " 7912.83, 7992.36, 8043.16, 8088.33, 8131.91, 8232.88,\n", " 8282.47, 8333.81, 8381.93, 8430.96, 8481.95, 8542.33,\n", " 8608.36, 8664.22, 8723.05, 8761.76, 8821.91, 8891.93,\n", " 8962.7 , 9011.28, 9072.87, 9112.72, 9172.86, 9223.58,\n", " 9273.98, 9382.75, 9452.25, 9516.94, 9583.73, 9634.65,\n", " 9711.71, 9752.69, 9802.67, 9861.73, 9933.1 , 9992.47,\n", " 10043.5 , 10093.43, 10141.3 , 10183.63, 10230.62, 10291.87,\n", " 10332.03, 10390.38, 10431.66, 10471.39, 10512.15, 10553.53,\n", " 10594.44, 10651.9 , 10711.19, 10782.58, 10822.99, 10858.87,\n", " 10931.96, 10982.36, 11020.87, 11073.84, 11133.04, 11222.63,\n", " 11261.88, 11321.79, 11374.56, 11432.17, 11595.78, 11663.15,\n", " 11741.49, 11841.45, 11893.53, 11983.21]), array([ 31.62, 82.38, 214.49, 254.22, 303.61, 361.66,\n", " 422.19, 471.23, 524.02, 604.33, 651.28, 694.9 ,\n", " 742.43, 801.77, 850.54, 891.91, 972.47, 1052.4 ,\n", " 1091.16, 1145.89, 1193.17, 1282.92, 1342.76, 1390.79,\n", " 1444.06, 1482.72, 1542.77, 1583.73, 1641.78, 1703.09,\n", " 1751.94, 1832.75, 1867.32, 1931.77, 2021.17, 2072.69,\n", " 2113.91, 2201.67, 2241.61, 2322.37, 2371.59, 2502.76,\n", " 2565.23, 2602.3 , 2633.82, 2693.03, 2742.73, 2794.11,\n", " 2842.53, 2901.71, 2951.77, 3042.66, 3094.08, 3151.39,\n", " 3253.02, 3293.27, 3353.32, 3442.05, 3532.21, 3592.12,\n", " 3635.58, 3683.17, 3733.07, 3797.12, 3841.74, 3886.02,\n", " 3925.09, 4013.03, 4066.09, 4125.79, 4163.65, 4205.3 ,\n", " 4253.48, 4324.07, 4391.05, 4433.82, 4495.23, 4542.19,\n", " 4603.42, 4644.09, 4713.6 , 4753.94, 4804.4 , 4847.92,\n", " 4892.56, 4956.47, 4992.25, 5051.84, 5172.07, 5214.11,\n", " 5303.11, 5352.36, 5442.89, 5523.11, 5562.46, 5608.51,\n", " 5653.67, 5701.48, 5791.67, 5834.41, 5891.86, 5972.8 ,\n", " 6043. , 6092.17, 6142.03, 6192.38, 6242.79, 6292.37,\n", " 6333.84, 6396.12, 6465.98, 6512.83, 6554.11, 6612.04,\n", " 6672.48, 6761.96, 6821.85, 6882.2 , 6943.5 , 6981.56,\n", " 7051.65, 7139.48, 7242.65, 7312.43, 7353.2 , 7382.2 ,\n", " 7453.11, 7524.08, 7581.34, 7624.24, 7682.28, 7722.35,\n", " 7823.94, 7886.22, 7942.48, 7991.95, 8041.68, 8112.09,\n", " 8171.99, 8242.99, 8291.6 , 8323.76, 8381.41, 8432.41,\n", " 8491.82, 8545.11, 8641.01, 8721.64, 8782.78, 8822.12,\n", " 8871.81, 8915.97, 8964.13, 9014.61, 9071.97, 9143.27,\n", " 9182.81, 9231.57, 9282.62, 9334.2 , 9391.69, 9432.33,\n", " 9482.64, 9531.97, 9592.75, 9633.82, 9702.25, 9783.97,\n", " 9840.87, 9881.73, 9931.68, 10022.16, 10071.54, 10114.26,\n", " 10171.94, 10232.95, 10282.95, 10331.9 , 10382.11, 10432.21,\n", " 10472.82, 10542.18, 10598.43, 10651.82, 10722.23, 10782.31,\n", " 10905.18, 10961.24, 11001.24, 11073.24, 11123.2 , 11184.78,\n", " 11230.96, 11303.29, 11354.04, 11402.73, 11457.78, 11512.88,\n", " 11563.92, 11652.69, 11691.36, 11752.47, 11853.04, 11913.87,\n", " 11972.77]), array([ 21.72, 71.77, 111.98, 162.85, 211.86, 252.78,\n", " 292.12, 363.81, 400.91, 492.12, 535.42, 581.24,\n", " 632.42, 701.77, 763.43, 802.35, 854.57, 901.85,\n", " 954.6 , 1023.23, 1102.41, 1181.95, 1243.16, 1295.9 ,\n", " 1352.33, 1432.49, 1493.81, 1541.75, 1583.29, 1626.76,\n", " 1681.98, 1751.99, 1793.92, 1840.98, 1884.7 , 1956.17,\n", " 2033.03, 2082.51, 2131.48, 2201.17, 2242.15, 2291.59,\n", " 2413.47, 2503.13, 2542.71, 2642.54, 2685.22, 2733.83,\n", " 2774.9 , 2835.15, 2877.01, 2931.59, 2983.06, 3061.33,\n", " 3101.93, 3163.09, 3213.44, 3267.42, 3322.58, 3413.7 ,\n", " 3443.47, 3523.09, 3603.98, 3683.99, 3742.79, 3784.71,\n", " 3831.21, 3863.53, 3922.04, 3991.3 , 4052.16, 4114.41,\n", " 4182.13, 4251.91, 4282.43, 4323.02, 4374.51, 4438.8 ,\n", " 4511.42, 4561.91, 4612.55, 4663.15, 4751.25, 4813.99,\n", " 4882.95, 4956.52, 5033.27, 5101.91, 5152.26, 5193.97,\n", " 5244.19, 5292.25, 5347.36, 5392.44, 5424.08, 5482.55,\n", " 5532.58, 5575.06, 5672.43, 5732.9 , 5774.18, 5813.2 ,\n", " 5862.87, 5916.27, 5962.77, 6024.3 , 6071.91, 6142.51,\n", " 6184.47, 6222.42, 6272.29, 6333.31, 6382.68, 6432.04,\n", " 6512.77, 6562.74, 6616.59, 6661.48, 6712.31, 6751.29,\n", " 6813.18, 6892.66, 6964.87, 7022.12, 7061.46, 7112.56,\n", " 7152.09, 7203.21, 7252.95, 7311.72, 7362.75, 7404.06,\n", " 7460.85, 7535.69, 7594.28, 7636.01, 7722.59, 7783.51,\n", " 7853.1 , 7922.44, 7975.32, 8013.63, 8082.72, 8131.97,\n", " 8192.43, 8232.36, 8273.3 , 8335.1 , 8401.62, 8461.59,\n", " 8514.72, 8565.31, 8613.52, 8651.23, 8692.65, 8752.07,\n", " 8823.48, 8881.56, 8932.17, 8991.86, 9024.08, 9073.31,\n", " 9122.98, 9163.37, 9212.18, 9251.47, 9291.77, 9340.94,\n", " 9401.03, 9482.19, 9542.5 , 9600.8 , 9650.89, 9704.49,\n", " 9751.94, 9794.18, 9862.13, 9894.72, 9942.92, 9982.57,\n", " 10031.9 , 10078.17, 10131.86, 10212.42, 10253.47, 10293.28,\n", " 10353.47, 10433.21, 10485.13, 10542.94, 10606.71, 10662.71,\n", " 10718.56, 10793.06, 10892.18, 10953.04, 10993.72, 11054.8 ,\n", " 11112.09, 11164.04, 11221.6 , 11262.17, 11343.53, 11392.39,\n", " 11452.67, 11484.39, 11560.84, 11610.78, 11651.11, 11692.81,\n", " 11753.33, 11802. , 11863.19, 11973.72]), array([ 21.58, 61.18, 131.31, 191.19, 252.56, 293.67,\n", " 350.9 , 452.27, 551.86, 631.88, 732.95, 776.17,\n", " 822.85, 881.88, 923.97, 983.57, 1032.19, 1093.62,\n", " 1133.86, 1191.74, 1243.04, 1294.06, 1341.9 , 1422.13,\n", " 1463.13, 1523.26, 1561.52, 1602.49, 1641.86, 1803.46,\n", " 1852.23, 1914.61, 1982.47, 2021.65, 2071.72, 2153.05,\n", " 2195.52, 2283.41, 2321.81, 2402.89, 2452.51, 2542.2 ,\n", " 2591.77, 2645.35, 2694.43, 2742.11, 2781.85, 2822.33,\n", " 2876.3 , 2933.08, 2973.53, 3015.59, 3071.1 , 3124.87,\n", " 3202.03, 3253.09, 3301.08, 3340.98, 3391.24, 3431.02,\n", " 3472.98, 3511.01, 3561.74, 3602.53, 3672.8 , 3721.05,\n", " 3762.7 , 3831.61, 3911.94, 4041.54, 4121.75, 4181.57,\n", " 4241.96, 4291.13, 4363.94, 4431.8 , 4465.48, 4533.84,\n", " 4570.42, 4643.68, 4691.15, 4773.76, 4891.97, 4952.92,\n", " 5031.54, 5141.76, 5201.38, 5272.46, 5322.87, 5371.95,\n", " 5422.28, 5492.76, 5561.84, 5632.16, 5681.4 , 5751.62,\n", " 5813.37, 5881.57, 5983.84, 6082.79, 6122.15, 6215.14,\n", " 6271.85, 6343.1 , 6431.9 , 6492.89, 6532.94, 6573.81,\n", " 6622.27, 6681.7 , 6769.21, 6842.39, 6886.4 , 6921.74,\n", " 6962.66, 7010.66, 7101.45, 7141. , 7192.07, 7241.96,\n", " 7278.08, 7334.82, 7385.65, 7444.32, 7495.52, 7542.51,\n", " 7621.36, 7681.41, 7732.23, 7771.43, 7814.93, 7877.17,\n", " 7951.74, 7991.03, 8032.17, 8080.89, 8122.39, 8175.61,\n", " 8222.2 , 8291.73, 8331.61, 8406.13, 8461.58, 8511.75,\n", " 8574.33, 8611.1 , 8662.73, 8702.89, 8751.54, 8835.24,\n", " 8881.87, 8942.26, 8987.13, 9084.1 , 9151.23, 9203.17,\n", " 9262.34, 9312.1 , 9363.71, 9453.02, 9512.79, 9551.31,\n", " 9601.72, 9652.79, 9722.22, 9782.08, 9833.88, 9883.85,\n", " 9934.71, 9973.38, 10020.11, 10059.59, 10102.63, 10146.29,\n", " 10224.13, 10292.75, 10342.24, 10390.58, 10442.37, 10481.84,\n", " 10533.02, 10583.22, 10626.58, 10701.82, 10743.29, 10783.06,\n", " 10871.67, 10927.75, 10980.97, 11031.65, 11063.99, 11113.68,\n", " 11161.69, 11223.68, 11291.76, 11351.45, 11391.65, 11472.62,\n", " 11554.19, 11601.06, 11653.25, 11710.54, 11772.87, 11822.38,\n", " 11892.05, 11992.61]), array([ 13.72, 52.06, 91.45, 212.1 , 253.84, 303.02,\n", " 343.38, 384.31, 424.63, 514.98, 563.84, 620.52,\n", " 661.67, 752.86, 801.95, 892.45, 952.52, 991.33,\n", " 1061.44, 1113.75, 1162.64, 1201.6 , 1271.25, 1323.29,\n", " 1384.09, 1442.48, 1492.03, 1566.14, 1611.22, 1663.23,\n", " 1721.65, 1762.78, 1892.54, 1944.1 , 1991.84, 2044.02,\n", " 2120.89, 2175.35, 2232.39, 2288.68, 2431.22, 2492.14,\n", " 2561. , 2611.96, 2681.91, 2734.4 , 2781.9 , 2832.88,\n", " 2873.66, 2914.07, 2972.47, 3032.51, 3083.93, 3134.52,\n", " 3193.36, 3232.76, 3281.89, 3352.04, 3402.4 , 3482.92,\n", " 3554.33, 3601.7 , 3661.06, 3702.13, 3781.89, 3832.81,\n", " 3891.82, 3972.2 , 4051.83, 4094.69, 4133.67, 4173.91,\n", " 4250.65, 4311.94, 4392.42, 4462.26, 4512.46, 4572.5 ,\n", " 4612.25, 4662.48, 4724.89, 4763.8 , 4812.09, 4883.86,\n", " 4931.4 , 4984.56, 5041.74, 5122.34, 5214.34, 5315.18,\n", " 5371.38, 5434.47, 5561.07, 5622.64, 5671.23, 5764.4 ,\n", " 5822.23, 5857.67, 5933.35, 5973.05, 6023.93, 6103.67,\n", " 6174.9 , 6252.62, 6303.87, 6362.15, 6403.47, 6471.43,\n", " 6521.22, 6564.95, 6601.79, 6654.98, 6714.62, 6752.29,\n", " 6792.51, 6823.65, 6862.96, 6933.25, 6981.29, 7023.34,\n", " 7121.25, 7182.01, 7222.85, 7281.46, 7351.62, 7451.48,\n", " 7502.02, 7543.16, 7612.54, 7654.96, 7701.78, 7752.97,\n", " 7792.67, 7841.78, 7881.85, 7934.01, 7982.54, 8042.86,\n", " 8091.34, 8122.91, 8201.75, 8252.38, 8312.69, 8413.78,\n", " 8452.36, 8496.89, 8542.74, 8632.03, 8702.17, 8776.38,\n", " 8844.48, 8903.36, 8952.5 , 9002.68, 9073.09, 9115.14,\n", " 9154.01, 9208.15, 9245.04, 9282.39, 9324.08, 9364.58,\n", " 9444.19, 9493.29, 9531.8 , 9593.35, 9641.51, 9701.34,\n", " 9766.11, 9823.82, 9882.15, 9964.05, 10003.9 , 10055.27,\n", " 10111.22, 10182.43, 10233.97, 10282.87, 10331.67, 10374.81,\n", " 10411.93, 10461.39, 10520.74, 10562.18, 10602.32, 10642.85,\n", " 10712.63, 10792.39, 10834.27, 10891.76, 10942.05, 10982.6 ,\n", " 11031.31, 11103.42, 11162.69, 11221.7 , 11262.82, 11311.7 ,\n", " 11391.43, 11451.63, 11572.39, 11651.76, 11704.5 , 11782.31,\n", " 11822.84, 11881.74, 11921.09, 11963.19]), array([ 15.26, 61.29, 150.94, 181.42, 253.85, 313.06,\n", " 372.6 , 422.52, 471.72, 532.2 , 591.94, 661.54,\n", " 725.61, 785.32, 861.73, 961.81, 1011.38, 1052.42,\n", " 1095.44, 1161.5 , 1232.03, 1312.31, 1381.45, 1445.94,\n", " 1503.31, 1551.3 , 1591.23, 1652.66, 1701.31, 1752.86,\n", " 1793.29, 1842.29, 1895.09, 1942.56, 1992.3 , 2032.23,\n", " 2102.08, 2174.52, 2253.36, 2333.83, 2384.09, 2473.17,\n", " 2521.17, 2573.37, 2632.58, 2674.66, 2721.97, 2812.1 ,\n", " 2862.04, 2913.88, 2962.45, 3002.05, 3044.86, 3092.27,\n", " 3152.26, 3211.57, 3252.82, 3292.31, 3351.45, 3432.81,\n", " 3501.62, 3591.6 , 3663.37, 3711.71, 3772.45, 3812.01,\n", " 3852.82, 3892.93, 3933.68, 3987.18, 4033.28, 4087.1 ,\n", " 4122.59, 4176.52, 4232.35, 4292.37, 4332.21, 4373.22,\n", " 4414.4 , 4462.63, 4513.28, 4562.51, 4611.63, 4682.75,\n", " 4732.25, 4781.51, 4844.62, 4942.07, 5002.44, 5033.71,\n", " 5080.94, 5133.39, 5206.2 , 5252.37, 5324.19, 5361.79,\n", " 5413.17, 5454.54, 5512.46, 5564.61, 5612.74, 5674.78,\n", " 5723.92, 5772.2 , 5821.02, 5872.43, 5911.66, 5963.54,\n", " 6031.53, 6121.73, 6162.17, 6243.31, 6282.17, 6411.97,\n", " 6471.92, 6514.19, 6553.47, 6593.54, 6642.8 , 6681.49,\n", " 6721.93, 6754.1 , 6802.95, 6834.57, 6882.15, 6923.88,\n", " 6972.37, 7031.42, 7082.37, 7127.8 , 7166.57, 7263.13,\n", " 7305.36, 7352.97, 7404.33, 7442.27, 7483.59, 7562. ,\n", " 7603.32, 7653.62, 7692.09, 7723.58, 7801.43, 7853.43,\n", " 7893.1 , 7962.92, 8022.09, 8062.75, 8092.66, 8155.22,\n", " 8204.21, 8252.07, 8303.56, 8382.54, 8442.66, 8502.01,\n", " 8554.6 , 8602.88, 8652.93, 8723.38, 8791.62, 8835.35,\n", " 8882.83, 8935.33, 8972.72, 9043.03, 9102.47, 9154.25,\n", " 9212.93, 9247.72, 9293.25, 9342.03, 9401.65, 9453.21,\n", " 9505.68, 9550.97, 9600.99, 9663.25, 9724.23, 9763.32,\n", " 9830.99, 9873.75, 9922.34, 9972.64, 10021.44, 10062.19,\n", " 10151.89, 10211.49, 10263.17, 10311.46, 10388.31, 10442.23,\n", " 10509.51, 10583.1 , 10694.46, 10744.07, 10806.69, 10851.35,\n", " 10911.54, 10972.98, 11041.32, 11092.46, 11133.24, 11192.03,\n", " 11231.55, 11312.57, 11372.55, 11492.62, 11545.42, 11591.89,\n", " 11651.39, 11704.26, 11743.45, 11781.66, 11853.71, 11901.61,\n", " 11951.54]), array([ 19.16, 64.25, 103.47, 154.55, 203.95, 251.8 ,\n", " 322.86, 363.96, 411.97, 464.55, 525.26, 594.84,\n", " 651.84, 701.07, 785.7 , 863.25, 912.4 , 965.43,\n", " 1040.65, 1111.25, 1162.6 , 1212.16, 1255. , 1353.19,\n", " 1412.49, 1503.22, 1541.68, 1592.35, 1654.24, 1722.06,\n", " 1792.94, 1843.9 , 1893.65, 1964.48, 2011.37, 2064.5 ,\n", " 2113.89, 2155.09, 2222.78, 2291.81, 2325.29, 2380.95,\n", " 2431.16, 2501.3 , 2592.85, 2672.89, 2711.8 , 2761.33,\n", " 2851.17, 2912.55, 2966.61, 3041.47, 3073.15, 3123.78,\n", " 3242.07, 3303.63, 3333.51, 3393.49, 3432.12, 3474.6 ,\n", " 3572.02, 3621.22, 3682.91, 3723.23, 3784.1 , 3874.01,\n", " 3932.1 , 4000.49, 4083.06, 4183.37, 4261.85, 4314.04,\n", " 4353.67, 4434.29, 4492.96, 4561.14, 4661.85, 4735.58,\n", " 4793.48, 4833.49, 4912.18, 4962.43, 5015.22, 5122.77,\n", " 5162.71, 5202.87, 5262.34, 5322.11, 5443.14, 5522.08,\n", " 5571.43, 5633.05, 5692.09, 5752.03, 5802.32, 5878.74,\n", " 5932.35, 6001.43, 6072.45, 6133.03, 6203.1 , 6254.11,\n", " 6332.82, 6423.01, 6475.28, 6511.8 , 6562.18, 6621.37,\n", " 6672.84, 6762.34, 6802.52, 6852.07, 6893.82, 6952.6 ,\n", " 7003.49, 7043.23, 7091.71, 7131.47, 7169.45, 7242.81,\n", " 7291.84, 7344.24, 7430.28, 7471.85, 7542.63, 7602.59,\n", " 7647.27, 7702.51, 7762. , 7843.44, 7902. , 7991.51,\n", " 8063.7 , 8131.22, 8174.82, 8302.01, 8374.28, 8433.12,\n", " 8473.42, 8541.98, 8591.13, 8631.9 , 8692.56, 8752.57,\n", " 8800.65, 8863.94, 8913.55, 8992.6 , 9052.29, 9135.14,\n", " 9210.59, 9302.28, 9371.67, 9462.75, 9533.07, 9591.83,\n", " 9651.2 , 9693.62, 9733.48, 9802.11, 9871.94, 9911.41,\n", " 9964.92, 10003.43, 10051.41, 10091.98, 10162.12, 10271.72,\n", " 10323.88, 10402.7 , 10473.05, 10535.12, 10583.79, 10691.57,\n", " 10749.84, 10814.08, 10861.91, 10914.73, 10991.91, 11042.42,\n", " 11092.94, 11153.07, 11234.33, 11302.58, 11353.91, 11411.99,\n", " 11452.08, 11503.81, 11581.8 , 11723.36, 11811.93, 11845.58,\n", " 11923.15, 11963.67]), array([ 22.65, 62.15, 112.59, 160.49, 231.28, 293.59,\n", " 343.45, 387.63, 452.4 , 512.54, 562.77, 632.75,\n", " 672.91, 733.28, 772.39, 842.22, 1010.82, 1072. ,\n", " 1131.69, 1191.32, 1251.05, 1312.06, 1351.68, 1403.35,\n", " 1501. , 1563.09, 1601.11, 1663.01, 1702.92, 1753.74,\n", " 1791.83, 1831.21, 1901.32, 1951.71, 2012.26, 2061.06,\n", " 2101.67, 2181.57, 2253.09, 2314.45, 2362.96, 2421.64,\n", " 2461.52, 2563.24, 2665.95, 2726.35, 2792.54, 2855.4 ,\n", " 2934.02, 2992.65, 3032.24, 3074.99, 3122.9 , 3164.41,\n", " 3222.5 , 3261.35, 3331.95, 3381.49, 3510.95, 3572.31,\n", " 3622.57, 3663.71, 3731.32, 3763.09, 3802.81, 3860.79,\n", " 3913.22, 3953.01, 4004.32, 4061.54, 4122.76, 4213.37,\n", " 4272.37, 4322.25, 4372.64, 4412.64, 4457.85, 4512.18,\n", " 4572.8 , 4624.1 , 4663.96, 4741.86, 4782.89, 4833.97,\n", " 4901.96, 4961.74, 5063.83, 5121.85, 5173.01, 5221.65,\n", " 5262.07, 5332.38, 5381.75, 5434.19, 5492.33, 5542.72,\n", " 5582.59, 5641.99, 5693.29, 5743.76, 5813.03, 5871.45,\n", " 5913.73, 5980.87, 6024.15, 6074.58, 6124.7 , 6192.98,\n", " 6241.04, 6281.88, 6324.18, 6376.86, 6422.02, 6482.53,\n", " 6561.6 , 6613.68, 6652.22, 6722.8 , 6771.97, 6853.26,\n", " 6932.36, 6983. , 7070.89, 7112.41, 7151.03, 7211.83,\n", " 7282.36, 7353.62, 7391.03, 7453.15, 7494.11, 7531.07,\n", " 7622.24, 7683.34, 7731.94, 7784.05, 7823.14, 7902.19,\n", " 8003.22, 8103.85, 8143.5 , 8193.42, 8234.39, 8274.73,\n", " 8333.54, 8383.76, 8441.68, 8492.92, 8553.47, 8632.92,\n", " 8672.15, 8732.5 , 8783.27, 8873.31, 8914.02, 8953.05,\n", " 9022.44, 9072.32, 9122.24, 9180.82, 9232.15, 9281.41,\n", " 9331.98, 9431.75, 9482.5 , 9571.83, 9611.9 , 9657.02,\n", " 9702.86, 9743.23, 9793.28, 9834.95, 9882.79, 9943.23,\n", " 9984.87, 10033.07, 10102.93, 10152.08, 10214.03, 10273.02,\n", " 10332.41, 10423.16, 10472.44, 10562.43, 10611.93, 10660.9 ,\n", " 10730.63, 10802.23, 10850.66, 10893.6 , 10931.52, 10982.88,\n", " 11033.66, 11103.03, 11153.11, 11183.58, 11264.22, 11313.48,\n", " 11370.45, 11406.7 , 11452.89, 11512.06, 11572.18, 11612.83,\n", " 11673.88, 11722.2 , 11773.1 , 11813.31, 11847.47, 11902.74,\n", " 11982.02]), array([ 21.59, 63.07, 136.27, 181.94, 232.27, 312.16,\n", " 363.05, 403.07, 463.64, 494.03, 562.78, 652.98,\n", " 712.33, 782.68, 903.82, 943.61, 992.63, 1041.27,\n", " 1096.39, 1172.69, 1222.67, 1262.56, 1303.81, 1363.22,\n", " 1422.75, 1502.28, 1552.81, 1652.5 , 1685.69, 1733.02,\n", " 1775.08, 1821.47, 1863.5 , 1921.63, 1981.86, 2053.56,\n", " 2182.87, 2284.59, 2341.57, 2401.29, 2447.23, 2493.11,\n", " 2543.18, 2582.42, 2642.31, 2724.9 , 2783.25, 2821.93,\n", " 2882.92, 2923.24, 2973.21, 3032.16, 3073.68, 3130.82,\n", " 3192.09, 3253.18, 3292.32, 3351.05, 3443.84, 3502.44,\n", " 3551.86, 3592.77, 3633.19, 3684.28, 3732.95, 3782.8 ,\n", " 3831.18, 3883.93, 3942.51, 3991.13, 4041.93, 4086.61,\n", " 4150.66, 4193.57, 4283.23, 4332.24, 4404.18, 4532.53,\n", " 4572.98, 4661.06, 4705.21, 4754.33, 4812.22, 4861.77,\n", " 4923.63, 4962.06, 5043. , 5091.63, 5131.38, 5176.89,\n", " 5221.87, 5291.86, 5332.61, 5403.03, 5462.59, 5500.53,\n", " 5551.71, 5593.47, 5664.95, 5703.37, 5743.17, 5833.14,\n", " 5923.04, 5961.93, 6016.25, 6066.89, 6104.07, 6152.75,\n", " 6211.38, 6263.89, 6302.78, 6382.09, 6442.27, 6496.04,\n", " 6542.19, 6591.45, 6643.15, 6692.81, 6732.4 , 6781.37,\n", " 6822.65, 6885.77, 6923.82, 6962.62, 7012.25, 7053.49,\n", " 7113.54, 7183.18, 7223.57, 7283.26, 7381.94, 7433.23,\n", " 7492.05, 7541.79, 7603.13, 7652.72, 7700.91, 7794.07,\n", " 7840.48, 7933.24, 7982.93, 8033.47, 8103.94, 8145.74,\n", " 8192.9 , 8252.66, 8321.79, 8362.8 , 8413.88, 8465.94,\n", " 8582.43, 8644.2 , 8682.77, 8731.74, 8764.24, 8824.4 ,\n", " 8873.89, 8922.2 , 8992.32, 9035.62, 9094.45, 9142.69,\n", " 9183. , 9242.21, 9312.7 , 9381.78, 9442.5 , 9491.98,\n", " 9542.51, 9593.47, 9632.72, 9760.88, 9802.38, 9893.71,\n", " 9961.74, 10014.3 , 10062.32, 10111.54, 10161.63, 10203.13,\n", " 10261.65, 10301.81, 10371.5 , 10421.98, 10500.75, 10582.26,\n", " 10622.87, 10721.19, 10812.49, 10862.67, 10923.4 , 10953.92,\n", " 10990.63, 11071.26, 11125.73, 11182.53, 11264.94, 11322.66,\n", " 11392.92, 11455.7 , 11486.62, 11542.5 , 11581.23, 11621.02,\n", " 11673.42, 11739.62, 11774.55, 11821.68, 11873.1 , 11921.84,\n", " 11992.85]), array([ 21.26, 61.83, 132.87, 221.07, 284.31, 331.78,\n", " 373.25, 432.33, 492.03, 541.76, 605.7 , 661.94,\n", " 710.99, 771.08, 842.32, 893.07, 925.03, 972.55,\n", " 1031.21, 1132.09, 1181.24, 1233.91, 1341.33, 1411.01,\n", " 1452.57, 1501.74, 1592.94, 1633.83, 1672.72, 1762.04,\n", " 1822.21, 1874.76, 1927.37, 2002.35, 2071.04, 2131.82,\n", " 2192.44, 2243.87, 2290.67, 2352.14, 2413.97, 2462.73,\n", " 2515.53, 2592.71, 2633.09, 2672.48, 2732.35, 2771.91,\n", " 2840.93, 2902.52, 2962.23, 3042.25, 3092.25, 3151.6 ,\n", " 3212.31, 3273.57, 3332.25, 3391.5 , 3452.22, 3501.19,\n", " 3572.46, 3613.79, 3671.44, 3721.99, 3762.22, 3801.84,\n", " 3854.71, 3892.44, 3953.73, 4021.51, 4061.72, 4101.61,\n", " 4161.81, 4201.71, 4251.78, 4293.18, 4364.21, 4412.52,\n", " 4482.54, 4521.65, 4572.31, 4664.31, 4713.38, 4753.06,\n", " 4792.93, 4871.93, 4952.37, 5025.78, 5074.41, 5121.25,\n", " 5170.88, 5211.84, 5252.2 , 5322.07, 5353.23, 5403.79,\n", " 5481.68, 5552.39, 5614.56, 5661.57, 5714.01, 5770.77,\n", " 5815.79, 5892.99, 5932.72, 5972.48, 6032.8 , 6103.29,\n", " 6203.56, 6243.64, 6291.39, 6323. , 6362. , 6431.51,\n", " 6471.63, 6533.82, 6601.9 , 6653.88, 6703.19, 6792.28,\n", " 6841.37, 6899.75, 6983.22, 7052.59, 7086.93, 7142.82,\n", " 7192.84, 7283.27, 7343.14, 7392.67, 7434.69, 7482.29,\n", " 7527.48, 7562.85, 7603.01, 7672.85, 7764.39, 7821.99,\n", " 7882.24, 7982.21, 8081.33, 8123.29, 8162.49, 8222.15,\n", " 8271.43, 8311.46, 8352.95, 8413.33, 8462.21, 8503.36,\n", " 8554.02, 8594.12, 8702.42, 8735.27, 8801.45, 8862.84,\n", " 8902.41, 8956.6 , 9003.28, 9061.46, 9111.38, 9172.29,\n", " 9232.31, 9303.25, 9344.98, 9391.99, 9484.66, 9536.96,\n", " 9585.27, 9642.7 , 9751.8 , 9892.57, 9982.14, 10033.3 ,\n", " 10075.52, 10120.81, 10161.43, 10224.38, 10283.49, 10327.42,\n", " 10395.21, 10452.22, 10492.63, 10554.04, 10593.89, 10642.96,\n", " 10702.5 , 10762.43, 10824.02, 10871.22, 10951.76, 11003.26,\n", " 11042.71, 11074.1 , 11133.21, 11233.03, 11284.29, 11343.09,\n", " 11392.1 , 11441.87, 11484.35, 11523.75, 11634.33, 11691.9 ,\n", " 11741.68, 11781.76, 11852. , 11900.91, 11982.7 ]), array([ 22.69, 72.7 , 112.74, 172.23, 221.75, 282.92,\n", " 362.35, 421.89, 482.44, 541.85, 603.13, 672.53,\n", " 722.05, 762.12, 803.73, 853.7 , 902.3 , 944.62,\n", " 1003.89, 1042.08, 1222.77, 1342.49, 1402.39, 1452.32,\n", " 1491.59, 1532.48, 1575.93, 1623.62, 1692.54, 1793.4 ,\n", " 1844.22, 1891.36, 1943.61, 2012.6 , 2051.95, 2091.99,\n", " 2149.06, 2182.97, 2232.21, 2304.09, 2351.5 , 2402.75,\n", " 2451.58, 2502.85, 2542.8 , 2592.14, 2662.76, 2722.78,\n", " 2767.93, 2803.43, 2842.53, 2952.01, 3062.53, 3095.07,\n", " 3174.3 , 3213.43, 3261.22, 3322.98, 3372.54, 3411.63,\n", " 3462.93, 3502.49, 3541.17, 3590.59, 3631.93, 3694.6 ,\n", " 3762.99, 3803.97, 3841.7 , 3912.92, 3982.06, 4053.81,\n", " 4101.42, 4164.96, 4222.72, 4271.68, 4328.83, 4392.02,\n", " 4454.02, 4523.35, 4582.93, 4631.68, 4682. , 4742.39,\n", " 4791.25, 4862.09, 4932.81, 5012.59, 5043.96, 5104.54,\n", " 5154. , 5193.06, 5293.88, 5371.61, 5441.18, 5504.54,\n", " 5561.95, 5633.88, 5701.66, 5751.74, 5793.92, 5844.16,\n", " 5893.5 , 5981.67, 6021.07, 6114.38, 6151.36, 6203.9 ,\n", " 6261.88, 6314.43, 6362.68, 6421.8 , 6465.98, 6515.26,\n", " 6555.32, 6591.15, 6651.71, 6695.35, 6761.45, 6802.23,\n", " 6855.09, 6902.32, 6961.77, 7022.86, 7082.28, 7142.17,\n", " 7182.24, 7214.43, 7254.22, 7303.11, 7361.58, 7405.2 ,\n", " 7523.12, 7566.43, 7610.25, 7645.74, 7743.19, 7839.68,\n", " 7923.13, 7994.57, 8041.75, 8115.76, 8152.31, 8201.45,\n", " 8262.22, 8343.67, 8394.11, 8435.11, 8512.79, 8552.54,\n", " 8632.09, 8686.22, 8765.49, 8815.22, 8852.07, 8902.02,\n", " 8963.05, 9001.44, 9042.71, 9134.01, 9193.75, 9241.86,\n", " 9323.18, 9413.73, 9472.76, 9542.63, 9632.18, 9693.06,\n", " 9743.52, 9782.1 , 9832.27, 9891.57, 9932.18, 9992.09,\n", " 10032.3 , 10073.32, 10152.59, 10193.05, 10243.52, 10303.67,\n", " 10351.09, 10401.19, 10482.31, 10534.35, 10612.87, 10661.98,\n", " 10752.47, 10902.21, 10961.44, 11043.03, 11121.51, 11181.22,\n", " 11223.92, 11264.73, 11313.32, 11421.44, 11481.43, 11562.4 ,\n", " 11612.97, 11691.93, 11732.5 , 11793.06, 11832.11, 11893.17,\n", " 11950.88, 11983.12]), array([ 52.18, 112.54, 174.62, 204.64, 275.83, 332.38,\n", " 370.26, 451.98, 541.97, 613.28, 664.35, 712.86,\n", " 782.13, 821.85, 856.61, 902.07, 941.29, 1011.6 ,\n", " 1062.08, 1103.91, 1145.29, 1194.37, 1244.37, 1302.94,\n", " 1362.91, 1412.27, 1492.49, 1564.57, 1621.71, 1661.64,\n", " 1702.6 , 1742.9 , 1781.08, 1819.91, 1903.55, 1943.42,\n", " 1986.12, 2042.83, 2103.54, 2151.85, 2214.72, 2245.35,\n", " 2333.31, 2383.2 , 2422.33, 2463.16, 2531.32, 2592.69,\n", " 2652.34, 2691.2 , 2743.22, 2791.11, 2853.49, 2897.08,\n", " 2963.18, 3012.09, 3071.76, 3113.63, 3182.06, 3263.17,\n", " 3307.78, 3374.4 , 3464.74, 3522.44, 3582.04, 3651.53,\n", " 3692.28, 3724.26, 3811.58, 3882.34, 3951.53, 4002.61,\n", " 4062.33, 4144.05, 4182.32, 4233.62, 4291.61, 4362.06,\n", " 4404.03, 4462.75, 4552.7 , 4594.43, 4645.24, 4751.13,\n", " 4792.97, 4851.37, 4932.75, 5003.33, 5062.81, 5111.43,\n", " 5169.95, 5212.3 , 5253.86, 5295.01, 5341.31, 5383.8 ,\n", " 5442.78, 5502.04, 5552.39, 5622.93, 5673.43, 5714.23,\n", " 5752.58, 5802.95, 5873.43, 5942.26, 5994.26, 6062.68,\n", " 6103.68, 6170.75, 6202.37, 6241.21, 6291. , 6362.16,\n", " 6432.11, 6463.65, 6512.41, 6589.87, 6641.85, 6683.48,\n", " 6750.44, 6832.54, 6883.5 , 6932.17, 7001.53, 7084.27,\n", " 7202.55, 7253.02, 7312.35, 7362.39, 7436.89, 7504.43,\n", " 7544.55, 7581.51, 7632.41, 7672.18, 7761.47, 7805.04,\n", " 7851.99, 7903.12, 7952.21, 8012. , 8047.55, 8111.1 ,\n", " 8150.93, 8232.73, 8293.81, 8363.88, 8412.87, 8461.98,\n", " 8521.73, 8572. , 8632.36, 8672.49, 8733.08, 8771.81,\n", " 8834.07, 8921.63, 8992.06, 9071.95, 9143.51, 9182.76,\n", " 9242.58, 9302.41, 9392.69, 9500.68, 9553.21, 9591.42,\n", " 9640.9 , 9712.08, 9793.39, 9852.07, 9891.45, 9953.05,\n", " 10021.58, 10173.58, 10266.77, 10303.7 , 10382.14, 10433.9 ,\n", " 10512.08, 10561.54, 10635.99, 10703.14, 10750.44, 10793.37,\n", " 10842.96, 10891.85, 10951.93, 11052.45, 11092.03, 11142.02,\n", " 11212.77, 11260.81, 11302.34, 11351.79, 11451.53, 11502.77,\n", " 11552.61, 11593.11, 11641.96, 11693.45, 11780.98, 11835.46,\n", " 11883.22, 11931.9 ]), array([ 16.03, 131.94, 264.51, 321.73, 362.85, 433.39,\n", " 473.78, 522.5 , 591.82, 651.65, 713.13, 771.01,\n", " 831.09, 883.16, 940.99, 982.5 , 1074.21, 1122.1 ,\n", " 1153.79, 1211.89, 1261.57, 1311.27, 1352.28, 1412.69,\n", " 1451.71, 1502.55, 1613.82, 1674.33, 1762.41, 1842.88,\n", " 1902.53, 1953.56, 2002.63, 2083.31, 2126.31, 2182.62,\n", " 2234.64, 2281.18, 2322.61, 2401.17, 2453.44, 2501.29,\n", " 2560.88, 2612.09, 2673.88, 2721.1 , 2791.33, 2843.08,\n", " 2893.74, 2933.02, 2982.13, 3025.54, 3093.77, 3131.59,\n", " 3174.5 , 3231.61, 3281.99, 3322.57, 3356.52, 3482.89,\n", " 3541.46, 3651.67, 3702.33, 3771.25, 3832.94, 3892.39,\n", " 3942.72, 4015. , 4061.86, 4114.21, 4163.42, 4212.69,\n", " 4281.14, 4353.86, 4401.46, 4452.66, 4522.48, 4572.77,\n", " 4643.14, 4682.7 , 4722.8 , 4763.6 , 4823.48, 4882.51,\n", " 4943.56, 4984.04, 5031.06, 5100.97, 5159.95, 5207.54,\n", " 5281.86, 5331.23, 5364.56, 5433.36, 5484.45, 5531.59,\n", " 5591.78, 5642.71, 5674.49, 5723. , 5763.79, 5831.19,\n", " 5892.87, 5932.84, 6013.83, 6053.59, 6182.26, 6232.64,\n", " 6282.67, 6332.18, 6426.76, 6502.46, 6562.57, 6631.43,\n", " 6694.68, 6752.24, 6821.81, 6871.49, 6932.09, 7013.2 ,\n", " 7062.48, 7105.61, 7141.84, 7183.22, 7236.26, 7274.93,\n", " 7332.12, 7372.6 , 7423. , 7470.67, 7513.11, 7552.49,\n", " 7613.41, 7733.05, 7871.18, 7931.28, 7973.45, 8013.6 ,\n", " 8074.49, 8141.88, 8182.25, 8233.73, 8273.09, 8321.29,\n", " 8382.64, 8432.85, 8482.19, 8532.46, 8572.03, 8652.06,\n", " 8714.58, 8791.07, 8982.73, 9082.52, 9123.27, 9191.34,\n", " 9243.59, 9361.98, 9404.51, 9452.34, 9523.08, 9574.64,\n", " 9636.81, 9692.67, 9783.4 , 9846.14, 9912.41, 9981.41,\n", " 10080.78, 10132.99, 10231.86, 10283.78, 10341.73, 10475.41,\n", " 10533.48, 10583.65, 10632.28, 10701.97, 10772.13, 10811.51,\n", " 10843.69, 10893.88, 10941.18, 10996.99, 11054.98, 11113.87,\n", " 11163.43, 11213.24, 11252.27, 11334.19, 11421.96, 11511.45,\n", " 11573. , 11612.36, 11683.11, 11732.16, 11822.24, 11912.89,\n", " 11961.34]), array([ 21.09, 82.53, 162.51, 281.82, 322.98, 421.01,\n", " 462.06, 502.56, 562.25, 594.14, 635.97, 681.66,\n", " 730.76, 773. , 821.98, 892.24, 933.32, 992.96,\n", " 1042.72, 1102.07, 1141.13, 1191.82, 1262.39, 1331.85,\n", " 1372.36, 1441.09, 1483.26, 1528.84, 1592.39, 1633.41,\n", " 1672.21, 1752.14, 1821.13, 1883.15, 1931.68, 1981.39,\n", " 2042.52, 2084.18, 2131.58, 2181.33, 2223.44, 2263.8 ,\n", " 2322.08, 2381.79, 2472.26, 2534.8 , 2613. , 2662.42,\n", " 2711.36, 2791.04, 2843.55, 2903.05, 2942.51, 3054.08,\n", " 3100.9 , 3152.13, 3185.32, 3233.89, 3312.6 , 3351.5 ,\n", " 3402.31, 3503.08, 3612.61, 3683.42, 3743.97, 3785.83,\n", " 3831.48, 3942.27, 3982.13, 4031.77, 4071.97, 4112.94,\n", " 4174.07, 4252.83, 4311.08, 4382.15, 4420.72, 4483.09,\n", " 4552.17, 4602.47, 4647.63, 4710.72, 4762.99, 4811.5 ,\n", " 4876.05, 4911.82, 4951.8 , 5001.28, 5044.25, 5093.1 ,\n", " 5155.37, 5193.21, 5262.64, 5303.55, 5362.9 , 5407.76,\n", " 5463.4 , 5531.93, 5572.77, 5661.91, 5731.62, 5803.24,\n", " 5842.17, 5892.43, 5931.87, 5981.02, 6031.14, 6072.58,\n", " 6111.86, 6170.65, 6242.71, 6302.13, 6352.18, 6401.68,\n", " 6442.92, 6500.83, 6551.16, 6593.26, 6651.55, 6693.73,\n", " 6741.81, 6822.55, 6874.12, 6915.86, 6952.84, 6994.89,\n", " 7041.83, 7111.54, 7182.78, 7231.23, 7301.8 , 7352.48,\n", " 7413.38, 7482.54, 7553.08, 7623.87, 7661.47, 7702.43,\n", " 7744.1 , 7812.93, 7901.05, 7963.58, 8023.18, 8093.13,\n", " 8176.04, 8232.29, 8283.57, 8321.55, 8365.27, 8431.28,\n", " 8471.41, 8581.76, 8651.71, 8700.89, 8762.93, 8853.77,\n", " 8951.59, 9003.24, 9052.06, 9094.84, 9142.66, 9181.5 ,\n", " 9224.67, 9274.21, 9322.22, 9362.54, 9397.71, 9481.22,\n", " 9541.6 , 9631.97, 9663.29, 9712.19, 9761.65, 9810.87,\n", " 9853.36, 9892.31, 9963.68, 10003.08, 10104.23, 10182. ,\n", " 10242. , 10290.74, 10342.36, 10422.03, 10461.63, 10502.15,\n", " 10553.32, 10611.33, 10681.24, 10741.95, 10841.51, 10927.81,\n", " 10972.23, 11013.83, 11061.4 , 11121.81, 11154.33, 11211.95,\n", " 11263.75, 11312.38, 11363.16, 11461.35, 11495.58, 11542.62,\n", " 11591.3 , 11673.25, 11711.01, 11771.76, 11873.51, 11915.82,\n", " 11961.68]), array([ 14.03, 61.24, 102.16, 142.99, 241.38, 302.19,\n", " 373.34, 433.57, 482.81, 523.56, 565.18, 601.8 ,\n", " 642.17, 702.2 , 763.92, 802.17, 853.26, 904.12,\n", " 953.11, 1012.59, 1074.41, 1131.52, 1201.8 , 1253.83,\n", " 1305.24, 1344.66, 1391.15, 1440.91, 1502.98, 1561.6 ,\n", " 1661.67, 1711.47, 1753.38, 1804.04, 1843.64, 1913.48,\n", " 1964.12, 2002.96, 2074.24, 2132.84, 2182.07, 2232.41,\n", " 2282.66, 2361. , 2425.44, 2492.01, 2526.07, 2603.95,\n", " 2662.06, 2701.52, 2758.18, 2802.09, 2881.7 , 2916.58,\n", " 2971.87, 3041.74, 3092.18, 3141.11, 3180.94, 3232.45,\n", " 3331.14, 3373.76, 3421.02, 3482.71, 3563.07, 3623.27,\n", " 3666.45, 3722.18, 3772.87, 3825.63, 3944.86, 4002.58,\n", " 4044.05, 4092.36, 4141.48, 4204.57, 4252.57, 4315.19,\n", " 4371.56, 4402.63, 4445.08, 4522.71, 4574.26, 4652.45,\n", " 4713.38, 4763.33, 4801.42, 4852.67, 4922.06, 4991.98,\n", " 5043.14, 5096.37, 5132.43, 5173.66, 5231.35, 5302.16,\n", " 5352.74, 5401.02, 5432.9 , 5483.27, 5516.73, 5562.42,\n", " 5602.27, 5653.25, 5733.41, 5804.79, 5893.31, 5936.95,\n", " 5992.17, 6035.28, 6102.25, 6138.45, 6190.97, 6233.02,\n", " 6282.45, 6322.32, 6381.72, 6433.21, 6492.72, 6552.15,\n", " 6612.24, 6661.28, 6721.26, 6764.2 , 6845.11, 6884.6 ,\n", " 6937.74, 6977.15, 7062.85, 7122.83, 7183.62, 7233.91,\n", " 7269.04, 7342.68, 7404.41, 7474.26, 7522.14, 7562.3 ,\n", " 7604.8 , 7661.79, 7722.03, 7763.11, 7811.56, 7883.6 ,\n", " 7944.03, 8056.18, 8100.71, 8192.69, 8252.64, 8312.87,\n", " 8362.57, 8425.22, 8473.24, 8551.92, 8613.61, 8672.78,\n", " 8832.2 , 8872.27, 8931.81, 8982.04, 9041.79, 9092.84,\n", " 9142.63, 9212.17, 9283.84, 9352.09, 9413.34, 9452.14,\n", " 9493.24, 9545.4 , 9593.62, 9633.76, 9683.44, 9732.4 ,\n", " 9785.06, 9851.33, 9901.8 , 9972.6 , 10012.82, 10145.79,\n", " 10240.28, 10303.96, 10381.64, 10433.01, 10493.53, 10540.68,\n", " 10601.12, 10652.16, 10702.89, 10763.45, 10842.87, 10881.79,\n", " 10942.63, 10983.57, 11041.56, 11083.27, 11152.92, 11202.44,\n", " 11252.51, 11332.68, 11383.7 , 11431.62, 11503.55, 11562.35,\n", " 11601.32, 11653.86, 11705.6 , 11781.39, 11843.4 , 11923.46,\n", " 11982.03]), array([ 20.86, 72.45, 142.52, 182.51, 262.29, 312.47,\n", " 402.71, 444.84, 531.65, 581.4 , 632.25, 672.62,\n", " 711.25, 775.43, 822.8 , 871.96, 933.17, 991.53,\n", " 1041. , 1082.57, 1122.31, 1158.85, 1223.2 , 1312.48,\n", " 1362.26, 1401.46, 1453.8 , 1509.11, 1583.89, 1671.79,\n", " 1712.77, 1752.48, 1803.49, 1852.78, 1901.74, 1938.25,\n", " 2002.54, 2081.76, 2141.13, 2191.5 , 2281.96, 2324.3 ,\n", " 2383.61, 2432.4 , 2474.34, 2521.32, 2574.39, 2642.92,\n", " 2682.05, 2717.73, 2771.35, 2831.61, 2882.48, 2953.58,\n", " 2992.3 , 3061.56, 3110.73, 3161.25, 3201.62, 3282.9 ,\n", " 3321.38, 3384.09, 3422.75, 3513.39, 3561.77, 3632.06,\n", " 3684.09, 3742.13, 3821.71, 3874.83, 3935.43, 3982.89,\n", " 4113.09, 4161.55, 4237.15, 4282.76, 4342.17, 4388.82,\n", " 4462.27, 4512.56, 4563.43, 4633.28, 4721.29, 4782.52,\n", " 4891.23, 4948.74, 5033.39, 5083.63, 5194.18, 5252.26,\n", " 5303.68, 5351.36, 5393.09, 5456.69, 5504.02, 5582.05,\n", " 5662.5 , 5731.68, 5782.11, 5852.93, 5903.85, 5973.52,\n", " 6013.29, 6091.74, 6143.11, 6193.88, 6252.47, 6303.46,\n", " 6371.4 , 6451.59, 6510.74, 6552.7 , 6643.2 , 6692.67,\n", " 6742.08, 6813.18, 6885.66, 6962.05, 7011.41, 7072.37,\n", " 7112.53, 7164.25, 7235.05, 7293.17, 7363.33, 7422.36,\n", " 7472.74, 7534.92, 7566.14, 7632.04, 7692.13, 7740.91,\n", " 7783.51, 7844.36, 7891.02, 7962.42, 8032.85, 8103.03,\n", " 8142.62, 8201.55, 8243.64, 8293.48, 8331.19, 8372.58,\n", " 8442.97, 8522.47, 8572.18, 8621.62, 8672.18, 8722.23,\n", " 8761.59, 8812.38, 8881.05, 8943.38, 8982.7 , 9062.59,\n", " 9122.69, 9232.68, 9285.1 , 9342.65, 9402.8 , 9471.75,\n", " 9562.71, 9631.88, 9712.23, 9803.54, 9852.16, 9905.79,\n", " 9962.58, 10013.14, 10062.09, 10112.53, 10192.37, 10265.1 ,\n", " 10353.08, 10411.67, 10471.67, 10551.98, 10593.2 , 10652.31,\n", " 10712.35, 10762.9 , 10841.93, 10883.21, 10933.09, 10982.16,\n", " 11032.4 , 11073.05, 11131.88, 11183.46, 11224.56, 11271.67,\n", " 11313.5 , 11351.69, 11403.4 , 11442.08, 11493.48, 11553.04,\n", " 11601.94, 11715.18, 11774.18, 11843.21, 11922.39, 11966.56]), array([ 22.47, 53.16, 142.03, 203.73, 273.92, 333.2 ,\n", " 403.24, 445.34, 492.35, 542.12, 591.75, 784.95,\n", " 834.84, 913.71, 961.52, 1022.67, 1071.18, 1162.63,\n", " 1212.76, 1252.56, 1294.65, 1346.25, 1390.83, 1433.77,\n", " 1491.05, 1552.2 , 1601.47, 1651.49, 1714.57, 1754.38,\n", " 1804.9 , 1872.58, 1920.99, 1963.67, 2002.53, 2072.34,\n", " 2141.98, 2232.51, 2292.14, 2361.94, 2406.02, 2454.04,\n", " 2492.41, 2602.12, 2642.35, 2691.52, 2741.27, 2783.7 ,\n", " 2823.91, 2862.1 , 2923.37, 2974.1 , 3022.88, 3064.55,\n", " 3142.47, 3195.14, 3281.93, 3343.46, 3393.11, 3440.99,\n", " 3486.15, 3523.33, 3562. , 3601.96, 3643. , 3694.3 ,\n", " 3755.24, 3802.16, 3922.42, 4021.74, 4083.11, 4124.02,\n", " 4196.43, 4283.51, 4335.11, 4382.45, 4431.94, 4471.62,\n", " 4546.23, 4595.6 , 4643.92, 4692.82, 4726.04, 4793.49,\n", " 4854. , 4913.88, 4971.45, 5022.67, 5066.28, 5124.53,\n", " 5260.94, 5341.36, 5394.38, 5445.06, 5482.72, 5542.92,\n", " 5602.05, 5684.04, 5754.57, 5853.79, 5911.97, 5982.54,\n", " 6035.03, 6122.22, 6163.23, 6232.48, 6281.51, 6358.17,\n", " 6423.08, 6462.42, 6563.87, 6615.88, 6703.78, 6773.38,\n", " 6825.04, 6881.24, 7051.55, 7095.31, 7164.16, 7232.21,\n", " 7292.38, 7332.15, 7371.29, 7431.91, 7482.04, 7522.13,\n", " 7561.87, 7611.8 , 7662.69, 7709.4 , 7761.78, 7812.97,\n", " 7861.42, 7925.93, 7971.94, 8011.62, 8066.24, 8171.01,\n", " 8242.33, 8313.32, 8351.67, 8423.93, 8471.75, 8512.3 ,\n", " 8564.86, 8612.13, 8691.08, 8751.58, 8812.48, 8852.74,\n", " 8931.76, 8972.31, 9021.78, 9092.85, 9144.32, 9191.53,\n", " 9233.1 , 9275.05, 9334.12, 9376.66, 9432.69, 9511.49,\n", " 9571.89, 9621.1 , 9673.19, 9711.43, 9773.36, 9813.49,\n", " 9893.62, 9950.87, 10002.41, 10063.31, 10141.56, 10183.83,\n", " 10217.83, 10281.89, 10343.11, 10421.58, 10483.61, 10531.72,\n", " 10581.91, 10624.45, 10681.41, 10722.5 , 10793.19, 10854.02,\n", " 10903.07, 10972.69, 11071.29, 11141.28, 11202.7 , 11244.43,\n", " 11291.77, 11394.14, 11492.07, 11571.77, 11631.21, 11672.9 ,\n", " 11724.15, 11792.82, 11872.26, 11911.99, 11964.8 ]), array([ 14.18, 91.59, 131.57, 192.09, 253.81, 302.4 ,\n", " 381.32, 451.59, 512.41, 581.57, 661.65, 713.81,\n", " 773.47, 831.15, 883.11, 941.47, 1012.73, 1073.93,\n", " 1132.33, 1181.91, 1231.66, 1325.26, 1391.81, 1435.54,\n", " 1493.98, 1551.72, 1632.98, 1692.07, 1753.67, 1823.88,\n", " 1853.85, 1911.73, 1971.58, 2021.84, 2091.18, 2151.72,\n", " 2192.68, 2242.27, 2297.61, 2332.44, 2402.62, 2442.16,\n", " 2532.56, 2612.24, 2701.9 , 2791.69, 2822.32, 2895.01,\n", " 2941.91, 3012.71, 3092.51, 3133.86, 3183.35, 3243.36,\n", " 3291.88, 3333.2 , 3372.26, 3404.85, 3454.03, 3501.23,\n", " 3543.33, 3581.49, 3640.95, 3684.39, 3732.37, 3772.42,\n", " 3842.41, 3903.05, 3983.16, 4041.68, 4081.91, 4130.86,\n", " 4192.37, 4242.95, 4304.3 , 4362.75, 4404.59, 4453.31,\n", " 4537.6 , 4597.08, 4642.74, 4713.53, 4813.74, 4855.47,\n", " 4932.59, 4971.49, 5023.87, 5083.96, 5142.14, 5192.11,\n", " 5273.81, 5322.56, 5412.86, 5463.26, 5522.41, 5582.95,\n", " 5623.5 , 5664.54, 5710.85, 5801.59, 5841.65, 5893.44,\n", " 5952.03, 6003.33, 6065.83, 6104.15, 6162.6 , 6231.84,\n", " 6281.25, 6324.4 , 6412.98, 6462.59, 6514.56, 6591.67,\n", " 6653. , 6692.85, 6753.49, 6803.55, 6852.32, 6902.29,\n", " 6962.51, 7023.2 , 7111.37, 7152.22, 7202.35, 7261.39,\n", " 7331.77, 7373.17, 7406. , 7442.91, 7511.45, 7562.01,\n", " 7602.66, 7685.62, 7722.07, 7783.84, 7832.81, 7875.27,\n", " 7922.49, 8021.7 , 8073.08, 8132.66, 8181.2 , 8231.99,\n", " 8281.69, 8332.95, 8403.69, 8461.32, 8551.87, 8601.35,\n", " 8636.47, 8676.16, 8723.08, 8761.33, 8832.45, 8902.67,\n", " 8962.13, 9012.19, 9061.26, 9113.15, 9183.85, 9241.54,\n", " 9312.76, 9383.15, 9441.36, 9492.58, 9553.04, 9592.79,\n", " 9624.35, 9663.48, 9713.26, 9772.79, 9825.62, 9893.01,\n", " 9991.27, 10054.14, 10143.2 , 10212.31, 10301.86, 10341.5 ,\n", " 10394.9 , 10453.05, 10531.2 , 10581.78, 10651.82, 10734.44,\n", " 10806.49, 10880.45, 10931.28, 10985.72, 11062.54, 11153.71,\n", " 11198.52, 11292.87, 11363.51, 11402.1 , 11452.81, 11512.04,\n", " 11561.61, 11614.19, 11692.96, 11753.78, 11811.83, 11882.84,\n", " 11930.89, 11992.78]), array([ 14.43, 73.77, 131.53, 173.44, 221.63, 274.79,\n", " 322.02, 370.9 , 412.39, 487.64, 544.1 , 603.03,\n", " 692.81, 733.16, 773.6 , 832.87, 884.82, 944.41,\n", " 1002.53, 1092.62, 1176.33, 1231.12, 1272.79, 1313.3 ,\n", " 1372.31, 1432.48, 1483.39, 1544.27, 1602.3 , 1651.65,\n", " 1682.52, 1748.22, 1804.09, 1843.95, 1896.89, 1943.53,\n", " 1984.89, 2031.59, 2082.83, 2141.83, 2224.68, 2292.26,\n", " 2372.25, 2422.11, 2475.07, 2530.65, 2572.32, 2612.61,\n", " 2654.48, 2702.12, 2762.77, 2804.88, 2843.33, 2941.42,\n", " 2992.09, 3041.56, 3095.08, 3143.89, 3204.07, 3271.19,\n", " 3337.62, 3372.7 , 3411.59, 3471.7 , 3508.48, 3561.52,\n", " 3602.43, 3635.48, 3712.29, 3752.44, 3798.45, 3852.02,\n", " 3903.3 , 3953.29, 3995.07, 4072.48, 4115.48, 4156.42,\n", " 4213.1 , 4331.75, 4383.82, 4443.16, 4515.09, 4554.79,\n", " 4655.29, 4711.59, 4772.75, 4831.1 , 4871.42, 4904.4 ,\n", " 4945.27, 4992.92, 5065.6 , 5112.41, 5175.87, 5221.79,\n", " 5291.6 , 5351.95, 5401.92, 5452.76, 5492.93, 5533.17,\n", " 5570.92, 5645.79, 5703.26, 5743.81, 5821.53, 5871.92,\n", " 5931.61, 5992.14, 6052.59, 6092.72, 6161.08, 6214.46,\n", " 6263.24, 6312.1 , 6383.92, 6512.99, 6554.97, 6623.02,\n", " 6654.32, 6701.76, 6746.94, 6792.78, 6834.14, 6873.01,\n", " 6922.73, 6964.17, 7072.12, 7141. , 7180.93, 7231.15,\n", " 7270.8 , 7322.72, 7381.18, 7432.71, 7473.28, 7532.74,\n", " 7582. , 7643.69, 7712.52, 7803.39, 7852.65, 7890.97,\n", " 7965.34, 8011.87, 8057.19, 8101.18, 8134.31, 8174.06,\n", " 8231.51, 8292.02, 8350.88, 8403.21, 8446.76, 8521.97,\n", " 8582.36, 8653.39, 8812.04, 8874.01, 8942.9 , 9006.55,\n", " 9064.59, 9132.48, 9211.2 , 9271.95, 9322.35, 9356.73,\n", " 9422.18, 9480.49, 9561.3 , 9631.82, 9674.43, 9741.98,\n", " 9802.16, 9884.27, 9972.57, 10012.87, 10051.96, 10114.66,\n", " 10151.82, 10264.12, 10302.32, 10340.68, 10393.89, 10444.74,\n", " 10492.1 , 10532.57, 10581.13, 10671.92, 10714.2 , 10753.11,\n", " 10801.92, 10855.37, 10901.83, 10952.38, 11002.35, 11062.52,\n", " 11121.74, 11161.28, 11233.55, 11282.71, 11342.48, 11391.45,\n", " 11462.6 , 11523.25, 11562.56, 11624.41, 11671.72, 11721.65,\n", " 11772.47, 11822.72, 11871.46, 11932.71, 11993.23]), array([ 30.67, 75.09, 125.47, 191.05, 246.08, 282.56,\n", " 324.98, 382.44, 431.44, 482.93, 542.75, 592.62,\n", " 672.56, 718.11, 771.26, 822.64, 873.03, 922.27,\n", " 957.7 , 1001.53, 1052.76, 1122.12, 1172.33, 1232.86,\n", " 1343.95, 1392.74, 1441.74, 1497.21, 1562.82, 1612.94,\n", " 1664.33, 1714.17, 1762.37, 1824.34, 1881.96, 1944.63,\n", " 2013.16, 2063.31, 2123.2 , 2161.06, 2211.58, 2272.8 ,\n", " 2322.82, 2361.61, 2425.6 , 2481.96, 2622.89, 2662.74,\n", " 2711.97, 2781.72, 2823.86, 2881.84, 2931.18, 3043.54,\n", " 3091.4 , 3151.37, 3202.03, 3252.87, 3295.09, 3372.26,\n", " 3412.86, 3461.88, 3534.59, 3592.52, 3642.2 , 3700.94,\n", " 3752.7 , 3784.01, 3843.15, 3892.46, 3941.08, 4002.57,\n", " 4070.86, 4151.69, 4252.39, 4311.71, 4380.7 , 4442.53,\n", " 4492.36, 4552.3 , 4605.12, 4662.83, 4752.52, 4873.97,\n", " 4941.91, 4983.8 , 5081.73, 5173.66, 5241.6 , 5293.19,\n", " 5392.86, 5433.66, 5495.09, 5532.48, 5592.33, 5643.1 ,\n", " 5703.81, 5761.2 , 5821.69, 5872.64, 5933.06, 6011.7 ,\n", " 6082.26, 6132.82, 6184.63, 6231.67, 6264.85, 6312.66,\n", " 6362.48, 6412.46, 6483.3 , 6522.18, 6622.38, 6662.77,\n", " 6702.64, 6773.68, 6812.68, 6881.18, 6913.09, 6954.12,\n", " 7012.14, 7063.31, 7132.61, 7164.01, 7226.05, 7285.43,\n", " 7334.27, 7372.48, 7422.9 , 7472.27, 7564.87, 7601.35,\n", " 7641.39, 7702.76, 7762.4 , 7803.29, 7872.52, 7983.88,\n", " 8062.81, 8124.32, 8164.33, 8221.79, 8260.63, 8344.29,\n", " 8422.6 , 8472.8 , 8523.16, 8571.43, 8641.99, 8702.53,\n", " 8747.85, 8791.23, 8833.41, 8893.16, 8925.85, 8983.8 ,\n", " 9051.7 , 9111.79, 9154.47, 9211.4 , 9274.96, 9325.28,\n", " 9401.24, 9451.73, 9584.26, 9622.43, 9671.78, 9733.78,\n", " 9791.56, 9841.32, 9891.6 , 9952.69, 10002.03, 10052.76,\n", " 10093.67, 10133.7 , 10172.75, 10212.3 , 10261.15, 10323.4 ,\n", " 10364.18, 10411.26, 10481.5 , 10543.11, 10611.96, 10681.93,\n", " 10733.47, 10772.92, 10811.99, 10863.49, 10901.39, 10982.97,\n", " 11034.91, 11112.76, 11163.2 , 11222.91, 11263.02, 11341.93,\n", " 11431.76, 11491.97, 11543.81, 11611.46, 11652.31, 11693.5 ,\n", " 11734.19, 11812.37, 11851.12, 11912.57, 11973.36]), array([ 21.75, 75.41, 110.37, 202.91, 254.05, 305.59,\n", " 362.15, 403.66, 491.53, 541.55, 593.44, 648.35,\n", " 682.12, 731.34, 792.25, 853.66, 951.84, 1021.35,\n", " 1064.49, 1114.15, 1172.76, 1241.54, 1301.74, 1341.68,\n", " 1393.15, 1434.25, 1471.91, 1553.84, 1631.38, 1681.69,\n", " 1731.6 , 1773.51, 1831.33, 1884.42, 1932.6 , 1992.89,\n", " 2024.03, 2082.04, 2123.15, 2191.67, 2232.86, 2283.67,\n", " 2351.98, 2411.68, 2461.76, 2514.46, 2571.38, 2622.45,\n", " 2682.37, 2731.79, 2783.58, 2836.2 , 2954.84, 3011.6 ,\n", " 3073.45, 3142.58, 3182.06, 3243.68, 3281.98, 3331.68,\n", " 3371.81, 3414.14, 3472.99, 3565.08, 3625.16, 3683.34,\n", " 3725. , 3771.88, 3824.23, 3883.37, 3955.01, 4012.13,\n", " 4092.08, 4142. , 4212.03, 4256.15, 4312.6 , 4351.66,\n", " 4404.13, 4481.85, 4541.11, 4574.97, 4613.96, 4673.28,\n", " 4732.49, 4793.18, 4842.13, 4887.34, 4922.27, 4961.93,\n", " 5001.63, 5044.4 , 5112.08, 5153.24, 5202.82, 5261.14,\n", " 5321.95, 5391.74, 5462.13, 5591.08, 5642.92, 5721.44,\n", " 5773.4 , 5822.97, 5872.16, 5915.09, 5982.34, 6021.43,\n", " 6074.16, 6132.92, 6212.44, 6262.5 , 6321.52, 6354.45,\n", " 6401.57, 6462.42, 6533.08, 6613.35, 6657.76, 6695.04,\n", " 6745.02, 6791.47, 6841.74, 6883.93, 6932.54, 6972.43,\n", " 7018.19, 7083.44, 7133.8 , 7193.87, 7232.16, 7292.43,\n", " 7343.51, 7411.92, 7463.51, 7532.27, 7602.93, 7711.81,\n", " 7802.41, 7841.02, 7931.07, 8023.55, 8132.63, 8205.63,\n", " 8251.57, 8292.46, 8342.04, 8411.25, 8452.48, 8540.74,\n", " 8591.99, 8633.68, 8702.27, 8762.63, 8804.67, 8872.18,\n", " 8930.74, 8972.25, 9025.61, 9093.28, 9143.37, 9194.65,\n", " 9241.98, 9282.79, 9325.21, 9373.48, 9420.82, 9503.78,\n", " 9602.65, 9662.67, 9734.78, 9792.56, 9833.44, 9901.52,\n", " 10014.59, 10087.87, 10132.62, 10192.52, 10263.51, 10314.26,\n", " 10361.6 , 10422.13, 10463.93, 10512.12, 10612.55, 10654.8 ,\n", " 10703.28, 10782.93, 10833.42, 10881.76, 10952.09, 11002.41,\n", " 11061.58, 11104.6 , 11203.27, 11243.8 , 11303.4 , 11381.63,\n", " 11433.73, 11483.73, 11532.16, 11611.22, 11656.46, 11701.67,\n", " 11774.59, 11843.29, 11883.66, 11931.62, 11973.45]), array([ 13.86, 83.52, 152.64, 202.93, 285.42, 332.91,\n", " 394.08, 443.67, 481.17, 531.66, 571.52, 623.65,\n", " 773.4 , 848.44, 891.74, 973.01, 1033.05, 1071.86,\n", " 1112.79, 1163.41, 1253.37, 1288.93, 1361.75, 1403.58,\n", " 1472.11, 1545.88, 1591.79, 1634.89, 1691.87, 1732.97,\n", " 1782.43, 1833.8 , 1883.17, 1920.84, 1962.16, 2032.83,\n", " 2082.37, 2132.16, 2192.23, 2272.81, 2371.28, 2453.89,\n", " 2502.62, 2552.14, 2611.83, 2661.2 , 2703.22, 2752.74,\n", " 2811.8 , 2853.69, 2952.73, 3011.99, 3073.06, 3132.51,\n", " 3192.66, 3232.84, 3273.74, 3334.13, 3391.19, 3504.06,\n", " 3562.28, 3605.78, 3672.72, 3882.27, 3973.15, 4012.61,\n", " 4072.28, 4122.67, 4173.48, 4223.57, 4292.62, 4332.09,\n", " 4453.2 , 4521.7 , 4592.5 , 4642.61, 4702.17, 4732.92,\n", " 4782.67, 4854.27, 4941.96, 5012.17, 5054.84, 5112.85,\n", " 5162.07, 5201.18, 5253.55, 5292.72, 5363.64, 5422.56,\n", " 5462.91, 5513.25, 5562.75, 5643.06, 5686.74, 5743.97,\n", " 5782.77, 5832.29, 5883.55, 5932.13, 5983.29, 6023.16,\n", " 6082.05, 6132.01, 6181.38, 6241.61, 6311.75, 6362.77,\n", " 6461.33, 6543.14, 6582.23, 6631.77, 6672.47, 6733.91,\n", " 6780.8 , 6853.24, 6905.15, 6960.46, 7012.27, 7081.92,\n", " 7131.67, 7173.6 , 7215.17, 7263.61, 7343.55, 7443.08,\n", " 7492.75, 7531.38, 7582.17, 7633.32, 7704.59, 7742.38,\n", " 7812.91, 7883.52, 7923.18, 7962.18, 8022.12, 8055.95,\n", " 8153.55, 8192.32, 8231.84, 8276.64, 8341.8 , 8385.1 ,\n", " 8454.12, 8543.24, 8604.21, 8662.19, 8703.55, 8762.63,\n", " 8812.06, 8871.67, 8912.83, 8966.02, 9002.91, 9072.97,\n", " 9104.99, 9151.4 , 9201.31, 9252.23, 9292.89, 9331.22,\n", " 9392.43, 9443.74, 9522.49, 9572.91, 9642.19, 9711.77,\n", " 9772.23, 9822.48, 9903.64, 9942.83, 9995.33, 10032.65,\n", " 10071.75, 10119.25, 10202.67, 10252.96, 10333.68, 10382.94,\n", " 10412.88, 10468.33, 10515.14, 10564.93, 10611.47, 10712.53,\n", " 10772.38, 10843.97, 10901.51, 10942.3 , 10998.18, 11070.8 ,\n", " 11122.71, 11191.58, 11244.5 , 11321.89, 11358.99, 11431.75,\n", " 11471.28, 11543. , 11606.39, 11731.32, 11773.93, 11823.2 ,\n", " 11892.26, 11963.67]), array([ 21.37, 84.08, 140.74, 191.8 , 261.68, 311.59,\n", " 384.17, 461.77, 521.44, 582.37, 632.17, 691.7 ,\n", " 731.39, 792.27, 871.46, 912.35, 953.54, 1023.16,\n", " 1071.8 , 1112.55, 1154.14, 1195.37, 1262.76, 1324.03,\n", " 1414.12, 1454.38, 1513.66, 1592.13, 1656.05, 1701.89,\n", " 1744.36, 1793.92, 1843.76, 1892.09, 1932.71, 1971.86,\n", " 2054.59, 2112.51, 2152.71, 2191.28, 2262.18, 2321.16,\n", " 2392.57, 2434.03, 2492.55, 2553.63, 2612.34, 2682.69,\n", " 2730.87, 2771.82, 2821.5 , 2861.09, 2923.26, 2983.55,\n", " 3053.84, 3101.34, 3145.51, 3232.06, 3283.93, 3355.31,\n", " 3404.45, 3505.32, 3595.27, 3652.79, 3723.06, 3801.49,\n", " 3881.46, 3931.32, 3993.1 , 4031.98, 4083.66, 4113.06,\n", " 4144.17, 4202.85, 4261.83, 4322.19, 4401.92, 4450.64,\n", " 4531.83, 4573.13, 4682.43, 4753.81, 4813.04, 4883.31,\n", " 4941.7 , 4983.53, 5082.73, 5141.01, 5202.21, 5253.68,\n", " 5311.87, 5393.64, 5452.57, 5492.97, 5551.37, 5621.55,\n", " 5662.77, 5711.76, 5772.16, 5821.3 , 5902.3 , 5963.17,\n", " 6022.99, 6075.18, 6142.24, 6192.14, 6261.48, 6294.28,\n", " 6343.4 , 6383.45, 6453.43, 6503.81, 6551.85, 6601.63,\n", " 6661.59, 6703.27, 6764.61, 6811.55, 6861.32, 6904.44,\n", " 6951.02, 6992.77, 7034.04, 7104.35, 7152.55, 7194.79,\n", " 7242.21, 7302.12, 7362.74, 7404.02, 7455.04, 7495.28,\n", " 7542.73, 7632.15, 7703.43, 7764.27, 7821.2 , 7861.35,\n", " 7902.52, 7962.79, 8011.87, 8083.63, 8151.59, 8215.66,\n", " 8262.82, 8312.11, 8422.22, 8482.24, 8552.25, 8611.32,\n", " 8653.93, 8723.39, 8843.42, 8894.43, 8960.95, 9021.32,\n", " 9082.48, 9131.4 , 9185.52, 9255.91, 9312.57, 9375.54,\n", " 9473.07, 9541.48, 9603.02, 9662.39, 9715.43, 9772.33,\n", " 9804.06, 9872.1 , 9913.64, 9962.31, 10001.18, 10052.92,\n", " 10092.36, 10133.63, 10204.5 , 10252.2 , 10303.28, 10355.6 ,\n", " 10402.32, 10481.83, 10532.33, 10611.06, 10671.18, 10742.69,\n", " 10802.61, 10863.19, 10903.69, 10953.11, 10993.05, 11042.17,\n", " 11122.44, 11183.44, 11243.9 , 11291.01, 11333.61, 11372.18,\n", " 11422.14, 11472.72, 11523.32, 11562.8 , 11612. , 11671.47,\n", " 11711.58, 11773.44, 11842.32, 11882.33, 11931.59, 11974.21]), array([ 13.88, 82.41, 131.97, 243.29, 292.56, 335.06,\n", " 392.68, 433.64, 482.52, 553.16, 601.56, 641.98,\n", " 695.76, 736.41, 772.59, 851.91, 933.17, 996.48,\n", " 1052.88, 1101.65, 1153.72, 1202.98, 1262.4 , 1330.63,\n", " 1383.61, 1502.92, 1562.18, 1603.27, 1693.99, 1741.77,\n", " 1802.95, 1861.73, 1942.04, 2062.61, 2096.97, 2152.67,\n", " 2194.46, 2231.87, 2292.57, 2341.93, 2401.67, 2473.03,\n", " 2511.28, 2603.97, 2651.36, 2704.29, 2752.53, 2793.03,\n", " 2852.13, 2896.85, 2934.94, 2974.15, 3042.53, 3102.24,\n", " 3152.8 , 3215.07, 3264.23, 3312.95, 3361.61, 3433.55,\n", " 3472.17, 3522.85, 3562.79, 3613.06, 3653.01, 3712.07,\n", " 3768.62, 3811.3 , 3855.67, 3951.98, 4002.58, 4054.41,\n", " 4112.59, 4161.09, 4212.05, 4261.01, 4311.86, 4382.9 ,\n", " 4433.63, 4481.09, 4522.49, 4571.14, 4615.59, 4682.08,\n", " 4722.48, 4813.52, 4882.71, 4993.13, 5043.47, 5122.34,\n", " 5232.38, 5312.56, 5362.6 , 5402.14, 5453.15, 5503.81,\n", " 5543.91, 5644.3 , 5684.91, 5735.27, 5792.2 , 5831.98,\n", " 5882.99, 5941.69, 6021.21, 6131.64, 6190.73, 6232.76,\n", " 6303.76, 6362.26, 6434.58, 6501.33, 6571.84, 6652.12,\n", " 6701.27, 6835.13, 6874.15, 6942.57, 7021.94, 7091.61,\n", " 7162.84, 7214.34, 7291.24, 7356.4 , 7432.07, 7471.72,\n", " 7520.97, 7561.39, 7601.77, 7654.26, 7711.52, 7803.69,\n", " 7843.85, 7892.52, 7935.76, 7983.36, 8022.69, 8122.4 ,\n", " 8164.88, 8220.91, 8272.47, 8341.21, 8402.54, 8462.41,\n", " 8563.23, 8722.06, 8824.76, 8881.46, 8915.42, 8982.55,\n", " 9026.38, 9113.5 , 9183.65, 9252.53, 9323.2 , 9358.27,\n", " 9433.87, 9472.39, 9521.94, 9561.81, 9622.68, 9665.03,\n", " 9801.69, 9881.66, 9951.08, 9991.43, 10031.15, 10072.8 ,\n", " 10111.39, 10161.89, 10222.62, 10292.63, 10342.2 , 10433.87,\n", " 10472.08, 10542.9 , 10591.48, 10651.66, 10712.54, 10772.12,\n", " 10813.03, 10856.49, 10914.76, 11011.87, 11121.89, 11182.98,\n", " 11226.34, 11291.52, 11333.28, 11392.42, 11442.45, 11503.63,\n", " 11544. , 11604.54, 11652.99, 11721.71, 11782.2 , 11812.95,\n", " 11854.82, 11892.7 , 11931.09, 11966.06]), array([ 34.19, 87.66, 132.39, 182.91, 232.08, 281.44,\n", " 341.19, 442.86, 501.35, 552.38, 601.23, 671.48,\n", " 732.68, 773.18, 823.26, 892.12, 954.28, 1002.16,\n", " 1082.72, 1132.47, 1170.61, 1227.52, 1262.95, 1352.6 ,\n", " 1391.83, 1442.07, 1482.26, 1542.57, 1573.03, 1613.93,\n", " 1653.81, 1693.76, 1752.47, 1792.64, 1864.94, 1912.36,\n", " 1974.29, 2031.61, 2093.37, 2184.43, 2233.69, 2285.69,\n", " 2332.48, 2372.59, 2422.35, 2503.05, 2541.31, 2583.37,\n", " 2642.84, 2693.21, 2741.56, 2792.12, 2852.31, 2902.88,\n", " 2953.35, 3041.57, 3115.53, 3160.58, 3202.71, 3261.95,\n", " 3311.48, 3376. , 3411.8 , 3472.91, 3513.89, 3561.84,\n", " 3603.98, 3652.78, 3703.99, 3741.65, 3791.16, 3841.6 ,\n", " 3894. , 3942.24, 4003.94, 4094.32, 4191.9 , 4251.52,\n", " 4383.85, 4453.49, 4492.63, 4544.77, 4594.46, 4641.27,\n", " 4683.38, 4752.86, 4841.83, 4902.02, 4942.54, 5012.13,\n", " 5094.83, 5192.13, 5242.16, 5302.05, 5343.12, 5433.6 ,\n", " 5472.33, 5545.14, 5593.03, 5672.09, 5743.34, 5782.47,\n", " 5853.16, 5911.83, 5991.4 , 6039.96, 6144.23, 6193.44,\n", " 6252.93, 6321.8 , 6414.99, 6543.62, 6602.23, 6684.04,\n", " 6742.31, 6851.49, 6911.81, 6951.6 , 6993.76, 7033.66,\n", " 7093.14, 7151.86, 7203.16, 7272.53, 7381.64, 7442.01,\n", " 7503.72, 7572.03, 7621.48, 7672.35, 7721.29, 7823.23,\n", " 7902.3 , 7941.52, 7991.48, 8039.45, 8082.27, 8143.06,\n", " 8201.61, 8261.93, 8301.9 , 8391.94, 8433.37, 8502.09,\n", " 8542.89, 8592.69, 8643.45, 8703.09, 8763.97, 8841.48,\n", " 8891.2 , 8962.71, 9012.69, 9066.92, 9115.03, 9170.65,\n", " 9254.55, 9322.74, 9362.64, 9403.36, 9452.7 , 9524.5 ,\n", " 9561.11, 9622.67, 9671.03, 9742.26, 9796.58, 9831.49,\n", " 9903.45, 9964.27, 10013.43, 10065.24, 10131.62, 10172.55,\n", " 10212.35, 10272.21, 10341.24, 10385.57, 10422.97, 10482.1 ,\n", " 10573.83, 10624.72, 10683.74, 10722. , 10781.94, 10813.18,\n", " 10871.43, 10915.79, 10972.31, 11041.16, 11081.11, 11132.75,\n", " 11172.5 , 11234.17, 11342.74, 11415.87, 11465.5 , 11515.28,\n", " 11545.19, 11613.52, 11664.93, 11711.63, 11752.29, 11802.31,\n", " 11851.74, 11933.05]), array([ 42.01, 95.51, 153.2 , 203.19, 252.93, 302.38,\n", " 371.85, 414.2 , 461.75, 521.05, 581.89, 632.27,\n", " 721.86, 782.17, 826.23, 903.08, 942.8 , 983.94,\n", " 1040.83, 1082.52, 1161.04, 1202.75, 1251.57, 1322.83,\n", " 1372.65, 1464.54, 1511.56, 1563.18, 1602.14, 1702.2 ,\n", " 1762.47, 1812.9 , 1880.9 , 1922.82, 1983.11, 2023.35,\n", " 2072.61, 2113.06, 2182.24, 2251.86, 2312.67, 2353.09,\n", " 2400.85, 2471.54, 2571.38, 2632.78, 2701.72, 2781.04,\n", " 2831.95, 2892.53, 2943.8 , 2985.45, 3032.61, 3111.08,\n", " 3152.4 , 3203.47, 3251.7 , 3293.19, 3354.12, 3422.62,\n", " 3531.25, 3602.39, 3663.86, 3723.83, 3846.15, 3944.42,\n", " 3984.73, 4086.74, 4131.79, 4183.85, 4252.39, 4322.58,\n", " 4414.51, 4472.5 , 4520.68, 4601.49, 4660.94, 4763.68,\n", " 4813.64, 4851.83, 4892.96, 4964.14, 4996.06, 5051.76,\n", " 5112.72, 5225.57, 5302.64, 5403.05, 5442.91, 5483.03,\n", " 5552.01, 5593.52, 5673.03, 5721.27, 5782.18, 5913.52,\n", " 5972.4 , 6064.73, 6152.71, 6191.72, 6241.3 , 6315.64,\n", " 6342.78, 6392.72, 6452.74, 6525.02, 6564.76, 6613.08,\n", " 6662.98, 6740.68, 6794.77, 6853.85, 6895.43, 6933.19,\n", " 6972.72, 7012.86, 7063.42, 7120.98, 7173. , 7222.53,\n", " 7311.56, 7367.61, 7422.92, 7491.48, 7551.44, 7592.05,\n", " 7641.97, 7712.5 , 7784.35, 7832.58, 7884.33, 7943.84,\n", " 8002.28, 8050.68, 8112.2 , 8172.6 , 8243.71, 8281.73,\n", " 8342.22, 8411.97, 8501.89, 8534.79, 8591.58, 8642.36,\n", " 8712.64, 8771.68, 8827.56, 8873.74, 8942.11, 8981.59,\n", " 9041.85, 9092.32, 9126.34, 9193.2 , 9241.94, 9312.45,\n", " 9365.18, 9404.05, 9463.4 , 9501.93, 9588.77, 9683.76,\n", " 9722.58, 9802.1 , 9852.15, 9901.91, 9940.96, 9981.15,\n", " 10041.37, 10103.63, 10152.93, 10212.98, 10266.04, 10302.85,\n", " 10381.69, 10434.7 , 10479.24, 10552.25, 10637.11, 10692.97,\n", " 10763.56, 10793.19, 10842.95, 10901.41, 10961.16, 11033.56,\n", " 11083.77, 11144.44, 11194.73, 11271.22, 11353.38, 11432.6 ,\n", " 11483.68, 11521.74, 11593.05, 11663.52, 11721.9 , 11792.09,\n", " 11844.02, 11896.9 , 11933.32])]\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(spike_times)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 4, "id": "20e3191c", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import scipy.io\n", "import numpy as np\n", "\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data0.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data0': spike_times[0]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data1.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data1': spike_times[1]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data2.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data2': spike_times[2]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data3.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data3': spike_times[3]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data4.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data4': spike_times[4]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data5.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data5': spike_times[5]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data6.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data6': spike_times[6]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data7.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data7': spike_times[7]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data8.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data8': spike_times[8]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data9.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data9': spike_times[9]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data10.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data10': spike_times[10]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data11.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data11': spike_times[11]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data12.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data12': spike_times[12]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data13.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data13': spike_times[13]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data14.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data14': spike_times[14]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data15.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data15': spike_times[15]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data16.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data16': spike_times[16]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data17.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data17': spike_times[17]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data18.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data18': spike_times[18]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data19.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data19': spike_times[19]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data20.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data20': spike_times[20]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data21.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data21': spike_times[21]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data22.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data22': spike_times[22]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data23.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data23': spike_times[23]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data24.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data24': spike_times[24]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data25.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data25': spike_times[25]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data26.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data26': spike_times[26]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data27.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data27': spike_times[27]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data28.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data28': spike_times[28]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data29.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data29': spike_times[29]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data30.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data30': spike_times[30]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data31.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data31': spike_times[31]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data32.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data32': spike_times[32]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data33.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data33': spike_times[33]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data34.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data34': spike_times[34]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data35.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data35': spike_times[35]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data36.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data36': spike_times[36]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data37.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data37': spike_times[37]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data38.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data38': spike_times[38]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data39.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data39': spike_times[39]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data40.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data40': spike_times[40]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data41.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data41': spike_times[41]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data42.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data42': spike_times[42]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data43.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data43': spike_times[43]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data44.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data44': spike_times[44]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data45.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data45': spike_times[45]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data46.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data46': spike_times[46]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data47.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data47': spike_times[47]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data48.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data48': spike_times[48]})\n", "\n", "file_path = 'data49.mat'\n", "scipy.io.savemat(file_path, {'data49': spike_times[49]})\n", "\n", "\n", "\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": "d353eff4", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.8.8" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 5 }